Friday, April 30, 2010
Execution by firing squad? That is not wise especially in this environment!
Gardner chooses death by firing squad
Tourists likely won't skip Utah because of firing squad I wouldn't bank on that!
Death by firing squad is a bit much in today's environment. It is also too much like the wild wild west. This is 2010! This is Utah the Mormon State. I know in Utah death by firing squad is not an option as it was outlawed. However anyone that requested it prior to the law change in 2004 can still have their execution by firing squad. That is the case with Ronnie Lee Gardner. I do not like this period!
I remember 4 years ago when then Gov. Jeb Bush suspended executions in Florida after a medical examiner said that prison officials botched the insertion of the needles when a convicted killer was put to death earlier this week. Separately, a federal judge in California imposed a moratorium on executions in the nation's most populous state, declaring that the state's method of lethal injection runs the risk of violating the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment.
I have always had my doubts about the Death Penalty unless it is an open and shut case but I just don't know any more in light of the latest fiasco's. U.S. District Judge Jeremy Fogel said the case in question with him raised the question of whether a three-drug cocktail administered by the San Quentin State Prison is so painful that it "offends" the Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment.
The judge answered in the affirmative and in light of what I am reading I am afraid he is right and I for one feel terrible.
He said the case raised the question of whether a three-drug cocktail administered by the San Quentin State Prison is so painful that it "offends" the Eighth Amendment ban on cruel and unusual punishment. At that time Fogel found substantial evidence that the last six men executed at San Quentin might have been conscious and still breathing when lethal drugs were administered. that is just horrible to me. I can understand an eye for an eye but torture is just inhumane to me especially sanctioned as I know many of you feel the same
In response He ordered anesthesiologists to be on hand, or demanded that a licensed medical professional inject a large, fatal dose of a sedative instead of the additional paralyzing agent and heart-stopping drugs that are normally used. But no medical professional was willing to participate. man I can't really say I blame them. This just sounds too inhumane. It sounds crass but we have to find a better way to do this and only when "dead" sure!
In Florida, medical examiner Dr. William Hamilton said the execution of Angel Nieves Diaz took 34 minutes -- twice as long as usual -- and required a rare second dose of lethal chemicals because the needles were inserted clear through his veins and into the flesh in his arms. The chemicals are supposed to go into the veins.
Later after the autopsy Dr. Hamilton refused to say whether or not he suffered and deferred answers about pain and suffering. However, Missing a vein when administering the injections would cause "both psychological and physical discomfort -- probably pretty severe," said Dr. J. Kent Garman.
Anyway, I was relieved myself when I heard 2 states were putting an end to lethal injections for now, but then I hear this. A federal judge's ruling that California's lethal injection method is unconstitutionally cruel will have little impact on most of the state's death row inmates, legal experts said Saturday.
Four times as many condemned prisoners in California have died of natural causes, suicide or murder after their cases meandered through the appeals courts for decades. Texas, by contrast, has carried out 380 executions in roughly the same period. The leading cause of death on death row right now is old age," said Gerald Uelmen, a professor at the Santa Clara University School of Law. How does that make you feel? are you supposed to feel better?
Then I got to wondering how many States have the death penalty and what is their methods? In the 38 states and federal government that currently have death penalty statutes, five different methods of execution are prescribed: Lethal Injection, Electrocution, Lethal Gas, Firing Squad, and Hanging.
The vast majority of jurisdictions provide for execution by lethal injection. 20 jurisdictions provide for alternative methods of execution, contingent upon the choice of the inmate, the date of the execution or sentence, or the possibility of the method being held unconstitutional. Only one state does not have lethal injection as a primary or optional method of execution. Nebraska is the only state that provides for electrocution as the sole method of execution. No states provide for Lethal Gas, Hanging, or Firing Squad as the sole method of execution. Please look at the link for the accepted method of execution by State.
I am beginning to get a real bad feeling about this and wonder if there is a humane way of killing or if there is one method that is fail safe why isn't it made to be universal. Something is not right about this and something has to be done. They better at least rescind this request to be executed by firing squad. Please give me your 2 cents!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Metal storm the deadliest fastest most powerful weapon on the battlefield, this is scary, scary!
The other day I was asked a question about smart weaponry. It is a very wide and complex field so I will just concentrate on one weapon we have discussed in the past as it is a smart weapon, it is here now, it will control the battlefield, and is very frightening. This is the scariest weapon I have ever seen or heard of in my life. A million rounds per minute, 180 bullets being fired in less than one-hundredth of a second is perceived as one enormous noise to a human ear. Wow! Metal storm is more deadly than its name implies. Watch the video this is scary
Metal storm delivers pinpoint accuracy from ships plane helicopters the back of any vehicle, the ground, anywhere any time. This is super smart and lethal. 16,000 rounds per second and can even fire 1/4 million rounds of 40 mm grenades per minute. Metal storm can be operated unmanned and unattended. This is downright sinister. look at the pictures of versatility this is scary
Even unmanned Metal storm can detect movement anywhere watch this silent assassin it is down right scary All you need is a tube to hold all the rounds and it can go anywhere and be carried and shot from anything! It watches everything giving you total situation awareness.
I can't say it enough, this is a scary weapon. There is only one moving part, the Bullet. Bullets or high powered grenades are preloaded and fired electronically. No moving parts no jamming! General Downing former Commander in Chief of Special Forces is the advisor for what is the fastest and most powerful weapon on the battlefield.
This is a weapon the likes of which has never before been seen on a battlefield. It can monitor entire battle fields sensing any motion whatsoever and react accordingly. Using 40mm grenades it can flatten building, crush hardened bunkers, one can take out a battalion of tanks in seconds. watch this silent assassin it is down right scary
This is lethal and can even take down an intercontinental missile in seconds, dispatch a torpedo, used on mines, fired from planes laying down the most lethal barrage known to man. Just one question, if limiting killing noncombatants is a goal I would say that will not happen with this weapon and is the only drawback I can think of after watching the video.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Arizona's immigration law is leading us down the path of what the Nazi's did to the Jews!
Ariz. Immigration Law Backlash
New York politicians rip into Arizona immigration law, call it 'un-American' It is and I have not heard why this is very scary unless monitored daily and controlled.
I am very concerned that this new law will be abused and get out of control the way everything does. Remember the brown shirts prior to the Nazi's! I have not once heard what should instantly come to mind and that is the fact that the Jews were forced to show the star of David. They had to show who they were when they walked the streets. Just as Arizona's new law requires one to carry their passport to prove who they are. This is really disconcerting.
Arizona Legislature passes police State Bill
Mexican drug traffickers increasingly smuggle money back into Mexico in cars and .... The battle also causes concern about the violence spilling into the ... The governors of Arizona and Texas have asked the federal government to send ...
Juarez, Mexico is more dangerous than Baghdad or Kabul two other problems we created. Juarez and much of Mexico is a war zone and Mexico's drug war and violence is moving back into the US where it started over 100 years ago as our drug war. I use to think legalization was the answer but no longer. This has gone too far and drastic measures must be taken. I just hope the power is not abused!
Arizona is on the front lines. Mexican drug cartels have turned Phoenix, Arizona into the kidnapping Capital of the United States. I keep hearing that the new immigration laws in Arizona go too far and have created Arizona the police State. To a degree that appears to be true but I am afraid necessary at this point. The drug war and the cartels are in every State in the country.
It is wishful thinking to think what is happening in Arizona will stay in Arizona. I would like to see this crackdown stopped right there but I am convinced it is a snapshot of what is coming to the entire country. Count on it! Many do not agree with me but like it or not they better smarten up and realize racial profiling has become a necessary evil.
Running red lights, speeding, erratic driving, suspicious behavior, drunken driving, domestic abuse, work place violence, ID's better be checked all the time every time to insure that ? are kept out whenever possible. Everyone of course will not be caught but a lot will. As I said under Bush with the Patriot Act it is not the law it is the person in charge of it. We knew he would abuse the power and he did.
We have to hope that Arizona law enforcement does not abuse their new power and wields it wisely and with constraint. Arizona can be a model for the rest of the country. It will be a model but I hope it is positive not negative. I keep hearing that the new immigration law will not stand up and that it is unconstitutional. No way!
Arizona is on the front lines of the US Mexico drug war. The Constitution gives us the power to protect ourselves. It will allow Arizona to protect her citizens. I am very concerned as to where this could head. Remember this Republican inflammatory environment we live in today. I do not at all like where this looks to be headed!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
New York politicians rip into Arizona immigration law, call it 'un-American' It is and I have not heard why this is very scary unless monitored daily and controlled.
I am very concerned that this new law will be abused and get out of control the way everything does. Remember the brown shirts prior to the Nazi's! I have not once heard what should instantly come to mind and that is the fact that the Jews were forced to show the star of David. They had to show who they were when they walked the streets. Just as Arizona's new law requires one to carry their passport to prove who they are. This is really disconcerting.
Arizona Legislature passes police State Bill
Mexican drug traffickers increasingly smuggle money back into Mexico in cars and .... The battle also causes concern about the violence spilling into the ... The governors of Arizona and Texas have asked the federal government to send ...
Juarez, Mexico is more dangerous than Baghdad or Kabul two other problems we created. Juarez and much of Mexico is a war zone and Mexico's drug war and violence is moving back into the US where it started over 100 years ago as our drug war. I use to think legalization was the answer but no longer. This has gone too far and drastic measures must be taken. I just hope the power is not abused!
Arizona is on the front lines. Mexican drug cartels have turned Phoenix, Arizona into the kidnapping Capital of the United States. I keep hearing that the new immigration laws in Arizona go too far and have created Arizona the police State. To a degree that appears to be true but I am afraid necessary at this point. The drug war and the cartels are in every State in the country.
It is wishful thinking to think what is happening in Arizona will stay in Arizona. I would like to see this crackdown stopped right there but I am convinced it is a snapshot of what is coming to the entire country. Count on it! Many do not agree with me but like it or not they better smarten up and realize racial profiling has become a necessary evil.
Running red lights, speeding, erratic driving, suspicious behavior, drunken driving, domestic abuse, work place violence, ID's better be checked all the time every time to insure that ? are kept out whenever possible. Everyone of course will not be caught but a lot will. As I said under Bush with the Patriot Act it is not the law it is the person in charge of it. We knew he would abuse the power and he did.
We have to hope that Arizona law enforcement does not abuse their new power and wields it wisely and with constraint. Arizona can be a model for the rest of the country. It will be a model but I hope it is positive not negative. I keep hearing that the new immigration law will not stand up and that it is unconstitutional. No way!
Arizona is on the front lines of the US Mexico drug war. The Constitution gives us the power to protect ourselves. It will allow Arizona to protect her citizens. I am very concerned as to where this could head. Remember this Republican inflammatory environment we live in today. I do not at all like where this looks to be headed!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, April 26, 2010
Supreme Court strikes down law banning dogfight videos: Wonder what Michael Vick thinks about that?
Remember Justice Alito's you lie moment during the SOTU address?
Supreme Court strikes down law banning dogfight videos
This is quite a supreme court we have on tap here. They gave our country to corporations saying donating as much as they want to a cause or a politician is covered under freedom of speech. Every time Obama has to look for a new Justice we hear Republicans cry that they do not want outlaw Justices. What the heck do they call this!
As you know, President Obama lambasted the Supreme court injustices for handing a huge victory to special interests and their lobbyists as the so called conservative led Supreme court lifted restrictions on campaign funding by corporations and unions. No kidding! What a coincidence huh? With mid terms approaching the corporations and unions can now lead the way in bringing down the Democrats and their agenda.
Blatant lying and fear mongering using radio and TV advertisements is what those scum are getting away with calling freedom of speech? Now we will just see the asinine lies used in the Health care debates used to bring down the Democrats only now the lying ads will be on steroids as they take the lead in defeating Obama's agenda and the Democrats.
Alito blatantly defending that move to subvert our Democracy mouthing "Not true, not true" while sitting in the front row during President Obama first state of the union address which was in fact a State of Disunion address" was dead wrong, shows there will be no coming together to solve we the people's growing problems, and led me to look at why Alito is so anti Obama!
However it was true! If then Senator Obama had been listened to Alito would not even have been in the chambers. As a senator, he voted against Alito's confirmation. He said President George W. Bush's second nominee to the court was a man of "great character" which is definitely now in question and that he was an accomplished jurist which I now doubt 100%.
"But it is too bad he was ignored because he was dead on when he said "when you look at his record when it comes to his understanding of the Constitution I have found that in almost every case he consistently sides on behalf of the powerful against the powerless; on behalf of a strong government or corporation against upholding American's individual rights. Man what else is there to say. As they say it is too late and the proof is in the pudding. History plays a role in Obama-Alito flap
I am sick of the idiocy coming from Republicans while consistently since Bush they loudly and ignorantly accuse the Democrats of doing what they are in fact doing so they can follow their hidden agenda. Everything has backfired on them and it will continue. I wonder what Michael Vick thinks of them striking down the ban on dog fighting videos after what he has gone through? Aren't these idiots radical Justices "whether they abstain or not" legislating from the bench? Conservatives, yeah!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Imposed Mideast Solution Would Stoke Violence - Israel FM: Israel will make sure of it!
"Imposed" Mideast Solution Would Stoke Violence - Israel FM
Obama offered Netanyahu a gentlemen's agreement on Jerusalem
Binyamin Netanyahu tells US: We won't stop east Jerusalem settlement building All Jerusalem is ours period!
Another reminder: Israel doesn't care what the EU or we think any more than they do Iran, Syria, or anyone else. I came to realize a long time ago that there will be no peace in the Middle East primarily because Israel does not want it unless she has what she wants and that is all of Jerusalem. Palestinian's, Syria, and Iran are not going to sit back and let Israel build 1,600 houses in the place they want to claim as their Capital.
I realized a long time ago that Israel is the world's chief war monger and we seem to do their bidding and fighting. If they get into a war with Iran we will end up coming to their rescue regardless of what they do or what Hillary says and that is sad! We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue.
Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember this discussion? The US will pay the price for Israel and US nuclear lies and hypocrisy after Israel attacks!
I must admit Israel's hypocrisy and lies are a plan I have discussed often and I have to disagree with Eliam's final assertion. He says an attack on Iran's nuclear program would be counter productive. I beg to differ! The General hit the nail on the head though and does not know it. I have long asserted that Israel would attack Iran's nuclear interests and we would come to her rescue.
That is a fact that is why I find his final statement troubling and prophetic. He correctly said One strike is not practical. In order to delay the Iranian program for three to four years one needs an armada of aircraft, which only a super-power can provide. Only America can do it. Bingo! I am sure the US plans to do it largely from the Gulf with numerous carrier fighter groups and they are almost finished with their 30000 pound bunker buster behemoth to take out underground facilities. This will only end one way period!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Obama offered Netanyahu a gentlemen's agreement on Jerusalem
Binyamin Netanyahu tells US: We won't stop east Jerusalem settlement building All Jerusalem is ours period!
Another reminder: Israel doesn't care what the EU or we think any more than they do Iran, Syria, or anyone else. I came to realize a long time ago that there will be no peace in the Middle East primarily because Israel does not want it unless she has what she wants and that is all of Jerusalem. Palestinian's, Syria, and Iran are not going to sit back and let Israel build 1,600 houses in the place they want to claim as their Capital.
I realized a long time ago that Israel is the world's chief war monger and we seem to do their bidding and fighting. If they get into a war with Iran we will end up coming to their rescue regardless of what they do or what Hillary says and that is sad! We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue.
Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember this discussion? The US will pay the price for Israel and US nuclear lies and hypocrisy after Israel attacks!
I must admit Israel's hypocrisy and lies are a plan I have discussed often and I have to disagree with Eliam's final assertion. He says an attack on Iran's nuclear program would be counter productive. I beg to differ! The General hit the nail on the head though and does not know it. I have long asserted that Israel would attack Iran's nuclear interests and we would come to her rescue.
That is a fact that is why I find his final statement troubling and prophetic. He correctly said One strike is not practical. In order to delay the Iranian program for three to four years one needs an armada of aircraft, which only a super-power can provide. Only America can do it. Bingo! I am sure the US plans to do it largely from the Gulf with numerous carrier fighter groups and they are almost finished with their 30000 pound bunker buster behemoth to take out underground facilities. This will only end one way period!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, April 24, 2010
US confident it could defeat Iranian missile capable of reaching US!
US confident it could defeat Iranian missile
Iran to hold war games in Strait of Hormuz With the Gulf packed already with aircraft carrier battle groups and the busy oil lanes Iran having naval exercises to show her strength for peace is very disconcerting.
I am sorry, I do not think I am any different than the rest of you but knowing Iran wants to wipe at least Israel off the map and says they are not developing a nuclear weapon but if they had one would use it on Israel I have to believe while they may have a valid need for nuclear power their program is a cover for their real goal of developing or getting their hands on a nuclear weapon to use on Israel!
Likewise Iran has been upgrading its missile systems and has showed off its Sejil 2 two stage solid fuel missile capable of reaching targets 1,200 miles away. They had that ability with the Shahab 3 but are now prepared to produce these en masse. They now have capable short and medium range capabilities but no way to deliver nuclear warheads. Supposedly these are not to be used offensively but only to prove Iran can defend herself. Once again you have to believe the weapons are to prove they are a threat offensively.
Iran was already a threat to her immediate neighbors with a 600 mile range now they have paraded the ability to produce missiles capable of reaching parts of Europe and certainly most of the middle east.
President Obama based his decision to scrap Bush's worthless MDS Boondoggle as it was only designed to provoke Russia and was never even tested under realistic conditions despite its 4 Billion dollar cost. As you know after much expert advice and thought he scrapped it for the much tested land and water based mobile Aegis system. This great decision which Europe and Russia welcome was based on a reassessment of the developing and changing threat coming from Iran! defending Europe because of Iran is the priority Decisions based on intelligent reasoning what a novel idea!
The water based mobile Aegis system can even be moved to the Gulf and other area's of concern that may and will crop up to counter immediate short and medium range missile threats. It may already be there! Meanwhile by 2017 (now i hear 2015) when Iran is expected to have long range capabilities the Aegis is also scheduled to have long range and ICBM defense capabilities. If Russia and NATO join the effort as proposed I am confident we will be prepared for any future threats!
To top it all off a recent Defense Department report to Congress concludes that Iran could develop a missile capable of striking the United States by 2015. Besides the mobile aegis the U.S. has 25 long-range interceptor missiles based in Alaska and California, as part of a system designed to defend the nation against an attack from North Korea or Iran. Eight of 14 tests of the interceptors have been successful, that gives me pause but I feel we are smart enough to have overkill as far as Iran goes.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, April 23, 2010
Top three Al Qaeda in Iraq killed but it will not improve the lives of Iraqi's: Their words!
Third Iraqi al-Qaeda leader killed: Iraqi military - BBC
Iraqis say Qaeda deaths will not improve their lives
A 2007 U.S. Report gave Blame to Iraqi's for Bush's Guaranteed Failures!
While we continuously listened to the lies and propaganda that Bush has had many successes in Iraq and that his surge succeeded We already know but many of Bush's declared successes are in fact failures. Low and behold it all boils down to Security fears. What a surprise! What happened to his successful surge? Kill all the Al Qaeda you want they can not still provide the basic needs of life in a successful society.
Isn't that Bush's fault? If he had stayed in Afghanistan as he should have instead of diverting from the war on terror to attack Iraq so he could start implementing his new middle east order, Iraq may still have a Dictator but they would have security, electricity, water, fuel, and a lot more than they have now or will have in the future.
Al Maliki, Malawi, or whoever takes control they cannot and will not bring stability back to Iraq. Despite the political rhetoric it will get a lot worse and then spread throughout the entire middle east. We will never be able to bring services anywhere close to the level they were at when Saddam was in power. It is laughable to think that anyone thought they would be better post Saddam.
The Congressional investigation into reconstruction in Iraq found that six out of eight projects the Bush administration claimed to be a success were falling apart, throwing doubts over the long-term viability of much of the $30 billion program. I have to tell you, the entire program, the surge, Democracy, everything, was guaranteed lost from the get go. What ever is built will be destroyed.
The report which was published 3 years ago but could be today looked at hospital projects that at last count there was only one capable of operating at all. It does not matter how much money or effort we put into Iraq. Iraqi's as a whole do not want new Iraqi order they want their own version. They want the basic needs of life satisfied and they do not care who supplies them in the end.
Each sect is only concerned with looking out for their own interest and future and as we are told to ignore everyday because it is not "the reality on the ground" reality is much worse! The inspectors found serious plumbing and electrical failures due to looting, equipment lying idle to me primarily because people are scared to death to venture out into the reality Bush has created for them. US report blaming Iraqi's for failures
From the Political system to the oil Industry, Hospitals, electricity, plumbing, security, everything, It will not be turned around and will only get a lot worse before it spreads throughout the entire middle east. Supposedly we are hoping to start withdrawing our troops this year and have them all out by next fall. Regardless of what happens we better stick to that schedule, leave whatever supplies the Iraqi's need, and see just how much they want to live together under a system that will supply their needs. It is in the end up to them!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Ahmadinejad: Iran too powerful to be bothered, all foreign armies must leave Middle East or else!
Foreign forces must leave the region: Iranian Preside
Iran, at nuclear conference, hits out at "bullies"
Iran Calls for US, Other Nuclear Armed States to be Ousted from IAEA
Israel urged to join Npt, has role to play in nuke-free ME SAYS Iran
Iran is moving faster and more boisterous than ever and getting worse every day. They want foreign armies out of the Middle East, Israel to join the NPT (nuclear non-proliferation treaty) and a nuclear free Middle East. Please read the links that interest you. I have to explain that Iran wants a nuclear free Middle East because she is close to achieving them and wants to be the only one in the neighborhood with them.
A reminder: As you know, when asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran in 1979 after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply was “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
I have tried to give Iran the benefit of the doubt when they say their nuclear desires are peaceful knowing they could use nuclear power as an energy source for their growing population. I have always asserted that perceived need could be cover for the real goal of developing a nuclear weapon.
The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.[1] The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran. We are so concerned about Pakistan and Iran today in regard to nuclear abilities and nuclear weapons and security. I was blown away to find out that we built the first nuclear Reactors in both Iran and Pakistan. Nuclear program of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia aqtoms for peace
I would have to assume this was after we overthrew the democratically elected President of Iran Mohammad Mosaddeq to install our ruthless puppet the Shah of Iran. We built and supplied Iran's first reactor because we thought we were in control. What the hell is wrong with us? That makes us personally responsible for the 1979 Revolution in Iran, the capture of our hostages, the disaster in the desert after a failed attempt to rescue them, the rise of the Revolutionary Guard, the protesters dilemma, the nuclear issue in Iran today, everything!
You know, I have long said that Iran’s civilian nuclear program is a cover for their nuclear weapons program. Now I see that Arab leaders feel the same way. They fear a nuclear arms race and I can only conclude that knowing how far along Iran is and how they feel that they are hedging their bets and it is already under way clandestinely.
The Gulf Corporation Council “Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman. And the United Arab Emirates, who are all incidentally armed by us with advanced conventional weapons and technology and missile defense batteries all want the Middle East to be declared a nuclear safe zone. That as you know is DOA as neither Israel or the US will never agree to that. The centuries of acrimony and convoluted Relationships throughout the Middle East though I knew of it is mind boggling and worse than I thought so I invite you to read the report it is eye opening. ! Why Arab leaders worry about Iran's nuclear program | Bulletin of ...
You know from numerous discussions here that Iran is involved in every Middle Eastern country not just Yemen, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia where they have corrupted elections for Shiite interests in Iraq, backing rebels in Yemen, and instigating attacks on Saudi oil fields. Bush freed Iran to instigate far and wide and they are. Any new sanctions will only serve to worsen their instigation and cause them to cause chaos everywhere they can and further Bush's total Middle East breakdown. As powerful in death as life; remember Khomeini's Ghost
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
fun Videos: How to Speak Republican, 10 types of Republicans, and other Republican Dirty Tricks plus McCain and his responsibility for oil speculation, Lies, Lies, Lies!
I was looking for something when I found this that I put together 2 years ago and it amazed me. Once again the more things are supposed to change the more they remain the same and even get worse. This is a few true and sometimes funny look at the Republican party. However, their idiocy better be taken seriously as it is going to upset the Nation.
Other Dirty Republican tricks by Tim Russert
How to Speak Republican - Comedic
The Ten types of Republicans - This is Hilarious!
John McCain's connection to Big oil and Enron Loophole, his responsibility for oil Speculation
McCain's never ending Lies
This one we know: Charles Barkley: Why Republicans/Conservatives=Fake Christians
Why I'm voting Republican - Not!
Why Republicans will lose the Presidency in 2008 with Tim Russert "let's hope this applies to 2012"
All jokes aside when all is said and done Democrats and the law better take the tea partiers, the oath keepers, the numerous anti Government militia's, and the secessionists seriously, In reality this is no joke. The Republican party is really screwed up and have embraced what use to be the fringe nut cases. Eric Cantor, Michelle Bachmann, Senator Boehner, Mitch McConnell, these Republicans are taking control of the idiocy and giving it validity. Be vigilante, this is not funny!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Other Dirty Republican tricks by Tim Russert
How to Speak Republican - Comedic
The Ten types of Republicans - This is Hilarious!
John McCain's connection to Big oil and Enron Loophole, his responsibility for oil Speculation
McCain's never ending Lies
This one we know: Charles Barkley: Why Republicans/Conservatives=Fake Christians
Why I'm voting Republican - Not!
Why Republicans will lose the Presidency in 2008 with Tim Russert "let's hope this applies to 2012"
All jokes aside when all is said and done Democrats and the law better take the tea partiers, the oath keepers, the numerous anti Government militia's, and the secessionists seriously, In reality this is no joke. The Republican party is really screwed up and have embraced what use to be the fringe nut cases. Eric Cantor, Michelle Bachmann, Senator Boehner, Mitch McConnell, these Republicans are taking control of the idiocy and giving it validity. Be vigilante, this is not funny!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, April 19, 2010
Obama taking reins on policy towards Mideast conflict, About time! That is the only way there will be a 2 state solution!
Obama Speech Signals a US Shift on Middle East
World Jewish leader to Obama: Is US committed to Israel's security? Yes but there has to be a caveat or else! Take the process out of their hands period! Draw the road map for a 2 state solution and supervise closely its adherence. That is the only way there will be peace there and it would guarantee a second term for Obama despite the dits Palin as Obama is the only one that can make this work. It is his job to get this going and make the country realize that or else ...
'Obama taking reins on policy towards Mideast conflict'
As it stands Israel doesn't care what we think any more than they do Iran, Syria, or anyone else. Unless we set down guidelines for a free Palestine period and sit while Israel goes down if they do not adhere to them they are going to continue to do as they please. I came to realize a long time ago that there will be no peace in the Middle East primarily because Israel does not want it unless she has what she wants and that is all of Jerusalem. Palestinian's Syria, and Iran are not going to sit back and let Israel build 1,600 houses in the place they want to claim as their Capital.
I realized a long time ago that Israel is the world's chief war monger and we seem to do their bidding and fighting. If they get into a war with Iran we will end up coming to their rescue regardless of what they do or what Hillary says and that is sad! We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue.
Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember this discussion? The US will pay the price for Israel and US nuclear lies and hypocrisy If Israel attacks!
I must admit Israel's hypocrisy and lies are a plan I have discussed often and I have to disagree with Eliam's final assertion. He says an attack on Iran's nuclear program would be counter productive. I beg to differ! The General hit the nail on the head though and does not know it. I have long asserted that Israel would attack Iran's nuclear interests and we would come to her rescue.
That is a fact that is why I find his final statement troubling and prophetic. He correctly said One strike is not practical. In order to delay the Iranian program for three to four years one needs an armada of aircraft, which only a super-power can provide. Only America can do it. Bingo! I am sure the US plans to do it largely from the Gulf with numerous carrier fighter groups and they are almost finished with their 30000 pound bunker buster behemoth to take out underground facilities.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Arizona called a police state but I think it is a necessary evil!
Mexican drug violence spills into US
Arizona Legislature Advances Tough Immigration Bill
Mexican drug traffickers increasingly smuggle money back into Mexico in cars and .... The battle also causes concern about the violence spilling into the ... The governors of Arizona and Texas have asked the federal government to send ...
Juarez, Mexico is more dangerous than Baghdad or Kabul two other problems we created. Juarez and much of Mexico is a war zone and Mexico's drug war and violence is moving back into the US where it started over 100 years ago as our drug war. I use to think legalization was the answer but no longer. This has gone too far and drastic measures must be taken. I just hope the power is not abused!
Arizona is on the front lines. Mexican drug cartels have turned Phoenix, Arizona into the kidnapping Capital of the United States. I keep hearing that the new immigration laws in Arizona go too far and have created Arizona the police State. To a degree that appears to be true but I am afraid necessary at this point. The drug war and the cartels are in every State in the country.
It is wishful thinking to think what is happening in Arizona will stay in Arizona. I would like to see this crackdown stopped right there but I am convinced it is a snapshot of what is coming to the entire country. Count on it! Many do not agree with me but like it or not they better smarten up and realize racial profiling has become a necessary evil.
Running red lights, speeding, erratic driving, suspicious behavior, drunken driving, domestic abuse, work place violence, ID's better be checked all the time every time to insure that ? are kept out whenever possible. Everyone of course will not be caught but a lot will.As I said under Bush with the Patriot Act it is not the law it is the person in charge of it. We knew he would abuse the power and he did.
We have to hope that Arizona law enforcement does not abuse their new power and wields it wisely and with constraint. Arizona can be a model for the rest of the country. It will be a model but I hope it is positive not negative. I keep hearing that the new immigration law will not stand up and that it is unconstitutional. No way! Arizona is on the front lines of the US Mexico drug war. The Constitution gives us the power to protect ourselves. It will allow Arizona to protect her citizens.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Arizona Legislature Advances Tough Immigration Bill
Mexican drug traffickers increasingly smuggle money back into Mexico in cars and .... The battle also causes concern about the violence spilling into the ... The governors of Arizona and Texas have asked the federal government to send ...
Juarez, Mexico is more dangerous than Baghdad or Kabul two other problems we created. Juarez and much of Mexico is a war zone and Mexico's drug war and violence is moving back into the US where it started over 100 years ago as our drug war. I use to think legalization was the answer but no longer. This has gone too far and drastic measures must be taken. I just hope the power is not abused!
Arizona is on the front lines. Mexican drug cartels have turned Phoenix, Arizona into the kidnapping Capital of the United States. I keep hearing that the new immigration laws in Arizona go too far and have created Arizona the police State. To a degree that appears to be true but I am afraid necessary at this point. The drug war and the cartels are in every State in the country.
It is wishful thinking to think what is happening in Arizona will stay in Arizona. I would like to see this crackdown stopped right there but I am convinced it is a snapshot of what is coming to the entire country. Count on it! Many do not agree with me but like it or not they better smarten up and realize racial profiling has become a necessary evil.
Running red lights, speeding, erratic driving, suspicious behavior, drunken driving, domestic abuse, work place violence, ID's better be checked all the time every time to insure that ? are kept out whenever possible. Everyone of course will not be caught but a lot will.As I said under Bush with the Patriot Act it is not the law it is the person in charge of it. We knew he would abuse the power and he did.
We have to hope that Arizona law enforcement does not abuse their new power and wields it wisely and with constraint. Arizona can be a model for the rest of the country. It will be a model but I hope it is positive not negative. I keep hearing that the new immigration law will not stand up and that it is unconstitutional. No way! Arizona is on the front lines of the US Mexico drug war. The Constitution gives us the power to protect ourselves. It will allow Arizona to protect her citizens.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Remember Khomeini's ghost!
The Price of Iranian Sanctions
Iran's "allies around the globe" would retaliate against any strike by the United States, an influential cleric said Friday ahead of a speech by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the progress of Iran's nuclear project
A reminder: As you know, when asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran in 1979 after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply was “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
I have tried to give Iran the benefit of the doubt when they say their nuclear desires are peaceful knowing they could use nuclear power as an energy source for their growing population. I have always asserted that perceived need could be cover for the real goal of developing a nuclear weapon.
The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.[1] The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran. We are so concerned about Pakistan and Iran today in regard to nuclear abilities and nuclear weapons and security. I was blown away to find out that we built the first nuclear Reactors in both Iran and Pakistan. Nuclear program of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would have to assume this was after we overthrew the democratically elected President of Iran Mohammad Mosaddeq to install our ruthless puppet the Shah of Iran. We built and supplied Iran's first reactor because we thought we were in control. What the hell is wrong with us? That makes us personally responsible for the 1979 Revolution in Iran, the capture of our hostages, the disaster in the desert after a failed attempt to rescue them, the rise of the Revolutionary Guard, the protesters dilemma, the nuclear issue in Iran today, everything!
You know, I have long said that Iran’s civilian nuclear program is a cover for their nuclear weapons program. Now I see that Arab leaders feel the same way. They fear a nuclear arms race and I can only conclude that knowing how far along Iran is and how they feel that they are hedging their bets and it is already under way clandestinely.
The Gulf Corporation Council “Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman. And the United Arab Emirates, who are all incidentally armed by us with advanced conventional weapons and technology and missile defense batteries all want the Middle East to be declared a nuclear safe zone. That as you know is DOA as neither Israel or the US will never agree to that. The centuries of acrimony and convoluted Relationships throughout the Middle East though I knew of it is mind boggling and worse than I thought so I invite you to read the report it is eye opening. ! Why Arab leaders worry about Iran's nuclear program | Bulletin of ...
You know from numerous discussions here that Iran is involved in every Middle Eastern country not just Yemen, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia where they have corrupted elections for Shiite interests in Iraq, backing rebels in Yemen, and instigating attacks on Saudi oil fields. Bush freed Iran to instigate far and wide and are even training Taliban on their border. Any new sanctions will only serve to worsen their instigation and cause them to cause chaos everywhere they can and further Bush's total Middle East breakdown.As powerful in death as life; remember Khomeini's Ghost
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Iran's "allies around the globe" would retaliate against any strike by the United States, an influential cleric said Friday ahead of a speech by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the progress of Iran's nuclear project
A reminder: As you know, when asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran in 1979 after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply was “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
I have tried to give Iran the benefit of the doubt when they say their nuclear desires are peaceful knowing they could use nuclear power as an energy source for their growing population. I have always asserted that perceived need could be cover for the real goal of developing a nuclear weapon.
The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.[1] The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran. We are so concerned about Pakistan and Iran today in regard to nuclear abilities and nuclear weapons and security. I was blown away to find out that we built the first nuclear Reactors in both Iran and Pakistan. Nuclear program of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would have to assume this was after we overthrew the democratically elected President of Iran Mohammad Mosaddeq to install our ruthless puppet the Shah of Iran. We built and supplied Iran's first reactor because we thought we were in control. What the hell is wrong with us? That makes us personally responsible for the 1979 Revolution in Iran, the capture of our hostages, the disaster in the desert after a failed attempt to rescue them, the rise of the Revolutionary Guard, the protesters dilemma, the nuclear issue in Iran today, everything!
You know, I have long said that Iran’s civilian nuclear program is a cover for their nuclear weapons program. Now I see that Arab leaders feel the same way. They fear a nuclear arms race and I can only conclude that knowing how far along Iran is and how they feel that they are hedging their bets and it is already under way clandestinely.
The Gulf Corporation Council “Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman. And the United Arab Emirates, who are all incidentally armed by us with advanced conventional weapons and technology and missile defense batteries all want the Middle East to be declared a nuclear safe zone. That as you know is DOA as neither Israel or the US will never agree to that. The centuries of acrimony and convoluted Relationships throughout the Middle East though I knew of it is mind boggling and worse than I thought so I invite you to read the report it is eye opening. ! Why Arab leaders worry about Iran's nuclear program | Bulletin of ...
You know from numerous discussions here that Iran is involved in every Middle Eastern country not just Yemen, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia where they have corrupted elections for Shiite interests in Iraq, backing rebels in Yemen, and instigating attacks on Saudi oil fields. Bush freed Iran to instigate far and wide and are even training Taliban on their border. Any new sanctions will only serve to worsen their instigation and cause them to cause chaos everywhere they can and further Bush's total Middle East breakdown.As powerful in death as life; remember Khomeini's Ghost
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, April 16, 2010
Turkish leader: Israel is Middle East's biggest threat. That is a fact!
U.S.-Israeli dispute still unresolved
Turkish leader: Israel is Mideast's biggest threat
EU condemns Israel over e. J'lem intent
Netanyahu reasserts East Jerusalem is Israel’s
A reminder: Israel doesn't care what the EU or we think any more than they do Iran, Syria, or anyone else. I came to realize a long time ago that there will be no peace in the Middle East primarily because Israel does not want it unless she has what she wants and that is all of Jerusalem. Palestinian's Syria, and Iran are not going to sit back and let Israel build 1,600 houses in the place they want to claim as their Capital.
I realized a long time ago that Israel is the world's chief war monger and we seem to do their bidding and fighting. If they get into a war with Iran we will end up coming to their rescue regardless of what they do or what Hillary says and that is sad! We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue.
Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember this discussion? The US will pay the price for Israel and US nuclear lies and hypocrisy after Israel attacks!
I must admit Israel's hypocrisy and lies are a plan I have discussed often and I have to disagree with Eliam's final assertion. He says an attack on Iran's nuclear program would be counter productive. I beg to differ! The General hit the nail on the head though and does not know it. I have long asserted that Israel would attack Iran's nuclear interests and we would come to her rescue.
That is a fact that is why I find his final statement troubling and prophetic. He correctly said One strike is not practical. In order to delay the Iranian program for three to four years one needs an armada of aircraft, which only a super-power can provide. Only America can do it. Bingo! I am sure the US plans to do it largely from the Gulf with numerous carrier fighter groups and they are almost finished with their 30000 pound bunker buster behemoth to take out underground facilities.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Turkish leader: Israel is Mideast's biggest threat
EU condemns Israel over e. J'lem intent
Netanyahu reasserts East Jerusalem is Israel’s
A reminder: Israel doesn't care what the EU or we think any more than they do Iran, Syria, or anyone else. I came to realize a long time ago that there will be no peace in the Middle East primarily because Israel does not want it unless she has what she wants and that is all of Jerusalem. Palestinian's Syria, and Iran are not going to sit back and let Israel build 1,600 houses in the place they want to claim as their Capital.
I realized a long time ago that Israel is the world's chief war monger and we seem to do their bidding and fighting. If they get into a war with Iran we will end up coming to their rescue regardless of what they do or what Hillary says and that is sad! We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue.
Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember this discussion? The US will pay the price for Israel and US nuclear lies and hypocrisy after Israel attacks!
I must admit Israel's hypocrisy and lies are a plan I have discussed often and I have to disagree with Eliam's final assertion. He says an attack on Iran's nuclear program would be counter productive. I beg to differ! The General hit the nail on the head though and does not know it. I have long asserted that Israel would attack Iran's nuclear interests and we would come to her rescue.
That is a fact that is why I find his final statement troubling and prophetic. He correctly said One strike is not practical. In order to delay the Iranian program for three to four years one needs an armada of aircraft, which only a super-power can provide. Only America can do it. Bingo! I am sure the US plans to do it largely from the Gulf with numerous carrier fighter groups and they are almost finished with their 30000 pound bunker buster behemoth to take out underground facilities.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Japan says China subs, warships came near Okinawa, We want answers!
10 warships including destroyers and submarines, I want answers too! This puts a new light on things. Look at the big picture once again. Japan has got to be rethinking their constant effort to get the US Military to leave Okinawa. It will behoove Japan to have us there. This puts a whole new light on China's turn around on Iran, their monetary finagling, and their last minute turn around on whether or not to attend the nuclear summit.
Just prior to this sudden mood and cooperation change with the US we were being threatened for arming Taiwan, for meeting with the Dalai lama in Washington, and threatened with slowing our economic recovery. I fell for the line of thought that the so called experts were floating that China realized that if we go down so do they. Remember the economic summit?
China is getting increasingly emboldened: Now they are threatening our recovery and everything they can as they tighten the screws on us. I do not think Obama realizes we do not have the leverage we use too! We need each other! Remember US-China ties to shape 21st century'? Both sides must remember what they said just 6 LONG months ago at their 2 day economic summit!
US-China ties 'to shape 21st century
The US and China will never be the same but share the same big boat hit by huge waves
Cooperation between China Russia and the US is critical! Obama is right to say our ties will shape the future of the 21st century. The US and China are eying each other and moving very cautiously as they try to strike a balance. A few years back I began to view our relationship with China as the most important in the world. Not because we drove each others economy but because if at the time with Bush's instigation to war with Russia China due to the fact of how our 2 economies are so intertwined that if something happened China would side with us not Russia.
I am beginning to think China has been playing us! there have been at least three cases of groups of Chinese military ships crossing through the area of Okinawa since November 2008, first 4 ships then 6 then 8 and now 10 including destroyers and submarines. The latest case appeared to be the first involving surfaced submarines. The group of 10 ships, including the submarines, was observed about 90 miles (140 kilometers) southwest of Okinawa in international waters Saturday.
Two missile destroyers and three frigate ships from the same group were spotted participating in a flight exercise of carrier-based helicopters April 7-9, the Defense Ministry's Joint Staff Office said in a statement Tuesday. Japan seeks answers over Chinese warships
The war ships were in international waters but close to Okinawa and Japan was not notified. That area as you may know has natural resources under the ocean and islands claimed by both Nations. China is getting too brazen and at a very suspicious time of posturing for the future. We must unify!
We can not do this alone! Not just Russia but we need China to help with Iran and North Korea. China holds over a trillion dollars of our debt. They make many of our products so we keep them employed and in that respect we keep each others countries going. They sell the majority of the products they make to Wal-Mart and continue to loan us money.
We are intricately inextricably interwoven in a symbiotic roller coaster relationship. I don't know if I like it or not but it works and must continue. It will get bumpy along the way but I trust like it or not our relationship will continue into the foreseeable future. I am seeing China get stronger and increasingly taking over Japan's role in Asia too. We have many differences but one important thing in common, a desire for a successful future for our two countries! Like it or not we need each other and must get along if either one of us have hopes for a viable future!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
21st century,
China navy armada off Okinawa,
Dalai Lama,
economic forum,
President Obama,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Nuclear progress as US Hosts World Nuclear Summit: Medvedev: Obama thinks when he speaks, unlike...?
US Hosts World Nuclear Summit: Medvedev: Obama thinks when he speaks, unlike...?
With new START treaty signed and completed Obama and Palin trade words. What a bad joke Palin is saying she is as qualified as Obama to discuss nukes. Obama, Palin trade words over nuclear policy
Signed & completed: US, Russia close nuclear talks
As the junior senator from Illinois in August 2005 President Obama traveled to Russia, the Ukraine and Azerbaijan with his more senior colleague Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, for a tour of some of the Cold War's most fearsome weapons sites. It was Obama's first trip abroad as a U.S. senator. The Republican chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was taking along its newest member for a crash course in nuclear security and he learned well.
By then, Lugar had spent more than a dozen years helping to secure and dismantle Soviet-era nuclear stockpiles and weapons systems. Obama, a Democrat, spent much of the trip watching and learning. Five years later, Obama is no longer the understudy and we have to listen to loud mouthed fools like Sarah Palin make fun of Obama's expertise gained as a community organizer comparing herself equal to him. I mean come on! Obama takes non-nuclear pledge to world leaders | Seattle Times ...
The problem and task before the world is daunting but critical and all must be on board. Just 55 pounds of highly enriched uranium "about the size of a grapefruit" is needed to make a small nuclear device. There are an estimated 3.5 million pounds of the material in 40 countries around the world, and another 1.1 million pounds of plutonium. That is scary! It is enough to create 200,000 atom bombs.
I just want to remind that Libya led the way in turning away from nuclear material and endeavors. Nuclear terrorism is and has been declare our biggest threat short of our already degrading environment. Obama met with leaders from South Africa and Kazakhstan, countries which have gone nuclear free, giving up their nuclear weapons programs. The Ukraine, Canada, and Chile vow to be nuke free with Canada and the Ukraine vowing to send all material to the US. Ukraine pledges to get rid of nuclear material | Bryan/College ...
This is their chance to get rid of all that life destroying material. The EU joins Obama in wanting eradication, China says they will work with us, and some Nations have agreed to send their nuclear material to us. I guess better us than anyone else but if we become the Fort Knox of Uranium where will it go? NIMBY! (not in my backyard)
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A third propaganda tape of Bowe Bergdahl released by Taliban, they are getting desperate!
Taliban Release 3rd Video of Captured US Soldier
Taliban release 2nd video of Bowe Bergdahl
1st taliban video of captured bowe bergdahl
NATO committed to find soldier held by insurgents after 3rd propaganda video released by Taliban
Six months after the Taliban captured Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl and posted their first propaganda video the Taliban posted another now another. We are not and will not react to them but they are keeping their propaganda tool alive. That is all that matters until we get him back. I feel for this man, this is Afghanistan not the US. Do you remember the nonsensical rhetoric coming from Fox news? Fox News Contributor Ralph Peters: Taliban Should Kill Captured US ...
Remember when Bergdahl was first captured retired Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters an ex army intelligence officer I have yet to find any proof of combat duty is willing to condemn PFC Bergdahl for desertion. He said if Bergdahl betrayed his fellow soldiers by deserting while in Afghanistan that he would not mind if the Taliban killed him and save the US time and money. I know Peters is a Faux news pundit but I refuse to believe him or anyone there will condemn a fellow American to serve their Political purpose.
Bergdahl was captured June 30th under what is still unknown circumstances. Two US officials said Bergdahl appears to have just wandered off his post unarmed. I also heard he just wandered into Town to visit Afghani's he thought had befriended him. I also heard he was drunk and wandered off base to be picked up by the Taliban. Also that he was grabbed by civilians and turned over to the Taliban. I am stunned to hear betrayal and desertion even from a Faux pundit.
I mean come on. This is Afghanistan. We are perceived as the invaders the infidels the enemy unwanted in their country. I can not envision anyone being that naive, that anti American that stupid as to go A.W.O.L. in Afghanistan. We heard the horror stories over the years. These people are among the most feared ruthless combatants in the world. Walk into their hands? Come on! Wandering into the Sahara Desert naked would be preferential.
Bergdahl is an American an American soldier an adventurer by those who know him. I refuse to believe he is totally stupid! Faux pundit Peters has an obvious proven pension for murder.A while back I remember him advocating the murder off journalists by our military. Peters calls for military killing of Journalists
I guess they can be thankful they are going to Stateside prisons because in the past he has also advocated killing all the prisoners in Gitmo. I do not have to remind you that many were known to be innocent.
Many people including me want to see Bergdahl rescued first and then find out the truth. Despite the idiocy expressed by Faux news pundits Bergdahl has a lot of Americans very concerned. Capture of US Soldier, 23, Shakes Small Idaho Town
Even President Obama has expressed his deep concern. 'Heartbroken' President Obama vows to bring back captured US ... You want to wonder why we are fighting the idiocy at Faux but you know they are the enemies of average Americans and everything Obama and our America. I am very concerned about the hate fear and disinformation they are spreading throughout America as to our demise many are buying into it!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Taliban release 2nd video of Bowe Bergdahl
1st taliban video of captured bowe bergdahl
NATO committed to find soldier held by insurgents after 3rd propaganda video released by Taliban
Six months after the Taliban captured Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl and posted their first propaganda video the Taliban posted another now another. We are not and will not react to them but they are keeping their propaganda tool alive. That is all that matters until we get him back. I feel for this man, this is Afghanistan not the US. Do you remember the nonsensical rhetoric coming from Fox news? Fox News Contributor Ralph Peters: Taliban Should Kill Captured US ...
Remember when Bergdahl was first captured retired Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters an ex army intelligence officer I have yet to find any proof of combat duty is willing to condemn PFC Bergdahl for desertion. He said if Bergdahl betrayed his fellow soldiers by deserting while in Afghanistan that he would not mind if the Taliban killed him and save the US time and money. I know Peters is a Faux news pundit but I refuse to believe him or anyone there will condemn a fellow American to serve their Political purpose.
Bergdahl was captured June 30th under what is still unknown circumstances. Two US officials said Bergdahl appears to have just wandered off his post unarmed. I also heard he just wandered into Town to visit Afghani's he thought had befriended him. I also heard he was drunk and wandered off base to be picked up by the Taliban. Also that he was grabbed by civilians and turned over to the Taliban. I am stunned to hear betrayal and desertion even from a Faux pundit.
I mean come on. This is Afghanistan. We are perceived as the invaders the infidels the enemy unwanted in their country. I can not envision anyone being that naive, that anti American that stupid as to go A.W.O.L. in Afghanistan. We heard the horror stories over the years. These people are among the most feared ruthless combatants in the world. Walk into their hands? Come on! Wandering into the Sahara Desert naked would be preferential.
Bergdahl is an American an American soldier an adventurer by those who know him. I refuse to believe he is totally stupid! Faux pundit Peters has an obvious proven pension for murder.A while back I remember him advocating the murder off journalists by our military. Peters calls for military killing of Journalists
I guess they can be thankful they are going to Stateside prisons because in the past he has also advocated killing all the prisoners in Gitmo. I do not have to remind you that many were known to be innocent.
Many people including me want to see Bergdahl rescued first and then find out the truth. Despite the idiocy expressed by Faux news pundits Bergdahl has a lot of Americans very concerned. Capture of US Soldier, 23, Shakes Small Idaho Town
Even President Obama has expressed his deep concern. 'Heartbroken' President Obama vows to bring back captured US ... You want to wonder why we are fighting the idiocy at Faux but you know they are the enemies of average Americans and everything Obama and our America. I am very concerned about the hate fear and disinformation they are spreading throughout America as to our demise many are buying into it!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, April 12, 2010
Mission accomplished at last? Katyn why the Smolensk crash is horrific on horrific!
Katyn forest massacre
Poland mourns dead president
I know he was a Polish pilot but how trustworthy was he what was the politics and attitude towards Russia of the pilot of that old Russian aircraft? This is too much of an insult, too much pain on pain, too opportunistic, too convenient, too much "mission accomplished" to what Russia tried to do starting in 1940. To those of us who are WW2 history sleuths the plane crash into the forest near Smolensk killing Poland's President along with many of her leaders is beyond irony and tragedy.
As well as President Lech Kaczynski and his wife the heads of Poland's armed forces, the central bank governor, deputy ministers and 15 MPs were also among those killed when the jet tried to land in heavy fog and crashed in a forest. As you know, they were on there way to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the slaughter of some 25,000 Polish military and political leaders, and elite slaughtered by the Russian secret police during WW2. Katyn Forest Massacre
It was the 2000 polish army officers led into the Katyn forest and shot in the head that has been my focus over the years. The Russian's tried to blame it on the Nazi's who exhumed the bodies in 1943 to prove the officers were slaughtered by Russia who was trying to eradicate Poland's leaders to make it easier to control Poland after the war.
The Russian's in turn being the trustworthy people we know they are in turn exhumed the bodies to prove it was the Nazi's. I always believed it was Russia who finally admitted to it after the USSR fell apart. Nazi photos of the 1943 exhumations in Katyn Forest
Well they finally did it! Accident? This is too coincidental and opportunistic for me not to look at. I have not heard a word yet but I would be looking at the trustworthiness and politics of the pilot.He refused to listen to the towers warning and land elsewhere. Instead he crashed into the forest and finished the job started in 1940. What say you?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Poland mourns dead president
I know he was a Polish pilot but how trustworthy was he what was the politics and attitude towards Russia of the pilot of that old Russian aircraft? This is too much of an insult, too much pain on pain, too opportunistic, too convenient, too much "mission accomplished" to what Russia tried to do starting in 1940. To those of us who are WW2 history sleuths the plane crash into the forest near Smolensk killing Poland's President along with many of her leaders is beyond irony and tragedy.
As well as President Lech Kaczynski and his wife the heads of Poland's armed forces, the central bank governor, deputy ministers and 15 MPs were also among those killed when the jet tried to land in heavy fog and crashed in a forest. As you know, they were on there way to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the slaughter of some 25,000 Polish military and political leaders, and elite slaughtered by the Russian secret police during WW2. Katyn Forest Massacre
It was the 2000 polish army officers led into the Katyn forest and shot in the head that has been my focus over the years. The Russian's tried to blame it on the Nazi's who exhumed the bodies in 1943 to prove the officers were slaughtered by Russia who was trying to eradicate Poland's leaders to make it easier to control Poland after the war.
The Russian's in turn being the trustworthy people we know they are in turn exhumed the bodies to prove it was the Nazi's. I always believed it was Russia who finally admitted to it after the USSR fell apart. Nazi photos of the 1943 exhumations in Katyn Forest
Well they finally did it! Accident? This is too coincidental and opportunistic for me not to look at. I have not heard a word yet but I would be looking at the trustworthiness and politics of the pilot.He refused to listen to the towers warning and land elsewhere. Instead he crashed into the forest and finished the job started in 1940. What say you?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Bush's Middle East breakdown Sunni against Shiite continues, the latest!
Raw Video: Iraq Blasts Target Foreign Embassies
Three car bombs exploded in Baghdad the other day in a co-ordinated attack that killed at least 41 people and ended a period of relative calm. The suicide bombings appeared to have been aimed at foreign embassies. However they once again succeeded in killing only civilians. Relative calm I guess that is relative. 20 people were also injured in that relative calm.
There were also numerous bombs discovered around the city but were thwarted. The successful bombings were similar to co-coordinated attacks on Baghdad in August, October and December, when ministries and administrative buildings were struck, causing hundreds of deaths. In January three hotels were the targets.
Also as you know, in another incident this weekend men disguised in official uniforms entered Sufia village south of Baghdad and shot dead 25 people — all of whom were connected to the Sahwa or “awakening” movement. Sahwa has, since 2006, worked with American and Iraqi forces to defeat extremists. This is Nuri Al- Maliki's idea of security? There are still negotiations for a coalition Government but this is Sunni against Shiite, Arab interests against Iran, there will be no coalition Government period! At least 35 killed as triple car bomb hits Baghdad
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
The verdict is still out on Iran but an attack by Israel will unite them and would create hell for us in the Middle East. My claims of Bush wanting a Korea style force in Iraq that would result in a Custer's last stand in Iraq is right now in the balance and getting closer every day. It is time to get out! It is dead wrong thinking that Iraqi forces are competent enough to hold off Sunni insurgents, Shiite militias and other internal threats to the Iraqi government or that there will be equality.
There is no way! What about the Kurds who want their autonomy and they do not want to share their oil fields period. Nuri Al-Maliki wants that issue resolved and it will never be. Knowing that, Al-Maliki really concerns me saying we can stay after 2011 if the Iraqis require further training and support. Iraq PM admits US troops may stay
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East Sunni against Shiite. Bush had long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! That will never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Three car bombs exploded in Baghdad the other day in a co-ordinated attack that killed at least 41 people and ended a period of relative calm. The suicide bombings appeared to have been aimed at foreign embassies. However they once again succeeded in killing only civilians. Relative calm I guess that is relative. 20 people were also injured in that relative calm.
There were also numerous bombs discovered around the city but were thwarted. The successful bombings were similar to co-coordinated attacks on Baghdad in August, October and December, when ministries and administrative buildings were struck, causing hundreds of deaths. In January three hotels were the targets.
Also as you know, in another incident this weekend men disguised in official uniforms entered Sufia village south of Baghdad and shot dead 25 people — all of whom were connected to the Sahwa or “awakening” movement. Sahwa has, since 2006, worked with American and Iraqi forces to defeat extremists. This is Nuri Al- Maliki's idea of security? There are still negotiations for a coalition Government but this is Sunni against Shiite, Arab interests against Iran, there will be no coalition Government period! At least 35 killed as triple car bomb hits Baghdad
tuesday At least 7 blasts rip through Baghdad, killing 50 So far 119 killed in a 5 day spree!
I have to reiterate something I have said too many times since Bush chose to ignore all warnings of total civil war spreading throughout the entire Middle East so he could attack Iraq and straighten out the middle east as God spoke to him and instructed him to. Knowing we are hearing Rumors of Israel attacking Iran by years end and how that will unite Iran I have to wonder how that will further alter the breakdown in Iraq? Will they unite against Israel? Us?You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
The verdict is still out on Iran but an attack by Israel will unite them and would create hell for us in the Middle East. My claims of Bush wanting a Korea style force in Iraq that would result in a Custer's last stand in Iraq is right now in the balance and getting closer every day. It is time to get out! It is dead wrong thinking that Iraqi forces are competent enough to hold off Sunni insurgents, Shiite militias and other internal threats to the Iraqi government or that there will be equality.
There is no way! What about the Kurds who want their autonomy and they do not want to share their oil fields period. Nuri Al-Maliki wants that issue resolved and it will never be. Knowing that, Al-Maliki really concerns me saying we can stay after 2011 if the Iraqis require further training and support. Iraq PM admits US troops may stay
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East Sunni against Shiite. Bush had long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! That will never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
foriegn embassies,
Sectarian violence,
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Helmond province mullah's in London to bridge gap and learn, it's about time!
I love it; it is about time the right thing is finally being done. This just keeps looking better and better. The US and ground zero should be next. Seeing why we are what we are and why we are doing what we are doing is vey important to get them to realize we are not their enemy. We want to get rid of the threat of militant anti western Islam and go home. The sooner they realize that the better for all involved.
I know in the last misadministration we had the war mongers and complicit Tony Blaire but if they were ever serious about getting rid of the threat in Afghanistan and then going home they would have done this long ago. These are the most powerful and influential Mullah's in Helmond province and they are actually on our side wanting to see us succeed.
They were adamant they do not see Britain and its allies as occupiers. Haji Mulla Meherdell Kajar, chief imam of the Central Mosque in Lashkar Gah, says the foreign forces are doing what they can to help Afghanistan and are making huge sacrifices in the process. I am so psyched!
"They understand local propaganda says that the invaders want to destroy them and that illiterate people listen to the propaganda. However they know our forces were invited in to help overcome their problems coming from those that truly do want to control them. I am so psyched and stupefied that this was not done long ago.
Haji Mulla Meherdell Kajar and the other three Mullah's were amazed to hear from the BBC that some British Muslims want the international forces to pull out. Hajji Meherdell was emphatically against a premature withdrawal. Did I say I was psyched? This should be trumpeted top to bottom throughout Afghanistan.
"They understand that the Muslim brothers who say Britain should leave Afghanistan do not know Islam. Don't they know our whole country is at war? Furthermore they realize those that want perverted Sharia law are feeding the people lies.They should advise the British not to withdraw their forces until they bring stability, security and development to Afghanistan and then they can go." I love it spread the word!
What surprised the scholars most, though, was to find Muslims in every walk of life in Britain. Whether meeting them in the Foreign Office, or as security guards they had not known before that Muslims had jobs. They believed that Muslims were treated badly and not allowed to practice their religion. I am stupefied, no wonder they fear us.
They were particularly taken aback by the Afghan mosque London and watched as several hundred turned up to pray. Haji Mokhtar Aqqani the most senior religious figure in Helmand even addressed the congregation. That must have been a wake up and an honor for those attending, all of which often listen to extremists trying to get them to go to Afghanistan to fight. This is great!
In Afghanistan Haji Mokhtar Aqqani has spoken out against the Taliban, delivering radio messages condemning suicide bombings, and issued a fatwa against the growing of poppies. However even he still thought that Muslims in the UK could not go to the mosque. I just absolutely love this as it keeps getting better and better.
After prayers Mullah Aqqani told the BBC that People in Helmand say that in Britain there are no mosques and no freedom to worship because that is the crap they are fed. He was really surprised to see so many people come and pray here freely and will take that message back home." The scholars went to other mosques in Birmingham and London. It is called religious freedom, go home and spread the word so we can go home.
By the end of the trip, Haji Meherdell concluded: "We have found true Islam in this country, a peaceful tolerant society where Muslims are not harmed, the opposite of what the Taliban and insurgents tell us." Time to go hack to Afghanistan and tell the people the truth. This should just be a beginning and the US should be next so they can see the same in the US and realize we have nothing against them and want to go home and have a peaceful fruitful relationship with them now and in the future. Helmond province mullah's in London to bridge gap and learn
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Turkey on the crossroad or in the crosshairs? Turkey asks Germany for help if EU bid stalls
Turkey asks Germany for help if EU bid stalls
We just discussed this! We need Turkey, the EU needs Turkey, the world needs Turkey. However the US and the EU as you know has long frustrated Turkey. Supposedly she is turning towards Iran but while we tighten sanctions and money Iran is using Turkey to fill the void but in the end Iran as you know will go her own way and Turkey will stay with us.
I again reiterate the whole story: Turkey's future is tied to a pipeline!
It really drives me crazy but the more you research the more you realize all throughout the middle east, Georgia, Afghanistan, everywhere, all the wars and controversy can be tied back to gas and oil. Russia's interest in Iran in numerous and as such is not singular to nuclear cooperation. You might have already known Russia was also interested in Iran's gas and oil but an interesting possible relationship and cooperation just dawned on me.
I am sure you remember Russia creating a crisis recently shutting off Europe's gas and oil supply after its confrontation with Georgia, that and the fact that Turkey has long desired and endeavored to become a member of the European Union. This opens up a win, win for all involved!
* Center pin Turkey, King pin Russia, center pin Iran! Winner US, European Union, Iran, Russia, and all our union and future! Remember the missile defense shield President Obama killed as an issue by switching to the Aegis? The missile Defense shield was starting to look like a necessity with N Korea in pressing on missiles capable of carrying war heads and the ability to reach Hawaii or so we hear. Iran we still do not know about but they will not compromise their nuclear desires so with a responsible credible ally if Russia is one, the responsibility to ensure Iran's real intentions would be there's under scrutiny of course. There is room here.
** The winners in all this is everyone, but Turkey and the EU above all! Russia wants the franchise for Iran's gas and oil! Turkey is at the crossroads of the middle east and the European Union. This is a major point for compromise in all our problems! Give Russia the franchise, the EU lets Turkey join in turn for Turkey allowing a pipeline from Iran through Turkey into the EU. Everyone wins! A win, win for all and a chance for us to move into the future as one.
I reiterate the future is up to a pipeline!
In the Middle East we have been living a total lie from 9/11 on! You have not heard the truth once! Not on the events of 9/11, the Anthrax attacks which scared Congress to pass the so called Patriot Act and give Bush the abusive power he needed to attack Afghanistan for not allowing his pipeline through Afghanistan. The only remaining obstacle on 9-11 was the remaining agreement between the Taliban and Bridas Corporation. The Bush Administration, Congress, many in our major media, and even the 9-11 Commission and Cheney Energy Task Force all know about Bridas Corporation because that Argentine oil and gas company was standing in the way of our US oil companies and UK oil companies. The Caspian Basin oil is landlocked and there are only so many ways to get that oil out of the ground, to the ocean ports and into your gas tanks or home heating oil tanks.
What a coincidence huh? There is the direct route from Turkmenistan across Iran to the ocean, but that is not politically popular since the overthrow of the Shah of Iran many years ago. There is: 1.) the route across the Caspian Sea westward, which is extremely costly; and through Azerbaijan through Turkey to the Mediterranean; and 2.) from Turkmenistan through Georgia to the Black Sea; and 3.) through the Ukraine to Europe; and 4.) the Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the ocean. Until one of those solutions was in place, the holes being drilled into the ground by British Petroleum, Chevron, Exxon and others could not go anywhere and could not produce revenues for those companies. A route northward through Russia would put US oil companies at risk to changes in Russian politics and the Eastward route through China was not deemed secure enough since China is soon to become the second largest user of petroleum in the world after the United States.
Many of us have said numerous times that Bush was advised before hand that if he attacked Iraq he would destabilize the Middle East. He knew before he ignored all good advice that the neighbors would get involved and they are. He knew that it was most likely that Iraq would be divvied up between the Kurds, the Sunni's, and the Shiite and it will be. In the past I have written extensively the entire Middle East would blow and then the entire world would be involved in war.
I know that both Turkey and Iran are fighting Kurds that are looking for Autonomy but never really thought that a free Kurdistan would encompass areas of Iran and Turkey as well as Iraq. Knowing the close American Kurdish relationship I really have to rethink what Bush's real goal was here after I discovered an old story. Tell me what you think!
Kurdistan Observer: A Free Kurdistan! Recent nuances and nudges in government policy as well as tacit support for the most obscene anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism by the ruling political party of Turkey ought to cause the United States to begin to rethink its comprehensive policy toward Asia in general and toward one non-Arab minority in Iraq in particular: the Kurds. What, today, is the most intractable political problem in Iraq? It is the very real political and religious aims of Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish regions of the nation. Since the inception of Operation Iraqi Freedom, President Bush maintained that the unity of the nation of Iraq was non-negotiable. In politics and in war, however, nothing should be non-negotiable.
This sounds vaguely familiar but Iraq is not a nation in any real sense, it was rather three separate concentration camps each with differing degrees of oppression. An answer? Maybe but there are numerous counties involved and they all want their answer as a result there will be none I am afraid because peace and prosperity is not the goal but getting ones way and individual National Sovereignty is!
The US needs Turkey for its Middle East policy but it is obvious the rest of the world does too. Turkey and the world are at a crossroads which way will we go!? Let Turkey join the European Union! There are drawbacks as membership would give them freedom in the rest of the member countries but it can be managed and I think there are more positives than negatives.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
We just discussed this! We need Turkey, the EU needs Turkey, the world needs Turkey. However the US and the EU as you know has long frustrated Turkey. Supposedly she is turning towards Iran but while we tighten sanctions and money Iran is using Turkey to fill the void but in the end Iran as you know will go her own way and Turkey will stay with us.
I again reiterate the whole story: Turkey's future is tied to a pipeline!
It really drives me crazy but the more you research the more you realize all throughout the middle east, Georgia, Afghanistan, everywhere, all the wars and controversy can be tied back to gas and oil. Russia's interest in Iran in numerous and as such is not singular to nuclear cooperation. You might have already known Russia was also interested in Iran's gas and oil but an interesting possible relationship and cooperation just dawned on me.
I am sure you remember Russia creating a crisis recently shutting off Europe's gas and oil supply after its confrontation with Georgia, that and the fact that Turkey has long desired and endeavored to become a member of the European Union. This opens up a win, win for all involved!
* Center pin Turkey, King pin Russia, center pin Iran! Winner US, European Union, Iran, Russia, and all our union and future! Remember the missile defense shield President Obama killed as an issue by switching to the Aegis? The missile Defense shield was starting to look like a necessity with N Korea in pressing on missiles capable of carrying war heads and the ability to reach Hawaii or so we hear. Iran we still do not know about but they will not compromise their nuclear desires so with a responsible credible ally if Russia is one, the responsibility to ensure Iran's real intentions would be there's under scrutiny of course. There is room here.
** The winners in all this is everyone, but Turkey and the EU above all! Russia wants the franchise for Iran's gas and oil! Turkey is at the crossroads of the middle east and the European Union. This is a major point for compromise in all our problems! Give Russia the franchise, the EU lets Turkey join in turn for Turkey allowing a pipeline from Iran through Turkey into the EU. Everyone wins! A win, win for all and a chance for us to move into the future as one.
I reiterate the future is up to a pipeline!
In the Middle East we have been living a total lie from 9/11 on! You have not heard the truth once! Not on the events of 9/11, the Anthrax attacks which scared Congress to pass the so called Patriot Act and give Bush the abusive power he needed to attack Afghanistan for not allowing his pipeline through Afghanistan. The only remaining obstacle on 9-11 was the remaining agreement between the Taliban and Bridas Corporation. The Bush Administration, Congress, many in our major media, and even the 9-11 Commission and Cheney Energy Task Force all know about Bridas Corporation because that Argentine oil and gas company was standing in the way of our US oil companies and UK oil companies. The Caspian Basin oil is landlocked and there are only so many ways to get that oil out of the ground, to the ocean ports and into your gas tanks or home heating oil tanks.
What a coincidence huh? There is the direct route from Turkmenistan across Iran to the ocean, but that is not politically popular since the overthrow of the Shah of Iran many years ago. There is: 1.) the route across the Caspian Sea westward, which is extremely costly; and through Azerbaijan through Turkey to the Mediterranean; and 2.) from Turkmenistan through Georgia to the Black Sea; and 3.) through the Ukraine to Europe; and 4.) the Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the ocean. Until one of those solutions was in place, the holes being drilled into the ground by British Petroleum, Chevron, Exxon and others could not go anywhere and could not produce revenues for those companies. A route northward through Russia would put US oil companies at risk to changes in Russian politics and the Eastward route through China was not deemed secure enough since China is soon to become the second largest user of petroleum in the world after the United States.
Many of us have said numerous times that Bush was advised before hand that if he attacked Iraq he would destabilize the Middle East. He knew before he ignored all good advice that the neighbors would get involved and they are. He knew that it was most likely that Iraq would be divvied up between the Kurds, the Sunni's, and the Shiite and it will be. In the past I have written extensively the entire Middle East would blow and then the entire world would be involved in war.
I know that both Turkey and Iran are fighting Kurds that are looking for Autonomy but never really thought that a free Kurdistan would encompass areas of Iran and Turkey as well as Iraq. Knowing the close American Kurdish relationship I really have to rethink what Bush's real goal was here after I discovered an old story. Tell me what you think!
Kurdistan Observer: A Free Kurdistan! Recent nuances and nudges in government policy as well as tacit support for the most obscene anti-Semitism and anti-Americanism by the ruling political party of Turkey ought to cause the United States to begin to rethink its comprehensive policy toward Asia in general and toward one non-Arab minority in Iraq in particular: the Kurds. What, today, is the most intractable political problem in Iraq? It is the very real political and religious aims of Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish regions of the nation. Since the inception of Operation Iraqi Freedom, President Bush maintained that the unity of the nation of Iraq was non-negotiable. In politics and in war, however, nothing should be non-negotiable.
This sounds vaguely familiar but Iraq is not a nation in any real sense, it was rather three separate concentration camps each with differing degrees of oppression. An answer? Maybe but there are numerous counties involved and they all want their answer as a result there will be none I am afraid because peace and prosperity is not the goal but getting ones way and individual National Sovereignty is!
The US needs Turkey for its Middle East policy but it is obvious the rest of the world does too. Turkey and the world are at a crossroads which way will we go!? Let Turkey join the European Union! There are drawbacks as membership would give them freedom in the rest of the member countries but it can be managed and I think there are more positives than negatives.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
European Union,
middle east,
Turkey at the crossroads
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