SeaWorld Decides Fate of Killer Whale
It's a frigging fish! Leave the fish alone and hold sea world libel for being idiots. I watched the video of her with the whale just prior and it blew me away. What the heck do they think? How did this not happen years ago? After I watched it I was livid and said to my wife that it was her fault, sea worlds fault for not knowing the nature of the beast they were working with. Her death is on their heads!
I just listened to the sea world representative telling the public about the adjustments sea world is going to implement immediately at their three parks. They are going to continue the killer whale exhibit and that is 100% right. I heard Jack Hannah hit the problem but not the way he should have so the problem was not addressed.
He said he was not sure what Tillicum the orca was thinking but I damn well do. In the final analysis you always want to walk in another mans shoes to experience how he thinks and feels the way he does. It is extremely critical and as you see detrimental to your well being if you do not do that with wild animals which this 12000 pound killer whale is.
Most of you fish or have fished. You know how to get them to attack your hook. Lure him, wiggle a worm in front of them and he will grab it. That was not an attack that was an orca doing what comes natural to them. I watched the tape of trainer Dawn Brancheau feeding Tillicum just before the incident. My first thought was no wonder he grabbed her pony tail, it was a tease.
I just heard the spokesman say there are no plans to ban pony tails or set limits on hair length but they better put themselves in a killer whales position and revisit that decision or this is going to happen again.
Former trainer said mistake triggered orca attack
SeaWorld faces major public relations challenge No they do not! Just remember what they have yet to employ, ENGAGE BRAIN!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Half of Afghanistan Taliban leadership arrested in Pakistan
Interview: Taliban fighter
It just keeps getting better as at least eight militants were killed in the North Waziristan region on Wednesday by three missiles fired from an American drone according to a Pakistani security official and residents and at least half of Afghanistan's Taliban leadership has now been captured.
Drone Attack Reported in Pakistan
Half of Afghanistan Taliban leadership arrested in Pakistan
I have been saying for years now that the entire world has a lot at stake here even Iran who knows the Taliban want their country too. The Stans and Russia are helping even if only allowing use of airspace and or allowing us to move supplies through their country. This is finally starting to look doable.
As there are more big catches every day reiterate that the Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda as Mullah Baradar's capture is having a rapid snow balling affect in Taliban and Al Qaeda captures and deaths.
Mullah Baradar was the first big catch in what is turning into a string of important militant leaders captured or killed in Pakistan since the operation in Helmund province was started, more specifically the town of Marjah. He was seized in a morning raid on Madrassa Khuddamul Quran near Karachi by Pakistan's ISI intelligence service on February 8th. Of course it is denied but this is great!
This was a serious big catch and it is already paying off! Not only because he was grabbed in Karachi Pakistan by the ISI but because they were using CIA intelligence and he was grabbed while conducting day to day business where he was once protected and safe. His capture is even bigger because he not only is second only to Mullah Omar and Taliban's military commander. Baradar was Mullah Omar's right hand man and his knowledge is extensive.
We have to hope he talks and he is! He is one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan 1994 and I am sure he knows the disposition of Bin Laden and the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. I understand he is talking and we can only hope to see future sting operations. He is a childhood friend of Omar's and a long time adviser.
This is pretty cool you can look at the large map indicating all the areas in Pakistan next to the border where the Taliban or any of the other militants cross the border to fight. Click on the provinces or the links below the map to see how militants operate on either side of the border. Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
I think this was a stunning development as he was arrested in a Madrassa, this is sacred in Pakistan, I am sure the Taliban is trying to prevent their fighters from being disheartened and giving up the fight because their leader was caught. I am hoping that is exactly the case! The noose is tightening, keep up the pressure.
There is growing trust and cooperation all around in the battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan is cooperating more than ever.
As we said, he in fact was captured at a Madrassa by the ISI and that is huge! I hope this breaks the Taliban’s back as they are disheartened with their commander’s capture in Pakistan along with the death and capture of many of their leaders, and NATO’s operation across the border to clean out their last stronghold. I hope they melt back into society!
So far as we know now seven of the insurgent group’s 15-member leadership council, thought to be based in Quetta, Pakistan, including the head of military operations, have been apprehended in the past week. Pakistani authorities had netted Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the movements second in command, as well as Maulavi Abdul Kabir, a prominent commander in charge of insurgent operations in eastern Afghanistan, and Mullah Muhammad Younis.
Pakistan has also captured several other Afghan members of the leadership council called the Quetta Shura. These include: Mullah Abdul Qayoum Zakir, who oversees the movement’s military affairs, Mullah Muhammad Hassan, Mullah Ahmed Jan Akhunzada, and Mullah Abdul Raouf. At least two Taliban shadow provincial governors, who are part of the movement’s parallel government in Afghanistan, have also been captured
* This huge! Think of this, we may succeed in breaking their back then I hope we are smart enough to get the heck out! In closing: Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this is not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Watch the video of the wounded Taliban fighter vowing to return to the Jihad once his stomach wound heals. Despite many recent gains against Al Qaeda and the Taliban many vow to fight to victory. So too must we! We must unite as a world and victory is not to defeat the Taliban only those who refuse to live as a unified Nation not under Sharia law. I finally believe we can do this.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
It just keeps getting better as at least eight militants were killed in the North Waziristan region on Wednesday by three missiles fired from an American drone according to a Pakistani security official and residents and at least half of Afghanistan's Taliban leadership has now been captured.
Drone Attack Reported in Pakistan
Half of Afghanistan Taliban leadership arrested in Pakistan
I have been saying for years now that the entire world has a lot at stake here even Iran who knows the Taliban want their country too. The Stans and Russia are helping even if only allowing use of airspace and or allowing us to move supplies through their country. This is finally starting to look doable.
As there are more big catches every day reiterate that the Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda as Mullah Baradar's capture is having a rapid snow balling affect in Taliban and Al Qaeda captures and deaths.
Mullah Baradar was the first big catch in what is turning into a string of important militant leaders captured or killed in Pakistan since the operation in Helmund province was started, more specifically the town of Marjah. He was seized in a morning raid on Madrassa Khuddamul Quran near Karachi by Pakistan's ISI intelligence service on February 8th. Of course it is denied but this is great!
This was a serious big catch and it is already paying off! Not only because he was grabbed in Karachi Pakistan by the ISI but because they were using CIA intelligence and he was grabbed while conducting day to day business where he was once protected and safe. His capture is even bigger because he not only is second only to Mullah Omar and Taliban's military commander. Baradar was Mullah Omar's right hand man and his knowledge is extensive.
We have to hope he talks and he is! He is one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan 1994 and I am sure he knows the disposition of Bin Laden and the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. I understand he is talking and we can only hope to see future sting operations. He is a childhood friend of Omar's and a long time adviser.
This is pretty cool you can look at the large map indicating all the areas in Pakistan next to the border where the Taliban or any of the other militants cross the border to fight. Click on the provinces or the links below the map to see how militants operate on either side of the border. Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
I think this was a stunning development as he was arrested in a Madrassa, this is sacred in Pakistan, I am sure the Taliban is trying to prevent their fighters from being disheartened and giving up the fight because their leader was caught. I am hoping that is exactly the case! The noose is tightening, keep up the pressure.
There is growing trust and cooperation all around in the battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan is cooperating more than ever.
As we said, he in fact was captured at a Madrassa by the ISI and that is huge! I hope this breaks the Taliban’s back as they are disheartened with their commander’s capture in Pakistan along with the death and capture of many of their leaders, and NATO’s operation across the border to clean out their last stronghold. I hope they melt back into society!
So far as we know now seven of the insurgent group’s 15-member leadership council, thought to be based in Quetta, Pakistan, including the head of military operations, have been apprehended in the past week. Pakistani authorities had netted Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the movements second in command, as well as Maulavi Abdul Kabir, a prominent commander in charge of insurgent operations in eastern Afghanistan, and Mullah Muhammad Younis.
Pakistan has also captured several other Afghan members of the leadership council called the Quetta Shura. These include: Mullah Abdul Qayoum Zakir, who oversees the movement’s military affairs, Mullah Muhammad Hassan, Mullah Ahmed Jan Akhunzada, and Mullah Abdul Raouf. At least two Taliban shadow provincial governors, who are part of the movement’s parallel government in Afghanistan, have also been captured
* This huge! Think of this, we may succeed in breaking their back then I hope we are smart enough to get the heck out! In closing: Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this is not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Watch the video of the wounded Taliban fighter vowing to return to the Jihad once his stomach wound heals. Despite many recent gains against Al Qaeda and the Taliban many vow to fight to victory. So too must we! We must unite as a world and victory is not to defeat the Taliban only those who refuse to live as a unified Nation not under Sharia law. I finally believe we can do this.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, February 26, 2010
US may seek non NATO Afghan help after Dutch pullout and interview with a Taliban fighter!
Interview: Taliban fighter
Finally, a glimmer of hope for US in Afghan war
US may seek non-NATO Afghan help after Dutch pullout
I have been saying for years now that the entire world has a lot at stake here even Iran who knows the Taliban want their country too. The Stans and Russia are helping even if only allowing use of airspace and or allowing us to move supplies through their country. This is finally starting to look doable.
As there are more big catches every day reiterate that the Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda as Mullah Baradar's capture is having a rapid snow balling affect in Taliban and Al Qaeda caprures and deaths.
Mullah Baradar was the first big catch in what is turning into a string of important militant leaders captured or killed in Pakistan since the operation in Helmund province was started, more specifically the town of Marjah. He was seized in a morning raid on Madrassa Khuddamul Quran near Karachi by Pakistan's ISI intelligence service on February 8th. Of course it is denied but this is great!
This was a serious big catch and it is already paying off! Not only because he was grabbed in Karachi Pakistan by the ISI but because they were using CIA intelligence and he was grabbed while conducting day to day business where he was once protected and safe. His capture is even bigger because he not only is second only to Mullah Omar and Taliban's military commander. Baradar was Mullah Omar's right hand man and his knowledge is extensive.
We have to hope he talks and he is! He is one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan 1994 and I am sure he knows the disposition of Bin Laden and the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. I understand he is talking and we can only hope to see future sting operations. He is a childhood friend of Omar's and a long time adviser.
This is pretty cool you can look at the large map indicating all the areas in Pakistan next to the border where the Taliban or any of the other militants cross the border to fight. Click on the provinces or the links below the map to see how militants operate on either side of the border. Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
I think this was a stunning development as he was arrested in a Madrassa, this is sacred in Pakistan, I am sure the Taliban is trying to prevent their fighters from being disheartened and giving up the fight because their leader was caught. I am hoping that is exactly the case! The noose is tightening, keep up the pressure.
There is growing trust and cooperation all around in the battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan is cooperating more than ever.
As we said, he in fact was captured at a Madrassa by the ISI and that is huge! I hope this breaks the Taliban’s back as they are disheartened with their commander’s capture in Pakistan along with the death and capture of many of their leaders, and NATO’s operation across the border to clean out their last stronghold. I hope they melt back into society!
*In closing: Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this is not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Drone Kills Militant Leader's Brother
US strike in Pakistan kills Afghan militant's son
In Blow to Taliban, 2 More Senior Leaders Are Arrested
Watch the video of the wounded Taliban fighter vowing to return to the Jihad once his stomach wound heals. Despite many recent gains against Al Qaeda and the Taliban many vow to fight to victory. So too must we! We must unite as a world and victory is not to defeat the Taliban only those who refuse to live as a unified Nation not under Sharia law. I finally believe we can do this.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Finally, a glimmer of hope for US in Afghan war
US may seek non-NATO Afghan help after Dutch pullout
I have been saying for years now that the entire world has a lot at stake here even Iran who knows the Taliban want their country too. The Stans and Russia are helping even if only allowing use of airspace and or allowing us to move supplies through their country. This is finally starting to look doable.
As there are more big catches every day reiterate that the Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda as Mullah Baradar's capture is having a rapid snow balling affect in Taliban and Al Qaeda caprures and deaths.
Mullah Baradar was the first big catch in what is turning into a string of important militant leaders captured or killed in Pakistan since the operation in Helmund province was started, more specifically the town of Marjah. He was seized in a morning raid on Madrassa Khuddamul Quran near Karachi by Pakistan's ISI intelligence service on February 8th. Of course it is denied but this is great!
This was a serious big catch and it is already paying off! Not only because he was grabbed in Karachi Pakistan by the ISI but because they were using CIA intelligence and he was grabbed while conducting day to day business where he was once protected and safe. His capture is even bigger because he not only is second only to Mullah Omar and Taliban's military commander. Baradar was Mullah Omar's right hand man and his knowledge is extensive.
We have to hope he talks and he is! He is one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan 1994 and I am sure he knows the disposition of Bin Laden and the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. I understand he is talking and we can only hope to see future sting operations. He is a childhood friend of Omar's and a long time adviser.
This is pretty cool you can look at the large map indicating all the areas in Pakistan next to the border where the Taliban or any of the other militants cross the border to fight. Click on the provinces or the links below the map to see how militants operate on either side of the border. Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
I think this was a stunning development as he was arrested in a Madrassa, this is sacred in Pakistan, I am sure the Taliban is trying to prevent their fighters from being disheartened and giving up the fight because their leader was caught. I am hoping that is exactly the case! The noose is tightening, keep up the pressure.
There is growing trust and cooperation all around in the battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan is cooperating more than ever.
As we said, he in fact was captured at a Madrassa by the ISI and that is huge! I hope this breaks the Taliban’s back as they are disheartened with their commander’s capture in Pakistan along with the death and capture of many of their leaders, and NATO’s operation across the border to clean out their last stronghold. I hope they melt back into society!
*In closing: Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this is not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Drone Kills Militant Leader's Brother
US strike in Pakistan kills Afghan militant's son
In Blow to Taliban, 2 More Senior Leaders Are Arrested
Watch the video of the wounded Taliban fighter vowing to return to the Jihad once his stomach wound heals. Despite many recent gains against Al Qaeda and the Taliban many vow to fight to victory. So too must we! We must unite as a world and victory is not to defeat the Taliban only those who refuse to live as a unified Nation not under Sharia law. I finally believe we can do this.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, February 25, 2010
In November I asked: Natanz, Qom, Arak, Isfahan, Bushehr, how many more nuclear facilities? How will this end?
Israel unveils drone that 'can reach Iran'
We are finding out how more every day and it isn't good as Iran 'to build 2 new nuclear enrichment sites' and Israel unveils drone that 'can reach Iran'. Iran 'to build new nuclear sites'
I know some of you have been critical about my stance on Iran over the years but I am convinced Iran, the IRG, Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Khamenei, they have no good intentions with their nuclear program. The years of lies are just starting to come to a head!
We discussed that by attacking Iraq and further destabilizing the Middle East Bush freed Iran to interfere where they can and they are! He freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
As you know, when asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran in 1979 after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply was “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
I have tried to give Iran the benefit of the doubt when they say their nuclear desires are peaceful knowing they could use nuclear power as an energy source for their growing population. I have always asserted that perceived need could be cover for the real goal of developing a nuclear weapon. I now believe it is and I think it is too late but the IAEA has finally woken up to that fact!
* Just one day after Mohamed ElBaradei finally castigated Iran for what he finally believes is a clandestine nuclear weapons program the IAEA is now demanding Iran freeze all operations at the so called secret nuclear site on an IRG base in the holy city of Qum that even G W Bush knew about and never said anything. We knew that would not stop any more than anything else would.
It is a little late to start expressing serious concern over potential military designs with their nuclear program though I am greatly encouraged that even China and Russia may be behind a resolution further sanctioning Iran. However there is no way the IRG (Iranian Revolutionary Guard) Khamenei, or Ahmadinejad, will do anything the world tells them to let alone curtail their “God given” nuclear program.
Israel also for what it is worth said they would put off any thought of action against Iran’s nuclear abilities. The targets we know about are growing let alone the ones we know nothing about and you can bet they exist. Duplicity is their best friend in this instance. You know they will never cooperate with what we want as Bush freed them to do as they want and that will continue.
As damaging info builds by the day I reiterate: IRG Ahmadinejad, the stolen election, the killing and imprisonment of the children of the Revolution, the violent crushing of all opposition, the clandestine nuclear program, It is all making sense, beware! Natanz, Qom, Arak, Isfahan, Bushehr, how many more nuclear facilities? How will this end?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
We are finding out how more every day and it isn't good as Iran 'to build 2 new nuclear enrichment sites' and Israel unveils drone that 'can reach Iran'. Iran 'to build new nuclear sites'
I know some of you have been critical about my stance on Iran over the years but I am convinced Iran, the IRG, Ahmadinejad, Ayatollah Khamenei, they have no good intentions with their nuclear program. The years of lies are just starting to come to a head!
We discussed that by attacking Iraq and further destabilizing the Middle East Bush freed Iran to interfere where they can and they are! He freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
As you know, when asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran in 1979 after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply was “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
I have tried to give Iran the benefit of the doubt when they say their nuclear desires are peaceful knowing they could use nuclear power as an energy source for their growing population. I have always asserted that perceived need could be cover for the real goal of developing a nuclear weapon. I now believe it is and I think it is too late but the IAEA has finally woken up to that fact!
* Just one day after Mohamed ElBaradei finally castigated Iran for what he finally believes is a clandestine nuclear weapons program the IAEA is now demanding Iran freeze all operations at the so called secret nuclear site on an IRG base in the holy city of Qum that even G W Bush knew about and never said anything. We knew that would not stop any more than anything else would.
It is a little late to start expressing serious concern over potential military designs with their nuclear program though I am greatly encouraged that even China and Russia may be behind a resolution further sanctioning Iran. However there is no way the IRG (Iranian Revolutionary Guard) Khamenei, or Ahmadinejad, will do anything the world tells them to let alone curtail their “God given” nuclear program.
Israel also for what it is worth said they would put off any thought of action against Iran’s nuclear abilities. The targets we know about are growing let alone the ones we know nothing about and you can bet they exist. Duplicity is their best friend in this instance. You know they will never cooperate with what we want as Bush freed them to do as they want and that will continue.
As damaging info builds by the day I reiterate: IRG Ahmadinejad, the stolen election, the killing and imprisonment of the children of the Revolution, the violent crushing of all opposition, the clandestine nuclear program, It is all making sense, beware! Natanz, Qom, Arak, Isfahan, Bushehr, how many more nuclear facilities? How will this end?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
911 was not the defining moment of our time, however that is coming soon!

I didn't realize until I was looking at today's unwinding horrors we will be facing long into the future. We watch Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, water pollution, air pollution, global warming, water wars, food wars, numerous future wars in the making, I decided it best to go back to something I wrote almost 5 years ago now long before I decided to interact daily trying to wake up the world still to no avail.
9/11 was not the defining moment of our time as we are told,that event has not occurred yet but that moment is coming and soon. A lot of people tell me to get over Bush but the US and the world will never be able to as he upset US and world balance that will forever affect us all. Up to now and all our horror Bush has been the defining moment of our time, but ?
The fall of the Russian Empire set in motion something that began with the founding of Islam in 610. Islam was established by Muhammad in order to give Muslims a formal religion and sense of belonging with the Jews and Christians. It failed and Muslims have never been able to gain equal footing or be willing to accept their role in the worlds society.
The Christian Crusades to take back Jerusalem turned into a blood bath against Muslims. Our nation was born during the enlightenment and industrialization completed a gap between our societies which will never close. Next comes the Berlin Conference in the 19th century, allowing Europe to divvy up Africa where they then took what they wanted and then reset the boundaries creating another mess with the Muslim world.
We are in a fight that is just beginning but this is not though just a fight between the west and Islam. Islam is also fighting itself! It is a war between Islam and the world at large, everyone. As Bush had no tolerance of anything but his version of perverted Religion and Democracy. The Muslim Islamists have no tolerance of any other version of Islam than their own. They want all their lands back which can not happen. They want us off their lands so what do we do we attack them once again?
We had enough problems in Afghanistan then Bush had to worsen things by diverting to Iraq to get into the Middle East to unsettle that already shaky balance to set up his idea of a new middle east order.To all our demise there is no desire for compromise here by anyone as Iran now freed up wants there version and you see how that is going.!
There is an easy answer to this and that is too fight and continue to fight and that includes it seems, our Governments and world leaders! At the very least there is no easy way out but to fight. We have no other choice as none of this will be quelled by diplomacy. Average Muslim's of all nations want peace and prosperity as average citizens of every nation do but our so called leaders have taken it upon themselves to fight and destroy our peace and prosperity.
Throw in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, water pollution, air pollution, global warming, water wars, food wars, numerous future wars in the making, and it is daunting but you must realize the defining moment of our time has yet to occur I am afraid
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
air pollution,
Global warming,
North Korea,
South Korea,
water pollution
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Iranian Hypocrisy as Iran, Israel, Britain, the US, are all guilty of war mongering!
US senators seek regime change in Iran who warns World Against Further Sanctions and accuses US of "war-mongering!
US senators seek regime change in Iran Frigging Republicans!
Ahmadinejad Warns World Against Further Sanctions
Iran leader accuses US of "war-mongering"
As you know, the IRGC was set up to protect the ruling authority after 1979 and are supposed to be controlled By Ayatollah Khamenei authority. I know Ahmadinejad and 2/3 of his first 21 member cabinet are ex IRGC members and that simply reinforces that I am increasingly led to think the IRGC has become the final authority not the Supreme leader.
The IRGC is in control of furthering Shiite demands around the Middle East! You know by no what they are doing in Yemen, Iraq, and everywhere they can in the Middle East. I now believe Khamenei is the power behind the crackdown but he is unknowingly enforcing a lie! Iran will not give up her nuclear weapons designs and will never give up power or efforts to dominate the Middle East. Ahmadinejad and the IRGC are the driving force and will not relent. Increasing sanctions will only worsen the anger felt by the regime.
I wrote this 2 years ago but it is more true than ever! Now let's finish this with Iran and what they naively call "speculation" Hard-line allies of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are ahead in Iran's parliamentary election, partial results suggest. But conservative critics of Mr. Ahmadinejad also appear to be making a strong showing that could undermine his domination of the parliament. Reformists are said to be struggling after large numbers of their candidates were barred from the race. The United States says this means the results were "cooked". NAW!
The Iranian authorities had called for a big turnout to defy the US and other countries they say are Iran's enemies. The election will shape the political map ahead of 2009's presidential poll. President Ahmadinejad flew in from an Islamic summit in Senegal to cast his vote. He said the world had chosen Iran as its "role model and savior". They are preparing to take on Bush
Stunningly knowing what Bush is doing, why, and the negative consequences of it all and that Iran is stacking the Right war wing and military to take on what they too see as an immanent inevitable war with the US there are 6 signs to prove the war is immanent. This was two years ago when the last US administration was trying to get the war with Iran going. six signs the US is headed to war with Iran
Last but not least as I always say, Experts don't have a damn clue! The world's anti-terrorism experts met for a conference in Stockholm and, as Roger Hardy, the BBC's Islamic Affairs Analyst, found, optimism was in short supply. What struck me most, in three days of debate, was the degree of pessimism about the task at hand. Yes, there has been a learning curve. It is now widely recognized that Muslim hearts and minds matter and that military successes mean little if the battle of ideas is being lost. But there is still a long way to go.
This came home to me when I spoke to an American military man who had helped produce the US Counter-Insurgency Manual. How long did he think the "long war" - as many now call it - would last? It is the kind of question journalists ask, and I did not expect that he would put a number on it. But he did. "Thirty years if we get it right," he said. "A hundred years if we get it wrong." That's not pessimism that's optimistic Realism
I have said it a million times these so called experts don't have a clue! War with Iran was only one of the reasons for attacking Iraq and this total world eruption will make the 100 years war look short. Depressions, wars, they don't get less significant over time they get more pronounced and much worse as time goes by. This will be no exception! Old regional wars were a prelude to WW1. WW1 was a preparation for WW2, and WW2 was a warning if we were stupid enough to allow it to happen, WW3 would be the longest and the worst!
*In closing I was going through stories on the instigation to war with Iran by Britain, Israel, the US, and by Iran's Revolutionary Guard as there has been so many provocations since 2003. I had 275 stories so I figured there was too much. You remember the IRG boarding a British boat, Border crossings by the IRG, the recent temporary capture of an Iraqi oil field, numerous instigations by the US and Iran. I do not know what is going to set this off but something will and it will not be good!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
US senators seek regime change in Iran Frigging Republicans!
Ahmadinejad Warns World Against Further Sanctions
Iran leader accuses US of "war-mongering"
As you know, the IRGC was set up to protect the ruling authority after 1979 and are supposed to be controlled By Ayatollah Khamenei authority. I know Ahmadinejad and 2/3 of his first 21 member cabinet are ex IRGC members and that simply reinforces that I am increasingly led to think the IRGC has become the final authority not the Supreme leader.
The IRGC is in control of furthering Shiite demands around the Middle East! You know by no what they are doing in Yemen, Iraq, and everywhere they can in the Middle East. I now believe Khamenei is the power behind the crackdown but he is unknowingly enforcing a lie! Iran will not give up her nuclear weapons designs and will never give up power or efforts to dominate the Middle East. Ahmadinejad and the IRGC are the driving force and will not relent. Increasing sanctions will only worsen the anger felt by the regime.
I wrote this 2 years ago but it is more true than ever! Now let's finish this with Iran and what they naively call "speculation" Hard-line allies of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are ahead in Iran's parliamentary election, partial results suggest. But conservative critics of Mr. Ahmadinejad also appear to be making a strong showing that could undermine his domination of the parliament. Reformists are said to be struggling after large numbers of their candidates were barred from the race. The United States says this means the results were "cooked". NAW!
The Iranian authorities had called for a big turnout to defy the US and other countries they say are Iran's enemies. The election will shape the political map ahead of 2009's presidential poll. President Ahmadinejad flew in from an Islamic summit in Senegal to cast his vote. He said the world had chosen Iran as its "role model and savior". They are preparing to take on Bush
Stunningly knowing what Bush is doing, why, and the negative consequences of it all and that Iran is stacking the Right war wing and military to take on what they too see as an immanent inevitable war with the US there are 6 signs to prove the war is immanent. This was two years ago when the last US administration was trying to get the war with Iran going. six signs the US is headed to war with Iran
Last but not least as I always say, Experts don't have a damn clue! The world's anti-terrorism experts met for a conference in Stockholm and, as Roger Hardy, the BBC's Islamic Affairs Analyst, found, optimism was in short supply. What struck me most, in three days of debate, was the degree of pessimism about the task at hand. Yes, there has been a learning curve. It is now widely recognized that Muslim hearts and minds matter and that military successes mean little if the battle of ideas is being lost. But there is still a long way to go.
This came home to me when I spoke to an American military man who had helped produce the US Counter-Insurgency Manual. How long did he think the "long war" - as many now call it - would last? It is the kind of question journalists ask, and I did not expect that he would put a number on it. But he did. "Thirty years if we get it right," he said. "A hundred years if we get it wrong." That's not pessimism that's optimistic Realism
I have said it a million times these so called experts don't have a clue! War with Iran was only one of the reasons for attacking Iraq and this total world eruption will make the 100 years war look short. Depressions, wars, they don't get less significant over time they get more pronounced and much worse as time goes by. This will be no exception! Old regional wars were a prelude to WW1. WW1 was a preparation for WW2, and WW2 was a warning if we were stupid enough to allow it to happen, WW3 would be the longest and the worst!
*In closing I was going through stories on the instigation to war with Iran by Britain, Israel, the US, and by Iran's Revolutionary Guard as there has been so many provocations since 2003. I had 275 stories so I figured there was too much. You remember the IRG boarding a British boat, Border crossings by the IRG, the recent temporary capture of an Iraqi oil field, numerous instigations by the US and Iran. I do not know what is going to set this off but something will and it will not be good!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
George W Bush,
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
President Obama,
World War Three
Monday, February 22, 2010
Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan!
Taliban accused of human using human shields in Marjah
Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda as Mullah Baradar's capture is having a rapid snow balling affect in Taliban and Al Qaeda caprures and deaths.
Mullah Baradar was the first big catch in what is turning into a string of important militant leaders captured or killed in Pakistan since the operation in Helmund province was started, more specifically the town of Marjah. He was seized in a morning raid on Madrassa Khuddamul Quran near Karachi by Pakistan's ISI intelligence service on February 8th. Of course it is denied but this is great!
This was a serious big catch and it is already paying off! Not only because he was grabbed in Karachi Pakistan by the ISI but because they were using CIA intelligence and he was grabbed while conducting day to day business where he was once protected and safe. His capture is even bigger because he not only is second only to Mullah Omar and Taliban's military commander. Baradar was Mullah Omar's right hand man and his knowledge is extensive.
We have to hope he talks and he is! He is one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan 1994 and I am sure he knows the disposition of Bin Laden and the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. I understand he is talking and we can only hope to see future sting operations. He is a childhood friend of Omar's and a long time adviser.
This is pretty cool you can look at the large map indicating all the areas in Pakistan next to the border where the Taliban or any of the other militants cross the border to fight. Click on the provinces or the links below the map to see how militants operate on either side of the border. Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
I think this was a stunning development as he was arrested in a Madrassa, this is sacred in Pakistan, I am sure the Taliban is trying to prevent their fighters from being disheartened and giving up the fight because their leader was caught. I am hoping that is exactly the case! The noose is tightening, keep up the pressure.
There is growing trust and cooperation all around in the battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan is cooperating more than ever.
As we said, he in fact was captured at a Madrassa by the ISI and that is huge! I hope this breaks the Taliban’s back as they are disheartened with their commander’s capture in Pakistan along with the death and capture of many of their leaders, and NATO’s operation across the border to clean out their last stronghold. I hope they melt back into society!
*In closing: Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this is not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Drone Kills Militant Leader's Brother
US strike in Pakistan kills Afghan militant's son
In Blow to Taliban, 2 More Senior Leaders Are Arrested
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda as Mullah Baradar's capture is having a rapid snow balling affect in Taliban and Al Qaeda caprures and deaths.
Mullah Baradar was the first big catch in what is turning into a string of important militant leaders captured or killed in Pakistan since the operation in Helmund province was started, more specifically the town of Marjah. He was seized in a morning raid on Madrassa Khuddamul Quran near Karachi by Pakistan's ISI intelligence service on February 8th. Of course it is denied but this is great!
This was a serious big catch and it is already paying off! Not only because he was grabbed in Karachi Pakistan by the ISI but because they were using CIA intelligence and he was grabbed while conducting day to day business where he was once protected and safe. His capture is even bigger because he not only is second only to Mullah Omar and Taliban's military commander. Baradar was Mullah Omar's right hand man and his knowledge is extensive.
We have to hope he talks and he is! He is one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan 1994 and I am sure he knows the disposition of Bin Laden and the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. I understand he is talking and we can only hope to see future sting operations. He is a childhood friend of Omar's and a long time adviser.
This is pretty cool you can look at the large map indicating all the areas in Pakistan next to the border where the Taliban or any of the other militants cross the border to fight. Click on the provinces or the links below the map to see how militants operate on either side of the border. Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
I think this was a stunning development as he was arrested in a Madrassa, this is sacred in Pakistan, I am sure the Taliban is trying to prevent their fighters from being disheartened and giving up the fight because their leader was caught. I am hoping that is exactly the case! The noose is tightening, keep up the pressure.
There is growing trust and cooperation all around in the battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan is cooperating more than ever.
As we said, he in fact was captured at a Madrassa by the ISI and that is huge! I hope this breaks the Taliban’s back as they are disheartened with their commander’s capture in Pakistan along with the death and capture of many of their leaders, and NATO’s operation across the border to clean out their last stronghold. I hope they melt back into society!
*In closing: Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this is not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Drone Kills Militant Leader's Brother
US strike in Pakistan kills Afghan militant's son
In Blow to Taliban, 2 More Senior Leaders Are Arrested
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Administration 'flexible' on 9/11 trial venue: Great remember our discussion!

Administration 'flexible' on 9/11 trial venue
A reminder and I hope this gets to someone of consequence! The perfect location for 9/11 trial: Leavenworth Kansas, United States Penitentiary! Why is it not mentioned? My experience with Fort Leavenworth aside along with the fact that they kept OJ and other notables there it is the safest place in the world to hold military prisoners and conduct trials especially that of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other high-value detainees ! Watch the secret Leavenworth Prison tutorial and learn. Very interesting!
There are two kinds of soldiers at Fort Leavenworth, those without rank and pay and those with the keys. I am an ex MP and have had friends on both sides of the bars. As far as prisons go it and its record and reputation are stellar. This is not only where Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other high-value detainees should be held but where they should be tried! Why have we not heard the obvious, that they should be at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth?
Obama going to move 9/11 trial out of Manhattan?
Alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other high-value detainees being held at GITMO and should be brought to Leavenworth! That would kill the Guantanamo and the New York problems. Kansas has had worse and there is no viable argument to use against using United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth.
U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth
United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth - Wikipedia, the free ...
Fort Leavenworth is the obvious location for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other high-value detainees and why on earth has once again the obvious been ignored while both party's pursue their biased ignorant self interest. I do not get it, this is where they should be and where they should be tried!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Palin: Tea Partiers "Have to Pick a Party the Republican party" as Cheney states the obvious, that Obama will be a one term President!

I don't remember what she settled on but I remember Paling looking for $100,000 to speak. She is damn lucky they are stupid enough to want to listen to her nonsense. Those that were there wanted to know if she was going to start a third party, First because she was looking for money to talk there was one element that Palin had to contend with on Tuesday that she rarely if ever did on the campaign trail: empty seats.
Though the Arkansas Republican Party sold differently priced upper-level and lower-level tickets to the event at the 18,000-seat Verizon Arena, less than half of the seats in the lower bowl were occupied, and the entire upper level was shrouded by black drapes. In the hours before the Palin event began, the Arkansas GOP was advertising on its web site a heavily discounted "$20 ticket special." That is still $20 too much
Palin: Tea Partiers "Have to Pick a Party" - CBS News
Mean while at the CDC there were Chants of 'Run, Cheney, Run' at conservative gathering as he states the obvious that Obama will be a one term President! I do not find the fact that Cheney spoke a surprise. The surprise would have been if he did not go and take the opportunity to bad mouth Obama. He said nothing we have not known from day one.
We knew Obama would be a one term President. Also that The likes of Cheney and all Republicans would do everything possible to create his and our Waterloo and make him a one term President so they can get back in and finish us off. Cheney surprises CPAC: Obama a 'one term' president Chants of 'Run, Cheney, Run' at conservative gathering
What I use to call the pup tent party does indeed want to be the Big tent party openly embracing the birthers, the Obama is a Nazi crowd, the so called angry white rascist indepents.That Michael Steele met with 50 of the leaders of the tea party to see if they would join forces should tell you how complicit Republicans have been in all this Nazi birther crap! - Steele Meets With Tea Party Leaders at RNC Headquarters
At one time the Republican Senate refused to talk against the tea partiers in fact quietly supporting them while trying to distance themselves from the crazies. Now they are openly courting them in their endeavor to be the Big Tent party. I am very concerned that this fascist Republican Party will get in control of us and finish off the average American and our America. Can a New Conservative Manifesto Woo the Tea Party?
We just saw another case of domestic terrorism when that guy flew the plane into the Federal Building in Austin, Texas. Obama better stay home, Reid and Pelosi deserve to lose their seat anyway. What that guy did was another Timothy Mcveigh move of a desperate man angry at the Government making one last blunt statement. That so called Conservative Manifesto is another act of Domestic terrorism as far as I am concerned; in the end they espouse the Constitution but want to stay true to the crazies in the tea party.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
CPAC convention,
Dick Cheney,
Sarah Palin,
tea party
Friday, February 19, 2010
Iran moving toward military dictatorship, Clinton says: Again, too late they have been for years now!

Is Iran a military dictatorship?
Iran moving toward military dictatorship, Clinton says Watch the video is Iran a military Dictatorship? You bet it is!
I say it to often today that once our so called leaders mention that something is an issue it is too late to do anything about it because it has gone too far. That is the case with Iran's clandestine nuclear weapons program and also labeling Iran as a military dictatorship. We have discussed this numerous times in the past. The fact that it is, is a long given as certainly events since the stolen election have proven. Iran's Revolutionary Guard is in charge!
On top of all the instigating Iran is doing in every instance I am very concerned with her desire for nuclear weapons, her willingness to use them, and the fact that we gave Iran her nuclear start in the 50s. The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.[1] The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran. We are so concerned about Pakistan and Iran today in regard to nuclear abilities and nuclear weapons and security. I was blown away to find out that we built the first nuclear Reactors in both Iran and Pakistan. 1953 atoms for peace
Reading the book by Con Coughlin titled Khomeini's Ghost - The Iranian Revolution and the Rise of Militant Islam while as usual not totally correct it certainly makes you think and put everything in its proper frightening perspective. Please look at the book review and decide for yourself. From Khomeini's response on his return to Iran after 15 years of exile to today's events it all makes sense and the world better be concerned as there is more than idle threats and braggadocio coming from Ahmadinejad. Khomeini's Ghost - The Iranian Revolution and the ...
A reminder: When asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
I have tried to give Iran the benefit of the doubt when they say their nuclear desires are peaceful knowing they could use nuclear power as an energy source for their growing population. I have always asserted that perceived need could be cover for the real goal of developing a nuclear weapon. I now believe it is!
IRG Ahmadinejad, the stolen election, the killing and imprisonment of the children of the Revolution, the violent crushing of all opposition, the clandestine nuclear program, It is all making sense, beware! Natanz, Qom, Isfahan, Bushehr, Natanz, how many more nuclear facilities? How will this end?
As this ratchets up instigated by the Basiji and the IRGC another reminder! You know how I feel about Iran's Revolutionary Guard Command, but now there are many pro Government citizens calling for the death of those against the current regime and the IRGC! Like most I believe the election was stolen. I originally though it had to be known right to the top but I do not think so. I now thing even Ayatollah Khamenei was duped about the stolen election. Some not all of the clerics have been dragged into bed with the IRG!
As you know, the IRGC was set up to protect the ruling authority after 1979 and are supposed to be controlled By Ayatollah Khamenei authority. I know Ahmadinejad and 2/3 of his first 21 member cabinet are ex IRGC members and that simply reinforces that I am right to believe the IRGC has become the final authority not the Supreme leader.
The IRGC is in control of furthering Shiite demands around the Middle East! You know by no what they are doing in Yemen, Iraq, and everywhere they can in the Middle East. I now believe Khamenei is the power behind the crackdown but he is unknowingly enforcing a lie! Iran will not give up her nuclear weapons designs and will never give up power or efforts to dominate the Middle East. Ahmadinejad and the IRGC are the driving force and will not relent. Increasing sanctions will only work to defeat all the opposition has done.
You know, I have long said that Iran’s civilian nuclear program is a cover for their nuclear weapons program. You know that Arab leaders feel the same way. They fear a nuclear arms race and I can only conclude that knowing how far along Iran is and how they feel, that they are hedging their bets and an arms race is already under way clandestinely. The only question is when will it become an overt arms race and just how big the middle east explosion I have been predicting since Bush attacked Iraq, will be?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Biden says Cheney is misinformed or misleading, trying to rewrite history! No kidding?

Biden says Cheney is misinformed or misleading
I am so sick of Cheney’s lying BS, read the transcript if you can stand it. 'This Week' Transcript: Former Vice President Dick Cheney
Is Dick Cheney a psychopath? You know he wants the country to get hit again for Political gain! Cheney wants to press the reset button back to the Bush years! Success?: Whatever you call success once you have experienced it to that idiot you are drunk with it, you want more. You can't get enough. Sadly success for Cheney and Bush equals total failure to average Americans and our America.
I don't really want to talk about Specter abandoning the sinking Republican ship. I don't want to dwell on the lying torture and Bush destruction enabler Pelosi, Reid, or the rest of them. They are al guilty. They were all guilty. I just want to say a few words about the snarling scum who beside Rove I consider the real reason for the so called success of the Bush Cheney mis-Administration.
Hopefully you will read the story at the link and watch the video about Cheney being a psychopath. He is I think many of you know and he is doing his damnedest to justify the torture, death, and destruction, that marked the Bush years and their so called success. Bush, Cheney, and Rove were the real axis of evil. We can not allow them to rewrite history. We can not allow them to glorify this mess. We can not allow them to fool people into thinking those Fascists were good for us and the world and we should return to their policies.
No kidding: Cheney mentioned he thought some of us were upset that, that snarling maggot cast the tie breaking vote in the Senate. Along with everything else that gave many of us to give in to the inevitability that we were now going to be totally controlled to follow an agenda good for none of us and of which we had no control whatsoever.
The 2000 elections, 9/11 attacks, anthrax attacks, Cheney. Katrina, the whole 9 yards of this Bush Cheney mis-Administration is just a part of the total lie we are still living today. I am stunned that anyone can get away with calling that abortion success. I was sickened knowing the total mess Bush and Cheney made of us and the world and the scum Bush rode into the sunset bragging about his destruction. I have said it before but it is time to call Cheney on his Bluff. My overwhelming thought it the Senate was blackmailed into submission and at this point all of them on sides are guilty and complicit.
From beginning to end with this Bush mis-Administration including both sides of Congress we will never know the truth. Cheney says it would be a mistake for Republicans to be more moderate. A mistake for the small minded "big tent" party to try and be like Democrat? What a sicko! It is exactly what they need to compete with Democrats. At this point I guess we can only hope they hold on to Bush era priorities all the way to obscurity!
Listen to Cheney. He will keep the diminishing Republican party diminishing. The Cheney Bush way of doing business has hit the point of diminishing returns. Cheney is punch drunk, insane. He said most Americans are happy with water boarding. Snarling Mr. Torture thinks torture made us safe and is the reason why we have not had another attack. Hell we have not had another attack because they aided and abetted the first one to enable them to follow their fascist misagenda. Doesn't anyone get it?
* In closing! Cheney stupidly thinks Republicans and thus the country should stick to the values that were employed under Cheney and Bush. Reagan the Father of all our problems? The Reaganism that got us into 2 world wars, a recession, and the worst jobless rate in 25 years with the long term unemployment rate at 27% the highest since 1948. Progress you can be proud of, that guy is an idiot!
Cheney's job is to cover the lie we lived under Bush. Whole teams have been working at rewriting History even well before Bush's term was up. We can not let that happen. Their has been in the past efforts to tell the truth but it was casually dismissed as conspiracy theory so the lie could continue. I do not think the truth will ever come out but we must keep trying!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
They are getting the message: The movement is not anti Democrat it is anti incumbent!

Patrick Kennedy makes 14. Earlier in the week, an announcement by California Representative Diane Watson brought to 13 the number of House Democrats deciding to retire or seek higher office.
On the Republican side of the aisle 18 House lawmakers have so far announced they will retire or seek higher office including the latest, Florida Representative Lincoln Diaz-Balart, one of the first Cuban-Americans elected to Congress. More Congressional Retirements on Road to 2010 Mid-Term Elections They are getting the message!
I keep hearing Scott Brown’s victory called a surprise and a disaster for the Democrats. It was not a surprise to us in Massachusetts it was a given and a message to both party’s. Both party’s are on notice and that was a good thing for Democrat’s and America. Democrats still have the 2nd largest majority in a generation. They now have 59 seats but still have to lead.
They could not lead with a 60 seat filibuster proof majority! However since the people of Massachusetts woke up the country by electing Republican Scott Brown who ran as an independent we may get something done finally. Both party’s seem to have gotten the message.
It still remains to be seen that our politicians are capable of coming together as a viable Government of the people for the people by the people. We stand a chance but first must override the Democracy destroying SCOTUS decision giving our country to Corporations to control! The carrot didn’t work it is time to use the stick!
I have to hope the election of Republican Senator in the bluest of blue States Massachusetts will start making the difference for Obama and average Americans and it will as long as he is true to the independents that elected him and does the right thing for the people not the party!
What he just did should not be misinterpreted by the Republican Party as a denial of Obama, his agenda, or the Democratic Party. It was not! It should be a wake up call to both party's that we the people are sick of the games, sick of the partisanship, sick of the concern being for the Party's not we the people. It is a Revolution however it is not a revolution against 'a party" It better serve as a wake up call to both party's. We the people want to matter!
Remember Brown never once mentioned the Republican Party but instead ran as an independent. He promised he would work for the people not as Republicans do but as Ted Kennedy did and to make him proud. It is not a revolution against a party it is just the people wanting we the people that were removed during the last Administration put back in the equation. It is a move against incumbents "all incumbents"
Brown gets it! As I said when he was elected this was not a defeat for Democrats it was a victory for Americans. I said if he does the right thing for the people and not the Republican party he will be President some day. I have been watching him and he is on the right road. He is the Republican Barack Obama and just what we need to unite this divided country and get us back on the right road. He is the first one willing to break ranks and reunite the country!
He already told Republicans he got there without them and with the help of a close group of friends and very little help from anyone down there, so there will be issues when I'll be with you and there are issues when I won't be with you, Brown said Thursday during the half-hour interview. So, I just need to look at each vote and then make a proper analysis and then decide. I hope he remains true to his word and I believe he will as I see character in the man and a future leader of America.
Supposedly Republicans will not pressure him and it will not matter when they do. The senator-elect did not elaborate on possible breaking points, though the Washington newcomer dismissed any suggestion he will relent once he starts working in the highly partisan capital. However, this is Massachusetts and he will pay with his seat if he does. After 8 terms Patrick Kennedy just stepped down in Rhode Island. Anticipate a move to Massachusetts and a run for Uncle Teddy's seat If Brown falls short!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Trust but verify: Iran president says Era of nuclear weapons over, prove it!

Iran president: Era of nuclear weapons over
I knew I heard that before and from Turkey! 11/2009 Ahmadinejad: Era of nuclear weapons over However his actions prove otherwise! When I was a kid I learned to trust but verify. I believe you, let me see for myself! That works and in light of Ahmadinejad's rhetoric and Iran's past since 1979 the world can not believe what Ahmadinejad says and must be allowed to delve into Iran's nuclear interests.
You must first also consider the source! On top of all the instigating Iran is doing in every instance I am very concerned with her desire for nuclear weapons, her willingness to use them, and the fact that we gave Iran her nuclear start in the 50s. The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.[1] The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran. We are so concerned about Pakistan and Iran today in regard to nuclear abilities and nuclear weapons and security. I was blown away to find out that we built the first nuclear Reactors in both Iran and Pakistan. 1953 atoms for peace
Reading the book by Con Coughlin titled Khomeini's Ghost - The Iranian Revolution and the Rise of Militant Islam while as usual not totally correct it certainly makes you think and put everything in its proper frightening perspective. Please look at the book review and decide for yourself. From Khomeini's response on his return to Iran after 15 years of exile to today's events it all makes sense and the world better be concerned as there is more than idle threats and braggadocio coming from Ahmadinejad. Khomeini's Ghost - The Iranian Revolution and the ...
A reminder: When asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
I have tried to give Iran the benefit of the doubt when they say their nuclear desires are peaceful knowing they could use nuclear power as an energy source for their growing population. I have always asserted that perceived need could be cover for the real goal of developing a nuclear weapon. I now believe it is!
IRG Ahmadinejad, the stolen election, the killing and imprisonment of the children of the Revolution, the violent crushing of all opposition, the clandestine nuclear program, It is all making sense, beware! Natanz, Qom, Isfahan, Bushehr, Natanz, how many more nuclear facilities? How will this end?
As this ratchets up instigated by the Basiji and the IRGC another reminder! You know how I feel about Iran's Revolutionary Guard Command, but now there are many pro Government citizens calling for the death of those against the current regime and the IRGC! Like most I believe the election was stolen. I originally though it had to be known right to the top but I do not think so. I now thing even Ayatollah Khamenei was duped about the stolen election. Some not all of the clerics have been dragged into bed with the IRG!
As you know, the IRGC was set up to protect the ruling authority after 1979 and are supposed to be controlled By Ayatollah Khamenei authority. I know Ahmadinejad and 2/3 of his first 21 member cabinet are ex IRGC members and that simply reinforces that I am increasingly led to think the IRGC has become the final authority not the Supreme leader.
The IRGC is in control of furthering Shiite demands around the Middle East! You know by no what they are doing in Yemen, Iraq, and everywhere they can in the Middle East. I now believe Khamenei is the power behind the crackdown but he is unknowingly enforcing a lie! Iran will not give up her nuclear weapons designs and will never give up power or efforts to dominate the Middle East. Ahmadinejad and the IRGC are the driving force and will not relent. Increasing sanctions will only work to defeat all the opposition has done.
You know, I have long said that Iran’s civilian nuclear program is a cover for their nuclear weapons program. You know that Arab leaders feel the same way. They fear a nuclear arms race and I can only conclude that knowing how far along Iran is and how they feel that they are hedging their bets and it is already under way clandestinely.
The Gulf Corporation Council “Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman. And the United Arab Emirates, who are all incidentally armed by us with advanced conventional weapons and technology and missile defense batteries all want the Middle East to be declared a nuclear safe zone. That as you know is DOA as neither Israel or the US will never agree to that. The centuries of acrimony and convoluted Relationships throughout the Middle East though I knew of it is mind boggling and worse than I thought so I invite you to read the report it is eye opening. ! Why Arab leaders worry about Iran's nuclear program | Bulletin of ...
I really wish the era of nuclear weapons was over but I am afraid that era will not be over until it is over!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, February 15, 2010
Britain alleges Brit tortured by Pakistan at US behest: That was not torture, you tell me!

UK Document Calls US Actions Torture, it gets worse but should it?
Okay lets talk torture! Water boarding we have discussed many times. That most definitely is torture and there is no gray area there. However sleep deprivation? I can handle that. If that is torture I guess that is a kinder gentler version. I will take that to having my finger and toe nails pulled out any day. We knew about the water boarding and sleep deprivation for quite a while but throwing people against walls what the heck is that? Slapping? Nudity, confinement with insects, sleeping in coffins, that is torture?
Stress positioning, throwing cold water on you? Beats the hell out of hot water. As I said, I do not know if that is torture. I remember at GITMO the prisoners were being "tortured" with the likes of listening to Rock music. You can conceive anything as torture even forcing someone to eat nothing but ice cream. Water boarding is torture so is cutting someone pulling out their nails or some of the things I remember hearing the Viet Cong do.
That said, some of what we are hearing here would not occur at a good hotel but there is no way I would call it torture. As I always say, consider the source. The source being Britain I I would have to say the bar is pretty low. It is not the so called torture that is the issue to me because there was no torture but it is about Britain making public material that was released to them in confidence.
That said, the British government has been forced to disclose U.S. intelligence related to the alleged torture of a former GITMO detainee, a move the U.K. had argued could jeopardize future intelligence sharing and you can bet it will. Remember what these guys have called torture in order to get what they want.
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office released a seven-paragraph summary of U.S. intelligence that was given in confidence to British security services about ex-detainee Binyam Mohamed's treatment during U.S. interrogations in 2002.
I understand some things have gone on there in the past but have heard too many exaggerated misconstrued allegations to ad hoc believe or act on what I hear.
The paragraphs detail how Mr. Mohamed, an Ethiopian Brit was subjected to cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment such as sleep deprivation, threats and shackling. Torture? I mean come on! If that is all I had to be worried about with my sons being captured and tortured I would be relieved. I am sure in reality the Taliban, Al Qaeda, militants whatever you call them call something quite different torture.
Mohamed was detained in Pakistan in 2002 and transferred to Guantanamo Bay in 2004 before being released in February 2009. Sleep deprivation, threats, shackling, sounds like American prison life to me. If that is all Mohamed went through he is lucky. We are threatened throughout our life. Your shackles are off, catch up on your sleep and call it a day. Going through with this does not serve US or British interests.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Rhetoric vs reality as Iran Claims Nuclear Gain and Protesters Clash

Huge rally and protests mark Iran revolution It was a disappointment but the protest is not dead!
From opposition web sites there were accounts of gunfire, tear gas and attacks on opposition leaders. Videos posted online showed protesters calling for the release of political prisoners and carrying green banners. I saw a protester being beaten but this was ignored as protesters were beaten back and all the Governments illegal activity was kept off Government TV.
This was a test of strength and with Iran shutting down all methods of the protesters communicating and possessing the agenda and the weapons to enforce it, it is obvious who wins at least for now. One opposition web site reported Security forces firing shots and tear gas at supporters of an opposition leader, Mir Hussein Moussavi as they mounted a counter-rally in central Tehran.
Another opposition Web site, Jaras, said that security forces attacked the car of another opposition leader, Mehdi Karroubi, as he was heading to a rally marking the anniversary. security forces also attacked former President Mohammad Khatami and briefly arrested his brother and his brother’s wife who is a granddaughter of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the Islamic Revolution. Iran Claims Nuclear Gain as Protesters Clash
This all continues to go against the true beliefs of the 1979 Revolution being celebrated. Ahmadinejad and other leaders attempted to shift the spotlight from the protests to the stolen election to the quest for nuclear power which all sides agree is a right of Iran. He announced that Iran after enriching Uranium to 20% is now a nuclear state. Ahmadinejad: Iran is now a ‘nuclear state’
That is subject to interpretation if it is even true! Rhetoric vs. reality: Iran faces nuclear setbacks
I will say that with prime ministers, ex speakers, ex Presidents, and the likes of a granddaughter of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the father of the Islamic Revolution being beaten attacked and arrested by the IRGC big taboos are being broken by the Government. All to silence any dissension what has become as a true Islamist Nation " The illegal Government of Iran"
A reminder: As you know, the IRGC was set up to protect the ruling authority after 1979 and are supposed to be controlled By Ayatollah Khamenei authority. I know Ahmadinejad and 2/3 of his first 21 member cabinet are ex IRGC members and that simply reinforces that I am increasingly led to think the IRGC has become the final authority not the Supreme leader.
The Supreme leader is appearing as a puppet needed to keep the religious leaders together and to make it appear that they are still in charge. They have become a major force capable of taking control of Iran and I am afraid nothing less than that is what has happened.
Not only has the IRGC perpetrated the horror and brutality we have all witnessed in and out of jail and lord knows the horror we will never know about but to add insult to injury Brigadier General Yadollah Javani a senior official with Iran's increasingly powerful Revolutionary Guard is calling for the prosecution of two key opposition leaders and a former president, accusing them of fanning the protests that have gripped the nation since its disputed presidential election two months ago.
The IRGC is in control of furthering Shiite demands around the Middle East! You know by no what they are doing in Yemen, Iraq, and everywhere they can in the Middle East. I now believe Khamenei is the power behind the crackdown but he is unknowingly enforcing a lie! Iran will not give up her nuclear weapons designs and will never give up power or efforts to dominate the middle East. Ahmadinejad and the IRGC are the driving force and will not relent. Increasing sanctions will only work to defeat all the opposition has done.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Will Mogadishu fall? Africa and the world can not allow it!

I will never forget Black Hawk down but Somalia has been racked by violence since it lost its last central Government in 1991. Gunfights and shelling are common in Mogadishu the Capital as the transitional government backed by African Union troops and UN funds - controls only a small part of the capital as they battle for control.
This is only the Capital one city, one militant group Al Shabab! The rest of the country is ruled by warlords, al-Shabab or other Islamist militias. Rebels 'pour into Somali capital'
Hizbul-Islam and Al-shabab's long simmering battle amongst themselves has erupted into open warfare. The interim Government is pretty happy about this as they think they will be busy killing each other and not them and the African Union troops but they should not be. They smell blood as they sense victory over the so called Government.
They are strong and are fighting to see who comes out on top and gets the palace. Al Shabab is more strict but they both want Islamist rule in Somalia. Al-shabab is also smaller but has Al Qaeda members in its ranks and is confident enough to send fighters over to Yemen to help Al Qaeda there. Islamist rivalry
BBC News who had plans to interview Al Shabab and learn more about them planned to stay in Wajid one of their strongholds until they learned that al-Shabab had just publicly beheaded three men in the area and shot dead a community leader. They changed their plans quickly. Al-Shabab is bitter towards the puppet Government as they demand strict Sharia law and feel the Government want humanity has sold out the Religion of Islam.
They proceeded to Dusamareb the headquarters of a moderate Sufi Islamic movement. The leader of Ahlu Sunnah is bitterly opposed to al-Shabab. Significantly, Ahlu Sunnah has just signed a formal agreement to co-operate militarily with the embattled government in Mogadishu. Meeting al-Shabab
Ahlu Sunnah's chairman Sheikh Omar Sharif Muhammad said he hoped the alliance could defeat al-Shabab. But it badly needed international help, he added. He is right Somalia better wake up! Amputations and beheadings is not a desirable way of life. Al-Shabab are not even humans," said Sheikh Omar. "They're desecrating our culture, and destroying our sovereignty and our religion.
"They're very dangerous and must be driven out. They recruit young, innocent children to become suicide bombers. Islam does not allow that. However Sharia law does. Though Ahlu Sunnah has thousands of fighters and is allied with the Government shored up by African Union troops we have to somehow get them help too. We can not let Somalia fall to Sharia law because it will only spread from there. Outside the meeting people were singing wake up Somalia Lean against each other and the entire world better pay heed!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, February 12, 2010
Taiwan presses the reset button for US, Taiwan, China relation, that’s refreshing!

Taiwan Posts Best Export Growth in More Than 33 Years, may build bridge to China.
That will help US China relations Taiwan posted Monday its biggest monthly growth in exports in more than 33 years, powered by a recovery in demand from all its major export markets, especially China. China needs Taiwan as much as we need China and Taiwan. This is an important inter relationship. I do not understand why Taiwan can not be part of China but independent as the Democracy part!
Taiwan Posts Best Export Growth in More Than 33 Years
Things have been so volatile between China and the US because of the Dali Lama, currency issues, and rearming of Taiwan by the US that I am really pleased to see that Taiwan's economy is doing so well and partly because of China. After years of volatility
A bridge linking the Taiwan held Kinmen group of islands with China is planned and would be a powerful symbol of improved ties between Taipei and Beijing, as the area is so far best known as the scene of their bloodiest battle in the past 60 years.This is key! That prospect has now moved closer with the decision by Taiwan's Council for Economic Planning and Development to approve the 3.3-mile bridge from Kinmen proper to neighboring Little Kinmen. That would only be one bridge away from China. It would be a shorter bridge to get to China at 3 miles long. I like this! Taiwan to build bridge off China
This is the official reason for what we keep reiterating! Why China Needs The U.S. -- And Vice Versa
Now I have renewed hope that China will remember how important good relations are to both of our countries as we move through the 21st century.
US-China ties 'to shape 21st century'
The US and China will never be the same but share the same big boat hit by huge waves
Cooperation between China Russia and the US is critical! Obama is right to say our ties will shape the future of the 21st century. The US and China are eying each other and moving very cautiously as they try to strike a balance. A few years back I began to view our relationship with China as the most important in the world. Not because we drove each others economy but because if at the time with Bush's instigation to war with Russia China due to the fact of how our 2 economies are so intertwined that if something happened China would side with us not Russia.
I hope that never happens and I feel increasingly confident we can take the road to peace and prosperity into the 21st century with a united world. Many of you know I repeat often that Nostradamus gave us two roads to travel into the future. Bush had us on the first road, the road to war and a disastrous future for man kind. I feel increasingly confident thanks to Obama we are now on the second road, the road to understanding and a successful prosperous future.
China is our Banker as well as North Korea's immediate neighbor. They hold more than a trillion dollars in our Bonds. They have more at stake here and around the world than anyone. Stakes are now enormous! China has to be a key partner in whatever happens here, in North Korea and around the world. We can not do this unilaterally. Along with Russia China and the US must work together to shape the future of the world!
China does not seem to have the leverage they use to or I thought they had. They do have an abstract leverage! They should want to be key players here. They are our banker and we owe them trillions. Being North Korea's immediate neighbor they would be the recipient of hundreds of thousands of refugees if not more. Regardless of the past that is gone. We have to be concerned with the future now. China is key to the world’s future and is very much in the balance.
We can not do this alone! Not just Russia but we need China to help with Iran and North Korea. China holds over a trillion dollars of our debt. They make many of our products so we keep them employed and in that respect we keep each others countries going. They sell the majority of the products they make to Wal-Mart and continue to loan us money.
We are intricately inextricably interwoven in a symbiotic roller coaster relationship. I don't know if I like it or not but it works and must continue. It will get bumpy along the way but I trust like it or not our relationship will continue into the foreseeable future. I am seeing China get stronger and increasingly taking over Japan's role in Asia too. We have many differences but one important thing in common, a desire for a successful future for our two countries! Things are looking up finally!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Nato calls for more global partners: Russia rearming because of NATO buildup, End it, ask them to join NATO!

Nato calls for more global partners
'US, NATO to work with Russia on issues of mutual interest'
NATO'S LAST CHANCE The West Should Invite Russia to Join NATO ...
Let Russia join NATO - Los Angeles Times
There is only one choice! end all this! Invite Russia to join NATO. This is not a new idea. Once upon a time, it was openly entertained in diplomatic circles East and West. In late 1991, the final days of the U.S.S.R Boris Yeltsin stunned a NATO meeting by sending a letter with this unilateral declaration: "Today we are raising a question of Russia's membership in NATO." Tom Friedman reported for the New York Times at the time, were "too taken aback ... to give any coherent response." In the ensuing years, as Yeltsin with characteristic bravura continued to raise the prospect, the West kept fumbling for a reply.
Even Putin, in his first days in the Kremlin, seized on the issue. Instead of taking the perfect opportunity to unite the world Reagan and at least the Bush's chose to make a worse enemy of Russia and widen the gap between the west and Russia by instigating them to war.We had the perfect opportunity to unite the world in peace and our past leaders chose to divide it further by trying to rule the world.
We must put an end to this desire to rearm to fight each other, threaten each other, dominate each other. World unity is the only way for a successful future. The Nobel prize winners must come together and bring to the forefront around the world the dire danger to us and the planet if we continue down the road of an unsurvivable world war! We must somehow convey to them that are respected around the world that the time is now and immediate.
We should be using our militaries for the sole purpose of helping and ensuring honesty among the Nations of the world. There can be no action taken without the knowledge and complicity of all Nations that have the future of man and the planet as their goal. We should be using our militaries not to wage war but to wage peace. Our military efforts after the tsunami were a shining example of the way our militaries should be used in the future. The world as a whole must be made to realize the fragility of our situation.
We can make this work despite the tenuous situation we have put ourselves in. With that said we must proceed and work as a world unit. It will not work as separate competitive entities as we have done in the past. We must Proceed into the future as one. We must proceed into the future with the future life of man and the planet as our only goal. Nothing less than the survival of man and the planet are at stake. Shortly the planets life sustaining ecosystems will no longer have the ability to sustain the current population of man. We can not afford to destroy them altogether as another war would do. It is imperative to me that we unite with Russia and I believe we can do that with President Obama!
Let Russia join NATO! Our future is dependent on us coming together! We are all interdependent. We are one like it or not. We are all, all life, part of the planet we call earth! We are all part of that one organism called earth! Under Bush we had the worst, the divider, the destroyer. Under Obama MLK's words now ring true "The Greatest among you shall be your servant" He is the guiding light we have been waiting for to lead us out of the dark tunnel Bush has us, the entire world in! This is not only Obama's time this is our time and Obama can lead the way if given the chance. It is up to all of us collectively! That means Russia! That means China! The alternative is further division! War Destruction! No future!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
New Orleans, God, Chocolate, and Facts

New Orleans elects first white mayor since 1978
In light of an article I saw in the NY Times I thought it appropriate to resurrect a story I posted 9/25/05 in order to put a couple recent stories into perspective. To start with, it was surprising to me to find out that New Orleans even had a levee board especially in light of the damage incurred. You would have thought their job would be to secure the levees. We know now how sad a state of repair some of them were in. Instead they established an Airport and a marina.
They also played a role in establishing a floating casino, top of the line fiber optic system, and spent 2.4 million on a Mardis Gras fountain and left the 9th street levee in the poorer area of the city in particular in a state of disrepair. This was all nice for businesses and the elite whose areas suffered relatively light damage.
The poor did suffer the brunt of Katrina and Rita. The devastation to these people in the first place occurred because of criminal neglect by authorities and local officials on every level. I contended that this natural disaster was allowed to clean out New Orleans of what the elite thought of as undesirable elements and failed for years to do it themselves. Now they are largely out with many choosing to stay out. I contended that the wealthy elite, largely white, and the politicians will now be able to rebuild for their own interests.
We thought New Orleans might now become a Republican city. This all seemed a distinct possibility especially with the French Quarter, the Convention Center, and the Garden District, were all largely high and dry and largely intact. It seemed obvious that the poor sections were now cleaned out and the housing projects gone compliments of Mother Nature and not God as Mayor Nagin ridiculously stated, and supposedly not from any design of mans.
Along with these areas went much of Mayor Nagin's ill mentioned chocolate aspect of New Orleans. Enough of the poor and the blacks if you will will be back for whatever reason primarily to service the needs of industries, the wealthy elite and politicians, and various business interests. now reading the story in the NY Times that New Orleans might be rebuilt whiter and smaller it looks like the thoughts expressed last September might have been right on target.
Headline: Algiers residents of New Orleans poor section, I know just another coincidence, drowned out once again by the breeching of the Industrial Canal Levee in the 9th ward. What a surprise! Another coincidence is that these levees were lower and less maintained than in more affluent areas. Southwestern La. was hit hard again as we knew they would be days in advance as Rita increasingly tracked Eastward.
As a result this area was purposely or "inadvertently" vulnerable from the start. with that in mind if doing the right thing was the motivating factor it only makes sense that these levees should have received priority and been built higher and more fortified than before. The tourist assets and central parts of the city were better protected and received relatively minimal damage.
The time came to rebuild the housing developments and they couldn't what a surprise. They are building the New Orleans they want not the New Orleans we had. Having read this and I wrote it 4 and a half years ago it makes you think differently about a white mayor being elected I am sure!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
The new 3rd party the pity party is taking shape, it is sick but Palin will be at the head somewhere!
US Republicans seek 'Tea Party' alliances
In Full: Palin's Tea Party Speech
Sarah Palin Hand teleprompter
The Tea Party is still taking shape Harnessing 'tea party' spirit won't be easy. Convention is proof. They better take these fools seriously!
As you know, Palin made her debut on Faux! She made her debut on the Oreilly show she looks forward to being fair and balanced. Cut the crap! Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, and many others there have been caught flat out lying so many times it isn’t funny! They will all be in the new party.
Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, Palin, and their lying destructive guests, fair and balanced? I just learned Oreilly’s is the flagship show. That is sick! Watch the video of Oreilly flipping out live! Flag ship? Their flag whatever it is flies upside down! Oreilly is an idiot.
Oreilly asked Paling why she attracted so many pinheads. He is an ass. That is easy, because she is a pinhead. He must be talking about her fans not her intelligent America loving good sensed detractors. Sarah Palin Slams President Obama, Critics in Fox News Debut
I think taking a job with Fox was a huge mistake not for Paling but for Faux news. During the campaign for President McCain’s aids had to teach her about WW1, WW2, and the Korean War. Even later she could not understand why there is a North and South Korea. Come on, that is 3rd grade! I am sure she is still confused about everything you can see the confusion in her face!
She couldn’t even remember Joe Biden’s name. In preparing for their debate she kept calling him Obiden. To try to avoid her looking stupid which is impossible from the get go they tried to avoid the issue and that is why you heard the line “can I call you Joe” She still managed to call him Obiden! This is what the pity party I mean tea party is grounded on?
* She is a ditz albeit undeservedly now a rich ditz! Words of advice to Fox, you better limit her air time and coach her well. So far they have but wait until she speaks then they will jump. I do believe she has a big audience of dummies and when all is said and done will be bad for the Republican Party unless they fuse with the pity party. I believe she will use Fox as a jumping off platform for a 3rd party “the pity party” Sick but in the video the woman is holding a picture of what she says is our next President, Palin!
Watch her whole speech if you can listen to the BS! Amidst calls for “President Palin” she said she wants divine intervention, a return to Christian America. She said America is ready for another revolution. I am afraid we are listening to the next President of America and that is scary! Palin was caught on camera looking at crib notes she wrote on her hand. Come on! $100,000 wanting to be President and looking at crib notes?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
In Full: Palin's Tea Party Speech
Sarah Palin Hand teleprompter
The Tea Party is still taking shape Harnessing 'tea party' spirit won't be easy. Convention is proof. They better take these fools seriously!
As you know, Palin made her debut on Faux! She made her debut on the Oreilly show she looks forward to being fair and balanced. Cut the crap! Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, and many others there have been caught flat out lying so many times it isn’t funny! They will all be in the new party.
Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, Palin, and their lying destructive guests, fair and balanced? I just learned Oreilly’s is the flagship show. That is sick! Watch the video of Oreilly flipping out live! Flag ship? Their flag whatever it is flies upside down! Oreilly is an idiot.
Oreilly asked Paling why she attracted so many pinheads. He is an ass. That is easy, because she is a pinhead. He must be talking about her fans not her intelligent America loving good sensed detractors. Sarah Palin Slams President Obama, Critics in Fox News Debut
I think taking a job with Fox was a huge mistake not for Paling but for Faux news. During the campaign for President McCain’s aids had to teach her about WW1, WW2, and the Korean War. Even later she could not understand why there is a North and South Korea. Come on, that is 3rd grade! I am sure she is still confused about everything you can see the confusion in her face!
She couldn’t even remember Joe Biden’s name. In preparing for their debate she kept calling him Obiden. To try to avoid her looking stupid which is impossible from the get go they tried to avoid the issue and that is why you heard the line “can I call you Joe” She still managed to call him Obiden! This is what the pity party I mean tea party is grounded on?
* She is a ditz albeit undeservedly now a rich ditz! Words of advice to Fox, you better limit her air time and coach her well. So far they have but wait until she speaks then they will jump. I do believe she has a big audience of dummies and when all is said and done will be bad for the Republican Party unless they fuse with the pity party. I believe she will use Fox as a jumping off platform for a 3rd party “the pity party” Sick but in the video the woman is holding a picture of what she says is our next President, Palin!
Watch her whole speech if you can listen to the BS! Amidst calls for “President Palin” she said she wants divine intervention, a return to Christian America. She said America is ready for another revolution. I am afraid we are listening to the next President of America and that is scary! Palin was caught on camera looking at crib notes she wrote on her hand. Come on! $100,000 wanting to be President and looking at crib notes?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
3rd party,
Bill Oreilly,
Fox news,
Glen Beck,
Sarah Palin,
Sean Hannity,
tea party
Sunday, February 07, 2010
China and US threats to action getting worse by the minute! Remember US-China ties to shape 21st century'?

Rising tension between China & United States
China Renews Opposition to Iran Sanctions
China to put duties on US chicken
Adding to a growing catalogue of disputes between Washington and Beijing, a senior Chinese official said on Thursday that pressure for tighter sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program could block chances of a diplomatic ...
Changing China tied to rough ride with US
Defying China, Obama to meet Dalai Lama - Yahoo! News
China hits back after Obama threatens to take a tougher line with Beijing over currency and trade. That should have been done years ago but is it wise right now with the already strained relationship because of Obama's insistence in arming Taiwan and visiting the Dalai Lama? China Dismisses US Trade Threats
This is getting more vitriolic by the minute. China is getting increasingly emboldened: Now they are threatening our recovery and everything they can as they tighten the screws on us. I do not think Obama realizes we do not have the leverage we use too! We need each other! Remember US-China ties to shape 21st century'?
US arms sales to Taiwan stifle US-China military engagement
China threatens Obama over Dalai Lama meeting
This is really beginning to concern me. Both sides must remember what they said just 6 LONG months ago at their 2 day economic summit!
US-China ties 'to shape 21st century'
The US and China will never be the same but share the same big boat hit by huge waves
Cooperation between China Russia and the US is critical! Obama is right to say our ties will shape the future of the 21st century. The US and China are eying each other and moving very cautiously as they try to strike a balance. A few years back I began to view our relationship with China as the most important in the world. Not because we drove each others economy but because if at the time with Bush's instigation to war with Russia China due to the fact of how our 2 economies are so intertwined that if something happened China would side with us not Russia.
We can not do this alone! Not just Russia but we need China to help with Iran and North Korea. China holds over a trillion dollars of our debt. They make many of our products so we keep them employed and in that respect we keep each others countries going. They sell the majority of the products they make to Wal-Mart and continue to loan us money.
We are intricately inextricably interwoven in a symbiotic roller coaster relationship. I don't know if I like it or not but it works and must continue. It will get bumpy along the way but I trust like it or not our relationship will continue into the foreseeable future. I am seeing China get stronger and increasingly taking over Japan's role in Asia too. We have many differences but one important thing in common, a desire for a successful future for our two countries! Like it or not we need each other and must get along if either one of us have hopes for a viable future!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
21st century,
Dalai Lama,
economic forum,
President Obama,
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