Knowing the old right is wrong and the Left is the new right I have to agree with Bush: The right is all wrong and the White House should remain Right, that is in Democratic Hands! Today Bush tells Tornado victims they were dealt a raw hand! What about the rest of the country?
Yesterday I was stunned listening to Romney's withdrawal speech. It was a rant against the danger of Democrats getting into the White House with their welfare and new deal programs in tow and their desire to stop the war mongering. I was sickened that Democrats were painted as the enemy of America and Bush's so called success. What ? Success? look at Bush's proposed Budget. Can the average American survive any more of this so called success? First I found the transcript of his speech and I recommend that you read it and pass it on so people see the horrible attitude we are facing and why it is more than important that we take back the White House. Romney's rallying anti Democrat Rant
While I'm at it I want to give you the link to the most useful web site on Politics and an unbiased read on what is happening on both sides of the aisle. Again I ask you to pass this around as the Relentless Liberal sent it to me and it is what the experts use to stay on top of things. Real clear Politics
On February 4th, President Bush announced his Budget for the 2009 Fiscal Year. Once again, his budget priorities are badly misaligned with the country’s needs. His budget continues to safeguard tax-cuts for the rich while pumping billions of dollars into the war and neglecting priorities here at home. It is the duty of Congress to ensure the nation’s priorities and needs are reflected in the final budget.It is there duty but they will fail us again!
The proposed budget would cut billions from programs that benefit families and communities while giving unprecedented amounts to the Pentagon. More than half of the requested non-emergency discretionary funding—$515.4 billion—would go to the Pentagon, a seven percent increase from 2008 levels. This amount does not include spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, hard-working Americans are suffering from a slowing economy, increased job-loss, and a declining housing market. The President’s $3.1 trillion budget would pay for the continuing tax cuts for the rich by cutting funding to domestic programs including Medicare, Medicaid, environmental protection, the Centers for Disease Control, and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Under the President’s proposal non-security domestic spending levels would increase less than 1% and remain frozen for the next four years. I am just blown away that this idiot is still get away with this and it will continue as Romney said it should unless we take over in 2009!
Not only is this a harmful budget, it is also a highly deceptive budget. Although the Administration claims its budget eventually reaches balance, under realistic assumptions it remains in deficit every year. The budget does not account for the true cost of the war in Iraq and includes funds that would come by allowing the AMT to ensnare millions of middle-class taxpayers. When he took office, the president was handed a surplus on a silver platter. Seven years later, his fiscal policies have turned record surpluses into record deficits.
This year, Congress is in the position to say no to the harmful budgetary policies of the Bush administration. We know that the American people will not stand for the continued dismissal of important domestic programs that assist hard working citizens in achieving their American Dream. I will work tirelessly as the budget and appropriations processes progress this year to ensure that the true priorities of the American people are safeguarded.
* That is a letter from My Congressman John Olver. As you know, he is right but it is a whole lot worse than this portrays and this nightmarish mis-management is to continue if Romney and McCain have their way. I was really amazed to hear how many people agree with them and their lies about Democrats. Despite the insurmountable damage Bush has created he has now gone on record calling for it to continue! Without naming John McCain, President Bush marshaled the conservative wing of the Republican Party on Friday to back the presumed GOP presidential nominee for the upcoming battle against the Democratic Party.
“The stakes in November are high. This is an important election. Prosperity and peace are in the balance,” Bush told about 2,000 people attending the Conservative Political Action Conference. “So with confidence in our vision and faith in our values, let us go forward, fight for victory and keep the White House in 2008.” Bush spoke to a boisterous crowd shortly after 7 a.m. EST. The ballroom erupted in cheers when someone shouted “Are there conservatives in the house?” When the president walked on stage, they clapped and chanted “Four more years! Four more years!”
Bush reached his lowest approval rating in The Associated Press-Ipsos poll on Friday as only 30 percent said they like the job he is doing, including an all-time low in his support by Republicans. Still, the crowd gave him standing ovations, cheering his comments on tax relief, the military buildup in Iraq, the Reagan years and his opposition to abortion. They booed when Bush said his critics want to expand the size and scope of the federal government. Conservatives are resigned to seeing McCain lead the Republican ticket in November, but he has a long history of disputes with the party’s right flank. Conservatives may try to influence McCain’s positions and his choice of a running mate. And the possibility exists that they will stay home in November, a development that could cost him swing states such as Ohio. Bush rallies Repugs to keep the White House in 2008
**I hope to God for America's sake they do stay home. We ca not survive another four years of so called success. Another for years of worsening conditions for average Americans. Another four years of never ending war. Another four years of lies, corruption and misuse. I just watched the chief idiot in Tennessee telling Tornado victims he feels their pain and the Government will be there to help them. He has yet to help Katrina or any of the other growing number of catastrophe victims. Why didn't someone point that out? Why does no one hold him accountable to put his money where his mouth is? Point out his failures! All of them! He has only succeeded at staying the course in his wars and it will soon get a lot worse regardless of who the next President is. We can not survive another four years of Republican mi-Leadership! We must the Republican disinformation juggernaut and succeed this fall!
"Today Bush tells Tornado victims they were dealt a raw hand!"
Take out *Tornado* and he was spot on as we are all victims of his raw hand!!
Here is one Jim:
Does The Brownshirt Party Have Aces Up Its Sleeve?
By Paul Craig Roberts
The Brownshirt Party has chosen John “hundred year war” McCain as its presidential candidate. Except for Cheney, Norman Podhoretz, and billy kristol, McCain is America’s greatest warmonger.
In a McCain Regime, Cheney will be back in office with another stint as Secretary of War. Norman “Bomb-bomb-bomb-Iran” Podhoretz will be Undersecretary for Nuclear War with General John “Nuke them” Shalikashvili as his deputy. Rudy Giuliani will be the Minister of Interior in charge of Halliburton’s detention centers into which will be herded all critics of war and the police state. billy kristol will be chief White House spokesliar.
The whole gang will be back--Wolfowitz, Perle, Wurmster, Feith, Libby, Bolton. America will have a second chance to bomb the world into submission.
With the majority of voters sick of war, sick of lies, sick of fraud from the Federal Reserve and Wall Street, and sick of stagnant and falling incomes, McCain is poised to capture 20% of the vote--the Christian Zionists, the rapture evangelicals, and the diehard macho flag-waving thugs who believe America is done for unless “Islamofacists” are exterminated.
The accumulated lies, deceptions, war crimes, the shame of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo prisons, Bush’s police state assault on civil liberty, countless numbers of Iraqi and Afghan men, women, and children murdered for the sake of American and Israeli hegemony, and the collapsing US economy indicate a political wipeout for the Brownshirt Party. In a country with an informed and humane population, the Republican Party would be reduced to such a small minority that it could never recover.
What will happen in America? Polls show that Americans have had it with Bush, and the 2006 congressional election showed that the voters have had it with Republicans. But the Republicans have seen the message and ignored it, and the people and the Democrats have continued to tolerate and to enable that which they claim to oppose.
Meanwhile Bush holds on to his determination to find a way to bomb Iran, dismissing along with the neocons the unanimous NIE report that there is no Iranian weapons program, just as Bush and the neocons dismissed the Iraq weapons inspectors who reported truthfully that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction. What the American people and the Democrats have not understood is that a party with an agenda could care less for the facts. As Lenin declared, truth is what serves the agenda.
The Democrats are far from pure, but they lack the fervor and determination that only ideology can provide. The Democrats might have issue-specific ideologies, but they lack an over-arching ideology that makes it imperative for them, and only them, to be in power.
In contrast, the Brownshirt Party is fueled by the neocon ideology of American (and Israeli) supremacy. The neocon ideology of supremacy is more far-reaching than Hitler’s. Hitler merely aimed for sway over Europe and Russia. The neocons have targeted the entire world.
Neocons have prepared plans for war against China. They are ringing Russia with military facilities and paying millions of dollars to leaders of former constituent parts of the Soviet Union to sign up with NATO, which the neocons have turned into a mechanism for drafting Europeans to serve American Empire.
All this work, the neocon Project for a New American Century, the costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the demonization of Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas, the ghettoization of the West Bank and Gaza, the police state measures that Bush has succeeded in putting on the books, the concentration of power in the executive branch, these are successes from which the Brownshirts will not walk away.
Possibly the neocons and their Brownshirt followers are so delusional that they do not realize that their glorious aims are not shared. Maybe they are no different from Americans, maxed out on credit and unable to make mortgage payments, who believe that next week they will win the lotto.
On the other hand maybe the Brownshirts have a plan.
What could the plan be?
They can steal the election with the Diebold electronic voting machines and proprietary software that no one is allowed to check. There are now enough elections on record with significant divergences between exit polls and vote tallies that a stolen election can be explained away. The Democrats have been house trained to acquiesce to stolen elections. The voters, whose votes are stolen, dismiss the evidence as “conspiracy theories.”
Or what about a well-timed orchestrated “terrorist attack” to drive fearful Americans to the war candidate. False flag events are stock-in-trade. Hitler used the Reichstag fire to turn German democracy into a dictatorship overnight.
And what about the widespread spying on Americans? The Bush regime’s explanation for its violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act makes no sense. Bush’s violation of the law is clearly a felony, grounds for impeachment, arrest, indictment, and a prison sentence. Moreover, no intelligence purpose was achieved by Bush’s illegal acts. The FISA law only requires the executive branch to come to a secret court to explain its purpose and obtain a warrant. The law even allows the executive branch to spy first and obtain the warrant afterward. The purpose of the warrant is to prevent an administration from spying for political purposes. The only reason for Bush to refuse to obtain warrants is that he had no valid reason for the spying.
Does this mean that during the presidential campaign we will hear from Attorney General Michael Mukasey that candidate Hillary is under investigation for a Whitewater related offense, or that candidate Obama is linked to an alleged crime figure or Islamist?
The neocons control most of the print and TV media, and the right-wing radio talk hosts are no friends of Democrats. As Americans have fallen for every other fraud perpetrated upon them, they are likely to be suckers as well for “investigations” or rumors of investigations of the Democratic candidate. Hillary is widely disliked and easy to distrust. Obama is a new face with which voters have little experience. He is partly black and has a funny name.
John McCain is a war hero, a graduate of the US Naval Academy. His father and grandfather were admirals. On his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam in one of America’s orchestrated wars, he was shot down and injured. A POW for 5.5 years, he was tortured by communists due in part to traitorous actions by Democrats like Jane Fonda.
McCain has been in Congress and thus in the public eye since 1983. The only scandal with which he is associated is that he was one of “the Keating five,” one of five senators associated through campaign contributions with S&L owner and real estate investor Charles Keating and alleged interveners in his behalf. Keating was framed by prosecutors, but was later exonerated by a federal judge.
Adolf Hitler never had the support of a majority of the German electorate. In the November 1932 election, he received 33.1 percent of the vote. His peak was March 6, 1933, with 43.9 percent following the Reichstag fire a few days before on February 27, blamed on the communists. Hitler’s minority support in a democracy did not prevent him from becoming dictator of Germany.
Karen you know we have all been dealt a raw deal because of him. I refuse to believe that another natural disaster has ocurred and he is there to lie and say he will help them. He hasn't come through once yet. When is comeone going to take him to task?
I do not see this scenaario being avoided but desired and will be writing aout it later but.
By Paul Craig Roberts
The Brownshirt Party has chosen John “hundred year war” McCain as its presidential candidate. Except for Cheney, Norman Podhoretz, and billy kristol, McCain is America’s greatest warmonger.
In a McCain Regime, Cheney will be back in office with another stint as Secretary of War. Norman “Bomb-bomb-bomb-Iran” Podhoretz will be Undersecretary for Nuclear War with General John “Nuke them” Shalikashvili as his deputy. Rudy Giuliani will be the Minister of Interior in charge of Halliburton’s detention centers into which will be herded all critics of war and the police state. billy kristol will be chief White House spokesliar.
The whole gang will be back--Wolfowitz, Perle, Wurmster, Feith, Libby, Bolton. America will have a second chance to bomb the world into submission.
I am afraid that is dead on but as I have been saying for years now to deaf ears, this will make the Hundred Years War look short and Remember if survival was the goal they would realize no one will be able to live on this planet when they are done.
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