Russian President Vladimir Putin complained Friday about "one-way" Western military demands and promised that Russia will respond to U.S. and NATO military expansion near its borders. "We have been put in a situation where we have to react," Putin said of U.S. plans to deploy a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic and build new bases in Romania and Bulgaria.
"They tried to convince us that all these activities aren't against Russia, but our concerns have gone unanswered," Putin said. "Unfortunately our partners use a diplomatic and informational cover to hide their real plans." "We have been put in a situation where we have to react. We have been forced to make certain decisions. Russia will always respond to this new challenge," Putin said.
"They tried to convince us that all these activities aren't against Russia, but our concerns have gone unanswered," Putin said. "Unfortunately our partners use a diplomatic and informational cover to hide their real plans." "We have been put in a situation where we have to react. We have been forced to make certain decisions. Russia will always respond to this new challenge," Putin said.
As you know The United States has been seeking a limited missile defense system in parts of eastern Europe, which U.S. officials say is designed to protect NATO allies and others concerned about an Iranian missile threat. U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has responded to Moscow's concerns by saying the system is too small to pose a threat to Russia. But Putin said he sees a "new turn in the arms race" in which "well-developed countries" invest more to produce better weapons than those in Russia. Putin promised that balance would soon shift. "In the near future, we will develop new weapons that have the same characteristics, and in some cases better characteristics, as those being built by other countries," he said. Russia will counter Bush
At the Munich Conference on Security Policy where Afghanistan was a central topic A central theme of Gates' speech was his assertion that al-Qaida extremists, either in Afghanistan or elsewhere, pose a greater threat to Europe than many Europeans realize. After delivering his prepared remarks Gates fielded questions from his audience, which included dozens of top government officials, mainly from Europe and the United States, as well as military officers, private security specialists, members of Congress and European parliamentarians.
** A member of the Russian parliament, leading off the questioning, accused the United States of having created today's al-Qaida threat through its support in the 1980s for the mujahadeen resistance to Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. Bingo! Also addressing the conference was Sergei Ivanov, the former Russian defense minister who is now a deputy prime minister. He advocated joining forces to fight international terrorism, but suggested the United States has motives that are out of step with those of Russia and other countries. "Some states strive to exploit anti-terrorist activities as a pretext to achieving their own geopolitical and economic goals," Ivanov said, apparently referring to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. Bingo, Bingo, Bingo! Gates lies but Russia is right accusing Bush of using terrorism to achieve a hidden agenda
My question is why the hell can Americans not realize this has been a set up from the very beginning so the people behind Bush can achieve their idea of new world order?
The step by step set up and preparation for World War Three:
* The election of Bush to cheerlead the the new world (dis)order agenda through
* The creation of Al Qaeda as the threat to our existence and the allowance of 9/11 to mask Bush's real agenda
* Implementation of the Patriot Act 1&2 giving Bush the power he needed to begin implementing his new world (dis)order
* The lying attack on Iraq to get into the middle east and get this world changing war going
* The constant instigation of Iran as that will be the impetus for World War Three
* The division of middle east countries so they can be divided and conquered as has been done with us
* The missile defense system on Russia's door step to instigate them to fight and they are preparing
* The engineered housing and financial crisis in America beginning the Second Great Depression , WW2 ended the first one!
* The resultant financial disaster that is still developing here and around the world (making war more palatable)
* The selective loss of communications in the middle east last week that crippled some and left Israel and Iraq unaffected
* These steps are not in order and as you know there are numerous others but the recent loss of communication and the internet in the middle east told me the set up is complete and Bush feels he can own space thus the outcome of the war through HAARP
The step by step set up and preparation for World War Three:
* The election of Bush to cheerlead the the new world (dis)order agenda through
* The creation of Al Qaeda as the threat to our existence and the allowance of 9/11 to mask Bush's real agenda
* Implementation of the Patriot Act 1&2 giving Bush the power he needed to begin implementing his new world (dis)order
* The lying attack on Iraq to get into the middle east and get this world changing war going
* The constant instigation of Iran as that will be the impetus for World War Three
* The division of middle east countries so they can be divided and conquered as has been done with us
* The missile defense system on Russia's door step to instigate them to fight and they are preparing
* The engineered housing and financial crisis in America beginning the Second Great Depression , WW2 ended the first one!
* The resultant financial disaster that is still developing here and around the world (making war more palatable)
* The selective loss of communications in the middle east last week that crippled some and left Israel and Iraq unaffected
* These steps are not in order and as you know there are numerous others but the recent loss of communication and the internet in the middle east told me the set up is complete and Bush feels he can own space thus the outcome of the war through HAARP
** All that remains is for Bush to find the excuse to attack Iran and get this going. I am afraid that Bush has set the agenda for the US regardless of who gets elected as our next President. Whoever it is will be forced to fight the future wars Bush has set the stage for! The only benefit of having a Democratic President will be to the lives of the elderly and average Americans!
fine, fine question. i keep asking myself why more can't see. perhaps it's a matter of 'won't?'
Hey Betmo!
you may be right! I think it is because Bush does an excellent job of lying, playing the unwitted victim, and hiding his true agenda while accusing anyone who guesses the truth of being a conspiracy theorist while he is committing the biggest conspiracy in the world.
It kills me because the world sees what he is doing and is joining forces to go against him.
He is instigating this entire thing and it is blatantly obvious but the idiot just denies it and continues on. The slob will give the appearance of being forced to fight the wars he instigated.
Thanks for coming by betmo that means something. You relax and take care!
Remember when our Fuhrer looked into Putin's eyes and saw his "soul"? Yeah, just like the dark vacuum Putin saw in Bush where a soul would have been.
These two fascists deserve to rot in hell together with Saddam. And Saddam will have seniority over them, too. Even if I ended up in hell, it wouldn't be all bad, just to see them there.
I try not to hate. I know I should "Love the sinner, hate the sin," but it takes a lot for a mere mortal to make the distinction. Especially when it comes to evil of that massive magnitude.
yeah Dave!
The ass hole in me makes me remind people of that often. Bush is an ass hole! His friend Putin will lead the revolt against Bush's world domination.
He sees what Bush is doing and the world is uniting to take him on. This will not be avoided or good. Nothing will stop the chief idiot from pursuing his frigged up destiny.
We are too despised in the world to try any more BS. One more aggressive, pre-emptive strike will be our undoing. The world is gearing up to take us down. Even with 10,000+ nukes, we can still be brought to our knees. You can't win wars from the air or space, it takes boots on the ground. It may well end up as total destruction of the planet, but a win for the U.S.? No way, Jose.
And don't tell me about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Arab cultures of the Middle-East are diametricly opposed to the cultures of the Far East. They will fight to the last man.
I am afraid you are entirely right but sadly the chief idiot will not be detered. He will get something going befor his time is up and then he will be kept at the helm of these supposedly righteous wars.
Sadly I have a son going back the end of the month because he volunteered to take someones place and a son who is EOD going back for a year in April. Who knows what the middle east will be like a year from now?
Brother again you are right. Any idiot should know that. That is why it amazes me that our idiot ignored all god advice to the contrary and attacked Iraq to get our military back into the middle east.
He will not leave but has to attack Iran to get this new
(dis)order mess going.
What kills me is how old this plan is and they just needed a mindless fool to push it through. They found their fool in Bush thats why they got him in!
This forever war Bush instigated while appearing the victim is just beginning and will not be controlled as there are too many outside factors he has set in motion. It will have to be reacted too whether we pull out today or a 100 year from now. Then we will be fighting them here regardless of what the war mongers say.
Try this Jim:
Empire America's Bread and Circuses
Richard L. Franklin
Back in the first century, the Roman poet Juvenal, in his 'Satire X', wrote a poem with lines which have forever remained famous and have been endlessly repeated. His satirical poem ridiculed the Roman people for letting their freedoms dwindle and slip away as they contented themselves with the free grain that was given to them in addition to the free circuses held in the Coliseum.
From Juvenal's 'Satire'
Already long ago,
from when we sold our vote to no man,
the People have abdicated our duties;
for the People who once upon a time
handed out military command, high civil office, legions - everything,
now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things:
bread and circuses
As I watched and listened to the electoral circus being presented to the people of America, and I took note of their extreme excitement over the ongoing contests, I was simultaneously saddened and angered. I saw the entire huge ritual as a great waste of time and wealth. It is obvious to me that it has been no more than a spectacular diversion for the media and the people of America. I say 'diversion' because the ongoing electoral circus takes the minds of the people off an ongoing dramatic erosion of their liberties, clear hints of a pending national economic collapse, and most significantly, clear signs that a corrupt electoral system has been installed in so-called 'key states'.
Since the last election, which was won by Kerry, but was blatantly fixed to give Bush still another undeserved four years in the White House, America's electronic electoral system has been left untouched by significant reform or the imposition of any rational governmental control over it. There is no federal oversight whatsoever over the new electronic voting systems! Not only that, state after state continues buying huge numbers of corruptible Diebold and ES & S voting machines from the infamous Bob Urosevich and his brother Todd.
Bob once publicly declared that he 'would do anything to elect George Bush'. Amazingly, the media ignored his brazen pledge, and Bob went ahead to fix his Diebold programs with switch levers. In the Ohio elections, his machines performed such manipulations as giving Bush two votes and Kerry one vote every time somebody voted for Kerry. Todd most likely managed to do the same with the ES & S machines in other locales.
Just for starters, only the brothers and their agents are allowed under law to access the computer programming of these machines, an outrage our treasonous Supreme Court has smiled upon. It's so easy to hack these machines, a chimpanzee has been trained to do it in 90 seconds. I kid you not.
Not only that, the voting machines are all linked at any given voting station. This makes it possible to change the program in one machine in about 60 seconds thusly making it a master machine and all the rest of the machines slaves. In short, in 60 seconds, an entire voting station, no matter how big, can be reprogrammed to give the election to a specified candidate.
Exit polls proved that massive vote fraud occurred in Ohio and the election was arrogantly stolen from Kerry. With gross arrogance, Ohio officials still have not corrected this situation. Worse yet, other states have been massively buying and installing Diebold and ES & S machines.
Permit me to repeat a report I made regarding Wisconsin. For reasons that totally escape me, Karl Rove and associates consider Wisconsin 'a key state'. This made Wisconsin a target for vote fixing for the coming election. The problem was that there weren't enough electronic voting machines in Wisconsin to gain control over voting results.
So how was this resolved? Easily. Miracle of miracles! Suddenly the Wisconsin State Board of Elections decided Wisconsin needs more electronic machines. Their first choice? Why of course, the infamous Diebolds. After contracting with Diebold, the state board announced that they had carefully tested the Diebold machines and found them to be 'absolutely secure', a statement that goes beyond chutzpah and borders on criminality. They then ordered two of the most populous counties in Wisconsin to buy and install Diebold voting machines, even though the citizens of those counties were not happy with that dictatorial order.
I wrote to several newspapers pointing out that preparations for voting fraud were quite possibly underway in those counties because Diebold machines have been proven by top experts all over the country to be absurdly easy to reprogram. I believe somebody managed to influence the Wisconsin State Board of Elections by hook or crook. It was imperative for the media to start screaming for an investigation and a court order to stop the purchase and installation of Diebolds until high level experts had examined the machines and testified as to their reliability or a lack thereof. To my knowledge, not one newspaper printed my letter, thusly making the media partners in crime.
It's clear that Ohio has not corrected the problems that existed, and in fact, things may have gotten worse. Ohio definitely is a key state, and it astoundingly stands ready to do exactly what it did last time.
The Dems have done almost nothing to initiate a reform of the system. Pelosi et al seem fearful of even mentioning the problem. Huge numbers of Diebold machines have been bought and installed all over America for the coming election. Very few states have moved to do much about it. California is one of the few states taking meaningful measures, and there has been some fussing in a few other states, but the picture as a whole looks very bad. In some states, efforts are being made to ban all electronic voting, but these efforts are having little or no success.
While all this is happening before our very eyes, America is now engrossed in an electoral circus. Huge amounts of money, time, effort, and emotion are being invested in this circus. People stay up all night to watch it. Cheers and tears are abundant as vote tallies relatively go up or down. And so on. The excitement and drama are abundant.
Mind you, I'm not harping about the current circus per se. I'd love to look forward to a clean November election for a new president and a change in the composition of Congress. It's just that I want more than diversionary games. Before engaging in a vast, enormously costly carnival, I'd like to see a reliable, honest electoral system in place.
The current scene is a long, drawn out circus, which will finally arrive at two separate smaller circuses known as 'conventions' to select candidates. Then another huge, drawn out national circus will begin. It too will be filled with drama and excitement, a spectacle that is even more exciting.
Of course the grand finale of the circus will take place in November. Once again, people will stay up all night, breathless, anxious, and tense. When one candidate for the presidency finally admits to defeat, great sobbing and great jubilation will spread across the land. What a magnificent circus it had been. And what a great democracy we have in America. What other country has such magnificent circuses every couple of years?
Just as Juvenal rebuked the Roman people for letting their freedoms slip away as they enjoyed their free grain and wonderful circuses, I condemn the whole show and the careless disregard of the American people in preserving their liberties as they wrap themselves in cocoons of reality denial, shells that protect them from the realities of 9/11, the relentless eradication of their liberties, the creation of a fraudulent voting system, and the obvious ongoing shift of America from democracy to fascism.
America is now poised at a hugely dangerous point in its history; yet 90% of Americans seem oblivious to that ugly reality. The circuses and the games go on and on, while Machiavellian figures in our capitol city conspire to strip us of the final remnants of our freedoms.
The clock is ticking as Americans cheer on the circuses.
Check this out Jim:
Some Of The Outrageous Lies About 9/11
Joseph A. Lopisi
It is hard to pick a place to start in terms of talking about the most outrageous lies that the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission have presented to the people in this country as a reason to attack Afghanistan and Iraq and to launch a “fake war on terror”.
The reason I say this is that I have been reading articles and watching videos about the lies and deceptions surrounding 9/11 for the past three years. If anything, there are so many obvious unanswered questions about 9/11. However, not only has no one answered any of these questions but in fact no one in the mainstream media nor anyone in the United States Congress except for Representative Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney have even asked these questions.
Some of these questions are:
1. How is it that at the crash site of Flight 93, NBC and Fox News on September 11, 2001 reported on the scene with video coverage that there was no sign of a jetliner, engines, bodies or luggage? You can go to my website which is www.911insidejob.net and watch this video report which is on my home page. It has never been shown again on the mainstream media.
2. How is it that three steel framed buildings on September 11, 2001 fell in freefall time on their footprint? If you watch the two Towers collapse, it is obvious that they are being blown up. No steel framed building prior to this date or after this date has ever collapsed due to fire. Many steel framed buildings have experienced burning infernos for many hours and never collapsed. WTC 7, a 50 story steel framed building, had two small fires in it with no noticeable structural damage when it collapsed on his footprint in freefall time at about 5:40 p.m. on September 11. You can watch this building collapse on the homepage my website.
3. How is it that the most protected building in the world, the Pentagon, was hit by a commercial jetliner that was being tracked by Vice President Cheney in the basement of the White House for over one hour? Transportation Secretary Mineta testified under oath that he witnessed a member of the United States military ask Vice President Cheney several times whether the order still stood relative to not shooting down the oncoming plane. Vice President Cheney’s answer was that the order still stands. You can watch Secretary Mineta’s testimony on the home page of my website. The Pentagon is protected by a battery of antiaircraft guns that would automatically shoot down any plane that does not have a United States military transponder on it.
4. How is it that only five frames have been presented by this government to show supposedly what hit the Pentagon on that date. The Pentagon has surveillance cameras ringing the top exterior ring of the building. The FBI within 10 minutes of the attack were confiscating surveillance films from local businesses around the Pentagon. None of these confiscated surveillance films have been released. I would bet that a satellite sits above Washington, DC 24 hours every day and would have very good video images showing what hit the Pentagon.
5. How is it that a large commercial jetliner was able to crash into the first floor of the Pentagon and punch a round hole through three rings of the Pentagon which is constructed of steel reinforced concrete? The nose of a commercial jetliner is made of aluminum.
6. Why is it that Jamie McIntyre of CNN reported on the front lawn of the Pentagon on September 11 that from his vantage point it did not look like a commercial jetliner had crashed into the Pentagon? Why is it that this report has never been shown on mainstream media but can be seen on my website? Why is it that we have not heard another word from Jamie McIntyre or CNN regarding this report?
7. How was it that four commercial airliners were able to roam at will the northeastern sector of the United States without being intercepted? Of course, Flight 93 was intercepted and shot down by the US military. The northeastern sector of the United States is the most protected airspace in the world. There are several Air Force bases very close to Washington, DC and no jets from these Air Force bases came close to intercepting the plane that hit the Pentagon, despite the fact that Vice President Cheney knew the plane was heading towards Washington, DC for almost an hour.
I could go on and on but I will leave that to those who consider the truth about what happened on 9/11 to be important. You can go to my website or many other 9/11 websites and start reading about how outrageous the official 9/11 story is. You can go to www.youtube.com and watch five videos that I have produced under my call name which is “bushguiltyof911″.
Vice President Cheney met with the heads of the various oil companies right after Bush took office. When the public wanted to know who was there and what they were talking about, Vice President Cheney fought this request to the United States Supreme Court (the same court that elected George Bush in 2000) where he won. They were talking about attacking Iraq in order to gain control of their oil fields. They were talking about attacking Afghanistan to take over the construction of a gas pipeline through Afghanistan. The Taliban, prior to September 11, 2001, had already said no to the Bush administration’s request that an American company, Unical, construct the gas pipeline and in response President Bush said to the Taliban that the United States would attack them in October 2001. We did.
The Bush administration’s purpose in planning and orchestrating 9/11 was to create an atmosphere of fear in this country so that the military/industrial/oil/private central banking complex could start their fake war on terror which included attacking Afghanistan and Iraq and probably Iran in the near future. None of this would have been possible without the United States Congress and the corporately owned mainstream media being complicit in so far as not questioning the official 9/11 conspiracy theory but in fact labeling anyone who does question the official 9/11 conspiracy theory as a “conspiracy nut”.
Why is it that neither the United States Congress nor the mainstream media question the counting of our votes by electronic voting machines made by companies owned and controlled by neoconservative Republicans? It has been shown extensively and publicly that these electronic voting machines are completely hackable, even remotely, by a high school student. Nevertheless, these machines count approximately 80% of our votes. Why is it that the United States Congress does not require the manufacturers of these machines to make the internal software available for inspection by us before and after these machines count our votes.
We must not vote for anyone who does not speak out about the lies and deceptions regarding 9/11, the removal of all electronic voting machines from the election process and the termination of the Federal Reserve Bank. Of course, there must be term limits and only public financing of national elections.
Two great comments!!
I have been asking many of those same questions about 9-11. The terrorists that attacked us at the World Trade Center on 9-11, all reside in Washington D.C. The evidence is there, and I don't care if I'm labled a conspiracy nut. My tin-foil hat is very fashionable.
LOL I haven't heard or thought of Juvenal for decades. Probably not since the mid-70s. Thanks for the memories. You always come through strong, my friend.
You know I have said it often abd Richard Franklin is entirely right in all of it but he said As I watched and listened to the electoral circus being presented to the people of America, and I took note of their extreme excitement over the ongoing contests, I was simultaneously saddened and angered. I saw the entire huge ritual as a great waste of time and wealth. It is obvious to me that it has been no more than a spectacular diversion for the media and the people of America. I say 'diversion' because the ongoing electoral circus takes the minds of the people off an ongoing dramatic erosion of their liberties, clear hints of a pending national economic collapse, and most significantly, clear signs that a corrupt electoral system has been installed in so-called 'key states'.
It is a circus and a joke. This is all set up to be taken out of our haneds and it is and will be again. Democracy is merely a facade! We have gone the way of the Roman Empire most just do not see it and Politicians are trying to recover from it!
You know I have said it often abd Richard Franklin is entirely right in all of it but he said As I watched and listened to the electoral circus being presented to the people of America, and I took note of their extreme excitement over the ongoing contests, I was simultaneously saddened and angered. I saw the entire huge ritual as a great waste of time and wealth. It is obvious to me that it has been no more than a spectacular diversion for the media and the people of America. I say 'diversion' because the ongoing electoral circus takes the minds of the people off an ongoing dramatic erosion of their liberties, clear hints of a pending national economic collapse, and most significantly, clear signs that a corrupt electoral system has been installed in so-called 'key states'.
It is a circus and a joke. This is all set up to be taken out of our haneds and it is and will be again. Democracy is merely a facade! We have gone the way of the Roman Empire most just do not see it and Politicians are trying to recover from it!
It was an obvious lie and set up from beginning to end. It was very hard listening to the lies during the 9/11 comission hearings knowing it was all a lie and a set up. No one was guily of anything, awe Frig!
You know how I feel! You have read a lot of my stuff. And you read this post. It has all been done as you know, as an excuse to take on the world and emplace their new world order. Whoever is elected next will have to fight it because too much around the world has been set in motion by Bush!
I don't know where he finds some of the things he does but he makes some great finds. You know that is all right and then some.
I pretty much stopped contributing on kos because I got sick of the tin foil hat crap everytime I tried to get the truth out. Those people who say that are right wing conspirators and Conspirators themselves.
The same thing with me about kos. Markos has lost all control of his original vision. He has been corrupted by the power he has gained. He, and his site, has become as narrow-minded as some of the extreme right-wing blogs.
As for Larry.... The Lord must have blessed him with more than 24 hours in a day. Either that, or the man doesn't sleep. He is a top resource on the web.
I have to agree with you about kos and Markos but I had some serious problems there that I attributed to trolls.
I also use to have an expat living in South America that used to do research for me until she wrongly accused me of being a racist because I didn't like it when those Mexican students flew the American flag upside down under the mexican flag.
Anyway she said before Markos came to America she knew him in College and he was with the CIA though I don't know.
I have to laugh about Larry. We talk often and he always amazes me with the things he finds. I just assumed he is more gifted with this stuff than I am.
Brother I almost forgot. I don't know if I will have much spare time to write on Blogswarm but if commenting there signs you up then I signed up.
You don't have to write on blogswarm. You need to do an anti-war post on YOUR site March 19th.
When you left your comment, did you post your blog name and url?
Jim, this is a fascinating article.
** A member of the Russian parliament, leading off the questioning, accused the United States of having created today's al-Qaida threat through its support in the 1980s for the mujahadeen resistance to Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.
To take it one step further, the CIA, then under the leadership if GHW Bush, financed Osama bin Laden directly with $300 million for the purpose of setting up Al Qaeda to commit terrorists acts against the USSR.
I would disagree, however, on one point. Rather than trying to start WWIII, per se, Bush and the GOP are trying to follow the dictates of the AEI and PNAC to establish US global hegemony by military force. These ideologues have a perfect track record in predicting the outcomes of their actions: 0% perfect; wrong in every case. A descent into WWIII, while possible, will result from their incompetence, not their intent. Like most ideologues, they are subject to concrete thinking error. They see only black and white with no middle ground. As a result they see foreign policy as a chess game, when it is not. I better model is a pool game in which they slam the cue ball into the target ball so hard that it misses the pocket, and both goes careening around the table, and disturbing all the other balls causing consequences they were too blinded to foresee.
Stupid me. Yes I left my info and I will do an anti war post on March 19th.
Bush and the GOP are trying to follow the dictates of the AEI and PNAC to establish US global hegemony by military force. These ideologues have a perfect track record in predicting the outcomes of their actions: 0% perfect; wrong in every case.
I have been trying to get people for years to see the Doctrine Bush is following. It is on my front page. It is in the dictionary.
Global military force that's war. Anyway Bush is following the Russian Doctrine of Destruction. He needs to creaet disorder before he can replace it with his new version This is done through war. He is doing it throughout the entire world.
The world will reacct and he will have his war to implement what he thinks will be his new world order but the record will remain I am afraid!
That's me
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