As you know Kosovo's parliament voted for independence on 17 February. More than 20 countries have recognised it so far, including the US, Britain, France, Germany and Turkey. But Serbia and Kosovo's minority Serbs are vehemently against it - and they have the support of Russia and China. Russia fears that recognition of Kosovo could open a "Pandora's box" of independence claims - and points to unresolved conflicts in the former Soviet Union. There is little difference, according to the Kremlin, between the separatism of Kosovo and the ambitions of pro-Russian areas such as Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia and Trans-Dniester in Moldova. the violent future Of Kosovo and the world
It is too late! The Pandora's box of independence is open and Bush is holdong it ajar. Just look at this! Since 1990, 33 new countries have been created. The dissolution of the USSR and Yugoslavia in the early 1990s caused the creation of most of the newly independent states.
You probably know about many of these changes but a few of these new countries seemed to slip by almost unnoticed. This comprehensive listing will update you about the countries which have formed since 1990.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
It is too late! The Pandora's box of independence is open and Bush is holdong it ajar. Just look at this! Since 1990, 33 new countries have been created. The dissolution of the USSR and Yugoslavia in the early 1990s caused the creation of most of the newly independent states.
You probably know about many of these changes but a few of these new countries seemed to slip by almost unnoticed. This comprehensive listing will update you about the countries which have formed since 1990.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Fifteen new countries became independent with the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Most of these countries declared independence a few months preceding the fall of the Soviet Union in late 1991.
Former Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia dissolved in the early 1990s into five independent countries.
Bosnia and Herzegovina, February 29, 1992
Croatia, June 25, 1991
Macedonia (officially The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) declared independence on September 8, 1991 but wasn't recognized by the United Nations until 1993 and the United States and Russia in February of 1994
Serbia and Montenegro, (also known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), April 17, 1992 (see below for separate Serbia and Montenegro entries)
Slovenia, June 25, 1991
Other New Countries
Nine other countries became independent through a variety of causes.
March 21, 1990 - Namibia became independent of South Africa.
May 22, 1990 - North and South Yemen merged to form a unified Yemen.
October 3, 1990 - East Germany and West Germany merged to form a unified Germany after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
September 17, 1991 - The Marshall Islands was part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by the United States) and gained independence as a former colony.
September 17, 1991 - Micronesia, previously known as the Caroline Islands, became independent from the United States.
January 1, 1993 - The Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent nations when Czechoslovakia dissolved.
May 25, 1993 - Eritrea was a part of Ethiopia but seceded and gained independence.
October 1, 1994 - Palau was part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by the United States) and gained independence as a former colony.
May 20, 2002 - East Timor (Timor-Leste) declared independence from Portugal in 1975 but did not became independent from Indonesia until 2002.
June 3, 2006 - Montenegro was part of Serbia and Montenegro (also known as Yugoslavia) but gained independence after a referendum.
June 5, 2006 - Serbia became its own entity after Montenegro split.
Febraury 17, 2008 - Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia. 33 new countries since 1990
The new Country Independence movement
It is too late to worry about or use the excuse of concern over opening the Pandora's Box of countries disolving because of desires for regions to become autonomous! our intervention has this so called Democratization program wich is actually a shaping of sides in the upcoming new order Forever War. It will not be avoided but concern should be focussed on Peace in the future and the opening the nuclear war pandora's Box in defense of this failed Democratization program.
It is too late to worry about or use the excuse of concern over opening the Pandora's Box of countries disolving because of desires for regions to become autonomous! our intervention has this so called Democratization program wich is actually a shaping of sides in the upcoming new order Forever War. It will not be avoided but concern should be focussed on Peace in the future and the opening the nuclear war pandora's Box in defense of this failed Democratization program.
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
I think Russia, China, and the U.S. want another Cold War to spurn on their economy and continue to enich and empower the Military Industrial Complex.
They see the Iraq War will soon wind down. Right now they are sucking $12 billion a month out of our treasury. The U.S., Russia, and China are all dealing weapons in Iraq.
If they lose Iraq, the next best thing for them is a nice new Cold War.
I wish it would end with the spuring on of economies but that is just the first goal.
The Iraq war will not be winding down but will consume more money and then it will encompass the entire middle east before it embroils the entire world as was the original goal.
Knowing we are breaking financially as is also part of the plan to get us to accept being totally controlled you really have to wonder how they are going to pay for this or do they think they will fight and Defeat those we owe and have our debt excused. I just don't get it!
Check this out Jim:
Our three-decade recession
The American quality of life has been going downhill since 1975.
By Robert Costanza
The news media and the government are fixated on the fact that the U.S. economy may be headed into a recession -- defined as two or more successive quarters of declining gross domestic product. The situation is actually much worse. By some measures of economic performance, the United States has been in a recession since 1975 -- a recession in quality of life, or well-being.
How can this be? One first needs to understand what GDP measures to see why it is not an appropriate gauge of our national well-being.
GDP measures the total market value of all goods and services produced in a country in a given period. But it includes only those goods and services traded for money. It also adds everything together, without discerning desirable, well-being-enhancing economic activity from undesirable, well-being-reducing activity. An oil spill, for example, increases GDP because someone has to clean it up, but it obviously detracts from well-being. More crime, more sickness, more war, more pollution, more fires, storms and pestilence are all potentially positives for the GDP because they can spur an increase in economic activity.
GDP also ignores activity that may enhance well-being but is outside the market. The unpaid work of parents caring for their children at home doesn't show up in GDP, but if they decide to work outside the home and pay for child care, GDP suddenly increases. And even though $1 in income means a lot more to the poor than to the rich, GDP takes no account of income distribution.
In short, GDP was never intended to be a measure of citizens' welfare -- and it functions poorly as such. Yet it is used as a surrogate appraisal of national well-being in far too many circumstances.
The shortcomings of GDP are well known, and several researchers have proposed alternatives that address them, including William Nordhaus' and James Tobin's Measure of Economic Welfare, developed in 1972; Herman Daly's and John Cobb's Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, developed in 1989; and the Redefining Progress think tank's more recent variation, the Genuine Progress Indicator. Although these alternatives -- which, like GDP, are measured in monetary terms -- are not perfect and need more research and refinement, they are much better approximations to a measure of true national well-being.
The formula for calculating GPI, for instance, starts with personal consumption expenditures, a major component of GDP, but makes several crucial adjustments. First, it accounts for income distribution. It then adds positive contributions that GDP ignores, such as the value of household and volunteer work. Finally, it subtracts things that are well-being-reducing, such as the loss of leisure time and the costs of crime, commuting and pollution.
While the U.S. GDP has steadily increased since 1950 (with the occasional recession), GPI peaked about 1975 and has been relatively flat or declining ever since. That's consistent with life-satisfaction surveys, which also show flat or dropping scores over the last several decades.
This is a very different picture of the economy from the one we normally read about, and it requires different policy responses. We are now in a period of what Daly -- a former World Bank economist now at the University of Maryland -- has called "uneconomic growth," in which further growth in economic activity (that is, GDP) is actually reducing national well-being.
How can we get out of this 33-year downturn in quality of life? Several policies have been suggested that might be thought of as a national quality-of-life stimulus package.
To start, the U.S. needs to make national well-being -- not increased GDP -- its primary policy goal, funding efforts to better measure and report it. There's already been some movement in this direction around the world. Bhutan, for example, recently made "gross national happiness" its explicit policy goal. Canada is developing an Index of Well-being, and the Australian Treasury considers increasing "real well-being," rather than mere GDP, its primary goal.
Once Americans' well-being becomes the basis for measuring our success, other reforms should follow. We should tax bads (carbon emissions, depletion of natural resources) rather than goods (labor, savings, investment). We should recognize the negative effects of growing income disparities and take steps to address them.
International trade also will have to be reformed so that environmental protection, labor rights and democratic self-determination are not subjugated to the blind pursuit of increased GDP.
But the most important step may be the first one: Recognizing that the U.S. is mired in a 33-year-old quality-of- life recession and that our continued national focus on growing GDP is blinding us to the way out.
larry my friend I have to laugh! I came to the conclusion a long time ago that you send me the articles you send me on the reality of our situation and what the so called experts say about it because you know I have said it all innumerable times. As i must have said 50 times by now by the time a so called expert writes about it, it is old news and too late to stop.
This in particular was the first thing I saw and I'll tell you why. In fact I bet I already did. No one sees reality better than the grass roots, the poor. I told you I saw the fact that we were on the decline and going the way of the Roman Empire as soon as I started High School.
I lived at and worked 50 to 60 hours per week at the Agricultural School I went to then in The summer i worked starting in April 100 hours per week. You see society from the ground up, I saw the economics of our society and who benefited from our so called great economy and it isn't us.
All average citizens by now must see the hard way that it is not them. When I saw the truth about what was happening to our society and people laughed at me for being a worry wart including my entire family even still they are now finding out I was right.
Bush has sped the entire process 1,000 fold and there will be no turning this around now because this has gone too far from complacency by citizens and complicity from Politicians and those taking advantage of and benefiting from this facade of democracy and success!
The former Yugoslavia has changed names/boundaries, etc., so many times during the past centuries, it's mind boggling.
I know
and I believe you know better than I but what is happening there, in the middle east, the former USSR, and around the world because of this stupid Democratization program and the rush to autonomy is just the prelude to a new world order creating Forever war called WW3.
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