The FISA bill in the Senate continues to advance and has reached another critical juncture. The Judiciary and
Intelligence Committees have passed different versions of the bill. One includes dangerous amnesty provisions for telcos and one does not. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will now decide which version will advance to the floor, and he needs to hear that any form of amnesty is unacceptable.
You'll notice a new format in the action alert below because ActForChange is changing its name to CREDO Action. We changed our name on November 4, 2007 -- one year to the day before the presidential election of 2008.
For more on why we changed our name, visit our blog. To send an urgent message to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, please read the CREDO Action alert below.
Will EastonActivism Manager, CREDO Action
No amnesty for law-breaking telecom companies!
Tell Majority Leader Reid: No Amnesty for AT&T and Verizon
In past weeks, the U.S. Senate has crafted legislation to update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The Intelligence Committee passed a version that would grant retroactive amnesty to big telecom companies who colluded in Bush's illegal program to spy on Americans.
In response to citizen outcry, the Judiciary Committee passed a version that did not include the amnesty provisions. Now, Senate Majority Leader Reid will decide which version gets put up for a final vote by the whole Senate. He has the power as Majority Leader to stand up for civil liberties and protect the constitutional privacy rights of all Americans -- or he could cave in to the White House's demands to let its telco cronies off the hook. Tell Senator Reid to keep amnesty for telcos out of FISA
Why amnesty? Bush wants retroactive amnesty for the telecom companies to thwart civil liberties lawsuits that threaten to expose his own violations of the original FISA law. If these lawsuits aren't allowed to go forward, we may never know the extent of the Bush administration's illegal efforts to spy on American citizens without the required warrants.
Click here to tell Senator Reid to fix FISA without telco amnesty
Thank you for working to build a better world. Will Easton, Activism ManagerCREDO Action
The best way to share this action alert with your friends, neighbors and colleagues is to click here (This copy of our newsletter contains links personalized with your specific information, which your friends will see if you forward this message.) Thanks!
Intelligence Committees have passed different versions of the bill. One includes dangerous amnesty provisions for telcos and one does not. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will now decide which version will advance to the floor, and he needs to hear that any form of amnesty is unacceptable.
You'll notice a new format in the action alert below because ActForChange is changing its name to CREDO Action. We changed our name on November 4, 2007 -- one year to the day before the presidential election of 2008.
For more on why we changed our name, visit our blog. To send an urgent message to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, please read the CREDO Action alert below.
Will EastonActivism Manager, CREDO Action
No amnesty for law-breaking telecom companies!
Tell Majority Leader Reid: No Amnesty for AT&T and Verizon
In past weeks, the U.S. Senate has crafted legislation to update the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The Intelligence Committee passed a version that would grant retroactive amnesty to big telecom companies who colluded in Bush's illegal program to spy on Americans.
In response to citizen outcry, the Judiciary Committee passed a version that did not include the amnesty provisions. Now, Senate Majority Leader Reid will decide which version gets put up for a final vote by the whole Senate. He has the power as Majority Leader to stand up for civil liberties and protect the constitutional privacy rights of all Americans -- or he could cave in to the White House's demands to let its telco cronies off the hook. Tell Senator Reid to keep amnesty for telcos out of FISA
Why amnesty? Bush wants retroactive amnesty for the telecom companies to thwart civil liberties lawsuits that threaten to expose his own violations of the original FISA law. If these lawsuits aren't allowed to go forward, we may never know the extent of the Bush administration's illegal efforts to spy on American citizens without the required warrants.
Click here to tell Senator Reid to fix FISA without telco amnesty
Thank you for working to build a better world. Will Easton, Activism ManagerCREDO Action
The best way to share this action alert with your friends, neighbors and colleagues is to click here (This copy of our newsletter contains links personalized with your specific information, which your friends will see if you forward this message.) Thanks!