After numerous discussions on Bush's fascist ambitions and yesterday's comments I decided to post today's updates in Bush's quest to control us and the world! We must wake up the country!
In regard to Bush's Kosovo intervention: Serbia's foreign minister urged members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation to condemn Kosovo's declaration of independence and vowed Tuesday that the nascent nation would remain a part of Serbia."We call on this body to condemn the unilateral and illegal declaration of independence by the authorities in Pristina from the Republic of Serbia by reaffirming the OSCE's basic principles and values," Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic said. Jeremic also appeared to lash out at countries who choose to recognize Kosovo.
"History will judge those who have chosen to trample the bedrock of the international system, and on the principles upon which security and cooperation in Europe have been established," he said. By declaring independence unilaterally, Kosovo contravened international agreements, including the U.N. Charter, Jeremic said. "If this violation of the very nature of the international system is not wrong, then nothing is wrong," he said, acknowledging that some countries had chosen to ignore "this universal truth."
He had said Monday that Serbia would seek to block Kosovo from gaining diplomatic recognition and membership to international organizations, including the OSCE. Since the organization operates by consensus, it takes just one country to block such a move. "As such, we must act on the courage of our convictions, condemn the unilateral declaration of independence by the Kosovo Albanians and make sure that Kosovo is not granted a seat at the OSCE table," Jeremic said. We cannot give them sovereignty. ... For us, Kosovo is the crucible of our identity, it is the essential link between our past and our future," he said.
Kosovo's declaration of independence on Sunday came after two years of fruitless talks between Serbian and ethnic Albanian leaders. "The Republic of Serbia did not consent, has not consented, will not consent. For Kosovo and Metohija shall remain part of Serbia forever," Jeremic told the OSCE. Speaking to reporters later, Jeremic added that any kind of compensation offer for the loss of Kosovo was nothing but an "extremely indecent proposal." "There's absolutely no way that Serbia would be prepared to exchange Kosovo for anything," including EU membership, Jeremic said. Serbia considers Kosovo its historic and religious heartland. While it is willing to agree to wide autonomy for Kosovo, it refuses to give it up entirely. Jeremic warned that countries or organizations that recognize Kosovo would have to face the consequences.
Serbia in no uncertain terms condemns Kosovo IndependenceBush doesn't care if China, Russia and others warn of disrupting Global order. That is his goal!
Superpower Divide Over Kosovo WidensMeanwhile Bush again smugly and purposely looks for world war and ignores
Russia's warnings of destroying world orderAt the same time President Pervez Musharraf’s leading opponents urged him to resign today as they jockeyed for position in a new coalition government after winning parliamentary elections that dramatically altered Pakistan’s political landscape (write Jeremy Page in Lahore and Zahid Hussain in Islamabad). But the former General, who seized power in a coup in 1999, refused to quit despite unofficial election results showing that the Pakistan Muslim League (Q), his political support base, had lost all but 38 of its 118 seats in parliament.
Musharraf will bring down his country too Thanks to Bush purposely destroying world order so he can emplace his version it will continue unabated. Now that Fidel has stepped down Chavez who is supporting Cuba better really start worrying because his death would kill to birds with one stone or so Bush thinks. It would in fact bring total chaos to two more areas as Bush is now going to actively
instigate Cuba towards DemocracyHe is looking for another success in his failed world Democratization program as he creates total disorder so he can take total control of us to fight and emplace his new world (dis)order.
Towards this end The American civil liberties Union has asked the nation's highest court to make clear that Bush does not have the power under the U.S. Constitution to engage in intelligence surveillance within the United States that Congress has expressly prohibited. And since they are in Bush's pocket
The Supreme court won't review Bush domestic spying case
Bush will not quit as he has the entire world in turmoil and it is just beginning. He will soon have more than enough cause to Declare martial order to control us and fight his future wars! We must come together if we are to save our country. Towards that end I want you to read below the fold what is coming up to educate the people as to what Bush is getting ready to do and you can put in your two cents.
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Martial Law, Concentration Camps, and Fascism: Are These Real Concerns To Americans?
Within the next two to three weeks, Justanothercoverup will be expanding the category “# S 1959, Endgame, Martial Law, DHS, NSA, Fascism” by adding articles from all over the Internet that present varying thoughts on these subjects as well as the best way to survive a declaration of Martial Law. We also plan to offer specific materials, available from this site, that will be a compilation of facts and hypothesis from the leading authorities who have had the courage to speak-up on this issue.
There have always been those who are complacent and “believe it could never happen to us,” but a close reading and analysis of Bush’s recent administrative and executive orders seem to speak otherwise, and for those attempting to survive, it will be our mission to provide the best the Internet has to offer in suggestions, methods, and the actual probabilities of what such an action would entail and how it would manifest itself upon the population. We are taking these steps because we have identified a remarkable trend in the composition of visitors that regularly peruse this site.
In the last three (3) months, approximately 80% of our visitors have been looking into Senate Bill S 1959, the Senate’s Sister Bill HR1955, which was passed in the House of Representatives and now is in committee, supposedly awaiting Senate (sic) confirmation. Americans appear to be extremely concerned with this odious Bill, the prospect(s) for Martial Law, Concentration Camps that are rapidly being built and maintained in the continental United States, and the general militarization of corporate and local law enforcement agencies.
If we couple those facts with NSA turning their spy satellites on US citizens, the situation appears to becoming worse, not better, and millions of Americans are reading-up on the subject and attempting to gauge the severity of the threat if one actually exists - and unfortunately, Martial Law could easily present itself without warning and at any time, today, next year, or never.The “Webalizer” program, which is an internal counter program provided by BlueHost indicates that since December of 2007, Justanothercoverup has received 1,723,608 hits which resulted in 245,460 page views conducted by 106,455 visitors.
The “AwStats” counter program, also provided by BlueHost indicates that during the same time period, JAC received 1,499,436 Hits which resulted in 212,345 page views by 87,842 visitors. Finally, the StatCounter Program, which is from England, collects a lot of valuable information on where the hits originated from as well as which article the subscriber is reading and how long they visited the site, but doesn’t indicate total number of hits, and the statistics is does count are only those who enter the site with their cookies turned-on;
These are the Statcounter statistics for the same time-period: 88,682 Visitors who read 66,675 pages.If we take the Statcounter figures, which are the lowest of all, that equates to an average of 29,560 average visitors per month for December, January, and I also counted February - which isn’t even over yet! In consideration that many of these articles have been posted on high-traffic sites throughout the Internet, it stands clear that this is a subject that America is interested in and demands information to prove or disprove its existence.
The preponderance of the evidence, including contracts awarded to KBR by FEMA indicate that internment camps are being built, however the exact details of DHS’s “EndGame” remain unclear, and as we approach a Presidential election, it is this author’s opinion that these allegations and facts should be a part of the debate process. If S 1959 isn’t made to be a campaign issue, especially in consideration that many aspects of this program are already being implemented LINK, “we the people” are selling ourselves short and electing an individual that could potentially enslave the country just as the Bush administration can now do with the singular stroke of the pen!
This is a matter that affects every American in existence yet despite its seriousness and the general interest of the public, there is still a mainstream news media blackout on the issue which was courageously broken on February the 4th, 2008 by the San Francisco Chronicle when they published the story, “Rule by fear or rule by law?”. Many of us had hoped this “crack in the dam” of the MSM might lead to a flood of news coverage and commentary on S 1959 and the prospects of Martial Law, however, as usual, our cowardly and ineffective MSM stood mute in cowardice as the San Francisco Chronicle gave them a lead-in to a story that the bulk of Americans want to hear - IN GREAT DETAIL!
I’m sure the SF Chronicle has noted the huge amount of traffic they have received in regard this subject, something the rest of the MSM should take into consideration!There is no question or doubt that this is a subject that is arousing the interest of countless millions of Americans. If there wasn’t a press blackout on the issue, maybe it wouldn’t be such a big deal, however, when our own government won’t address the concerns of millions of curious citizens - it then becomes a matter of interest to all who care about the secretive nature in which our government is currently operating under, and has for the past seven years.
President Bush and Congress are not passing these measures because they don’t have anything better to do, and to insult us by stating this program is designed to cope with “illegal immigrants” is a slap in the face of any American that has more than an ounce of intelligence! If illegal immigrants were the issue, the southern border would have been secured long ago and the President wouldn’t be attempting to expand the guest-worker program and further allow America’s farm wages to be driven even lower by foreign labor. LINKWe have invested in written as well as electronic materials, and after analyzing and perusing all that’s available we hope to offer a meaningful plan of action if martial law becomes a reality and what you can do to insure your family’s survival in times that will fall well within the meaning of chaos and anarchy. Please keep in mind that a declaration of martial law would likely strip stores bare in a matter of hours and would severely disrupt the service sector, a guarantee that food will not reach the grocer’s shelves for a very long time.
President Bush’s Executive Orders have granted the military permission to seize all of your food and water, so it won’t be as easy as stocking-up food, but having the wherewithal to hide it where it can’t be easily found. The situation we face is complicated and could be the result of political instability, a terrorist attack, or a severe natural disaster, all of which Bush has cataloged as “reasons” to declare martial law. Any author that would like to write on this subject is invited to contact Justanothercoverup and your contribution will be considered, and if it’s appropriate, published with any desired author credits.
These materials are meant to be provided as a public service, and while it’s understandable some of those referenced materials may be proprietary in nature, they will only be selected for inclusion on this site if they are priced in a manner where it’s relatively easy for anyone to afford. Our survival as a people when faced with fascism or a theocratic version thereof cannot be measured in dollars and cents, and like it or not, it is the poor and lower middle-class who shall suffer the worst, so any reference materials contained herein will have to be relatively inexpensive.
William Cormier