Congress is complicit in our facade of Democracy while we criticize others meanwhile Arlen Specter wants to investigate the patriots? WTF?
A U.S.-based human rights group says despots around the world are attempting to pass themselves off as democrats, and in far too many cases are not being challenged by the world's established democracies. VOA's Michael Bowman reports from Washington, where Human Rights Watch released its annual report on the state of human rights across the globe. First the good news: according to Human Rights Watch, many leaders have come to recognize the value of being seen as defenders of democracy. As a brand name, "democrat" has never been more popular. But that is only the beginning of the story. "The bad news is that established democracies are letting autocrats pass themselves off as democrats," said Human Rights Watch Director Kenneth Roth. He said the last year has seen a "cheapening or degradation" of democracy.
"Democracy has come to be seen as the key to legitimacy. We see leaders playing rhetorical games. And so you have [Russian President Vladimir] Putin talking about 'sovereign' democracy, where the sovereign in question seems to be himself. You have the Burmese generals talking about 'disciplined' democracy. China discussing 'socialist' democracy. Or [Pakistani President Pervez] Musharraf, in his audacity, talking about 'genuine' democracy as he imposes emergency rule," he said. Speaking at Washington's National Press Club, Roth accused established democracies like the United States of complicity in the charade.
"Perhaps the best illustration of the way that the natural defenders of democracy - the major Western democracies - are lowering the bar on what it takes to enter the club of democracies was the way that President Bush responded to General Musharraf's declaration of emergency rule in Pakistan. Musharraf detained thousands of opposition figures. He shut down part of the press. Judges were dismissed, undermining the rule of law. Yet President Bush said that Musharraf had somehow not crossed the line [gone too far]. He noted that Musharraf believes in democracy. That he is on the road to democracy. Now if the road to democracy includes locking up one's opponents, silencing the press, and undermining the rule of law, it is easy to see why every tyrant around the world thinks that he, too, might be able to qualify as a democrat," he said. The US no longer has the moral authority
* Of course the White House dismissed any suggestion that the United States has ceased to be an effective advocate of human rights. we are no longer a Democracy ourselves. It is merely a moniker used to interfere around the world. as i watch the world faling apart not just on a Government level but on an environmental level around the United States, throughout China, and the world, think about this! Iraq continues to blow as we heard another 100 dead yesyerday in Bush's success. The middle east continues to blow due to Bush's so called Democratization. Iran is getting closer to war with Bush because he wants his version od Democracy there. afghanistan is failing because of Bush.
* Bush has lied daily to get what he wants and Congress and the Senate being complicit allows him to to what he wants taking control of us and the world. He destroys what he wants and then covers it up and Congress fails to hold him accountable. I don't understand! As I watch Bush daily destroy our Democracy enabled by the complicit Senate and interfering in every country around the world we hear that he has been destroying all emeils and tapes for at least the last 5 years. Thousands ant it is denied and thats it
* The world is falling apart the country is falling apart, our ecomy is collapsing, we are told our national guard are inadequate to rescue us if needed and our so called Politicians allow it to happen and just play friggen games. Unbelievably to me With the Super Bowl fast approaching, a powerful Republican senator says he wants the NFL to explain why it let evidence of the New England Patriots cheating scandal be destroyed. "I am very concerned about the underlying facts on the taping, the reasons for the judgment on the limited penalties and, most of all, on the inexplicable destruction of the tapes," said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., in a Thursday letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. BS!
* Specter is the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. NFL security confiscated a video camera and tape from a Patriots employee during New England's 38-14 victory over the New York Jets. The employee was accused of aiming his camera at the Jets' defensive coaches as they signaled to players on the field.Goodell fined New England coach Bill Belichick $500,000, the maximum amount and docked the team $250,000 and a first-round draft pick. It was the biggest fine ever for a coach and would be the first time in NFL history a first-round draft pick has been confiscated as a penalty. After its investigation, the NFL said it destroyed all materials it received from the Patriots. The Patriots play Sunday in the Super Bowl against the New York Giants. He's being an ass hole about it
** I don't friggen get it! I love sports as much as anyone but who the hell cares? The country is falling apart, Bush is stealing total control over us, and our complicit Politicians enable it all doing nothing. Instead they waste their friggen time investigating steroid use in baseball, inappropriate activity in football, because it is heathen and unconscionable to spoil our sports but it is okay to destroy our America and they do nothing. I don't friggen get it!
Goodell should just tell Specter it is a National (League) Security issue, and claim Executive Privilege. That always shuts Specter up when Bush says it to him.
I was just listening to Goodell! He made total sense but those bastards can be relentless in their quest to appear like their doing something good. I mean what the hell!
Meanwhile like you said, they let the idiot destroy us. I am peeved that they continue to play these ass hole childish games while the real work goes and done and we're rapidly going down the tubes.
All we can do, my friend, is keep bangin' on the drum.
I know and we will not stop but how the hell do we get these idiots to stop playing worthless games and do their job. Take care of the country and the average citizen. Wer'e falling apart and along with Bush they are responsible. Regardess of party we have got to get rid of all these worthless so called public servants.
How do you like this Jim:
Stepford Republicans: All Caught on Tape!
by Jeff Cohen
“The Stepford Wives” tells the chilling story of once smart, independent women who get abducted and turned into tamed, mindless robots.
I have a theory about a similarly subversive process that turns grown men once capable of independent and reasoned thought into robotic extremists. Call them Stepford Republicans. The nefarious transformation always occurs before the individual gets close to becoming a Republican president or vice president.
Stepford Wives become robotically subservient only to their husbands; they pose no threat to the rest of us. But Stepford Republicans become subservient to right-wing forces of corporatism, war and prejudice. Once converted into mindless ideologues, Stepford Republicans are a threat to us all.
The prototype of a Stepford Republican is President Ronald Reagan. After his apparent abduction and alteration, he became an instrument of corporate power in the White House: union-busting, downsizing, cutting school lunch funding. This is the Reagan many remember: champion of the overdog.
But when Reagan was still a sentient being, he was actually a bleeding-heart advocate for working people. He denounced budget cuts (”millions of children have been deprived of milk once provided through the federal school lunch program”) and tax cuts that “benefit the higher income brackets alone.” He assailed corporate profiteering, and labeled a top Republican “the banner carrier for Wall Street.” He hailed unions and complained that “labor has been handcuffed by the vicious Taft-Hartley law.”
In other words, before he was robotized, Ronald Reagan could be a warm, compassionate human being - and I offer a remarkable tape to prove my theory.
Many Americans have long suspected that Vice President Dick Cheney is an android. What they may not know is that - before being Stepfordized into a neoconservative drone - he was capable of non-ideological thought that would allow him to choose a peace option over war, able to use human reason to figure out why invading Iraq would inevitably lead to “quagmire.” This short video clip offers compelling evidence.
Today, Mitt Romney is such a robotically rabid spouter of social-conservative dogma that he’s won the praise of radio rightists like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham. Offered as evidence of his Stepfordization is this video revealing a once human and tolerant Romney who seemed to care deeply about women’s rights and abortion rights, and resisted any connection to the policies of Reagan-Bush. It was this pre-abduction Romney who boasted that he would do more for gay equality than Ted Kennedy.
John McCain was also horrifically rewired toward servile courtship of the Religious Right. Dramatic evidence of McCain’s Stepfordization is caught on video: “Before” footage shows you a strong human speaking bravely against right-wing “agents of intolerance” like Jerry Falwell; “after” footage reveals a lifeless, docile tool of those same forces.
Perhaps you can’t accept my theory - despite the powerful taped evidence I offer - that these Republican icons are victims of Stepford-like abduction and transplant.
If so, I’d like to hear an alternative theory as to why these individuals betray their own principles or intellect - why they turn themselves into fawning servants of economic forces or ideologies or social movements they once abhorred.
The blind pursuit of power, you say? I’m simply unwilling to believe that human beings - even top Republicans - are so inherently opportunistic and corrupt.
Check this out Jim:
The Evolution of Evil
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Perhaps a global political apocalypse has already arrived.
Activists and dissidents should understand that evil forces and tyrannical governments have evolved. Just as human knowledge and science expand, so do the strategies and instruments used by rulers, elites and plutocrats. By learning from history and using new technology they have smarter tools of tyranny. The best ones prevent uprisings, revolutions and political reforms. Rather than violently destroy rebellious movements, they let them survive as marginalized and ineffective efforts that divert and sap the energy of nonconformist and rebellious thinkers. Real revolution remains an energy-draining dream, as evil forces thrive.
Most corrupt and legally sanctioned forms of tyranny hide in plain sight as democracies with free elections. The toughest lesson is that ALL elections are distractions. Nothing conceals tyranny better than elections. Few Americans accept that their government has become a two-party plutocracy run by a rich and powerful ruling class. The steady erosion of the rule of law is masked by everyday consumer freedoms. Because people want to be happy and hopeful, we have an epidemic of denial, especially in the present presidential campaign. But to believe that any change-selling politician or shift in party control will overturn the ruling class is the epitome of self-delusion and false hope. In the end, such wishful thinking perpetuates plutocracy. Proof is that plutocracy has flourished despite repeated change agents, promises of reform and partisan shifts.
The tools of real rebellion are weak. Activists and dissidents look back and see successful rebellions and revolutions and think that when today’s victims of tyranny experience enough pain and see enough political stink they too will revolt. This is wrong. They think that the Internet spreads information and inspiration to the masses, motivating them to revolt. This is wrong. They await catastrophic economic or environmental collapse to spur rebellion. This too is wrong.
Why are these beliefs wrong? Power elites have an arsenal of weapons to control and manipulate social, political and economic systems globally: corruption of public officials that make elections a sham; corporate mainstream media that turn news into propaganda; manipulation of financial markets that create fear for the public and profits for the privileged; false free trade globalization that destroys the middle class; rising economic inequality that keep the masses time-poor and financially insecure; intense marketing of pharmaceuticals that keep people passive; and addictive consumerism, entertainment and gambling that keep people distracted and pacified.
The biggest challenge for dissidents and rebels is to avoid feel-good therapeutic activism having virtually no chance of removing evil and tyranny. Idealism without practicality tactics without lofty goals, and symbolic protests pose no threat to power elites. Anger and outrage require great strategic thinking from leaders seeking revolution, not mere change. And social entrepreneurs that use business and management skills to tackle genuine social problems do nothing to achieve political reforms. To the extent they achieve results they end up removing interest in overthrowing political establishments that have allowed the problems to fester.
What is the new tool of tyranny? Technological connectivity achieved through advanced communications and computer systems, especially the rise of wireless connectivity. The global message to the masses is simple: Buy electronic products to stay plugged in. Connectivity may give pleasure, but it gives even more power to elites, rulers and plutocrats. It allows them to coordinate their efforts through invisible cabals, to closely monitor everything that ordinary people and dissidents do, and to cooperatively and clandestinely adjust social, financial and political systems to maintain stability and dominance.
In this dystopian world all systems are integrated to serve upper class elites and the corporate state, not ordinary people. When ordinary people spend their money to be more shackled to connectivity products, they become unwitting victims of largely invisible governmental and corporate oppressive forces. They are oblivious that their technological seduction exacerbates their political and economic exploitation. Though some 70 percent believe the country is on the wrong track, they fail to see the deeper causes of the trend. And if Americans were really happy and content with their consumer culture, then why are they stuffing themselves with so many antidepressants, sleeping pills and totally unhealthy foods? In truth, the vast majority of people are in denial about the rotten system they are trapped in (aka The Matrix). They are manipulated to keep hope alive through voting, despite the inability of past elections to stop the slide into economic serfdom.
Increasingly, the little-discussed phenomenon of economic apartheid ensures that elites live their lavish lives safely in physically separated ways. Concurrently, economic inequality rises, as the rich extract unusually high fractions of global wealth. When the rich get richer, the powerful get stronger. Does some economic prosperity trickles down to the poorest people? Perversely, the middle class is moved into the lower class. In this new physics of evil, wealth transfer is not from the rich to the poor, but from the middle class in wealthier countries to the poor in developing nations, where a few new billionaires join the global plutocracy.
Some data on economic inequality: The after-tax income of the top 1 percent of Americans rose 228 percent from 1979 through 2005, while middle class income remained flat over the last 4 decades. The richest 0.01 percent of earners made 5.1 percent of all income in 2005, up more than 300 percent from just 1.2 percent in 1960. Bad economic times like the present just exacerbate inequality. Even as most Wall Street companies lost billions in the sub-prime mortgage debacle after they had already made billions, they gave obscene bonuses to their employees: the average topped $180,000 for 2007, tripling the $61,000 in 2002. Scholars used to predict that high levels of economic inequality like we have today would lead to rebellion. But there are now insufficient tools and paths for rebellion, because the plutocracy has eliminated them. Instead, citizens are offered elections whose outcomes can be controlled and subverted by the ruling class.
The New World Order is getting what it wants: a stable two-class system, with the lower class serving the elitist upper class. The paradox is that along with rising economic inequality and apartheid is mounting consumerism and materialism that is used to pacify, distract and control the masses. That’s where easy credit and cheap products from low-wage nations are critical. The poor can have cell phones, 24-7 Internet access and increasingly cars, while the bejeweled upper class travel in private jets and yachts, vacation on private islands, and have several gated mansions maintained by servants and guarded by private police. We have a technologically advanced form of medieval society. It is working in the US and China and most other places. Elections just mask economic tyranny and slavery.
The ruling class knows how to maintain stability. Keep the masses distracted, fearful, brainwashed, insecure, and dependent on government and business sectors for survival. Train people to see themselves as relatively free consumers. Maintain the myth that ordinary people can become wealthy and join the ruling class, which theoretically is not impossible, but of no statistical significance for the masses.
There are no easy paths to restore power to the people. But here are three strategies worth considering. First, the real power of the masses is as consumers, not as voters, workers, activists, or Internet users. Weakened unions, globalization, technology, and illegal immigration have sapped the power of workers. National economies, especially the US, depend on consumers. Suspensions in discretionary consumer spending used as a political weapon could force reforms. But curbing personal spending and saving money has become a rare form of civil disobedience. Consumers buy stuff when they want it, not when they can afford it. Rulers have replaced chains with debt and no political leader in a very long time has championed economic rebellion.
Second, because they are more a tool of tyranny than rebellion, the masses should stop giving credibility and legitimacy to faux democracies by boycotting elections. Plutocrats cleverly equate patriotism and good citizenship with voting while at the same time ensuring that no genuine change agents can succeed even if elected. All election results can be subverted by the forces of corruption. Those promising change, like Barack Obama, do not pose a lethal threat to forces of evil and corruption. Sadly, refusing to vote in corrupt political systems is another worthy but unpopular form of civil disobedience. The compulsion to vote is a political narcotic that sustains democratic tyranny.
Third, people must seek forms of direct democracy that give them political power. National ballot measures and initiatives are needed to make laws, impose spending mandates and recall elected officials. A most important tool is constitutional conventions outside the control of status quo preservationists to obtain systemic reforms that governments will never provide, as explained for the US at www.foavc.org. No greater example of ruling class power exists than the absence of massive public demands for using what the Founders gave Americans in Article V: the convention option to circumvent and fix the federal government that – amazingly – has never been used, and that no presidential candidate has supported, including constitutional champion Ron Raul.
[Joel S. Hirschhorn can be reached through www.delusionaldemocracy.com; he is a co-founder of Friends of the Article V Convention at www.foavc.org.]
Can't argue with this Jim:
Stagflation is Here
by Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay
War—after all, what is it that the people get? Why—widows, taxes, wooden legs and debt.
Samuel B. Pettengill
"Armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.
James Madison, 4th U.S. President (April 20, 1795)
"Let me issue and control a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws".
Nathan Rothschild, 1791
Last summer, I observed that there was a "solvency crisis" underneath the ongoing subprime mortgage liquidity squeeze. Central banks can alleviate a "liquidity crisis", but they cannot solve a solvency crisis.
Last year also, before the events, I warned that the U.S. was heading toward stagflation.
This was due to three fundamental factors.
First, the structural fiscal imbalances of the federal budget in a period of prosperity, as a result of the Bush-Cheney administration's continuous deficit spending linked to the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and to its large tax cuts;
Second, the over-indebtedness of the overall U.S. economy coupled with an overall saving rate close to zero (in 1981, it was 12 percent), and, as a consequence, the rapidly increasing foreign debt of the U.S.; and,
Third, the required decline in the U.S. dollar to reverse and correct the deteriorating American balance of payments. The second factor was a harbinger of less consumer spending in the coming months while the third factor would stoke the fire of overall inflation. And with already high budget deficits, there would be less leeway for an aggressive fiscal policy to sustain economic activity. The table was thus set for a bout of stagflation, i.e. slow growth and rising inflation.
Now, stagflation is here. —Economic growth is slowing down, M3 money supply numbers, as a measure of overall liquidity in the economy, are in the double digits range, the yield curve has inverted and become negative (short term rates higher than longer term rates) and the U.S. dollar has become one the weakest currencies in the world. All this as American twin deficits (balance of trade and federal government budget deficits) are at record levels. —As I pointed out last year, " A lower currency translates into more imported inflation and makes it difficult to maintain low interest rates," even if, in due time, it will improve the trade balance. This means that, for all practical purposes, monetary policy is also severely constrained in what it can now accomplish. For all of 2007, inflation hit 4.1 percent, which is two-thirds more than in 2006 when inflation registered at 2.5 percent. Moreover, the surge in wholesale prices announces even higher inflation in the months ahead.
With inflation being on the rise and real interest rates already in negative territory, aggressive monetary stimulus would likely be counterproductive, because too low interest rates would encourage capital outflows, pushing the dollar further down, and translating into more imported inflation. On top of that, one has to remember that monetary policy shifts take at least nine to twelve months before impacting the real economy. One has also to keep in mind that the U.S. operates, more and more, in an international environment, and is less and less capable of influencing the domestic economy by manipulating one variable only, such as the interest rate.
Of course, the Fed could have played a better preventive regulatory role if it had intervened in 2003-04 to reign in the unsound banking lending practices that have led to the subprime debacle. But the milk is out of the bottle now, and nothing can erase the damage done to the housing construction sector and other parts of the economy because of this lack of oversight.
After seven years of continuous indulging, of borrowing and debt building, the U.S. federal government is also in a fiscal bind and will find it difficult to effectively counteract the slowdown in the economy. Indeed, over the last seven years, the Bush-Cheney administration has run fiscal deficits on the average of $461.29 billion each year, for a grand total of $3,229 billion of cumulative of on-budget deficits.
This makes it harder to embark upon a new round of deficit spending to stimulate the economy. For one, fiscal policy shifts have even a longer time horizon before impacting the real economy. Secondly, the coming slowdown and recession will worsen an already high federal government deficit, as government receipts decline with the rise in unemployment and the drop in income growth. On the spending side, the Iraq war, in particular, is a black hole that siphons off more than $100 billion each year, with no end in sight. Oil prices are also very high, partly because of high world demand, partly because of geopolitical instability and partly because of the lowered dollar.
After seven years of foreign policy madness and of empire building on a mountain of debt, and of public indulging and private gouging, the financial crisis and credit crunch, the plummeting dollar, the high price for oil will all contribute to the 2008 economic slowdown, which is likely to turn into a recession, during the first half of the year, if it is not already into one since last December. The downturn in the world stock markets during this month is another clear indication that something is wrong, not only with the U.S. economy, but also with the world economy.
All that would seem to be very bad news for George W. Bush's Republicans, just as it was bad news for the Democratic Carter administration in the late '70s. Indeed, over the last century, the U.S. economy has been in a recession four times in the early part of a presidential election year, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research. In each of those years — 1920, 1932, 1960 and 1980 — the party of the incumbent president lost the election.
It's coming Jim:
New World Order: Unimaginable Intentional Human Suffering
by Peter Chamberlin
Perhaps one day we shall know the truth about being, and being alive on planet earth, whether life on every living planet is as messed-up as it is here. Earth's problems must be unique, as they are of man's own creation, man-made disasters caused by ambitious men who are allowed to rise to the top, where they dominate us for self-gain. We allow our leaders to take the positions of power that they desire, instead of actually choosing who shall lead us. Humans tend to submit to those who claim authority, since it is easier to believe in symbols of power, than it is to personally submit to the tedium of the reasoning process. As a people, we tend to follow the natural order of things along the path of least resistance. By taking the easy way out, we give our blessing to the law of the jungle.
It is natural for societies to become dominated by powerful elites, who gain control of the inner workings of government and commerce, in order to bend them both to their will. "Meritocracy" and other forms of "social Darwinism," describe the belief that "success" by this definition justifies the survival of the fittest capitalism (globalism) that has decimated the world. The brutal belief system widely promoted as "neoconservatism" is behind the fascist agenda that emerged from the bowels of corporate-owned "think tanks." These elitist thinkers believe that it is necessary for our government to "cull" the "useless eaters" from the face of the earth, through forced population reduction and perpetual war. They are the true radicals, possessed by "extremist belief systems." Their plans for us are the end program of a centuries-old class war between the elitist self-proclaimed neo-aristocrats, who would be masters of mankind and the rest of the human race. The neocons are nothing new, just the latest, most-concentrated form of this egotistical brand of pure evil.
If the elitist "one-worlders" were correct about being the "natural leaders" of the world, dedicated to saving the most noble of mankind from the excesses of the dirty masses, then their cold-blooded plans might be justified by the results, by anyone who survived them. The plan is to kill-off a significant portion of the earth's "dead weight," keep another segment as a labor force and extend their own lives through genetic and eugenic research. They are not being all that secretive about this research, only about where it all is meant to lead us. If the idea of rich men carrying-out a plot to kill-off billions of poor people isn't enough to motivate the masses into torch-carrying mobs, I can't imagine what would be enough.
People with any conscience at all can see the obvious evil inherent in the selective use of genocide as an element of state policy, for the purpose of eliminating entire populations that are in our way, and thereby terrorizing others into submission with our killing power and basic lack of morality. It is unconscionable that a "civilized" nation would seek to force its will upon other nations by terrorizing them into submission under fear of certain death. This is an abomination upon the American spirit, equal to the abomination in which this spirit was founded, when we wiped-out the first Americans, in claiming our parasitic "manifest destiny."
The fact that genocide is an acceptable form of warfare is testimony about the many evils which we have learned to accept. The collective conscience of the human race and the mind of God demand that we act to make genocide unacceptable, once again. Ideas cannot fight against raw power, unless they become a shared idea, driving a political momentum. We have to make our countrymen see the reality beyond the illusions of the nightly dream-weavers and the patriotic drum-beaters.
The people of the United States must be made to understand that, more than ever, genocide is government policy, before they will rise-up in righteous indignation to it. It is a clear-cut case of "good – vs. – evil," with the evil being the world's number one source of state terrorism, the government of the United States of America. The American people can only save themselves if they are made aware of the fact that they are under attack by those who claim to be their trusted leaders. Likewise, all the people of the earth are under attack by their own governments, who serve as American representatives, to help conquer the earth and corrupt all life. The people of every nation must rise-up and become their own governments, the only truly democratic government.
In opposition to the leadership of the elite, which stands leeringly over the dying American corpse, there is another leadership rising-up, the researchers and writers who are exposing and resisting the corrupted power structure. We are those who would dig beneath the official lies to expose the bloody roots of corruption that support all that is hostile to human life. We are the voluntary citizens' press corps, dedicated to taking up the task of reporting on government deceptions, a job that the mainstream media has forsaken. One day, when freedom prevails, the alternative media will replace the sell-outs and the official lie-passers of the nightly news. But, until that blessed day, researchers like Prof. Michel Chossudovsky will keep turning-up the soil for us, exposing the inner workings of our criminal government. His important research on the roots of the Islamic Militant Network and its CIA origins has blown the lid off the most important story of the Twenty-first Century. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7718
The names and keywords that other researchers have associated with the genocidal plans of the elite are too numerous to list or remember here, yet to do so would weave a sordid tale of interconnections and plots that clearly intersect in complicated patterns. By listing the elements of the octopus, we lay-out the proof of an elitist conspiracy for the few who care enough to open their eyes. But, in order to reach the distracted and pre-occupied majority, we must stick to single key issues like the "Global 2000" report, to tell the genocidal plans of our government, while secret war plans like "Operation North Woods," demonstrate just how far they are willing to go to start wars, the key to the war on terror.
The case proving government complicity in the 9/11 attacks which initiated the war on terrorism is becoming stronger every day. In addition to all the forensic evidence from the attacks and the unbelievable string of "coincidences" that made the attacks possible, we now know that Islamist terrorists, "associated with al Qaida" have been key elements of US foreign policy up until, and including, the time of the Trade Center attack. We have begun to understand the depth of US/CIA involvement in the destabilizing of a dozen or more countries with these highly-trained Islamic "insurgencies." This criminal foreign policy of creating radical Islamic militias for the purpose of starting wars in nations now at peace creates ever-expanding bands of Islamic uprisings throughout the Middle East and southeast Asia, justifying genocidal counter-attacks as "fighting terrorism."
The US is following the time-tested strategy developed by the Israelis (who first implemented it as a double-edged sword for waging war to thin-out the Muslims, while increasing the number of Islamists gradually) to justify greater and greater waves of ethnic repression. For, if you plan to one day force an entire population out of their ancient homeland, in order to colonize it, you will first need to rationalize a massive wave of state terrorism that will be needed for the task. For this, you will need an army of credibly bloodthirsty Islamists, to justify the monstrous offensives into civilian populations. This is why Israel created Hamas and the US and Israel created al Qaida.
Our government and many of our people have whole-heartedly embraced Israel's implementation of ethnic cleansing policies in Gaza and Lebanon, seeing them as dress rehearsals for our own genocidal plans against other innocent Muslims around the world.
The barbaric acts committed by Israel against the captive Gaza population are not the acts of moral people. Every act of repression, every secret move to limit the rights of Arabs, is intended to provoke reactions from the mostly defenseless people, in order to justify counter-reactions from the world's fifth most powerful military force. For Israel to "save face" in its international PR campaign, images of terrorists must be created to defend against. If Palestinians do not attempt to defend themselves with primitive weapons, then the Zionist oppressors will be hard-pressed to justify targeted assassinations and other brutal tactics meant to drive them from their homes. Palestinians, like Americans and all other targeted populations must follow the scripts that have been written for them and rise-up in defiant acts of self-defense, so that all the complainers can be bombed into bloody submission. The only difference between modern American/Israeli fascism and classic Nazism is the modern capability to control all information and suppress the truth.
The scale of the intentional suffering being inflicted by supposedly moral human beings, who consider themselves superior to their victims, is unimaginable. What is even more unimaginable is the international spectacle of other supposedly moral nations fawning over the killers, each nation trying harder than the next to suck-up to those who are starving helpless children, depriving them of medicine, and mowing them down with cannon and machine gun fire, in order to wipe them from their land and erase them from the "pages of time." The international horror shows of "diplomacy" and "humanitarianism" are shams, meant to seduce the masses into reveling in the bloodlust that is scheduled to head in their direction. "Negotiations" with pseudo-humanitarians like Bush, Olmert and Cheney can be nothing more than discussing terms of surrender. One day soon, the entire earth will rise-up against this axis of evil. Our actions today will determine if the people of America stand with the rest of the world against our own government, or if we will continue in our surrender to the beasts of the modern jungle, who intend to devour everything we hold dear.
The earth is standing at the edge of a dark precipice; on the other side is the greatest epic in mankind's history, waiting to be written, waiting for those of us who dare to take up the pen and to fight the darkness of the lies. An army of freedom-writers, who are as dedicated to defending life as the enemies of life are dedicated to ending it, can bring forth a new sustaining vision of life. We must first choose to place our own freedom in jeopardy, by stepping forward to stop those who would take us into the void in a vain gamble to crush most of the earth's life for the sake of greater "profit."
It is time for all of God's children to take a stand together. It is time to end the American nightmare (formerly known as the American dream).
Those were some excellent finds, Larry! Thanks a million. :)
As you know, Cohen is dead on with this: Today, Mitt Romney is such a robotically rabid spouter of social-conservative dogma that he’s won the praise of radio rightists like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham. Offered as evidence of his Stepfordization is this video revealing a once human and tolerant Romney who seemed to care deeply about women’s rights and abortion rights, and resisted any connection to the policies of Reagan-Bush. It was this pre-abduction Romney who boasted that he would do more for gay equality than Ted Kennedy.
John McCain was also horrifically rewired toward servile courtship of the Religious Right.
Sadly I see hope to change this in an Obama election but otherwise I see a continuation regardless of Party and even worse, regardless of Nation as the world races to compete with Bush over the future.
Larry you know Hircshorn is dead on with this too and we have discussed this as well numerous time. Activists and dissidents should understand that evil forces and tyrannical governments have evolved. Just as human knowledge and science expand, so do the strategies and instruments used by rulers, elites and plutocrats. By learning from history and using new technology they have smarter tools of tyranny. The best ones prevent uprisings, revolutions and political reforms. Rather than violently destroy rebellious movements, they let them survive as marginalized and ineffective efforts that divert and sap the energy of nonconformist and rebellious thinkers. Real revolution remains an energy-draining dream, as evil forces thrive.
Most corrupt and legally sanctioned forms of tyranny hide in plain sight as democracies with free elections. The toughest lesson is that ALL elections are distractions. Nothing conceals tyranny better than elections. Few Americans accept that their government has become a two-party plutocracy run by a rich and powerful ruling class.
Again sadly. people do not realize activism of old will not work. Way beyond is necessary and around the world to have any chance whatsoever. Sadly I have failed to get anyone to realize how bad it is but I will send this to Jerome. I believe he is wise and one of our best hopes for the future!
Larry you know Tremblay too is right but again as we have discussed numerous times once the truth is written by somenone who might be listened too it is already too later to stop.
Bush has been allowed to create the perfect storm for America using the guise of fighting terrorism. As you know, War and Bankruptcy are supposed to be the end of the west as we know it.
That is perfect for those behind the Bush agenda as it will simplify their setting up of the new one market one economy world for the future. It is sick because think about the world and its habitability again as we have discussed numerous times!
That was good! That Conversation went full circle and I will say again that we have discussed it all ad nauseum to no avail. Chamberlin's end:
The earth is standing at the edge of a dark precipice; on the other side is the greatest epic in mankind's history, waiting to be written, waiting for those of us who dare to take up the pen and to fight the darkness of the lies. An army of freedom-writers, who are as dedicated to defending life as the enemies of life are dedicated to ending it, can bring forth a new sustaining vision of life. We must first choose to place our own freedom in jeopardy, by stepping forward to stop those who would take us into the void in a vain gamble to crush most of the earth's life for the sake of greater "profit."
It is time for all of God's children to take a stand together. It is time to end the American nightmare (formerly known as the American dream).
It is time and I believe it is too late, for the world to come together. We realize our tenuous situation but you know we just cannot wake up the old school to realize the abys we have been led to. This is no joke and we will be discounted As nuts but a semi intelligent man cannot desregard what many learned men are saying and of course will be discounted as Conspiracy theory so the worlds biggest conspiracy can continue to its terrible end!
Todays rulers, like the Romans, know all about giving us "bread and circuses".
Hirschhorn hits on the point I have been making. We the people have a powerful tool. If we could utilize consumer activism on a large enough scale, we would have incredible leverage. For all their power, the elitist rulers need us more than we need them. We have the money they want. We need to stop feeding into their politics of distraction and stop the frenzy of our little toy centered worlds. As George Carlin points out, we've been bought off by toys and gadgets.
With your kind indulgence, I'd like to share my comment I left at Anok's blog on what we can do for our cause.
Promoting awareness is the first priority. We do what we can by blogging, but more needs to be done. I like passing out notes and CD's of my music. It may be a drop in the bucket but it is something. How about printing business cards to distribute showing comparisons of rising prices v. stagnant wages?
The second priority is motivating our selves into action. If everyone who wants change would show up at local Democratic Party meetings and give voice to the cause, half the job would be done. We can't change Washington, but we can start locally. If enough people show up and demand the Bill of Rights as the platform of the party, it can be done. Infiltrate and overwhelm.
That motivation will come eventually. It may be the military draft, or it may be the economic realities of a depression.
Organization is third. A movement for constitutional democracy can begin locally and develop into a national effort. Look at what the evangelical fundamentalists did when they organized.
Expanding the unity of the disenfranchised class is important. That's 99% of us. Consumer activism has great potential. Buy Citgo and boycott Fox advertisers for a start, and spread the word.
Apathy and ignorance are the republicans', corporatists' and fascists' best friends.
We have the numbers to do it. Educate, motivate, organize, and unite.
Excellent Dave!
It is really amazingI I just finished my story today showing just how disenfranchised we are and we must end it quickly!
You might not know it but Anok does! I am promoting awareness and trying to grassroots organize via A Relenless Liberal. I am honored to have met and know him. We are in touch almost daily.
He is behind the Kennedy's and every accomplishment in the last 60 years. Yes he is 90 and unbelievably active lecturing around the country every day.
We get along well! He is from the old school but he is wise and he is getting it. I have hope that he will lead the way as him and his institutions have the money and influence to get something done.
Larry - could you provide links for those 3 screeds, I'd like to check their backgrounds.
Larry generally does not hang around to reply. Here is the website I found in his comment. i think you will find useful I hope, if he doesn't reply.
Joel S. Hirschhorn can be reached through www.delusionaldemocracy.com; he is a co-founder of Friends of the Article V Convention at www.foavc.org.]
I think I am going to be posting along these lines today using the so called experts who advises our leaders as it was sent to me by the Relentless Liberal as I said, yesterday. Take care!
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