I am putting this together early as I have to go entertain the folks at the nursing home! I will be on the destruction of the world in the name of peace again today and these right wing war mongers will not be denied and it is sickening to hear us and the world demeaned so they can just continue their wars. It gets worse today of all days for these perverted Christian assholes. Happy Easter! This is a continuation of the joke of peace! Cheney talking peace I mean come on. They want their way period and will destroy the middle east and the entire world to have peace but on their terms. No Way! The rest of the middle east wans it on theirs.
With supposed Peace hopes In Ramallah, Mr Cheney met Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and is due to meet Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Security is tight for the visit, with police blocking streets within several kilometres of the government compound. Earlier, he said Washington was committed to the establishment of a Palestinian state and that Palestinian leaders could be "certain of America's goodwill". America's Goopdwill, what the hell is that?
Mr Cheney also reaffirmed US backing for Israel. "America's commitment to Israel's security is enduring and unshakeable, as is our commitment to Israel's right to defend itself - always - against terrorism, rocket attacks and other threats from forces dedicated to Israel's destruction," he said at a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Saturday.
"The United States will never pressure Israel to take steps to threaten its security." US President George W Bush has said he hopes for a peace deal before he leaves office in January. But the BBC's Tim Franks in Jerusalem says Israelis and Palestinians are sceptical about the chances for peace. Opinion polls suggest that most people doubt that the current talks, given an extra push by the Americans at the end of last year, will lead to a deal any time soon. Peace is a facade
Anyway yesterdays conversation as this will ratchet up with Iran, the entire middle east, and the world in the name of Peace! Iran, as a nation, has deep roots in spiritual and religious discourse and faith in humanity’s righteousness. Its poetry and literature are full of metaphysical references to humankind’s sense of compassion, justice, insights into human nature’s philosophical consciousness and adherence to logic, reason and above all, the equality of all people and nations. There is an overwhelming faith in global morality and an associated conviction that all disputes between different countries can be resolved by dialogue and appropriate adjudication.
On the other hand, the American dogmatic global doctrine is fundamentally based on the use of POWER, both political and military, in the promotion of its capitalistic ideological enterprise and the expansion of its authority worldwide. The Iranian world view and the American global perspective are two diametrically opposed concepts. Hence, the Iranian people have great difficulty in comprehending American political behavior vis-à-vis Iran’s desire to acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. The Iranians will be well-advised to understand that the US has, traditionally and historically, misused the UN and the Security Council innumerable times as a tool and an extended arm of its foreign policy adventurism by exerting pressures and other tactics on this world body. In the conduct of global politics, the Americans conveniently disregard the notion of morality when self-interest is at stake. The Security Council’s role in slamming sanctions against Iran is a plan of action deliberately orchestrated by the US and its Western European allies to continue their power dominance of the region.
They and all of us are screwed as Bushco has all the abusive power he needs to wage total war in the name of peace and it is coming quickly. I heard McCain in France say China has defiled it name and world standing. Frig! I constantly tell everyone Bushco decries the world for its actions while they themselves are leading the way.You know we have been hearing rumors of a desire by the waest of having Israel be the western Capital of the weorld. Also while their McCain shunned the Palestinian's while visiting Israel and telling them Jerusalem should be their Capital.
Peace my rear! Now Cheney is there saying he wants peace and Bushco is not just willing to fight for Peace but to go all the way. Yeah Destroy the world in the name of peace! What the hell is that? Iran and the world are screwed in the name of Christianity, new world order, and peace. I decided to post part of yesterdays conversation because of todays coorborating events as I have to go to the nursing home and entertain for Easter but will be back! I did want to check on the number of Amercans killed in Iraq today and on the 10 explosions in the green zone. Success! AAARRRGGGHHH!
This destructive peace is immenent! I have to say, I thought Fallon taking command over there was the ket to the kick off to the ineviteable war with Iran and wrote accordingly. However with all his tactical and Commend experience he became the stop to an Iran attack because he knows the folly of an attack. I then realized his dismissal to be the ket to the attack and now McCain was in Israel saying we want peace but on our terms, and today Cheney the friggen idiot is over there saying he wants peace and will destroy the world to have his way. It is going to happen real quick now. I am sickened!
In this regard I remember Blackwater founder Eric Prince was testifying before Congress. When he was testifying. I was very suspect. Now looking at this! Even Blackwater's marketing materials are infused with the imagery of global humanitarianism; one of the company's recent ads shows a tiny malnourished infant being spoon-fed and proclaims the company's intention to "provide hope to those who still live in desperate times."Yet the most important vehicle for Prince's global aspirations isn't Blackwater proper, but Greystone Limited, a company he quietly founded in 2004 as his firm's "international affiliate." According to Chris Taylor, a former Marine Recon soldier who until May was Blackwater's vice president for strategic initiatives, Prince sought to build a new brand. "Blackwater has a sexy name and people pay attention to it," Taylor says, and sometimes that high profile "may not fit the proposed mission." In particular, he says, "international opportunities" were to be "looked at through Greystone." Clok and Dagger Peace your way and to the highest bidder? For anyone anywhere in the world? This is the future? Destruction for peace on your terms? oh shit!
I was just on www.fixIraq.com who I have my troop death counter through because I wanted to check on how bad it is.
I noticed there were 47 Iraqi deaths today amidst numerous attacks on the green zone and throughout Iraq in Bushco and McCain's success of horror.
I lost respect for that site though when I noticed they are right wingers and were showng a picture of McCain I use to respect of his saluting upon return as a POW, saying elect him for President. My Ass!
I have to run out to the nursing home now, I will be back!
Look at this Jim:
Spitzer and the Bush Bankers
Ted Lang
"So why all the concentrated media focus on New York Governor Elliot
Spitzer’s long-term rolls in the hay with paid sex partners?"
The DC Madam scandal has been erased from the American public’s radar screen by the Zionist-controlled “American” mass media. The Bush White House pedophile scandal is non-existent thanks to the Zionist MSM. And if one needs proof of the Zionist domination of our mass mainstream Establishment media, please go here to get up to speed.
The New York Times, gatekeeper for all broadcast and cable TV news, has yet to learn of the Downing Street Memo. And Cheney’s direct involvement in orchestrating defense system “stand-downs” to facilitate the 9/11 massacre of Americans, and his criminally motivated exposure of Valerie Plame, are of absolutely no concern to the MSM. So why all the concentrated media focus on New York Governor Elliot Spitzer’s long-term rolls in the hay with paid sex partners?
Even a novice news junkie that has only recently begun to understand the fraud and propaganda agenda of the “American” MSM can immediately notice something weird relative to the “exposure” of Governor Spitzer’s addiction to high-priced prostitutes. Any normal red-blooded American male just loves women who can reduce down sexual pleasure to the simple exchange requiring only money. It is indeed the “oldest profession.”
Consider all the previously cited potential block-busting front page headlines “missed” by “America’s” MSM. Why the fuss over this? Even the exposure and resignation of former Governor Jim McGreevey of New Jersey attracted less mass media frenzy than this “news” event. It is clear that this exposé of the “evil” of Eliot Spitzer is a deliberate media-hyped fraud to remove from power that which is a serious threat to The Establishment’s power elite.
Let US recall the directives for all disciples of Zionism as articulated in “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” Here is the applicable dictate from “the Protocols” as cited in Henry Ford’s The International Jew, Chapter 8: “As always election campaigns are staged as entertainment, a diversion for the people; they are permitted to think and act as if they are really making their own government, but it is always the Jews that win. And if after having elected their man or group, obedience is not rendered to the Jewish control, then you speedily hear of ‘scandals’ and ‘investigations’ and ‘impeachments’ for the removal of the disobedient.” Is this relevant to the Spitzer “scandal?”
Here’s more from the agenda of “The Protocols” as illuminated by Ford: “Usually a man with a ‘past’ proves the most obedient instrument, but even a good man can often be tangled up in campaign practices that compromise him. It has been commonly known that Jewish manipulation of American election campaigns have been skillfully handled, that no matter which candidate was elected, there was a ready made sufficient amount of evidence to discredit him in case his Jewish masters needed to discredit him. To arrange this is part of the thoroughness of Jewish control. And, of course, the American people have been sufficiently trained to roar against the public official immediately [when] the first Jewish hound emits its warning bay.”
Sound familiar? The Zionist objective is to recruit for American government those politicians with skeletons in their closets so that they can be blackmailed. The greatest example is that pompous, arrogant and egotistical ass, Woodrow Wilson, who sold US out for the Zionist Rothschild Marxist income tax and the Warburg Federal Reserve System now bankrupting America. But these affronts to true individual freedom are of absolutely no concern whatsoever to our Israel and communist New World Order-supporting MSM. And here’s why.
Virtually every power-postured, corrupt and immoral politician in America uses the services of beautiful, high-priced prostitutes. It’s part of the American political power rewards system. But the phony straw men Frankenstein monsters of American government have conjured up phony affronts to decency and morality. These offer that the “mere possession of” firearms, “controlled substances,” pornographic materials, and soon, documents and writings critical of American government, constitute crimes that require punishment. The fact is these are NOT crimes. Crimes are acts of depravity committed by one human against another thereby depriving the victim in some way of the enjoyment of life, liberty and property. And who commits more crimes against American citizens than American government?
Crimes that are not resultant in “damaged victims,” victims that have been deprived or forcibly reduced in economic value, or who have sustained physical injury, pain or death, are not crimes. Government creates crimes out of thin air. They are only crimes because government says they are crimes. When one considers the “liberal” call for a separation of church and state, combined with the unequal and opposite marriage of synagogue and state, “laws” are created for political expediency, and not for either equity or justice.
Prostitution is not a crime. If it really was, then the whole damn Congress should be arrested and locked up! Nor is the “mere possession” of anything, a crime. As long as no one is hurt or injured in any way by someone’s action, then NO CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED! The corrupt, immoral state and its corrupt, immoral, politicians are the only ones who discriminate against law-abiding, moral citizens, to elevate their own depravity and real crimes to their own personal standard of acceptability.
Yes, technically, Spitzer committed a crime; but only in the eyes of corrupt, immoral government. And yes, he basically has no defense because he vigorously prosecuted others for committing precisely the same type of “offenses” that he himself committed. At worst, he’s a hypocrite. But drug possession, drug usage, alcohol possession, alcohol usage and its over-indulgence, as well as paid-for sex, are none of the government’s damned business! Humans make mistakes, but a whole hell of a lot less mistakes than f*g government! Please identify for me the worst criminal you can call to memory that mass-murdered more than one million human beings!
New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer was brought down rapidly, disgracefully, and very, very publicly by the mass Zionist media. Where was this media for Downing, the White House pedophiles, Plame, Edmonds and the DC Madam? They were nowhere to be found! So as far as this news junkie is concerned, they can all drop dead and go straight to hell!
Spitzer was targeted by The Establishment. Sure Spitzer is Jewish, and I’ve re-registered as a Republican to support Congressman Ron Paul and my Jewish friend Dr. Murray Sabrin, who is running for the US Senate for New Jersey. But Spitzer’s track record is simply marvelous! He was an enemy of War Street. He was an enemy of the international central bankers, the House of Rothschild/Rockefeller NWO promoters. He may possibly have been contemplating investigating the 9/11 fraud perpetrated by the Cheney-Bush crime machine, but this claim is, so far, unsubstantiated. But, he was threatening the international bankers and their criminal Cheney-Bush regime.
In an opinion piece Spitzer wrote and published in the Washington Post on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, the day after his admitted tryst in DC, Spitzer wrote: “Even though predatory lending was becoming a national problem, the Bush administration looked the other way and did nothing to protect American homeowners. In fact, the government chose instead to align itself with the banks that were victimizing consumers.”
Spitzer’s piece entitled, “Predatory Lenders’ Partner in Crime – How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers,” highlighted the subprime lending bust which was planned and brought about by the banking “industry.” Spitzer observed: “Predatory lending was widely understood to present a looming national crisis. This threat was so clear that as New York attorney general, I joined with colleagues in the other 49 states in attempting to fill the void left by the federal government. Individually, and together, state attorneys general of both parties brought litigation or entered into settlements with many subprime lenders that were engaged in predatory lending practices. Several state legislatures, including New York's, enacted laws aimed at curbing such practices.”
Spitzer has been whoring for ten years. Nothing new here. As previously stated, ALL politicians in America are corrupt and all do this. Spitzer never saw it coming. And stupid brainwashed America is of course outraged as the Protocols knew they would be. Traitor Nancy Pelosi could have come to his aid and told the criminal GOP to back off or she would go after the smirking disgrace in the White House; but she too is only loyal to Israel and its New World Order.
And as we consider Zionists and their origins from the “Jewish” international House of Rothschild, it was this Zionist banker who plotted to infiltrate the highest levels of Freemasonry in order to gain access to America’s political elite. Most US Presidents, including George Washington, were Masons. It was Rothschild who conceived of a Jewish State, and who supported Theodor Herzl’s Zionist activism which created “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” And the Protocols make it clear how utterly disgusting and loathsome the goyim (herd) of Christianity and non-Jews are. It mimics the hatred for Christ and His followers found in the “Jewish” Talmud. And it was this hatred for all non-Jewish humanity that motivated Hitler. It is what turned him into a racist, a racist reacting to, and opposing, the hatred and racism of “Jews.”
But the bringing down of Spitzer, himself a Jew, now provides readily discernible evidence that not all Jews are Zionists, and that those Jews who oppose their Zionist masters will be destroyed. Think of traitor Nancy Pelosi’s terror after being booed by the Israel lobby.
It should be clear, that virtually all bankers are tied, in some way, to the Rothschild system. And Spitzer connected them and Bush. And he connected them to the current economic mess in America that is directly their creation. Now think of the loudmouth on talk radio that impresses everyone with his high level of intelligence in opining: “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories.”
Will they ever learn Jim:
Breaking Point
Ted Lang
Not sure the sneering, nasty old geezer heard her
correctly, she repeated, “You don’t care what the
American people think?” “No,” Cheney replied.
What will it take to really enrage the American people to the breaking point? Is it the comments made by that sneering, nasty old geezer with the pacemaker’s reply “So?” to ABC’s Martha Raddatz after telling him that only two thirds of the American people oppose the illegal invasion and war in Iraq? The truth is that it is more like 75 percent of the American people who want the war ended and believe, along with truly professional high-level military strategists and personnel, that the war is a horrific mistake and America’s most incompetent military misadventure. It has lasted longer than World War II!
Not sure the sneering, nasty old geezer heard her correctly, she repeated, “You don’t care what the American people think?” “No,” Cheney replied.
Now consider this response and his monarchial attitude when applied against the history of governments, monarchies, revolutions and war. Consider the response to that usually ascribed to Marie Antoinette before she was guillotined: “Let them eat cake!” Or how about multi-zillionaire William Vanderbilt’s outrage directed at a reporter: “The public be damned!” Or French King Louis XIV and Charles de Gaulle’s, “I am the state!”
Cheney’s response, at a time when it is now known that it was his sole initiative to invade Iraq, which is now destroying our economy, has killed almost 1.2 million innocent, defenseless, Iraqi civilians in order to bring them “democracy” by bombing the shit out of them, and has probably killed somewhere between 15,000 to 20,000 in our American military, is typical of the mindlessness, heartlessness, and downright treason of one of humanity’s cruelest tyrants. This monster has killed more human beings than Abraham Lincoln!
Where did I come up with the 15,000 to 20,000 fatalities? I made it up! What choice does one have when Bush has banned all the press from establishing an accurate count and reporting these numbers independent of accounts from American government’s trained official liars? If a wounded soldier is in a chopper and on the way to a medical facility and dies in the air, he or she is simply not counted as having been KIA! Don’t tell me someone out there still believes anything these mass-murdering criminals tell US! And as the President of Vice, who has absolutely no constitutional authority to rule over either Bush or the American people, has also proclaimed, via his own rhetoric and that of his neocon-communist butchers, Iran is the NEXT target!
What about the National Intelligence Estimate from 16 American intelligence and CIA agencies that have offered irrefutable evidence that Iran NO LONGER HAS A NUCLEAR PROGRAM??? Well, as far as Cheney and his neocon-communist butchers are concerned, that intelligence, just as pointed out by the Downing Street Memo The New York Times has yet to learn about, isn’t worthy because it doesn’t fit this criminal regime’s policy objectives. Cheney-Bush are relying solely on “intelligence” provided by Israel!
But if the American people don’t care about the blood on their hands in allowing the neocon-communist butchers to get away with the mass-murders of 1.2 million Iraqis, then what about the prices at the gas pump? Y’all okay with that? Bushco and his Big Oil cronies, while getting away with the planned havoc his Big Gun cronies have orchestrated in the Middle East, are making US pay for even that magnificent profiteering by blaming Arabs and Muslims for lousing up the flow of oil to America. $Chi-ching - $Chi-ching! Real neat policy stuff, no?
And what about all those illegal non-bid government contracts with Security-KBR-Us? Huh? Where are the concentration camps located that they are building for US? Anybody out there know? Anybody out there care?
And since food has to get from farms and industrial producers and purveyors in trucks, trucks that buy expensive diesel and gasoline, food prices are going up too! And that’s okay too?! I got it! Why don’t we throw some more fuel on our flaming economy? How about some of Algore’s “global warming” fraud so that we can save Earth by banning trucks and replacing them with rickshaws and bicycles? Hmmmm! Come to think of it, that might not be a bad idea after all. If we can get Bush on a bike more often, maybe the next time he falls it will keep him away from the football for a spell. But what do we do about the real emperor, the President of Vice and genocide?
Demonstrations are starting. One group, albeit a tiny one, went directly to the source of the problem: the IRS. The latter criminals have been in operation for years, brought into being and “legitimized” in this country’s government by Zionist-communists and an imbecile with a PhD in the White House. They steal our money directly out of our pay checks, legitimized by another communist in the White House to finance yet another war we didn’t need and didn’t have to be involved in, and reserve for themselves the right to violate the Fifth Amendment which precludes our gathering evidence against ourselves so they can fine and incarcerate US for non-payment of war and lobbying tribute.
The IRS not only steals our money to fund illegal wars; it fills barges with our money and sends it to Israel, and that dangerous, nuclear armed mass-murdering lunatic nation sends a lot of our stolen money right back and gives it to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Then AIPAC stuffs our cash into the pockets of Democratic Party traitors, Pelosi, Reid, Waxman, Conyers, Leahy, Schumer, and the rest of these “liberal, progressive” panty wetters. At this point, we all know Cheney-Bush and their neocon-communist butchers are mad; they are no longer the issue. It is the treasonous non-action of Democrats in Congress that now must take FULL BLAME for both Iraq, and soon, for IRAN as well!
The Cheney-Bush crime machine is now testing US! They want war with Iran! How much can they steal at the gas pumps, at the supermarkets, and through the Zionist bankers “global warming” scam? How many demonstrators can be harassed by Cheney-Bush’s crime machine? How many times can the riot police Gestapo drag off law abiding people who are peacefully demonstrating? Conspiring “minds” want to know?!
The Coming Depression Jim:
Could the Bush Recession Turn Into the Bush Depression?
By Howie Klein,
I don't know anyone who thinks we're not in a recession and I don't know anyone who says we're on the brink of a Depression. Most people have no reason to think we won't have a Depression; they just think "it can't happen here" or "now" or "to me." It shouldn't either. Nor should have George Bush. The most unlikely of morons to assume the presidency he's done everything that anyone could do to bring on a financial calamity. This morning's Paul Krugman column, Partying Like It's 1929, gets right to the point: right wing ideology is toxic. The "banking crisis of the 1930s showed that unregulated, unsupervised financial markets can all too easily suffer catastrophic failure." Krugman claims the hard-learned lessons were "forgotten" as the decades passed. I'm less generous.
To the laissez fairies of the extreme right Krugman's carefully regulated and supervised financial markets are communism. Anything that impedes absolute greed and selfishness in pursuit of the general good is treason. And along came Bush and his merry band of agenda-driven Mayberry Machiavellis.
Krugman is so logical and generous in his understanding of how markets work. I don't think he used the words "greed" or "selfishness" once in his column-- or even implied the base instincts behind them. But that is what has driven us to the brink of disaster-- and he knows it. He explains what made a garden variety recession of 1929 into the Great Depression of the 1930s and how society-- or at least the New Deal (imagine only 17 Republicans in the 1937 Senate)-- dealt with it. "And we all lived happily for a while-- but not for ever after."
Wall Street chafed at regulations that limited risk, but also limited potential profits. And little by little it wriggled free-- partly by persuading politicians to relax the rules, but mainly by creating a "shadow banking system" that relied on complex financial arrangements to bypass regulations designed to ensure that banking was safe.
For example, in the old system, savers had federally insured deposits in tightly regulated savings banks, and banks used that money to make home loans. Over time, however, this was partly replaced by a system in which savers put their money in funds that bought asset-backed commercial paper from special investment vehicles that bought collateralized debt obligations created from securitized mortgages-- with nary a regulator in sight.
As the years went by, the shadow banking system took over more and more of the banking business, because the unregulated players in this system seemed to offer better deals than conventional banks. Meanwhile, those who worried about the fact that this brave new world of finance lacked a safety net were dismissed as hopelessly old-fashioned.
In fact, however, we were partying like it was 1929-- and now it's 1930.
The financial crisis currently under way is basically an updated version of the wave of bank runs that swept the nation three generations ago. People aren't pulling cash out of banks to put it in their mattresses-- but they're doing the modern equivalent, pulling their money out of the shadow banking system and putting it into Treasury bills. And the result, now as then, is a vicious circle of financial contraction.
Mr. Bernanke and his colleagues at the Fed are doing all they can to end that vicious circle. We can only hope that they succeed. Otherwise, the next few years will be very unpleasant-- not another Great Depression, hopefully, but surely the worst slump we've seen in decades.
Even if Mr. Bernanke pulls it off, however, this is no way to run an economy. It's time to relearn the lessons of the 1930s, and get the financial system back under control.
Problem is there's another lesson Americans haven't learned-- or have forgotten. Calvin Coolidge is about to finish his second term, the worst presidency ever. And too many Americans seem more than willing to vote for Herbert Hoover.
Interestingly, this morning's Washington Post reports on the long overdue re-evaluation of the over-hyped Alan Greenspan, a kind of financial markets J. Edgar Hoover. "Perhaps," Steven Mufson's article begins, "the Maestro composed some discordant notes after all." Not that he gave two craps about the non-rich, but the Post also reports on how his policies are-- predictably-- hurting the poor and middle class hardest. "Inflation is walloping Americans with low and moderate incomes as the prices of staples have soared far faster than those of luxuries. Overall, inflation may only been up by 4% from last year, but for staples like groceries, gasoline, health care and other basics it's approaching 10%. That's real inflation that hurts people who live on budgets.
The record of longtime Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan -- worshipped by business leaders and dubbed "Maestro" in a 2000 biography by the Post's Bob Woodward-- is getting a critical look as his successor Ben S. Bernanke wrestles with problems that began on the Maestro's watch.
Many economists blame Greenspan for lax bank supervision and for keeping interest rates too low, too long from mid-2003 to mid-2004. That, the theory goes, fueled the housing bubble and spawned subprime and adjustable-rate mortgages for low-income people, vast numbers of whom can't make their payments now. Banks bought those mortgages in bundles that are worth far less than they originally were. That has led to big write-offs, shaking the entire financial system.
And I don't think continuing Bush's economic policies-- as McCain has already been doing-- is going to help do anything to solve any of the problems... at least not for America. McCain and Bush seem to think exporting American jobs abroad is sound policy. They're incorrect-- although the French might disagree with me:
Steve Forbes is fuming at the ineptness of the Bush Regime's response to what he calls a financial panic. "Not since Jimmy Carter has the U.S. had a President so oblivious to the damage done by an increasingly feeble greenback."
The Bush administration must take two steps immediately to quickly halt the unending, enervating credit crisis: shore up the anemic dollar and, for the time being, suspend "marking to market" those new financial instruments, such as packages of subprime mortgages.
The weak dollar is pummeling equities, disrupting the economy, distorting global trade and giving hundreds of billions of dollars in windfall revenues--through skyrocketing commodity prices-- to our adversaries such as Iran and Venezuela.
...The Federal Reserve can rally the markets for a day or two by finding some new mechanism through which to lend more money to banks and other financial institutions. But this is the proverbial Band-Aid for a patient who is beginning to hemorrhage.
Here is a good question Jim:
How Lethally Stupid Can One Country Be?
Happy Anniversary, America!
Watching George W. Bush in operation these last couple of weeks is like having an out-of-body experience. On acid. During a nightmare. In a different galaxy.
As he presides over the latest disaster of his administration (No, it's not a terrorist attack that was 2001! No, it's not a catastrophic war that was 2003! No, it's not a drowning city that was 2005! This one is an economic meltdown, ladies and gentlemen!) bringing to it the same blithe disengagement with which he's attended the previous ones, you cannot but stop and gaze in stark comedic awe, realizing that the most powerful polity that ever existed on the planet twice picked this imbecilic buffoon as its leader, from among 300 million other choices. Seeing him clown with the Washington press corps yet once again and seeing them fawn over him, laugh in all the right places, and give him a standing ovation, also yet once again is the equivalent of having all your logic circuits blown simultaneously. Truly, the universe has a twisted and deeply ironic sense of humor. Monty Python is about as funny and as stiff as Dick Nixon, by comparison.
It's simply incomprehensible. It's not so astonishing, of course, that a country could have a bad leader whose aims are nefarious on the occasions when they are competent enough to rise to that level of intentionality. Plenty of countries have managed that feat, especially when as was the case with Bush every sort of scam is employed to steal power, and then pure corruption and intimidation used to keep it. History is quite littered indeed with bimbos and petty criminals of this caliber. What is harder to explain is how a country of such remarkable achievements in other domains, and with the capacity to choose, and in the twenty-first century no less, allows this to happen. And then stands by silently watching for eight years as the tragedy unfolds before their eyes, all 600 million of them, hardly any of them even blinking.
And so, remarkably, as we mark now the fifth anniversary of the very most tragic of these debacles, the most destructive and the most shameful because it was the most avoidable the sad question of the hour is less what is to be done about it than will anyone even notice? Not likely. And not for very long if they do. And, most of all, definitely not enough so as to take meaningful action to bring it to an end, even at this absurdly late date.
But let's give credit where credit is due. This is precisely by design. This is exactly the outcome intended by the greatest propaganda-promulgating regime since Hermann Göring set fire to the Reichstag. It was Göring himself who famously reminded us that, "Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. ...Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
Sure worked in Germany. And it worked even better here, because these guys were so absolutely careful to avoid exposing the costs of their war to those who could demand its end. For example, by some counts, there are more mercenaries fighting in Iraq, at extremely high cost, than there are US military personnel. There's only one reason for that. If the administration implemented the draft that is actually necessary to supply this war with adequate personnel, the public would end both the war and the careers of its sponsors, post haste. For the same reason, this is the first American war ever which has not only not been accompanied by a tax increase, but has in fact witnessed a tax cut. Likewise to 'preserve the dignity' of the dead, of course you are no longer permitted to see photographs of flag-draped caskets returning to Dover Air Force Base. And the press are embedded with forces who are also responsible for their safety, which is just a fancy way of saying that they're so censored they make Pravda look good. It is, in short, quite easy for average Americans to get through their day, every day, without the war impacting their lives in any visible respect, and that is precisely what hundreds of millions of us are doing, week in and week out. All of this is courtesy of an administration that couldn't run a governmental program to save its own life but, boy, they sure as hell know how to market stuff.
So perhaps there is no excuse, after all, for my naiveté, for my credulousness in wanting to believe that twenty-first century America might be different enough not to follow the smallest of men a personal failure and a 40-year drunkard who, unlike Herr Göring's führer, couldn't even claim charismatic eloquence as the sole virtue accounting for his power to follow such a petulant child off the deep end of a completely unjustified war. Perhaps Americans and American democracy are no wiser or better than any other people or political system, even today, even after the worst century of warfare in human history, even after the mirror-image experience of Vietnam. Maybe the experience of Iraq hasn't even changed them, and they'll once again follow like lemmings when led to war by pathetic creatures such as George W. Bush, fifty years from now. Or five years from now. Or even five months from now, as the creature d.b.a Dick Cheney tees up a confrontation with Iran in order keep Democrats out of the White House, and himself out of jail.
Sure, presidents and prime ministers, no less than kings and führers, will lie their countries into war. Sure, they're very good at it, and getting better all the time. Definitely a frightened people are more prone to stupidity than those lucky enough to contemplate in the luxury of quiet safety. Without question, it helps an awful lot if you're just Joe Sixpack, out there trying to figure out international politics in-between a long day's work, helping the kids with their algebra homework, and the Yankee game to have a checking-and-balancing Congress, a responsible opposition party, and/or a critical media helping you to understand the issues accurately, rather than gleefully capitulating to executive power at every opportunity. But that by no means excuses a public who were fundamentally far more lazy than they were ignorant or confused. And lazy is one thing when you're talking about a highway bill or even national healthcare. But when it comes to war, lazy is murder.
I don't think it took a giant leap of logic to understand that this war was bogus from the beginning, even based on what was known at the time. The war was sold on three basic arguments, each of which could have been easily dismantled even then with a little thoughtful consideration.
The first was WMD, of course. So, okay, perhaps your average American didn't know that the United States government (including many in the current administration) had actually once supplied Saddam Hussein the materiel to make these evil weapons, and had covered for him at the UN and elsewhere when he used them. Although this historical myopia is very much part of the problem, of course. Americans are so ready to denounce supposed enemies without doing the slightest bit of historical homework to become acquainted with the slightest bit of history to make sense of the situation. If you don't know that the US actually canceled elections and helped assassinate a 'democratic' president in Vietnam, of course you're going to support war there. If you don't know that the US toppled a democratically elected Iranian government to steal the country's oil and then installed a brutal dictatorship in its place, of course you're going to be angry at US diplomats being held hostage. And if you don't bother to learn the true history of Iraq, perhaps you'll find the WMD argument quite persuasive.
But, in fact, even without the historical background information, it never made a damn bit of sense. Iraq had been pulverized by war and sanctions for over twenty years prior to 2003. Two-thirds of its airspace was controlled by foreign militaries. Its northern region was effectively autonomous, a separate country in all but name. It was in no position to attack anyone. Moreover, it hadn't attacked anyone not the United States or anyone else. Indeed, it hadn't even threatened to attack anyone. Shouldn't that be part of the calculation in determining whether to go to war? Do we really want to give carte blanche to any dry (we hope) drunkard in the White House who today wants to bomb Norway ("They're stealing our fish!"), or tomorrow wants to invade Burkina Faso ("They dress funny!")?
Too often, of course, the historical answer to that question has unfortunately been yes, we apparently do want to do that. But let's consider the massive warning signs in this case, even apart from what could be known about the administration's lies at the time. Shouldn't it have been enormously problematic that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11? Even the administration never had the gall to make that claim. Wasn't it transparent to anyone that America had plenty on its plate already in dealing with the enemy we were told we had, rather than adding a new adventure to the pile? And why wasn't this thing selling throughout the world, or even amongst the traitorous half of the Democratic Party in Congress? Remember how everyone at home and abroad yes, including the French supported the US and its military actions in Afghanistan only twelve months before? Shouldn't it have been a warning sign of epic proportions that these same folks wouldn't countenance a war in Iraq just a year later? That the administration had to yank its Security Council resolution off the table, even after breaking both the arms of every member-state around the horseshoe table, because it could still only get Britain and two other patsies to lie down for this outrage, out of a total of fifteen, and nine needed to pass?
And how about the logic of that whole WMD thing, after all? Did anyone ever stop to think that several dozen other countries have WMD, including some that are pretty hostile to the United States? Did anyone not remember that the Soviets once had nearly 25,000 strategic nuclear warheads pointed in our direction? What ever happened to the logic of deterrence? To mutually assured destruction? And what about the mad rush to go to war, preempting the UN weapons inspectors from doing their job? Are we really okay with the notion that instead of 'risking' whatever would have been at risk by giving the inspectors another six or eight weeks to finish up, we've instead bought this devastating war down on our own heads for no reason at all? If you stop to think about it, it makes you shudder. Which I guess explains why not too many people stop to think about it.
The second rationale for war was the bogus linkage between Iraq and al Qaeda. The extent and ramifications of this lie are so significant that the White House, it was just recently revealed, squelched a Pentagon report showing no connections between the two. Is this sort of censorship what the Bush administration means by democracy, the remedy it's always preaching for the rest of the world but never practicing at home? Anyhow, remember how definitive Cheney and the rest were of this supposed al Qaeda linkage, based pretty much entirely on a meeting between two operatives in Prague which likely didn't even take place? Now we find out that the Department of Defense has spent the last five years combing through a mere 600,000 documents, and found zero evidence of such a link. Not some evidence. Not mixed evidence. Zero evidence.
But you could tell even then that they had almost nothing to go on. Christ, the United States government itself has had far more interactions with al Qaeda including helping to build the beast from its inception than one disputed meeting between two spooks in Prague. Doesn't it seem that a decision to go to war should hang on more than a single thread like that, let alone a narrow and tattered one? And how many of us are down for attacking any country right now that might have had a single meeting between a low-level functionary and an al Qaeda representative?
Then, once again, there's the matter of that whole pesky logic thing. Pay attention now, class. What do we know about al Qaeda? They are devoted to religious war jihad in the name of replacing governments across the Middle East with theocracies, or better yet recreating the old Islamic caliphate stretching across the region, right? Right. Now if this vision could have more thoroughly contradicted Saddam's agenda for a secular dictatorship seeking regional domination on his own Stalinist terms, it is hard to imagine how. You don't need a PhD in international politics to see that these two actors were about as antithetical to each other as the Republican Party is to integrity. Then again, even having one doesn't necessarily mean you have the foggiest clue about what's going on in the world, as Condoleeza Rice clearly demonstrated by brilliantly failing to anticipate that Hamas would win elections she had pushed the Palestinians to hold. For someone serving as secretary of state, this idiocy is the rough equivalent of anyone else being shocked when a dropped bowling ball hurtles to the ground, because they're not yet fully acquainted with the concept of gravity. Evidently, in Texas this is what they call 'credentials'.
Lastly, Bush's little adventure in Mesopotamia was supposed to bring democracy to the region, remember? Never mind, of course, that there has long already been a fairly thriving Islamic democracy, right next door. Oops! It's called Turkey. And let's not forget Mr. Bush's long-standing devotion to democracy, as he amply demonstrated in the American election of 2000. Or as he has continually manifested by bravely and publically pushing the Chinese to democratize. Just as he has with his pals in Egypt and especially the family friends running Saudi Arabia, the recipient of more American foreign aid than nearly any other country in all the world. And let's not forget the several hundred thousand perished souls from Darfur, whom this great champion of human rights has fought valiantly to keep alive by... by... well, I'm sure he's done a lot behind the scenes. Sure is gonna be hard for them to exercise their precious right to vote from the next world, eh?
What is clear is that the reasons given to the American public for the war in Iraq were entirely bogus. This much is already on the public record, from the Downing Street Memos and beyond. Even if we can only speculate on why they actually invaded oil, glory, personal insecurity, Israel, clobbering Democrats, Middle Eastern dominance what we know for sure is that the rationale fed to the public was a knowingly fabricated pack of scummy lies. It wasn't about WMD, it wasn't about links to al Qaeda, and it sure wasn't about democracy.
But even if we can't identify the true motivations within the administration for invading, we can surely begin to see the costs. Probably a million Iraqi civilians are dead. Over four million are displaced and now living as refugees. Together, these equal a staggering one-fifth of the population of the entire country. Meanwhile, the remaining four-fifths are living in squalor, fear and a psychological damage so extensive that it is hard to grasp. America has lost 4,000 soldiers, with perhaps another 30,000 gravely wounded. Hundreds of thousands more will be scarred for life from their experiences in the hell of Mr. Bush's war. Our military is broken and incapable of responding to a real emergency, at home or abroad. Our economy will sustain a blow of perhaps three trillion dollars before it is all said and done. Our reputation in the world is in the toilet. We have turned the Iranian theocracy into a regional hegemon. And we have massively proliferated our own enemies within the Islamic community. That would be one hell of an expensive war, even if the reasons given for it were legitimate. It is nearly incomprehensible considering that they were not.
This week, a man died in France, the last surviving veteran of World War I, a devastating conflict that even a century later nobody can still really explain to this day. Meanwhile, Dick Cheney, John McCain and Joe "Make-me-SecDef-Mac-oh-please-pick-me-Mac" Lieberman parachuted into Iraq for photo-ops to sustain the war they don't have the integrity or the guts to abandon. Never mind that their visits had to be by surprise, and that they stroll around the Green Zone wearing armored vests surely the most powerful measures of the war's success imaginable. Of course, to be fair, we've only been at it for five years now. Perhaps after the remaining ninety-five on McCain's agenda go by, Americans will finally be safe enough in Iraq to announce their visits in advance.
So, Happy Anniversary, America! You put these people in charge, and then after seeing in explicit in detail what they were capable of you actually did it again in 2004! You stood by in silence watching the devastation wrought upon an innocent people, produced in your name and financed by your tax dollars. And you continue to do just that again, now in Year Six.
Brilliant! Put on your party hat, America. You won the prize.
You've successfully answered the musical question, "How lethally stupid can one country be?"
This article points out some basic facts. It really stanks there are those that think we harping on issues are going to be responsible for this upcoming long destined clandestine mess.
We are controlled. Our Politicians are controlled. If they step out of line as Spitzer was about to dop by outing Bush and his responsibility to the current soon to worsen financial mess, they are brought down to keep the destructive agenda hidden!
Prostitution is not a crime. If it really was, then the whole damn Congress should be arrested and locked up! Nor is the “mere possession” of anything, a crime. As long as no one is hurt or injured in any way by someone’s action, then NO CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED! The corrupt, immoral state and its corrupt, immoral, politicians are the only ones who discriminate against law-abiding, moral citizens, to elevate their own depravity and real crimes to their own personal standard of acceptability.
Yes, technically, Spitzer committed a crime; but only in the eyes of corrupt, immoral government. And yes, he basically has no defense because he vigorously prosecuted others for committing precisely the same type of “offenses” that he himself committed. At worst, he’s a hypocrite. But drug possession, drug usage, alcohol possession, alcohol usage and its over-indulgence, as well as paid-for sex, are none of the government’s damned business! Humans make mistakes, but a whole hell of a lot less mistakes than f*g government! Please identify for me the worst criminal you can call to memory that mass-murdered more than one million human beings!
New York State Governor Eliot Spitzer was brought down rapidly, disgracefully, and very, very publicly by the mass Zionist media. Where was this media for Downing, the White House pedophiles, Plame, Edmonds and the DC Madam? They were nowhere to be found! So as far as this news junkie is concerned, they can all drop dead and go straight to hell!
Spitzer was targeted by The Establishment. Sure Spitzer is Jewish, and I’ve re-registered as a Republican to support Congressman Ron Paul and my Jewish friend Dr. Murray Sabrin, who is running for the US Senate for New Jersey. But Spitzer’s track record is simply marvelous! He was an enemy of War Street. He was an enemy of the international central bankers, the House of Rothschild/Rockefeller NWO promoters. He may possibly have been contemplating investigating the 9/11 fraud perpetrated by the Cheney-Bush crime machine, but this claim is, so far, unsubstantiated. But, he was threatening the international bankers and their criminal Cheney-Bush regime.
In an opinion piece Spitzer wrote and published in the Washington Post on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, the day after his admitted tryst in DC, Spitzer wrote: “Even though predatory lending was becoming a national problem, the Bush administration looked the other way and did nothing to protect American homeowners. In fact, the government chose instead to align itself with the banks that were victimizing consumers.”
Spitzer’s piece entitled, “Predatory Lenders’ Partner in Crime – How the Bush Administration Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers,” highlighted the subprime lending bust which was planned and brought about by the banking “industry.” Spitzer observed: “Predatory lending was widely understood to present a looming national crisis. This threat was so clear that as New York attorney general, I joined with colleagues in the other 49 states in attempting to fill the void left by the federal government. Individually, and together, state attorneys general of both parties brought litigation or entered into settlements with many subprime lenders that were engaged in predatory lending practices. Several state legislatures, including New York's, enacted laws aimed at curbing such practices.”
Spitzer has been whoring for ten years. Nothing new here. As previously stated, ALL politicians in America are corrupt and all do this. Spitzer never saw it coming. And stupid brainwashed America is of course outraged as the Protocols knew they would be. Traitor Nancy Pelosi could have come to his aid and told the criminal GOP to back off or she would go after the smirking disgrace in the White House; but she too is only loyal to Israel and its New World Order.
And as we consider Zionists and their origins from the “Jewish” international House of Rothschild, it was this Zionist banker who plotted to infiltrate the highest levels of Freemasonry in order to gain access to America’s political elite. Most US Presidents, including George Washington, were Masons. It was Rothschild who conceived of a Jewish State, and who supported Theodor Herzl’s Zionist activism which created “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.” And the Protocols make it clear how utterly disgusting and loathsome the goyim (herd) of Christianity and non-Jews are. It mimics the hatred for Christ and His followers found in the “Jewish” Talmud. And it was this hatred for all non-Jewish humanity that motivated Hitler. It is what turned him into a racist, a racist reacting to, and opposing, the hatred and racism of “Jews.”
But the bringing down of Spitzer, himself a Jew, now provides readily discernible evidence that not all Jews are Zionists, and that those Jews who oppose their Zionist masters will be destroyed. Think of traitor Nancy Pelosi’s terror after being booed by the Israel lobby.
It should be clear, that virtually all bankers are tied, in some way, to the Rothschild system. And Spitzer connected them and Bush. And he connected them to the current economic mess in America that is directly their creation. Now think of the loudmouth on talk radio that impresses everyone with his high level of intelligence in opining: “I don’t believe in conspiracy theories.”
As I keep saying, it seems like you send me these articles because they back up what we have discussed many times and what I have been saying for years now. As I always say, we talk about obvious problems for years and for not. By the time a so called expert or someone who will be listened to writes about an issue it is too late to do anything about it.
This is a Depression and Bush will do anything possible and he is too stay it until it becomes someone elses problem.
His so called fixes are only another Facade of concern as he gives our money to the rest of the world and the rich while placating average Americans.
I have written about the Second Greatest Depression numerous times . In fact I just resent for the umpteenth time to Suzie-Q an article that first made me realize bush designed all this Nd it is necessary for him or his holders too finish our system off and for people to allow their total control supposedly for their own good. This is over a year old but once again Michael Whitney the Second Great Depression
Look at this and remember!
Breaking Point
Ted Lang
Not sure the sneering, nasty old geezer heard her
correctly, she repeated, “You don’t care what the
American people think?” “No,” Cheney replied.
What will it take to really enrage the American people to the breaking point? Is it the comments made by that sneering, nasty old geezer with the pacemaker’s reply “So?” to ABC’s Martha Raddatz after telling him that only two thirds of the American people oppose the illegal invasion and war in Iraq? The truth is that it is more like 75 percent of the American people who want the war ended and believe, along with truly professional high-level military strategists and personnel, that the war is a horrific mistake and America’s most incompetent military misadventure. It has lasted longer than World War II!
Not sure the sneering, nasty old geezer heard her correctly, she repeated, “You don’t care what the American people think?” “No,” Cheney replied.
It is the reason I started writing after 9/11 but no one has listened and we do not matter. I tried to get people to realize that replacing current societal and world order is all that matters but people thought I was crazy. Once again I will waste my time and say it is too late to stop now but we must come together here and around the world enmasse or we will not have a future period!
You are something! I don't know if you realize it but I suspect you do that you continuously follow a line of thinking and conclusion. Again this is no exception!
I just got through saying and have said it numerous, numerous, numerous times, that this idiot is doing everything on purpose. There is no mistake her. I hat to give him credit because he is not smart enough. He is just the idiot cheerleader they have been waiting for.
How Lethally Stupid Can One Country Be?
Happy Anniversary, America!
Watching George W. Bush in operation these last couple of weeks is like having an out-of-body experience. On acid. During a nightmare. In a different galaxy.
As he presides over the latest disaster of his administration (No, it's not a terrorist attack that was 2001! No, it's not a catastrophic war that was 2003! No, it's not a drowning city that was 2005! This one is an economic meltdown, ladies and gentlemen!) bringing to it the same blithe disengagement with which he's attended the previous ones, you cannot but stop and gaze in stark comedic awe, realizing that the most powerful polity that ever existed on the planet twice picked this imbecilic buffoon as its leader, from among 300 million other choices. Seeing him clown with the Washington press corps yet once again and seeing them fawn over him, laugh in all the right places, and give him a standing ovation, also yet once again is the equivalent of having all your logic circuits blown simultaneously. Truly, the universe has a twisted and deeply ironic sense of humor. Monty Python is about as funny and as stiff as Dick Nixon, by comparison.
Too much stupidity in one shit of sheet..... LAMO.
abe bird
Worse is that it just keeps on keeping on and getting worse and we are powerless to stop it because we are just citizens and don't matter!
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