I really don't know why, maybe it is the world stage of the G8 meeting. Anyway the proposals for bush's missile defense system are flying hot and heavy at this point. I know yesterday after Putin suggested putting the Missile shield in Azerbaijan, Bush immediately flew to Poland.
Bush, on his way home from the Group of Eight meeting in Germany, was whisked straight off in a helicopter from Gdansk to Jurata, a small resort on the Baltic coast, where he will meet his Polish counterpart Leech Kaczynski to allay Polish concerns that their agreement would be scrapped.
Poland has agreed in principle to host 10 U.S. interceptor rockets to shoot down hostile ballistic missiles and the two countries are currently negotiating details of a deal. However as we know Russia thinks it is the target and Upping the ante, Putin made a surprise offer on Thursday to let the United States use a Russian-controlled radar in Azerbaijan to intercept any threats from the Middle East.
They even made an offer to share information on the installation. To me I find this offer remarkable especially in light of Azerbaijan's largely untapped wealth and still close proximity to Russia. Now the Middle East suggestion.
Many think Azerbaijan would put the systems too close to the supposed intended target. It seems to me that keeping Poland and Chezhoslavakia on the table would only add scope to the system is everyone is being honest but you cannot count on that. Now there is more food for thought.
Azerbaijan is ready for such consultations but many commentators in both Poland and Czech Republic saw Putin's offer as a ploy to derail the U.S. plans. But Czech deputy Prime Minister Alexander Vondra said it showed Russia acknowledged a missile defense system was needed."It's excellent news," he told the daily Lidove Noviny. "We always said that the shield is not something aimed against Russia. It's good that the Russians have started to communicate something other than just 'nyet, nyet nyet'. http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=900092007
Myself knowing that I have learned in the past that the target missiles are most vulnerable at the highest heat stage of gaining height I don't understand the argument of being to close to the intended targets. With that said I found Putin's parting suggesting extremely provocative and potentially world changing. Putin's suggestion of putting the systems in Iraq and Turkey would change the entire middle east and world.
Russian president Vladimir Putin said yesterday that a joint missile defense plan he proposed to the United States could include interceptor missiles hosted by US allies such as Turkey or even Iraq. Myself, knowing what is happening on the Turkey Iraq border right now, all through the middle east and on the Iraq Iran border I find this a very provocative proposal and its conception would at least put Russia in the middle east too among others.
Putin is proposing to create a pool of European nations to assess missile threats through 2020 and agree on a joint action to fend off these threats," he said at the G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany.
Putin’s statement came a day after he proposed to President George Bush to drop US plans to deploy missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic and instead create a joint missile defense system with Russia using a powerful radar in Azerbaijan, an ex-Soviet Caspian nation. http://www.irishexaminer.com/breaking/story.asp?j=94911352&p=949yy654&n=94911732
This missile defense system has proven more contentious than I would have thought at first. It seems to have suddenly become a major topic of the world. Iraq was very angry over the Putin proposal but I think it bears some thought. It seems it would be in the interest of Turkey, the U.S. and Iraq if peace and security were there goals. What do you think about this?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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