Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Peace Israeli Style: Watch the slow progress and intense fighting as wall only half way through Sadr City!


jmsjoin said...

that is intense! This is success? I had problems editing and adding my story but I will try again later!

TomCat said...

Watching that, I remember Ronnie Ray-Gun: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall!"

How quickly we have become the wall-builders!

jmsjoin said...

I know, it is sick! As usuak everything Bush criticizes about others he is doing. I don't know if you watched it but that Sadr wall is a path to hell. This is just beginning and will only help in the total eruption of Iraq1 then...
Anyway I remember over a year ago when most East Berliner's wanted the wall back up and their old life back as Democracy to them was hell. look at us today, hell!

BBC said...

I remember when Bush said if he told anyone the truth about that he would have to kill them.

His father once told a reporter that if the country really understood what the Bush family had done to the country that they would kill them. Or something like that.

jmsjoin said...

That is entirely true! The more I find out researching with grampy Bush, financing the Nazi, eugenics, you name it, the more you can believe the skull and Bones thoughts about Bush and know there is a lot more than we will ever know. I am blown away Prescott was never imprisoned or tried and that the chief idiot idiot and his father were ever allowed to happen.

Karen said...

I can't even stomach anything about Iraq anymore.

jmsjoin said...

Hi Karen, I know! That is because you know from beginning to the terrible end it is nothing but a spun lie and there will be no turnin its breakdowm around before it spreads through out the middle east.

Weaseldog said...

When I first heard about the wall, I pictured soldiers trying to put sections in place, while being hit by sniper fire.

Am I psychic, or can most any fool figure out that this is how it would be?

jmsjoin said...

Hi Wease. You were right! None of us are clairvoyant we just know we are being lied too and the brevity of the situation. It will totally blow as expected and spread throughout the middle east despite the childish Partisan games. Did you see the tape and what our guys are up against trying to build that stupid wall? Unbelievable! Success cut the crap!

Weaseldog said...

Yeah I saw it. It looked exactly as my worst fears are imagined.

If a foreign power were trying to do the same thing in Dallas, you can bet Texans would be taking pot shots at them.

In fact, Pancho Villa once invaded South Texas, and the local ranchers drove cut his army down with sniper fire, before the military could bother to show up.

jmsjoin said...

I know it's a bunch of shit but this is only going to give the right the reason to stay and fight until they can attack Iran. this is old but dead on. This is just starting. pay attention to the end. They just had to wait for a mindless to come along and we have him now.
On July 8, 1996, Richard Perle, currently a member, and formerly the head of the Defense Policy Board in the Don Rumsfeld Pentagon, delivered a document to the new Israeli Prime Minister, Jabotinskyite Benjamin Netanyahu. Perle, and a team of American neo-cons, had been tasked by Netanyahu—through the Israeli think tank, the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS)—to draft a strategy for abrogating the Oslo Accords and overturning the entire concept of "comprehensive land for peace," in favor of a jackboot policy of U.S.-Israeli-Turkish raw military conquest and occupation.

The short policy memo, which Netanyahu, and his successor-Likud Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, totally adopted as the core strategy of their administrations, spelled out a four-pronged attack on the peace process and the entire Arab world. It has become a self-evident truth that, since the Bush "43" and Sharon governments came into power simultaneously in early 2001, "A Clean Break" has been the guiding strategic doctrine of both—particularly following the irregular warfare attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001.

The Perle-Wurmser policy document demanded: 1) Destroy Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority, blaming them for every act of Palestinian terrorism, including the attacks from Hamas, an organization which Sharon had helped launch during his early 1980s tenure as Minister of Defense. 2) Induce the United States to overthrow the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq. 3) Launch war against Syria after Saddam's regime is disposed of, including striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and targets in Syria proper. 4) Parlay the overthrow of the Ba'athist regimes in Baghdad and Damascus into the "democratization" of the entire Arab world, including through further military actions against Iran, Saudi Arabia, and "the ultimate prize," Egypt (see Documentation following for the "Clean Break" report).

On Oct. 5, for the first time in 30 years, Israel launched bombing raids against Syria, targetting a purported "Palestinian terrorist camp" inside Syrian territory. The bombing immediately raised fears that Sharon is preparing a nuclear strike, most likely against Iran. A senior Israeli intelligence source told EIR that Sharon's action was clearly backed by the "pro-Sharon" crowd in Washington, led by Vice President Dick Cheney and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz: "They continue to be committed to their basic plan: Destroy Iran and Syria, and make Israel the dominant power in the region, and drive the Palestinians across the Jordan River." The source added that there "is obviously an agreement in Washington to do nothing." In a press conference a day after the Israel attack on Syria, President George W. Bush said Sharon had the right to "defend his own people," and then added, "We would be doing the same thing." A clean Break

Larry said...

This is just another normal day in the mayhem of malaise that makes up the miserable world of Emperor Hans Bush.

Unknown said...

Perle is a PNAC Poster Child.

Minnesotablue said...

The whole Bush family has been involved in shady deals throughout their careers.
Stayed up late waiting for Indianna results. The margin is so slim I don't see how Hillary can possibly stay in.
Anything more on your sons?

jmsjoin said...

Larry I know, it is going to as you know, get a lot worse!

Brother- Yes and I still refuse to believe it has been ignor5ed all this time like everything else and just continued to our demise. I don't get it!

Minnesota I refuse to believe that Prescott was never tried and jailed for his action during WW2 and the two Bushies were ever allowed to happen. As for those 2 sons Joe is home in South Carolina and enjoying the green and Jim arrived in Iraq yesterday. Worrying about him keeps me on edge. He'd rather be in combat than with his wife and baby girls. I don't get it. Eventually the odds you know! Hope your daughter is doing well!

TomCat said...

The connections between the Bush family and National Socialism go way back.

jmsjoin said...

I just do not know how Prescott got away without being tried and imprisoned for what he did and that the other 2 Bushies were ever allowed to even happen and are still not held accountable!