You know this is true but it has been worsened on purpose and the truth does not matter! Income inequality has risen. Most people date this rise to the early 1970s so Obama was right, the country is wrong! but it hasn’t gone up nearly as dramatically as wealth inequality. You know what stinks? Bush's goal has been to widen the gap between the haves and have not's and he is almost done. It is now wider than ever and I could never get anyone to realize the well established Doctrine he is following and that everything here and around the world is not because of ineptitude alone but has been done on purpose. The shit is preparing to hit the fan because of economics, the environment, and created world conditions. The average American and people of the world will be left on their own while the affluent will be okay. The Government and military along with the affluent will be able to start over. What they do not seem to figure into this is if mutual destruction is not the ultimate goal somebody has to be able to live here.
I had numerous important issues I wanted to cover today including the growing nightmare in Bush's hell on earth Iraq however when I heard this morning of the growing food wars I try to focus on and then my favorite wild river here in Northern Maine being one of the 10 most endangered rivers in the country I thought I better focus on that. First I want to remind you of just one post I did on the worsening food wars, the worsening water condition around the world and how anyone can make potable water cheaply. Be prepared
Today it hit home: We talk often about the worlds growing food and water wars however it is worsening right here! A "water war," worsening droughts and a growing, thirsty population make the Catawba-Wateree river system the most endangered river in the country, an environmental advocacy group announced Wednesday. With the designation, American Rivers hopes to focus public attention on what it called "backwards water management plans" and to push legislators in North Carolina and South Carolina to approve water-sharing agreements that would regulate users and water levels left in the rivers and streams. The Catawba flows from the North Carolina mountains and joins the Wateree in the Midlands. The system provides nearly half the water that flows into the Marion-Moultrie lakes, the source of drinking water for most of the Low country. The system is the focus of a South Carolina lawsuit against North Carolina over proposed water withdrawals from its basin. The lawsuit is now being heard by the U.S. Supreme Court.
I had numerous important issues I wanted to cover today including the growing nightmare in Bush's hell on earth Iraq however when I heard this morning of the growing food wars I try to focus on and then my favorite wild river here in Northern Maine being one of the 10 most endangered rivers in the country I thought I better focus on that. First I want to remind you of just one post I did on the worsening food wars, the worsening water condition around the world and how anyone can make potable water cheaply. Be prepared
Today it hit home: We talk often about the worlds growing food and water wars however it is worsening right here! A "water war," worsening droughts and a growing, thirsty population make the Catawba-Wateree river system the most endangered river in the country, an environmental advocacy group announced Wednesday. With the designation, American Rivers hopes to focus public attention on what it called "backwards water management plans" and to push legislators in North Carolina and South Carolina to approve water-sharing agreements that would regulate users and water levels left in the rivers and streams. The Catawba flows from the North Carolina mountains and joins the Wateree in the Midlands. The system provides nearly half the water that flows into the Marion-Moultrie lakes, the source of drinking water for most of the Low country. The system is the focus of a South Carolina lawsuit against North Carolina over proposed water withdrawals from its basin. The lawsuit is now being heard by the U.S. Supreme Court.
The "endangered" designation comes as South Carolina legislators grapple with a proposed state water plan, a law that would create a permitting system and set withdrawal limits for most large surface water users. Having a plan is pivotal to being able to work out water-sharing agreements with neighboring states and might be vital to winning the Supreme Court lawsuit. But the proposed plan has business and environmental interests, including American Rivers, hotly lobbying legislators over whose use and how much use it would restrict. The designation also comes as the waterway recovers from six months of drought in both states that led to communities along the rivers mandating water conservation measures. On Wednesday, the State Drought Committee declared much of South Carolina to be in a less severe drought, but the state as a whole is still in drought or threatened with drought.
The Washington-based environmental group annually ranks 10 "most endangered" rivers across the country to push conservation efforts for them. In 2005, the Santee River was named the sixth-most-endangered as the Santee-Cooper hydro-electric project underwent a contentious federal relicensing. Gerrit Jobsis, American Rivers' conservation director in the Southeast, called the Catawba-Wateree system a poster child for the kind of lapses in regional planning that lead to water shortages and Western-style "water wars" now erupting in this region. "It really is ground zero for a collision between limited water supply and unchecked population growth," Jobsis said. "Both states are guilty of having poor water management planning and regulation in place to deal with today's water issues. This is our time to get it right. The best, fastest, cheapest way of protecting water supplies is to initiate water conservation efforts." "It certainly highlights that water problem we are having. Hopefully, it leads to greater attention. We need legislation in this state and legislation is being considered," he said. Most endaqngered rivers in the Nation
You know about Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, and surprisingly to me Florida, let alone the expected States of California and Nevada and most other States, Lakes, and Rivers. It blew me away to hear my favorite wilderness river was in major trouble. This list is not good for entire Country.
The country's most endangered rivers, according to Washington-based advocacy group American Rivers:
1. Catawba-Wateree River
2. Rogue River (Ore.)
3. Cache la Poudre River (Colo.)
4. St. Lawrence River (N.Y., Canada)
5. Minnesota River (S.D., Minn.)
6. St. John River (Fla.)
7. Gila River (N.M., Ariz.)
8. Allagash Wilderness Waterway (Maine)
9. Pearl River (M.S., La.)
10. Niobrara River (Wyo, Neb.)
* We are in trouble here and around the world. My concern is us right now. We pay City planners, County planners, State Planners, etc. They plan nothing! They all practice crisis management! They do nothing until a problem develops and then they panic and say what do we do? Well, we are rapidly approaching an environmental, Food, and Water crisis, right here in America. I want you to be prepared. Do not panic! Nothing should happen immediately I just say right now "be prepared" at the very least to prepare your own potable water. Let me know what you need to learn, I can help!
The economy is like a pyramid. If the capstone becomes two heavy, it crushes the base. With that in mind, the last time income inequality approached it's present level was 1929.
I know, many don't think so but like everything else Bush is associated with I expect this so called economic crisis will dwarf anything in the past including the Great Depression. I wrote to the relentless Liberal again today in response to what he sent me. he is the very old school and I think you know a grass roots organizer behind anti nukes and everything positive but I get frustrated trying to get him and others behind the party to realize that old methods are worthless and this is not routine and we have not been hear before.
I went to dinner with a friend of mine a few weeks ago who is a Financial Advisor and manages people's retirement accounts.
He is one of the few in his office that hasn't lost any money this year for his clients.
He's a rather conservative guy but he was freaked out. He kept saying we have no idea the kind of shit that is going on that could hit the fan.
His specific point was that the food market is about to explode in inflation.
His opinion is that historically since the mid-80's commidities had been declining. The decline was fairly steady until the last few years.
Now commodities are going up and he thinks the trend will continue for a decade or more which means..you guessed, inflation!
He also thinks food shortages will occur.
And this from a guy who still thinks we should stay in Iraq...
He is entirely right! I know most that hear me think I'm a pessimist but I am just a thinking functioning realist. Farmer by vocation accountant by training writer by necessity.
Anyway my sons laugh at me but I keep Blogging on the just developing financial crisis, water wars, food wars, growing world wars, everything and people just think I'm nuts but watch.
* Everything is just beginning, will get much worse, like everything Bush has touched and nothing will be quelled. The entire mess will have to play and I wasn't kidding when I said 100 years would be short and you can bet on it.
This is Bush's answer to the economy Jim:
Bush Replaced REX84 With New Martial Law EO
Ted Twietmeyer
Once In Control - Martial Law Will Stay
In May 2007, Bush signed executive new orders NSDP51 and HSDP20 to replace REX84. The older order REX84 was an older directive to establish martial law in the event of a national emergency. Everything done in government is done for a reason, and these two new orders are no exception.
These new directives surprised and alarmed many real conservatives and true patriots at the time. These two orders established that the White House administration would take over all local governments under a national state of emergency, instead of Homeland Security.
In May 2007, The Washington Post apparently saw nothing wrong with it and placed the story back on page 13 (a fitting unlucky number for it), according to a CSPAN television interview with well known author and writer Jerome Corsi:
Page 13 of Washington Post from May 2007 reports that Bush claims he will run the "Shadow Government"
A contradiction appears to exist here. It cites a nuclear attack or a decapitating event in Washington as the reason for this, according to security analysts. If all the leaders and the administration in Washington are dead from a nuclear attack, who will be left to take over leading the nation under executive orders NSDP51 and HSPD20?Who would be left to sign the martial law orders? This implies that martial law must be activated BEFORE an attack takes place while the administration is out of town, which clearly implies a false-flag operation by traitors of the worst kind. The administration was in Florida on 9-11, too.
As of this writing in April 2008, we are coming up on a year since these two directives was written and signed. There have been many rumors of false-flag attacks being prepared for 2008. Are these repeated rumors designed to destroy the credibility of whistle blowers, so when the real event is announced by a whistle-blower no one will listen? This question doesn't appear to have been asked by anyone, but it must be. This many not be unlike the proverbial story of the boy who cried wolf. But in this case the wolf isn't coming - he's already inside. Now it's a question of when the wolf will make his move.
Hitler took power through completely legal means. Laws were previously established in plain view of the German people before he made his dictatorial power grab. We appear are witnessing the very same thing happening today some seventy years later. Apparently no one on Capitol Hill has learned a thing from history as it repeats itself. They also have clearly forgotten Bush's words in December 1999 - "This job would be a heck of a lot easier if this were a dictatorship...just so long as I'm the dictator”. He meant what he said, he's acting exactly like one and it's happening right now.
America's case for a repeat of a Hitler type power grab is clearly underway. First there was the infamous 1200 page Patriot Act that appeared a few days after 9-11 but almost no one on Capitol Hill took time to read, but almost everyone signed off on it anyway. Some on Capitol Hill have said that soldiers with machine guns were in the hallways on Capitol Hill the night the Patriot Act was signed, and many felt intimidated they must sign it without reading it. If true, then it implies that martial law may have already been declared in secret. Soldiers in hallways have no place on Capitol Hill in civilian government. Again, another sign of a dictatorship IN ACTION.
Technically, Congress could nullify the Patriot Act overnight by claiming it was signed under duress.
There have been other draconian follow-on homeland security type acts which simply were given less intimidating names. All are good examples of political BS at work.
Are NSDP51 and HSPD20 the last of them all? Most likely they are not. We have no idea how many other orders have been signed in secret, such as the torture orders which were leaked to the media. When confronted about the torture order, Bush simply has shrugged his shoulders about in total disregard and boldly claimed he signed off on it.
Like paving stones, all the pieces have come together in plain sight to pave the highway to a completely legal totalitarian police state, with all of America to be controlled by the White House. But is this legal? Bush has abused his executive order powers countless times like previous presidents. Executive orders were originally created by Congress to establish relatively harmless laws without the need for Congressional approval, such as new legal holidays. Congress can revoke that privilege at any time that is, up until the time when martial law is declared. Military troops will send Congress home making them powerless. At that point we shall have passed the point of no return. That is, if we haven't already.
A look at the history of numerous third world countries around the globe proves one common thread exists once the military takes control of its home country, it usually doesn't return control to civilian authorities once a war or threat to security is over. And today America has been reduced to the status of a third world country as well. American manufacturing is now almost totally defense industry-driven, which makes the return of government to civilian hands after war ends even less likely in the foreseeable future.
With a 100 year war boldly proclaimed by the administration, civilian control will never be returned to Congress - for at least FIVE GENERATIONS.
Martial law will require the full support of US military personnel to enforce it. Foreign troops are called into enforce martial law will still require both direct and indirect support from US military personnel, or a military-military civil war could ensue. But in the end, that may be what's needed to end the madness.
Here is the REAL acid test - will military personnel voluntarily turn America into a police state virtually overnight? Will these same military personnel do nothing while they watch their friends and loved ones crushed under absolute law and absolute terror? Bread lines and soup kitchens will return, but most likely only within the confines of American POW camps on American soil. This will force people to voluntarily turn themselves in to eat. Perhaps a "guns-for-food" type program will be established to encourage the American people to disarm themselves, even though the door kickers will be sent out anyway.
In military history it's well known that if you control the food supply, you control the people. Few people know that a secure area inside Wal-Mart headquarters in Bentonville, AR has a sign declaring that secured area belongs to Homeland Security. Wal-Mart will become the food distributor for America under a rationing program. There is no other larger food store chain that can provide the required logistics that store can. In the 1990's, the military quietly did walk-throughs of all the major food store chains around the country taking notes. Somewhere there is a document detailing what the plans are. Certainly at the very least, it will entail securing ALL the grocery stores of any size. Small corner grocery stores will be cleaned out in a day or two, and would be of no interest to the military.
To believe such horrors could never happen in America, when it's now down on its knees already economically would be pure stupidity at the very least. Those in real estate swore for decades that real estate prices would always go up, too. Now these same people are panicking and on they are on their knees, too. So much for greed, as they have earned their reward. But what about innocent, hard working people that have always lived within their incomes? Do they deserve to suffer as well?
We live in a time when absolutely anything is possible. A military coup is now required to prevent declaration of martial law, kick the foreign troops out of America and restore true civilian government. Dangerous centralized dictatorship laws must also be nullified and this time, the lesson learned once and for all.
No civilian militia can restore American law at this point. They would only be labeled as terrorists and dealt with under new laws already in place. We have reached the point where restoration to civilian law and government checks/balances can only come from the inside.
But time is quickly running out.
This agrees 100% with what I keep saying! n May 2007, Bush signed executive new orders NSDP51 and HSDP20 to replace REX84. The older order REX84 was an older directive to establish martial law in the event of a national emergency. Everything done in government is done for a reason, and these two new orders are no exception.
These new directives surprised and alarmed many real conservatives and true patriots at the time. These two orders established that the White House administration would take over all local governments under a national state of emergency, instead of Homeland Security.
In May 2007, The Washington Post apparently saw nothing wrong with it and placed the story back on page 13 (a fitting unlucky number for it), according to a CSPAN television interview with well known author and writer Jerome Corsi:
Page 13 of Washington Post from May 2007 reports that Bush claims he will run the "Shadow Government" Technically, Congress could nullify the Patriot Act overnight by claiming it was signed under duress.
I told you, Bush will not be the one to implement this nightmare his chosen false God will be the one, McCain and he will dwarf Bush in his coldness and horror.
We can only hope the Patriot Act can be nullified but it is increasingly looking like that will not happen as the President in the end is the sole decider unless we the people wake up, come together, abd right this ship we call America before it sinks.
My lifer son tells me if it comes down to it the military will not turn on the people but I wouldn't count on it but I am prepared to go against them. The underlying problem is the private security and the fact that if current military will not do the dire bidding replacements will be found!
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