Internet soon to be obsolete, Condi courting McCain, Siegelman imprisoned by the White House, China financial nuclear option? Olympic protests growing, meaning? let's discuss it!
Another night of overwhelming news. Once again most is going to be glossed over and missed as it is coming too fast before the next created crisis takes over and buries the daily earth altering news and on purpose so hidden agendas can be followed. Speaking of hidden agendas I decided to once again focus on the up coming Olympics and the crushing of Tibet in my mind knowing the just beginning world water wars I believe, yes China crushes all opposition to the Party line but it is all about securing the regions water source the Himalayas!
First there are a couple very, very important stories you must read as I do not believe they are going to get air time and will be buried until the crisis emerges and dire proof what the right has in store for us! I am just going to supply the links so you can peruse them if you are so inclined as I want to focus on the Olympic torch procession and the growing protests as I have to really wonder what is in store for the Olympics this year!
Frightening but Condoleezza Rice has been ‘campaigning’ to be John McCain's running mate
After yesterdays conversation with tc we learn today The Internet could soon be made obsolete
China's old threat gets more real and dangerous everyday. Think about China's financial nuclear option
Recently released Governor Siegelman announces on 60 minutes he was imprisoned by Rove and the White House
* I am absolutely not surprised by that but like everything else it will only be lied about. Also thinking about China's financial nuclear option makes me realize why the chief idiot has done nothing about china over Tibet and like an idiot says he is going to the Olympics. I hope to hell him and the Chinese are alone. I want to focus on the growing protests!
I still do not understand how China is being allowed to host the Olympics and could not understand why there were not more outcries. They have definitely begun with the movement of the torch. Thousands of protesters waving Tibetan flags and shouting "Shame on China" disrupted the Olympic torch's marathon relay through London on Sunday, billed as a journey of harmony and peace. The flame survived a 31-mile (50-km) obstacle course of lurching demonstrators, an unexpected protective trip on a double-Decker bus and even a fire extinguisher to arrive in Greenwich, southeast London, where double gold medalist Kelly Holmes lit up the Olympic cauldron. But chaotic scenes of police scuffling with anti-China campaigners and images of a triple ring of British police and Chinese officials guarding the torch throughout the all-day relay will embarrass Chinese and Olympic officials.
Thousands of protesters waving Tibetan flags and shouting "Shame on China" disrupted the Olympic torch's marathon relay through London on Sunday, billed as a journey of harmony and peace. The flame survived a 31-mile (50-km) obstacle course of lurching demonstrators, an unexpected protective trip on a double-Decker bus and even a fire extinguisher to arrive in Greenwich, southeast London, where double gold medalist Kelly Holmes lit up the Olympic cauldron. But chaotic scenes of police scuffling with anti-China campaigners and images of a triple ring of British police and Chinese officials guarding the torch throughout the all-day relay will embarrass Chinese and Olympic officials. The torch is on its way to the 2008 Games in Beijing from August 8 to 24. The next Summer Olympics are in London in 2012. Thousands of protesters waving Tibetan flags and shouting "Shame on China" disrupted the Olympic torch's marathon relay through London on Sunday, billed as a journey of harmony and peace. Protestors crash Olympic torch party in London
French police have canceled the last leg of the Olympic torch relay in Paris following widespread protests against Olympic host China's crackdown in Tibet. Twice Monday, police extinguished the torch's symbolic flame so they could transport torch and runner by bus past crowds of angry protesters, many of them waving Tibetan flags. Paris Police Extinguish Olympic Torch as Anti-China Protests Mount
Amidst this growing chaos United States Olympic Committee chairman Peter Ueberroth is cutting short his stay at the Olympic meetings to return to the United States, where the lone North American leg of the protest-plagued relay visits Wednesday. He will be the senior USOC official in San Francisco, which is expected to draw thousands of protesters. Ueberroth leaves Tuesday in the middle of the International Olympic Committee's summit about the Beijing Summer Olympics, following the angry demonstrations during legs in London and Paris. Protesters are demanding that Olympic organizers denounce China's policies on human rights and Tibet and the communist government's backing of the Sudanese military regime responsible for the killings in Darfur. Ueberroth rushes home to deal with expected chaos
The Olympics are appropriately referred to as "games." What is happening in Tibet is no game. The Chinese government, which is preparing to host the Olympics this summer in Beijing, is brutally attacking the people of Tibet in order to put down a legitimate struggle for basic human rights. The pressure that the world can place on China to stop the killing and what can only be described as cultural genocide begins with a message that the games of the Olympics are not as important as the real-life struggles of the Tibetan people.
* That message is beginning to be sent. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has become the most powerful world leader to refuse to attend the Olympics opening ceremonies in Beijing. Hans-Gert Pottering, a member of Merkel's Christian Democratic Party who chairs the European parliament, has stoked discussion of a broader Olympic boycott, saying, "I cannot imagine German politicians attending the opening or closing ceremonies (if the Tibetan crackdown continues)." French President Nicolas Sarkozy has indicated that he may join Merkel in saying to the Chinese -- who see the Olympics as a marketing tool of immense importance to their country's economic and political emergence -- that what is being done to Tibet stains the name not just of China but of any country that would join it in playing the public relations game that the Olympics have become. Other leaders are opting out of the pageant in Beijing as well... Olympics and Tibet are now getting the attention they deserve
What amazes me is the Chinese are proving to be as brain dead as Bush in their response to the growing outrage! China's government appears to be stepping up a political-education campaign directed at Tibetans, a policy that may have sparked a new outburst of violence in the already tense situation in western China. China's ruling Communist Party has issued a circular in recent days to party members and government officials in Tibetan areas instructing them "to play an active role in maintaining social stability with more loyalty," the official Xinhua news agency reported on Friday. On Saturday, authorities vowed through state media outlets to step up such efforts. Overseas Tibetan groups said the campaign also involved requiring Buddhist monks to renounce ... Latest Move in Tibet: Political Education
Renounce the Dali Lama? Of course violence is increasing! What the hell do they expect? Again like Bush they appear to be creating an environment in which they appear to be forced to take total control. as I am watching protestors climbing the Golden gate Bridge and making preparations for the torches arrival on Wednesday I have to wonder what is going to happen with the Olympics this summer? Despite the heavy hand of China and their threats against any protests or violence I absolutely expect something to happen as the eyes of the world will be watching. Like mine at least for violence!
Im down with the Grid Option to replace the internet even if I had to read it on Fox News.
As for China, the U.S. and China are inseperable. As one goes so goes the other. They may threaten as the United States may threaten, but I doubt either will pull the trigger. If our economy collapses so does theirs and vice-versa.
My position on the Olympics remains: As long as Gitmo is open and we engage in torture and human rights violations we have no place to criticize China.
We also should consider that prrior to the invasion of Tibet by China, tibet was a serfdom where slavery was legal.
Two wrongs don't make a right but there are two sides to every story.
The Grid sounds pretty good. A couple of my concerns is what happens to us and this internet? Is the Grid as it sounds, something that can be easier controlled and shut down? Are we all going to have to upgrade or something?
A frightening dose of reality but under this regime we are no better than China and that stinks.
As we watch everything going on around the world with an unbiased intelligent eye you have to know whith everything there is nothing good in store for us in the future.
I was just listening to the war monger McCain again about the hoorrors if we don't stay in Iraq. That was lost the day the jerks attacked, along with the entire middle east and the future will be a horror regardless. Like it or not, Political rhetoric aside, that is a simple fact!
The Repugs have wanted to control the internet since the 2004 election losses, if not sooner.
As Hitler once said: "Control the flow of information and you control their minds."
Look at this Jim:
The Failure To Confront
Jim Kirwan
The Failure to Confront America's criminal-conspirators has left this nation with blood on all our hands. From the illegal congressional giveaway of their constitutional powers to the executive, and on through the courts all the way down to each and every one of us: We have failed to confront the enemy in this Time- of-War!
Cheney's shadow government in collusion with the official state of Israel are proceeding with their attack upon Iran, regardless of international law or any other considerations that might interrupt this military component in their War to finish their version of the Redistribution of Wealth worldwide.
"Two massive failures by the American media, the Democratic Party, and the American people have paved the way for Cheney's long planned attack on Iran. One failure is the lack of skepticism about the US government's explanation of 9/11. The other failure is the Democrats' refusal to begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush for lying to the Congress, the American people, and the world and launching an invasion of Iraq based on deception and fabricated evidence.
If an American president can start a war exactly as Adolf Hitler did with pure lies and not be held accountable, he can get away with anything. And Bush and his evil regime have.
Hitler launched World War II with his invasion of Poland after staging a "Polish attack" on a German radio station. On the night of August 31, 1939, a group of Nazis disguised in Polish uniforms seized a radio station in Germany. Hitler announced that "last night Polish troops crossed the frontier and attacked Germany," a claim no more true than the Bush Regime's claim that "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction." Hitler's lie failed, because his invasion of Poland, which began the next day allegedly in reprisal for the Polish attack, had obviously been planned for many months." (1)
The co-conspirator that has been of the greatest assistance to Cheney's shadow-government is AIPAC. This is the unregistered lobby for Israel in the United States that gives money (from a foreign government) to US political causes. Its members include the top three contenders in the 2008 selections process, along with all but 43 members of Congress, and most of the major players in the United States Government. By law foreign nations cannot give money to American political figures or causes unless they have registered as agents of a foreign government: AIPAC has steadfastly refused to comply with this law, since their inception. This is how the Foreign Policy of the United States has been hijacked, by way of Cheney's Shadow government, in collusion with this Outlaw element that serves Israel's needs over and above basic American interests.
After the Supreme Court virtually appointed Bush to be 'the Decider' in 2000; the current plans were fast-tracked, toward the creation of the Greater State of Israel. Simultaneously with this military perversion of America's actual national interests, the full court press to redistribute the wealth of this country, was also intensified. None of this could have happened had there been a meaningful investigation of the events on 911.
As any citizen knows; every crime leaves evidence behind. Yet this government, through its many agencies has steadfastly refused to allow any real investigations to proceed. The FBI, under Director Muller, refused to collect evidence at the crime scenes on 911 and has routinely blocked any and all private attempts to unearth the truth by anyone else. The CIA, the so-called Department of Justice, the US Military, the North American Air Defense Command have all played their parts in frustrating any effort whether public or governmental into the events of September eleventh, 2001.
Many have decided; that criticisms of this government's inaction and or complicity in the events of 911, are nothing more than conspiracy theories. Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact because we have failed to confront the lies told about the events of that day, we have all become complicit in the deaths of millions of people, and in the maiming and displacement of millions more in the countries that were falsely targeted by Cheney's government and by Israel, with the full cooperation of so many different US, Israeli, and British agencies. These American led illegal pre-emptive strikes in Afghanistan and Iraq are about to be heavily added to: rather than being curtailed.
This is happening because the goal all along has been nothing less that the meltdown of the entire US economy, in order to serve the needs of the global money-changers. (2)
The state of Israel has been blackmailing the USA since at least John F. Kennedy's presidency, when he tried to prevent Israel from having nuclear technology!
After 911, Israel had even more evidence of complicity to use against the American government, because they were part of everything that happened that day and they know who planted the explosives in those three buildings, just as they know where those very special charges came from, because they furnished them to Cheney's Secret Government. As Paul Craig Roberts so clearly says: "If an American president can start a war exactly as Adolf Hitler did with pure lies and not be held accountable, he can get away with anything. And Bush and his evil regime have"
Every event in this charade has been built on the lies that preceded each new expansion of the public's outrage, around the world. The demonstrations by millions before the war were ignored, The idea that "peace" in the middle east would flow from the democratization of Iraq was not only a cruel hoax, it left the Palestinian people squarely in the crosshairs of every country that will turn turn its weapons against Israel, in the coming chaos. This is no-win situation in every sense of that concept: except of course for those who plan to profit from the coming Avalanche of Criminal Activity that will open the world to WWIII.
Currently the US is pretending to grapple with finding "solutions" to the economic meltdown, along with the political instability world-wide. Those "answers" are waiting to be unearthed from our not-so-distant past. What must be done is that the original government laws that were instituted after the 1929 Crash need to be reapplied. We need to put government back onto the backs of the criminally-inspired-Corporations at all levels, and in every case. (3)
The financial problems within the marketplace can be corrected with government regulation of all the free-wheeling corporations that are now completely free to monitor themselves. Every time in history that the corporations have enjoyed unlimited freedoms, they have abused those freedoms in the extreme. But today with the Iron Triangle in unchecked wrath as they operate against the public and any other group that might challenge their hegemony, we remain in a completely untenable position that will lead to financial and societal slavery, in a country that no longer has any use for its citizens or for any of our established laws.(4)
This "Failure to Confront" has led us ever-deeper into a political and economic nightmare that is murdering everything in its path. Millions of people have paid with their lives for these illegal and unilateral decisions which we allowed this two-headed government of Cheney-Bush to implement: despite everything we once stood for. This latest War-Crime against Iran must not be allowed to happen, because if it does the rest of the worlds very fragile governments will find themselves facing interior rebellions that will plunge this planet back into the dark ages: yet all of this is happening now because we could not be bothered to pay attention to world events!
Americans are lazy to the point of indolence when it comes to all things political. We have also become used to the idea that we can outsource the solutions needed to solve our personal problems (our own freedoms and our very lives). To place these things in the hands of international outlaw's goes way beyond folly - this borders on sheer insanity! There is one other often overlooked problem inherent in too many Americans: Too many actually envy the Outlaws, and secretly want to become one with them, when it comes to taking part in the illegal bounty, which they believe they can do without being tarnished by such an action (investing is one way of joining and supporting the thugery). In short many of those who say they seek solutions, are secretly hoping to 'get in on the real money' before the doors slam shut: hence it becomes nearly impossible to get these people to actually fight the criminality, because at heart they want to profit from the potential' in the current state of near-anarchy! These people are as much a part of all this as are the Cheney's and the Rumsfeld's when it comes to culpability!
This War upon War needs to stop, but how can that happen when so many still want to grab their "share' of the corpse that was once the American Dream: As George Carlin says so well: "It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."
The issue if the internet and our ability to communicate is very important to me but all of us.
They have been trying to control the internet for some time. The new grid would give them the ability to control us, keep us disjointed, and keep us in the dark, thus under control. Remember Haarp. It sounds good but like everything else they lie about it is not!
I still see happy smiling faces on the train. Too few are ready to put away the Soma.
"Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse."
"We are all in this together, by ourselves."
"No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up." - Lily Tomlin
The Olympics should provide a healthy distraction for the populous, as the war heats up. Though the candidates are going to have to address the war in the Petraeus Show in the Bit Tent today, few will watch it, or care. They'll have more interest in what the Candidates say about the Olympics.
For myself, I'll tune in, and I won't care much, because I don't believe.
Obama is the closest thing we have to anti-war candidate, and he seems to be against the current wars for purely tactical reasons.
Why does it seem to be wrong for a candidate to oppose war, because it is evil? Why do we or is it the media, want a candidate that is eager for wars, when it can be rationalized, packaged and sold?
The Green Zone is under siege. It is being shelled daily. This is a very bad turn of events.
We are at maximum troop levels.
The tide is beginning to turn against us.
As we have no intention of leaving Iraq, there is only one course we can take.
1. We suffer some serious strategic defeats.
2. We bring back the draft.
3. The war gets very hot.
Toss in some missile strokes on Iran and we're going to completely bankrupt ourselves.
On a personal note... I got a letter from the court. One more partial payment and I'm done with bankruptcy. Then I can pay for my attorney's mistakes with the IRS. But at least I have some breathing room. I intend to be investing in water harvesting gear.
This is a done deal as whoever is really masterminding this idiocy has learned their History well and the idiot will lie and avoid all accountability for his destruction.
If an American president can start a war exactly as Adolf Hitler did with pure lies and not be held accountable, he can get away with anything. And Bush and his evil regime have.
Today's Betraeus lie will bring the failed surge to the failed siege until the war with Iran can begin. Why can't anyone see this as you know what the McGoon keeps saying will happen if we leave can not be avoided!
Down here in Texas, the big news is the polygamy bust.
CPS is going to separate as many of those children from their mothers as they can.
I'm emotionally and rationally, a bit confused over the issue.
On the one hand, the underage marriages and the polygamy are crimes, but is the rest of it a crime? Is this an assault on religious freedom? I think it qualifies. But then in a Southern Baptist, anti-Science state like Texas, Mormons are considered devil worshipers.
It looks like the time for burning witches is at hand.
As the wars rage on, the Dark Ages descend.
This is right on! "Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse."
"We are all in this together, by ourselves."
"No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up." - Lily Tomlin
It isn't cynicism it is reality despite the partisan rhetoric! The surge has been successful in its goal of creating a siege that is underway until the war with Iran can get going.
That is totally obvious but despite what the right or Obama say about pulling out the Bush created middle east explosion will not be turned around period and this is just beginning. I wish someone would pay attention to the emotions over the Olympics because those emotions are world wide and just mean unavoidable total chaos for the future!
I have been following that. I am not sure what I think about it. Everything just seems to be diversionary while this this criminal agenda of the rights is being perpetrated! I don't like the implications of what has supposedly been going on there but at the same time Bush is killing millions of innocents and you know mass rapes regardless of age. This is outrageous!
I agree James.
Is the timing suspect? Did they raid the camp now, because of the date of the hearing?
It seems too that the State is working as hard on brainwashing as was done in the compound.
Evidently these children need to be exposed to households with television.
One quote was that these children were essentially raised in a cave...
Divide and Conquer.
I've linked streaming video to the hearings on my blog.
McCain just spoke in glowing terms about Petreaus, Crocker and the war.
The one thing I can say with certainly is that this is not the end of bad news.
As know and I keep pointing out every time Bush declares a victory for Iraq and its people it falls a little or a lot further into the hell on earth he has created for them and promises to spread throughout the middle east and the entire world!
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