The Marine, part of the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), was exchanging gunfire with Taliban fighters near Garmser in Afghanistan's Helmand Province when a Reuters photographer captured the soldier's very close call.
Click here to see the dramatic photo sequence of the Marine under fire.
A series of six photos show the Marine, wearing a T-shirt and fatigues but no combat helmet, ducking as insurgent gunfire tears through the top of a mud wall he's using for cover. Remarkably, the Marine escaped the gunfight without injury.
“The insurgents are finding that every time they engage with the Marines, they lose,” Col. Peter Petronzio, commander of the 24th MEU, said in a statement issued May 10. “The Marines are gaining ground every day and securing more of the routes through the district. The support we have received from our allied partners has contributed to our many successes thus far.”
U.S. Detains About 500 'Enemy Combatant' Children in Iraq, 10 in Afghanistan Homicide Bomber Kills 4 and Wounds 8 in Afghanistan Photo Essays
Marine Cheats Death The Garmser district has been the center of a joint operation of U.S. and British troops designed to put pressure on Taliban insurgents, Agence France-Presse reports.
Troops have targeted this region on the Pakistan border that has served as a route for supplies and reinforcements for insurgents since April 28.
"Definitely they are putting resistance in the area because Garmser is very important for them," Gen. Carlos Branco, a spokesman for NATO's International Security Assistance Force, told the AFP.
"Garmser is a planning, staging and logistics hub. Once lost it will mean a severe defeat for them," he told the agency. "That is why they are reinforcing with insurgents coming from other places, both north and south."
Branco told the AFP that the insurgents had suffered "heavy" losses. combat getting tougher in Afghanistan
Two of my sons are no longer in Afghanistan, one just got back from Iraq and another despite many problems getting to combat (unbelievable) finally arrived last Tuesday. I was non plussed going through the news today and was taken by these pictures and this young mans luck that I thought I would post this to show you what our troops are dealing with and it like everything else will only get worse. I wish I could repeat some of the things one son told me but he said he would have to kill me, no just kidding but I can't repeat it.
Compelling piece, Will. Glad to hear your sons are home. Now let's keep them here.
I read it as one home and one newly arrived in Iraq.
It's time to declare victory, leave and let the UN clean up our mess.
Hi Utah and Wease
Yes as far as I know my sons are safe. One just got home and one of the nut cases just reenlisted upon arriving in Iraq. I just hope the law of averages doesn't catch up with him!
I can guarantee you both countries are lost I just hope Jim leaves Iraq before Bush or whoever escalates this. The only success in Afghanistan has already been achieved. When we attacked them the Taliban kept poppy production in check but thanks to our success they are by leaps and bounds number one and they can afford to keep fighting!
Compelling pictures but so scary. I think often about your sons and find it difficult to imagine the worry you must feel on a daily basis.
Those pictures are scary. Imagine seeing that with your son? The other day MSM kept playing over and over the phone call from that guy in a fire fight who accidentally hit redial and his family heard every detail.
Anyway Jim just called the other day. I get nervous because I know he is too ballsy! I try not too think about it. Last time I almost hoped they wouldn't let him go any more because of PTSD. He doesn't want to be wife and kids but keeps volunteering.
He likes it but the law of averages concerns me. He's such a hard ass it's hard to tell if he has problems or not! Take care!
Jim, are you posting on iReport as TheWizard?
He said, "Very Concerning" :)
I love the way the military keeps spinning this crap. Progress, my *ss, we've been in Afghanistan for a year longer than Iraq (another miserable disaster) and still have control over nothing but our bases. If the Taliban gets a wild hair, we won't have control over those either.
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. The Russians are laughing at us. We learned nothing from their folly.
When we are sufficiently weakened, the Triumvirate of China, Russia, and Iran will make their move. What other reason would China have for bankrolling our bankrupcy?
Are you serious? What is there someone who is as dire as me and I am afraid dead on and have never been wrong nor will I be. This is all undeniable unless you are on a hidden agenda and that was my first book but no! How do I get to I Report?
Thanks Wease!
I didn't see the Wizard must be a rabbit moment! I went to the fist 5 pages then it jumped to 9 and 16 etc. oh well! I did see you a lot though. I didn't know that about coal in the middle east. I have done post or two in the past about Iran running out of oil and that supposedly is why they want nuclear power.
Isn't it sick that Bush is going to go to war with Iran because he does not want them to have nuclear knowledge but he wants to help Saudi Arabia get nuclear power.I can't stand it. He sees big profit for his friends.
It isn't funny but the price of oil has increased $100 a barrel since Bush and his war mongering have been in office to enrich his friends!
Even though more and more of our soldiers are learning that the whole point of the wars they are stuck in is about Republican/corporate power and profit, they are still trapped in the military.
Soon a draft will be inevitable for the Empire's fodder.
You're right again Dave. I watched a program yesterday on the 65,000 soldiers that have been stop lossed. Some wounded or killed. That bothers me after volunteering to serve your country. A lot of soldiers are dragged back in after discharge. They are told this kind of thing will only happen WW3 happens. Well?
The draft is already a necessity and i said it was inevitable years ago instead this scum will back door and buy doing everything he can to avoid daddy's read my lips moment and the Dems or McCain if he is stolen in will have to re implement the draft.
Only if the shit hits the fan right here as I fully expect and these wars are just beginning as I expect, a Draft is going to cause a hell of a lot more problems than it did during Nam.
There is another advantage to bombing Iran.
If we hit them, they'll stop using their own oil.
Just like Iraq doesn't use much of their oil either.
By preventing nations from enjoying economic development from the consumption of their resources, we ensure that it goes on the market, where other players can profit from it, second hand.
I hope your sons come home safe, and soon. Really. Those photos are terrifying.
i hope you don't mind- i tagged you for something fun- details at my place :)
Great photos Jim and ones that the Monkey in Command would never look at.
Brother Tim said...
I love the way the military keeps spinning this crap. Progress, my *ss, we've been in Afghanistan for a year longer than Iraq (another miserable disaster) and still have control over nothing but our bases. If the Taliban gets a wild hair, we won't have control over those either.
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. The Russians are laughing at us. We learned nothing from their folly.
When we are sufficiently weakened, the Triumvirate of China, Russia, and Iran will make their move. What other reason would China have for bankrolling our bankrupcy?"
Great post Brother Tim.........I couldnt agree more with what you just said.......we've been there longer than WW2, and there has been little progress, its an unwinnable quagmire...........how does that saying go, "those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it"........and we've learned nothing from the Soviets in Afghanistan.
Those are great pictures though Patriot!
those photos are horrendous....must be so hard for you with your sons...it would break my heart...many hugs...I am so sorry...we will get them home and we will do whatever it takes...and we will not let McInsane in the white house...I promise you.....if I have to work more snow storms or make thousands of more calls,....whatever it takes...no parent should have to sleep with those photos in his minds eye...Don't lose hope or get sucked in the Iran Vortex....we have Something Real Happening here...for the first time in 40 years....we have hit the Tipping Point of this Criminal Corrupt Regime....
Many Hugs...hang in there...we march forward...there is Something Better Coming...
Thanks, Mike. Did you, by any chance, catch my post last week titled, Quagmirestan*?
You know Bush guaranteed a loss of everything when he diverted from the so called war on terror to get back into the middle east to go after Iran etc. No victory anywhere except for the world record poppy crop so the "insurgents" and continue their end of this just beginning new world order Forever War!
It may have been you but I don't remember. Someone mentioned sending coal to the middle east, profits disregarding pollution, figures!
Also it bothers me that Bush told the Saudis he would help them build a nuclear power plant at the same time he is telling Iran no nuclear knowledge or else. I am sick of this war mongering duplicity!
Those photos are terrifying. I wanted people to see what they are dealing with. Just imagine being the parent and seeing those pictures of your son! About a week ago MSM kept showing the audio of one guy in a fire fight in Iraq and he accidentally hit the redial in the middle of combat and his family was sitting there listening to that. Unbelievable! I guess I should shut up!
Bear with me! I will go see what we have but I want to thank you during the interim for including me though... Anyway I am just rushing around right now so I can research and see what must be discussed today!
You know it stinks but this is just beginning. I wanted people to see what they are dealing with. Just imagine being the parent and seeing those pictures of your son! About a week ago MSM kept showing the audio of one guy in a fire fight in Iraq and he accidentally hit the redial in the middle of combat and his family was sitting there listening to that.
I don't know if anyone thinks about it but I have said it many times. Bush is funding this so called terrorism by enabling world record poppy crops in Afghanistan. More in fact than the world can consume. It was almost dead under the Taliban.
Bush's idea of success should be hitting some people as he has given the insurgents funding and created terrorists there, in Iraq, the middle east, and around the world, to fight for years and keep his Forever War going!
Thanks, I have to tell you, there has been no progress unless you understand a Forever War is the goal to fight and achieve what these fools think will be their new world order. There will be no victory anywhere the way these war mongers define it!
Thanks enigma
It is one son I worry about more than than the others but he likes it so I try not to think about it. He knows I called my Brothers Commander and got something going so he tries to keep a lot quiet.
Those photos are terrifying. I wanted people to see what they are dealing with. Just imagine being the parent and seeing those pictures of your son! About a week ago MSM kept showing the audio of one guy in a fire fight in Iraq and he accidentally hit the redial in the middle of combat and his family was sitting there listening to that.
Anyway we will not relent. There is just so much... I know I'll be quiet!
As you know, I saw that post and you know I believe nothing will be won and whoever gets elected will be forced to fight Bush's Forever War as mush has now taken on a life of its own. I think I will give your post as look again before I get started. Take care!
I heard that tape too..those poor parents...I hope you are not losing faith..i saw a comment over at Diva and I was worried about you...don't get sucked into the McBush stuff- it is just the media hyping him...it will be alright..( I mean seriously the Debates are going to be amazing..and you did see the Oregon rally..that really is about Power to the people..and he has had big crowds in Montana)...we will get OUR Regime Change....have faith....hold tight....
( OKay...now if you have time I am tagging you with Utah's meme thing...I so suck at them...but I did it anyways....I would love to put you on my list- cuz I know you have had an interesting life...but I also know you might not be in the mood....whatever you like..)
I'll answer this but first did you hear Kennedy has malignant brain tumor? Bummer!
I'll answer this but first did you hear Kennedy has malignant brain tumor? Bummer!
No I won't lose faith, that is not possible! For that son I have a myriad of thoughts but try to not think about him. I have to laugh knowing the sweetheart I am talking to I have to keep biting my tongue but anyway there are a lot of forces in play most do not know about but we must not and will not relent!
I am looking forward to Obama and McCain debating one on one. I absolutely expect to see McCain hung out to dry. My major concern is the the complicit MSM and the ever changing lies from the right to suck people in and I am afraid many will be.
oh I almost forgot, you guys are something. I just got tagged by Betmo for something but I haven't had a chance yet to see what it is. This is all new to me. Bare with me I'll get over there. Thanks and take care!
I delete all the comments I get on Google as i read them and I deleted the one from betmo. I just went to her site and didn't see her Meme (I don't even know what that is) or see what she tagged me for so I hope she doesn't get mad at me.
I like you and betmo and everyone else on my Blog roll or I wouldn't have them there. I bother no one and do not want to bother anyone that is why criticism from those in my life is taken to heart.
Anyway I was just over Utah's another gem and I saw that tagged thing. No one cares about me and that stuff! I am one that keeps that all to myself unless face to face I have a discussion. It is of unparalleled interest and as you know I am going to write about it some day but it would have to be a series of books as I kid you not I lived 20 life times in a year. Now I am resting!
I just had someone here who came over and was talking to me as she likes to pick my brain over reality and the lated but I am so caught up in trying to wake up the country ( and I'll shut up about it) that I had to stop writing and devote a minimum of 12 hours per day 7 days per week to digging for the truth, getting the word out, and trying to help[ people into the future. I feel this is what I am here for.
Just discussing this makes me think I need a book to do it justice. When I was a cost accounting Manager my controller use to get mad because I always got down to detail. You have to in order to understand and know not think you know. I am a thinker and do not know how to shut it off until i know. Anyway I better shut up. Please stay in touch! I have told you before but I am so engrossed in all this that I never hear music unless you guys post it. Take care!
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