Ignoring Lebanon's threats of war with Israel and increasing concerns over Super Delegates making the nominee decision for us I was going to discuss something that blew my mind because of the implications and that is that astronauts routinely carry a gun in space. Think of that with multiple Nations on the space center and what can happen. I had to put it aside because I just heard the Republican cry babies did it again.
House Republicans Thursday left the chamber ahead of a vote seeking to hold White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten and former White House counsel Harriet Miers in contempt of Congress for refusing to testify before a panel investigating the firing of several United States attorneys. The move was intended to show that Republicans want to work on a permanent update to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act rather than be part of a “partisan fishing expedition,” as House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) put it.
At a press conference following the walkout, Boehner said “Before Congress leaves town, we must give our intelligence officials the tools they need to keep America safe. “The president will delay his trip to Africa to deal with this critical issue. And Republicans are prepared to stay here as long as it takes to complete our work,” Boehner added. “The terrorist threat to our country is not going away. We must do everything we can to protect the American people, and we should start by passing the bipartisan Senate bill.” Repugs walk out again
This isn't the first time. The last time they did it I believe was last August but I am sick of these idiots grandstanding and playing games and stupidly accusing Democrats of doing it and then crying and holding their breath until they get their way. let them leave. Let them hold their breath. Let Bush cancel his trip if he can't continue to spy on us. Democrats have got to stop caving in and giving these lying underhanded childish idiots. I happen to agree with Pelosi on this one. The abuse of power by the chief idiot must stop They don't like the Democrats floor agenda? Good!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
It looks like we won one for a change, and the GOP hasn't learned to lose yet. Let them walk out again in January... after they are voted out of office.
2 O'Clock Drunk Boehner protested the Democrat's move as 'political grandstanding' by...carrying out his own politicla grandstanding..
What a bunch of fuckwads.
I just got a couple more Emails from Congressman Wexler. I think the tide is turning but I can see the chief idiot stymieing everything unti it is too late as usual.
Anyway I am praying Democrats do not give in this time. Let them idiots hang out to dry.
I just got a couple more Emails from Congressman Wexler. I think the tide is turning but I can see the chief idiot stymieing everything unti it is too late as usual.
Anyway I am praying Democrats do not give in this time. Let them idiots hang out to dry.
It's stupifying isn't it? The pot calling the kettle Black. I was listening to that when it was occuring. It never ceases to piss me off when they accuse Dems of playing their game. Little babies. They piss me off! like Bush can do what he wants but no one else can do it, the same applies to those idiots. It is sickening!
Thoroughly enjoyed watching the house rethugs walk out today... it made my Valentine's Day!
btw, hope you had a great V-Day!
And when they walked out, the podium and a dozen or so mikes were all set up and ready to go. Is this what they call an impromtu walk-out? How gullible and stupid do they think Americans are?.....oh, never mind.
I enjoyed it too and I hope to hell it burns them. I believe the tide is turning and people are onto their childish ignoreance. Now to stop the chief idiot. Jerome brought up a scary thought yesterday and I just discused it before I prepare my chosen crisis.
I had a nice valentines Day and hope you did too. I am lucky! Everday is Valentines Day, and Christmas!
I know, It was all staged including the chief idiots response that he may have to cancel his important trip to put the Insolent Democrats in line.
I am so sick of this childish underhanded crap. I hope this is the beginning of the turning tide and end of those idiots.
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