Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bush is pissing everything away including Iraq and Domestic issues, Ignores growingTaliban..

Because of Bush's ignorance he is pissing everything away including Iraq and Domestic issues as he practices tonight's lies! My God look what the Taliban is doing as he screws around and never a mention as to how quickly afghanistan isdegenerating!
I have to say that I found the whole premise of this speech and the underhanded way in which he is going to give it and try to manipulate it, insulting and offensive. Please look at a preview if you can stand it. I waited all day yesterday to get a preview so I could speak with authority. It's sickening but Here it is!
First I do not like the idea that he is failing in Iraq so he is going to try and spend a lot of his time highlighting so called positive tax breaks for his health plan and other important domestic issues.
I have been listening to it off and on all day and as usual with him it sounds to me like this favors Businesses and the Government not you.
Bush will make a new push on health care, including tax-code changes to make it easier for individuals to buy health insurance for themselves in the open market, rather than depending on employers. That might sound good to someone but it sounds to me like an attempted break for Businesses. Not only that but listening to WBZ I heard that he may want to give you a tax break but he conveniently doesn't tell you he wants to include the insurance paid by your employer as taxable income.
It Doesn't sound like a break for you to me. Sounds like a backdoor tax increase and a break for businesses while still insisting on giving the rich back their tax contributions to help pay for his many created disasters.
Look at the link and analyze what he will say with an unbiased mind and the whole thing will scare you. His underhanded politicking will never change.
While Bush is trying to get your focus off his failure in Iraq we are reminded by what is happening with Iran and all over the middle east that , that will get worse and quickly. Worse to me is that while we watch Iraq and the middle east degenerate into total chaos he wants to take your attention off it and mislead you into thinking he wants to help you while never mentioning ever, that due to his attention on Iraq the Taliban is not only re surging in Afghanistan but is building schools.
Knowing how he stresses how vital Iraq is. He fails to realize Iraq is lost because of his attack and the entire region will be chaos as will be the entire world whether we leave or not. No one will stop this!
I find it very distressing that The Taliban plan to spend $1 million on opening schools in areas of Afghanistan under their control. What the hell is wrong with the idiot? we are back to square one and worse while he is playing games in Iraq the Taliban is again strong enough to make a bold move aimed to counter the propaganda of Western nations and Afghanistan's Western-backed government. http://english.aljazeera.net/...
I refuse to believe that this is happening, we haven't heard about it, and the chief idiot is playing games with our concerns while he stays the course and makes a mess of everything. I just don't get it anymore!

James Joiner
Gardner Ma

1 comment:

jmsjoin said...

A friend told me they could not comment on this post yesterday so I am going to test it. Let's hope it is okay!