I also wanted to discuss Bush's asinine $3 trillion dollar Budget 2009 that funds his wars and further chokes the future of our kids. If you want to look at it, it is Here
However, I received another lying underhanded email that the right wing has routinely used to sway uneducated voters and with Super Tuesday only a day away it is very critical to dispel the lying rumor that Barak Obama is a Muslim and a terrorist who is going to undermine America that Bush irritably already undermined right under the very noses of those who ridiculously believe these falsehoods about Barak. I will not justify all the ridicule noted but I have to address these two important points before I pass this on to get the truth out!
Is it true that Obama was sworn in using the Quran instead of the Bible? No he did not, nor did Congressman Keith Ellison, as is widely reported in Y!A. During the official swearing in ceremony for all Congressmen, they don't use the Bible or anything else, they just raise their right hands and repeat the oath as its dictated. Congressman Ellison, who is indeed a Muslim, later posed for a photo op wherein he and Nancy Pelosi put their hands on a Koran once owned by Thomas Jefferson, a slave-owner and sex partner of slave Sally Hemmings. Real questions Real answers
Another: Is Barack Obama a Muslim and or a terrorist? Barack: "In the internet age, there are going to be lies that are spread all over the place. I have been victimized by these lies. Fortunately, the American people are, I think, smarter than folks give them credit for." "Dueling chain e-mails claim he's a radical Muslim or a 'racist' Christian. Both can't be right. We find both are false. If these two nasty e-mail messages are any indication, the 2008 presidential campaign is becoming a very dirty one. One claims that Obama is 'certainly a racist' by virtue of belonging to Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, which it says 'will accept only black parishioners' and espouses a commitment to Africa. Actually, a white theology professor says he's been 'welcomed enthusiastically' at the church, as have other non-blacks. Another e-mail claims that Obama 'is a Muslim,' attended a 'Wahabi' school in Indonesia, took his Senate oath on the Koran, refuses to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and is part of an Islamic plot to take over the U.S. Each of these statements is false. These false appeals to bigotry and fear remind us of the infamous whispering campaign of eight years ago, when anonymous messages just before the South Carolina primary falsely accused Republican candidate John McCain of fathering an illegitimate child by a black woman.
In closing: OBAMA IS NOT AND HAS NEVER BEEN A MUSLIM! Los Angeles Times: The Rumors About Obama Are "False And Vile." The Los Angeles Times wrote in an editorial, "That the rumors are false and vile is self-evident...Presidential candidates of both parties have a duty to denounce not only the smear against Obama but the bigotry that underlies it."
Obama Spokesman Robert Gibbs Issued A Statement Explaining That "Senator Obama Has Never Been A Muslim, Was Not Raised As A Muslim, And Is A Committed Christian." "Obama's campaign aides have emphasized his strong Christian beliefs and downplayed any Islamic connection. The Illinois senator was raised 'in a secular household in Indonesia by his stepfather and mother,’ his chief spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said in a statement in January after false reports began circulating that Obama had attended a radical madrasa, or Koranic school, as a child. 'To be clear, Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ in Chicago,’ Gibbs' Jan. 24 statement said."
Obama "Beckoning" Felt At Trinity United Church Of Christ, "Submitted Myself To His Will, And Dedicated Myself To Discovering His Truth And Carrying Out His Works." Obama said, "So one Sunday, I put on one of the few clean jackets I had, and went over to Trinity United Church of Christ on 95th Street on the South Side of Chicago. And I heard Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright deliver a sermon called "The Audacity of Hope." And during the course of that sermon, he introduced me to someone named Jesus Christ.
I learned that my sins could be redeemed. I learned that those things I was too weak to accomplish myself, He would accomplish with me if I placed my trust in Him. And in time, I came to see faith as more than just a comfort to the weary or a hedge against death, but rather as an active, palpable agent in the world and in my own life. It was because of these newfound understandings that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity one day and affirm my Christian faith. It came about as a choice, and not an epiphany. I didn't fall out in church, as folks sometimes do. The questions I had didn't magically disappear. The skeptical bent of my mind didn't suddenly vanish. But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side, I felt I heard God's spirit beckoning me. I submitted myself to His will, and dedicated myself to discovering His truth and carrying out His works."
Barack Obama Is Not and Has Never Been a Muslim. Obama never prayed in a mosque. He has never been a Muslim, was not raised a Muslim, and is a committed Christian who attends the United Church of Christ. the truth about Obama
I have to run out. I will be right back to converse!
Jim, I really like his foreign policy, but his health care plan will leave 22 million still uninsured, and I'm likely to be one of them. Because he has gone on a tirade against mandated coverage, he will have a hard time going back on it. I think that to make himself a progressive in this area, he needs to say "I was wrong" now and do the right thing, before he becomes locked in by his own rhetoric.
I'm still on the fence.
PS. Added you to my blogroll this morning. Please pardon the delay.
I was on your site earlier and left so I could do some research on it. I know Ma problems because of Romney's failed health care for all plan that he is roaming around the State calling a success. It is a failure! Everyone is forced to get insurance or they are fined.
Right now It is $100 per month and it will increase incrementally. If they could afford it they would have it. It is for the industry not those who need it. I won't get into the financial nightmare he left behind.
I just think the only way to pay for a healthcare system for all is to cancel those welfare returns to the wealthy and use that.
I really haven't heard any viable plans except for one and I will get it in a minute. That is the plan proposed by Jerome, the relentless liberal. I think you will like it. Let me know!
I'm sorry I forgot to thank you! Let me get that!
I think you'll like this and this from a rich man. Tell me what you think!
Business Benefits from National Health Insurance
Business Benefits from National Health Insurance
By Jerome Grossman
Alone among the nations of the world, the U. S. has relied upon private health insurance to cover the majority of its population, but far from all - 47 million are left out. This system is inefficient: it costs too much and the business community overpays. The private insurance industry spends about 20% of its revenue on administration, marketing, and profits. Further, the industry imposes on physicians, hospitals and businesses an administrative burden in billing and insurance related functions that consume another 12% of insurance premiums. Thus, fully one third of insurance premiums could be drastically reduced if we were to finance health care through expansion of government – run Medicare to every U.S. citizen. Medicare overhead is estimated to be about three percent.
Most of these unnecessary costs are borne by U.S. business, now held captive by the Washington lobbying of the private insurance industry. It is time for the advocates of a single-payer, (the US government) to make common cause with business interests to modernize the health system in the interest of delivering a better health product, eliminating unnecessary costs, and making U.S. business more competitive around the world. The Committee for Economic Development, a high powered business group, says, “The competitiveness of American firms is threatened by the cost of health insurance.” U.S. business has no obligation to insurance companies. It should pass the cost of insurance to the government just as it does when it lays off thousands of unneeded workers.
The recent agreement between General Motors and the United Auto Workers featured an important change in the health-care obligations of GM. No longer will they be in the health-care field, but will devote all their energies to their own products. Their competitive position will be improved as they are freed from the ever-growing costs of health care.
Some business executives believe that this model should be applied to all companies so that the responsibility for the health-care of the nation would be assumed by the Federal Government, paid for by general tax revenues. The objectives would be to lower the cost of health care, to include all Americans and to help business become more competitive by eliminating a major expense.
Here are ten reasons why business should support national health insurance as developed by Physicians for a National Health Program
10. National Health Insurance will reduce liability insurance and workers compensation costs.
9. National Health Insurance will eliminate the constant headaches of running a health benefits bureaucracy, annual negotiations with insurance companies, etc.
8. National Health Insurance will limit complaints by employers over rising premiums and co-pays and conflicts with labor unions over benefit cuts, givebacks, etc..
7. National Health Insurance will reduce the incentive to hire part-time workers and enable them to attract better employees.
6. National Health Insurance will curb health-related bankruptcies, reduce health spending by low income workers, and free up money for consumer spending.
5. National Health Insurance will reduce the cost of providing health benefits
4. National Health Insurance will eliminate retiree benefit costs for those with obligations to provide coverage.
3. National Health Insurance will eliminate unfair competition from employers who don't provide insurance.
2. National Health Insurance will reduce absenteeism and produce a healthy and more productive work force.
And the number one reason for National Health Insurance from a business perspective is….
1. National Health Insurance will allow health-care costs to be controlled and predictable, eliminating it major source of business uncertainty and a barrier to planning.
And, oh yes, it's the right and moral thing to do.
Posted by Jerome Grossman at 2:41 PM 4 comments
Try this Jim:
Perhaps a global political apocalypse has already arrived.
Activists and dissidents should understand that evil forces and tyrannical governments have evolved. Just as human knowledge and science expand, so do the strategies and instruments used by rulers, elites and plutocrats. By learning from history and using new technology, they have smarter tools of tyranny. The best ones prevent uprisings, revolutions and political reforms. Rather than violently destroy rebellious movements, they let them survive as marginalized and ineffective efforts that divert and sap the energy of nonconformist and rebellious thinkers. Real revolution remains an energy-draining dream, as evil forces thrive.
Most corrupt and legally sanctioned forms of tyranny hide in plain sight as democracies with free elections. The toughest lesson is that ALL elections are distractions. Nothing conceals tyranny better than elections. Few Americans accept that their government has become a two-party plutocracy run by a rich and powerful ruling class. The steady erosion of the rule of law is masked by everyday consumer freedoms. Because people want to be happy and hopeful, we have an epidemic of denial, especially in the present presidential campaign. But to believe that any change-selling politician or shift in party control will overturn the ruling class is the epitome of self-delusion and false hope. In the end, such wishful thinking perpetuates plutocracy. Proof is that plutocracy has flourished despite repeated change agents, promises of reform and partisan shifts.
The tools of real rebellion are weak. Activists and dissidents look back and see successful rebellions and revolutions and think that when today’s victims of tyranny experience enough pain and see enough political stink they too will revolt. This is wrong. They think that the Internet spreads information and inspiration to the masses, motivating them to revolt. This is wrong. They await catastrophic economic or environmental collapse to spur rebellion. This too is wrong.
Why are these beliefs wrong? Power elites have an arsenal of weapons to control and manipulate social, political and economic systems globally: corruption of public officials that make elections a sham; corporate mainstream media that turn news into propaganda; manipulation of financial markets that create fear for the public and profits for the privileged; false free trade globalization that destroys the middle class; rising economic inequality that keep the masses time-poor and financially insecure; intense marketing of pharmaceuticals that keep people passive; and addictive consumerism, entertainment and gambling that keep people distracted and pacified.
The biggest challenge for dissidents and rebels is to avoid feel-good therapeutic activism having virtually no chance of removing evil and tyranny. Idealism without practicality tactics without lofty goals, and symbolic protests pose no threat to power elites. Anger and outrage require great strategic thinking from leaders seeking revolution, not mere change. And social entrepreneurs that use business and management skills to tackle genuine social problems do nothing to achieve political reforms. To the extent they achieve results, they end up removing interest in overthrowing political establishments that have allowed the problems to fester.
What is the new tool of tyranny? Technological connectivity achieved through advanced communications and computer systems, especially the rise of wireless connectivity. The global message to the masses is simple: Buy electronic products to stay plugged in. Connectivity may give pleasure, but it gives even more power to elites, rulers and plutocrats. It allows them to coordinate their efforts through invisible cabals, to closely monitor everything that ordinary people and dissidents do, and to cooperatively and clandestinely adjust social, financial and political systems to maintain stability and dominance.
In this dystopian world, all systems are integrated to serve upper class elites and the corporate state, not ordinary people. When ordinary people spend their money to be more shackled to connectivity products, they become unwitting victims of largely invisible governmental and corporate oppressive forces. They are oblivious that their technological seduction exacerbates their political and economic exploitation. Though some 70 percent believe the country is on the wrong track, they fail to see the deeper causes of the trend. And if Americans were really happy and content with their consumer culture, then why are they stuffing themselves with so many antidepressants, sleeping pills and totally unhealthy foods? In truth, the vast majority of people are in denial about the rotten system they are trapped in (a.k.a. The Matrix). They are manipulated to keep hope alive through voting, despite the inability of past elections to stop the slide into economic serfdom.
Increasingly, the little-discussed phenomenon of economic apartheid ensures that elites live their lavish lives safely in physically separated ways. Concurrently, economic inequality rises, as the rich extract unusually high fractions of global wealth. When the rich get richer, the powerful get stronger. Does some economic prosperity trickles down to the poorest people? Perversely, the middle class is moved into the lower class. In this new physics of evil, wealth transfer is not from the rich to the poor, but from the middle class in wealthier countries to the poor in developing nations, where a few new billionaires join the global plutocracy.
Some data on economic inequality: The after-tax income of the top 1 percent of Americans rose 228 percent from 1979 through 2005, while middle class income remained flat over the last four decades. The richest 0.01 percent of earners made 5.1 percent of all income in 2005, up more than 300 percent from just 1.2 percent in 1960. Bad economic times like the present just exacerbate inequality. Even as most Wall Street companies lost billions in the subprime mortgage debacle after they had already made billions, they gave obscene bonuses to their employees: the average topped $180,000 for 2007, tripling the $61,000 in 2002. Scholars used to predict that high levels of economic inequality like we have today would lead to rebellion. But there are now insufficient tools and paths for rebellion, because the plutocracy has eliminated them. Instead, citizens are offered elections whose outcomes can be controlled and subverted by the ruling class.
The New World Order is getting what it wants: a stable two-class system, with the lower class serving the elitist upper class. The paradox is that along with rising economic inequality and apartheid is mounting consumerism and materialism that is used to pacify, distract and control the masses. That’s where easy credit and cheap products from low-wage nations are critical. The poor can have cell phones, 24-7 Internet access and increasingly cars, while the bejeweled upper class travel in private jets and yachts, vacation on private islands, and have several gated mansions maintained by servants and guarded by private police. We have a technologically advanced form of medieval society. It is working in the US and China and most other places. Elections just mask economic tyranny and slavery.
The ruling class knows how to maintain stability. Keep the masses distracted, fearful, brainwashed, insecure, and dependent on government and business sectors for survival. Train people to see themselves as relatively free consumers. Maintain the myth that ordinary people can become wealthy and join the ruling class, which theoretically is not impossible, but of no statistical significance for the masses.
There are no easy paths to restore power to the people. But here are three strategies worth considering. First, the real power of the masses is as consumers, not as voters, workers, activists, or Internet users. Weakened unions, globalization, technology, and illegal immigration have sapped the power of workers. National economies, especially the US, depend on consumers. Suspensions in discretionary consumer spending used as a political weapon could force reforms. But curbing personal spending and saving money has become a rare form of civil disobedience. Consumers buy stuff when they want it, not when they can afford it. Rulers have replaced chains with debt and no political leader in a very long time has championed economic rebellion.
Second, because they are more a tool of tyranny than rebellion, the masses should stop giving credibility and legitimacy to faux democracies by boycotting elections. Plutocrats cleverly equate patriotism and good citizenship with voting while at the same time ensuring that no genuine change agents can succeed even if elected. All election results can be subverted by the forces of corruption. Those promising change, like Barack Obama, do not pose a lethal threat to forces of evil and corruption. Sadly, refusing to vote in corrupt political systems is another worthy but unpopular form of civil disobedience. The compulsion to vote is a political narcotic that sustains democratic tyranny.
Third, people must seek forms of direct democracy that give them political power. National ballot measures and initiatives are needed to make laws, impose spending mandates and recall elected officials. A most important tool is constitutional conventions outside the control of status quo preservationists to obtain systemic reforms that governments will never provide, as explained for the US at www.foavc.org. No greater example of ruling class power exists than the absence of massive public demands for using what the Founders gave Americans in Article V: the convention option to circumvent and fix the federal government that – amazingly – has never been used, and that no presidential candidate has supported, including constitutional champion Ron Raul.
¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
Joel S. Hirschhorn can be reached through www.delusionaldemocracy.com; he is a co-founder of Friends of the Article V Convention at www.foavc.org.
© 2008 Joel S. Hirschhorn
Bush's top export Jim:
By Mickey Z
My mother passed away on January 12, after a long illness. She was nearly 72 and had been very ill since mid-2005. Intellectually, one might think that perhaps I had time to "come to terms" with a sense of inevitably...yet I remain inconsolable. Despite having almost three years to "prepare" for this reality, her death is teaching me previously unimaginable lessons about grief, sorrow, and loss. My heart is broken, shattered in a million pieces.
Amidst my mourning, I can't help but visualize the feelings of grief, sorrow, and loss being experienced in places directly and indirectly impacted by US policies. Imagine if you will, a mother in Iraq. She walks to the market as an American bomb levels her home. Her parents, her husband, her children (none of whom were affiliated with the "insurgency"): all killed. What of her grief, sorrow, and loss...as the US continues to spend one million dollars per minute on war?
And it's not just military murders. Every two seconds, somewhere on the planet, a child starves to death. More grief, sorrow, and loss. More anger and frustration, too. Columnist and author Norman Solomon recently shared similar emotions when his mother died. "Our own mourning should help us understand and strive to prevent the unspeakable pain of others," he wrote. "And whatever love we have for one person, we should try to apply to the world."
There's a line in the song, "Middle of the Road" by the Pretenders: "When you own a big chunk of the bloody Third World...the babies just come with the scenery."
What's that...we don't own anything here or in the Third World? Here's the equation, friends: American tax dollars (and our rhetoric and/or our support and/or our silence) fund and/or enable US domination of institutions like the World Bank. As a result, the developing world spends $13 on debt repayment for every $1 it receives in aid. That means untold billions are allocated toward paying off debt to powerful Western banks instead of being invested in water systems, infrastructure to rural communities, education, and health care.
A 2004 UNICEF report on the State of the World's Children found:
* One in six of the children on the planet were severely hungry
* One in seven had no access to health care
* One in five had no safe water
* One in three had no toilet or sanitation facilities at home
* 640 million children did not have adequate shelter
* 140 million children, the majority of them girls, had never been to school
More than 10 million child deaths were recorded in 2003, with an estimated 29,158 children under 5 dying from mostly preventable causes every day.
29,158. Under 5. Every day. From preventable causes.
The next time you're at a baseball game or rock concert, glance around and get a feel for what 29,158 looks like. Then try your best to conceive of the feelings of grief, sorrow, and loss inspired by those 29,158...each and every day. These are humans, not statistics. They feel as much as you or I. If they feel anything like I do right now, they are utterly despondent. "In mediaspeak and political discourse, the human toll of corporate domination and the warfare state is routinely abstract," wrote Solomon. "But the results-in true human terms-add rage and more grief on top of grief."
These doomed humans cry, they mourn, they miss loved ones, and they ask why when the UN tells them that the basic nutrition and health needs of the world's poorest people would cost only $13 billion a year (that's less than 10% of what the US has spent on the war in Iraq so far).
Remember: every two seconds, somewhere on the planet, a child starves to death. Meanwhile, the US spends one million dollars per minute on war. Do the math: How much of our money was spent on war and how many children starved to death while your read this article?
We often hear the question: "Why do they hate us?"
We give them an excellent reason every 2 seconds and a million more reasons every single minute.
Check this out Jim:
Disowned by the Ownership Society
By Naomi Klein
"The Nation" -- -- Remember the "ownership society," fixture of major George W. Bush addresses for the first four years of his presidency? "We're creating...an ownership society in this country, where more Americans than ever will be able to open up their door where they live and say, welcome to my house, welcome to my piece of property," Bush said in October 2004. Washington think-tanker Grover Norquist predicted that the ownership society would be Bush's greatest legacy, remembered "long after people can no longer pronounce or spell Fallujah." Yet in Bush's final State of the Union address, the once-ubiquitous phrase was conspicuously absent. And little wonder: rather than its proud father, Bush has turned out to be the ownership society's undertaker.
Well before the ownership society had a neat label, its creation was central to the success of the right-wing economic revolution around the world. The idea was simple: if working-class people owned a small piece of the market--a home mortgage, a stock portfolio, a private pension--they would cease to identify as workers and start to see themselves as owners, with the same interests as their bosses. That meant they could vote for politicians promising to improve stock performance rather than job conditions. Class consciousness would be a relic.
It was always tempting to dismiss the ownership society as an empty slogan--"hokum" as former Labor Secretary Robert Reich put it. But the ownership society was quite real. It was the answer to a roadblock long faced by politicians favoring policies to benefit the wealthy. The problem boiled down to this: people tend to vote their economic interests. Even in the wealthy United States, most people earn less than the average income. That means it is in the interest of the majority to vote for politicians promising to redistribute wealth from the top down.
So what to do? It was Margaret Thatcher who pioneered a solution. The effort centered on Britain's public housing, or council estates, which were filled with die-hard Labour Party supporters. In a bold move, Thatcher offered strong incentives to residents to buy their council estate flats at reduced rates (much as Bush did decades later by promoting subprime mortgages). Those who could afford it became homeowners while those who couldn't faced rents almost twice as high as before, leading to an explosion of homelessness.
As a political strategy, it worked: the renters continued to oppose Thatcher, but polls showed that more than half of the newly minted owners did indeed switch their party affiliation to the Tories. The key was a psychological shift: they now thought like owners, and owners tend to vote Tory. The ownership society as a political project was born.
Across the Atlantic, Reagan ushered in a range of policies that similarly convinced the public that class divisions no longer existed. In 1988 only 26 percent of Americans told pollsters that they lived in a society bifurcated into "haves" and "have-nots"--71 percent rejected the whole idea of class. The real breakthrough, however, came in the 1990s, with the "democratization" of stock ownership, eventually leading to nearly half of American households owning stock. Stock watching became a national pastime, with tickers on TV screens becoming more common than weather forecasts. Main Street, we were told, had stormed the elite enclaves of Wall Street.
Once again, the shift was psychological. Stock ownership made up a relatively minor part of the average American's earnings, but in the era of frenetic downsizing and offshoring, this new class of amateur investor had a distinct shift in consciousness. Whenever a new round of layoffs was announced, sending another stock price soaring, many responded not by identifying with those who had lost their jobs, or by protesting the policies that had led to the layoffs, but by calling their brokers with instructions to buy.
Bush came to office determined to take these trends even further, to deliver Social Security accounts to Wall Street and target minority communities--traditionally out of the Republican Party's reach--for easy homeownership. "Under 50 percent of African Americans and Hispanic Americans own a home," Bush observed in 2002. "That's just too few." He called on Fannie Mae and the private sector "to unlock millions of dollars, to make it available for the purchase of a home"--an important reminder that subprime lenders were taking their cue straight from the top.
Today, the basic promises of the ownership society have been broken. First the dot-com bubble burst; then employees watched their stock-heavy pensions melt away with Enron and WorldCom. Now we have the subprime mortgage crisis, with more than 2 million homeowners facing foreclosure on their homes. Many are raiding their 401(k)s--their piece of the stock market--to pay their mortgage. Wall Street, meanwhile, has fallen out of love with Main Street. To avoid regulatory scrutiny, the new trend is away from publicly traded stocks and toward private equity. In November Nasdaq joined forces with several private banks, including Goldman Sachs, to form Portal Alliance, a private equity stock market open only to investors with assets upward of $100 million. In short order yesterday's ownership society has morphed into today's members-only society.
The mass eviction from the ownership society has profound political implications. According to a September Pew Research poll, 48 percent of Americans say they live in a society carved into haves and have-nots--nearly twice the number of 1988. Only 45 percent see themselves as part of the haves. In other words, we are seeing a return of the very class consciousness that the ownership society was supposed to erase. The free-market ideologues have lost an extremely potent psychological tool--and progressives have gained one. Now that John Edwards is out of the presidential race, the question is, will anyone dare to use it?
Another believer Jim:
Willie Nelson Fears Election Could Be Cancelled
"We could have George in there ten years longer," says country music star
By Paul Joseph Watson
Country music legend Willie Nelson fears the 2008 presidential election could be cancelled due to a national state of emergency and that George W. Bush could occupy the White House for another decade.
"It's a long time until election day and some sort of national crisis could put off the elections and we could have George in there ten years longer," Nelson told the Alex Jones Show today.
Asked how the American people should respond in the event of the presidential election being cancelled or postponed, Nelson responded, "I would hope that we'd be smarter than that and I would hope that we'd say no - we're throwing all you guys out and we're starting over - you can stop the elections if you want to but you can't stop the people."
Nelson has every right to be concerned, especially considering that President Bush's post-terror attack continuity of government plan is so shocking that even sitting members of Congress and Homeland Security officials are barred from viewing it.
In addition, legislation signed on May 9, 2007 declares that in the event of a "catastrophic event", the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power.
On the subject of the presidential race itself, Nelson said he liked Ron Paul but that the final run off would be between McCain and Hillary or Obama.
"I was hoping that Hillary had changed her mind (on the war), I was hoping Obama was all the way against the war - I don't know, maybe public opinion can keep their minds where they need to be," concluded Nelson.
During the same explosive interview, Nelson went public with his doubts about the official 9/11 story, saying that he thought the twin towers were deliberately imploded.
Larry you know Hircshorn is dead on with this too and we have discussed this as well numerous time. Activists and dissidents should understand that evil forces and tyrannical governments have evolved. Just as human knowledge and science expand, so do the strategies and instruments used by rulers, elites and plutocrats. By learning from history and using new technology they have smarter tools of tyranny. The best ones prevent uprisings, revolutions and political reforms. Rather than violently destroy rebellious movements, they let them survive as marginalized and ineffective efforts that divert and sap the energy of nonconformist and rebellious thinkers. Real revolution remains an energy-draining dream, as evil forces thrive.
Most corrupt and legally sanctioned forms of tyranny hide in plain sight as democracies with free elections. The toughest lesson is that ALL elections are distractions. Nothing conceals tyranny better than elections. Few Americans accept that their government has become a two-party plutocracy run by a rich and powerful ruling class.
Again sadly. people do not realize activism of old will not work. Way beyond is necessary and around the world to have any chance whatsoever. Sadly I have failed to get anyone to realize how bad it is but I will send this to Jerome. I believe he is wise and one of our best hopes for the future!
Mickey Z: I can't help but visualize the feelings of grief, sorrow, and loss being experienced in places directly and indirectly impacted by US policies. Imagine if you will, a mother in Iraq. She walks to the market as an American bomb levels her home. Her parents, her husband, her children (none of whom were affiliated with the "insurgency"): all killed. What of her grief, sorrow, and loss...as the US continues to spend one million dollars per minute on war?
Larry I have to tel you, i feel it all day every day We as powerless Americans I feel am responsible. Bush just cut $millions more from medicaid and medicare so he can borrow $trillions more to put us further in debt to continue this devastation for another year. How do we stop this? I am afraid regardless of who is elected we can't!
On home ownership by Naomi Klein: Right under their noses Americans were hooked, reeled it, and now hung out to try, not only in this instance but in everyinstance under Bush's two faced, underhanded, new world (dis)order program. I have spent years trying to alert the country and I have failed. Now we will all go down together!
Willie Nelson: Asked how the American people should respond in the event of the presidential election being cancelled or postponed, Nelson responded, "I would hope that we'd be smarter than that and I would hope that we'd say no - we're throwing all you guys out and we're starting over - you can stop the elections if you want to but you can't stop the people."
Nelson has every right to be concerned, especially considering that President Bush's post-terror attack continuity of government plan is so shocking that even sitting members of Congress and Homeland Security officials are barred from viewing it.
In addition, legislation signed on May 9, 2007 declares that in the event of a "catastrophic event", the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power.
I am just stupified that Nelson or anyone else thinks that what they think do or say matters any longer. Bush will not be stopped and we are all screwed because we saw what was happening but could get no one of cosequence to see it and activate, It is now too late to turn this around though we will not stop trying!
thanks for helping to combat the vicious rumours about Ellison. He's pretty popular here in Minnesota. It's only once you get outside of the state that you hear people taking these kinds of rumours about our Congressman seriously.
I think the effort to inspire hatred of Islam has played itself out. Sure, there are still wingnuts and hatred-obssessed individuals out there, but they now are working anonymously and fear being exposed even more than they fear Muslims. The fact that nobody takes credit for these emails shows you how credible these people are. If they really believed what they were saying, they would put their name on it.
Agree with Todd on "I think the effort to inspire hatred of Islam has played itself out."
I understand Ellison is a good man. My other friends in Minnesota have never said anything negative. I for one am sick of hearing the Muslim crap!
I wish it had played itself out but it has not. It has to us on the left but the email I got is atrocious and it is still being passed around. I just got another one from a naive friend who believes it. She3 got it from her right wing wing perverted Cousin who I routinely butt heads with!
I just got back from voting for Obama and I am going to post today on that, what I feel about the election situation, and what Willie nelson just said. Oh man!
I wish the hatred was played out. The negatives about Obama being a Muslim and a terrorist I just got and thought it should be addressed as the people who sent it to me believe it and pass it around.
Jim, I've seen it before and fully agree. Universal single-payer health care, as advocated by Michael Moore is the way to go. Unfortunately, we don't get that choice.
It really irks me that doing what is right for the people and the country is never even a thought! What ever is right for Politicians or their party. We the people are not even a consideration just a handrance!
Yes, he is not a Muslim.
But why does it matter?
Should it matter?
The amount of unabashed, unopposed discrimination this is leading to is truly shameful.
It should not matter but there are those on the right still peddling fear mongering as a way to turn people aginst the left and Obama.
Sadly I was sent the E that led me to post this by a naive friend who believes the crap and passes it on. I am afraid she has too much company.
Jim, I agree. I wish he would adopt Edwards' plan. Under that one people could choose a single-payer option.
On Warmongers' comment. I criticize both Clinton and Obama, but criticism should be based on policies and positions, not GP lies.
I firmly believe Obama will pick up Edwards causes, Both he and Hillary realize how important it is to do so though I suspect the votes are the main reason. It's funny but I don't consider Obama a war monger but I do Hillary! Oh man!
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