Rasmussen Reports has been tracking the race for the Democratic Presidential nomination daily for nineteen months… since November 2006. For the last few months, the most remarkable feature of the race has been its consistency and stability. Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are both running historic campaigns and both have captured the votes and hearts of distinct and important constituencies within the Democratic Party. Obama has won Primaries in states where the demographics favor his campaign and Clinton has won in the states that favor her campaign. However, while Senator Clinton has remained close and competitive in every meaningful measure, she is a close second and the race is over. It has become clear that Barack Obama will be the Democratic nominee. With this in mind, Rasmussen Reports will soon end our daily tracking of the Democratic race and focus exclusively on the general election competition between Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama. Join the poll Hillary, McCain, or Obama? Rasmussen calls Democratic race over, ends tracking
Against Obama The Republican political establishment is looking to the devil to deliver them, the man many have depicted as the incarnation of evil: John McCain. Republicans in the U.S. Congress are petrified about a November debacle, a fear stoked on May 3, when they lost their second straight special election in a district held by Republicans. The party's fundamental situation is terrible: Republicans are saddled with an enormously unpopular president, a war, a troubled economy and a Democratic opposition that's being energized by important constituent groups.
"The generics are as bad as anytime since I have been here," said Representative Tom Davis, a Virginia Republican and one of the most politically astute members of Congress in either party. Davis, a 14-year veteran, is retiring this year, frustrated with his party's long-term prospects. In a delicious irony, the one bright spot is McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. A few months ago, McCain spoke to the party's caucus in the House of Representatives and said that he would campaign in any district where he was wanted and stay out of any where he would be a liability. Republicans forced to turn to their nemesis: John McCain
Meanwhile in just one example of middle east peace Heavy fighting broke out between pro- and anti-government supporters in northern Lebanon amid the country's power struggle, security officials said Sunday.Muslim West Beirut has been mostly calm since Hezbollah and its allies seized control of many neighborhoods Friday from Sunnis loyal to the government. In the eastern Bekaa Valley, sporadic clashes took place between the two groups in different towns and villages. The road leading to the main border crossing point with Syria was still closed by pro-government supporters in retaliation for the opposition's closure of the airport road. Arab foreign ministers were to meet in Egypt on Sunday to try to find a solution to the latest deadly crisis. with fighting flaring the Pope can not help
Finally The 2008 race for the White House is casting a long shadow over President Bush. So long, in fact, that it may extend all the way to the Middle East. With Bush's middle east meeting coming up The talks are so tenuous that even Stephen J. Hadley, Mr. Bush’s ever-optimistic national security adviser, conceded there was little reason for the three leaders to get together. Mr. Bush will meet Mr. Olmert in Jerusalem and see Mr. Abbas separately in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt. “It’s hard to remember a less auspicious time to pursue Arab-Israeli peacemaking than right now,” Mr. Alterman said. “The politics on the ground are absolutely miserable. U.S. power and influence are at low ebb in the region. The Bush administration is beset by challenges — the combination of a faltering economy, persistent difficulties in Iraq and a growing threat from Iran — all at a time that the president’s popularity is at a historical low, and his administration is settling more and more into lame duck status.”
Arabs across the region are looking past Mr. Bush with a hopeful eye — particularly if his successor is a Democrat, said Aaron David Miller, a longtime Arab-Israeli peace negotiator who worked for the first Bush administration and the Clinton administration. Mr. Miller said countries like Syria, which Mr. Bush has branded a state sponsor of terrorism, were hopeful that a new administration would be more willing to engage. “If the Democrats come in after eight years, there will be a lot of new ideas, a lot of new enthusiasm to look at the Middle East in a different way, with more engagement, more diplomacy, ” Mr. Miller said, though he added that “there may be less of a change from Bush policies” than many Arabs think. As Bush Term Wanes, Mideast Peace Appears as Elusive as Ever
As we keep saying, this entire mess will be left to the next President and barring assassination or a pre election attack on Iran or another stolen election that should be Obama and he is smart enough to surround himself not with yes men but intelligent knowledgeable people. This is a hell of a mess Bush is leaving to the next President if he doesn't destroy the entire country by staying in power. Seeing us to a successful future is an indomitable task at best and requires a person of Obama's tenacity, intelligence, and Diplomacy!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Whoever our next president is, they will face a daunting task.
I feel Barack is up to that task.
You know I agree with you! It is simply daunting thinking of the increasing amount of ways the election can be taken away from us again. Something will be done. Watch! I firmly believe whoever is behind Bush, they will not relent. The awesome powers amassed under Bush will not be allowed in Dem hands. It is Mothers Day so I'll relax and stop there. Thanks Karen!
We must 'pray without ceasing' for Obama's safety. He has many who wish he would go away; the Republicans, the Neocons, the Clintons............
Whi knows how many hidden landmines await this country courtesy of Bush that will further destroy the economic security, much less the security in general.
I know it is really disconcerting! It doesn't stop with his election. It begins new concerns. I have more faith in the rest of the world taking care to see he stays alive and in control. As you know those on the right and whoever is really behind this crap concern the hell out of me!
Right on buddy! We will be finding and experiencing his damage for years to come. I have to keep most in the dark when I am on other sites because they think you're being pessimistic and they are happy in La La Land still hoping things will work out and they will not.
We will be doing it here and abroad for many, many years thanks to Bush. What is sick is he has many convinced he hasn't created this nightmare he created and we owe him thanks. I'll friggen thank him!
I agree that the damage done by Bush will last for years to come. However if Obama becomes president we will at least start on the long road to recovery.He is willing to mediate, negotiate and hopefully restore some of the respect our great nation deserves.
By the way, I recieved two great Mom,s Day gifts. One was the second book Obama wrote and the other was a large NURSES FOR OBAMA pin to wear proudly!
All Right! I didn't know Obama wrote a second book and I Love it that you are proud to wear your Nurses for Obama pin. He is smart enough to surround himself with knowledgeable people and listen to them as you know, Bush will not! I am just concerned on even having the election, having them not stolen again, and keeping Obama alive!
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