I would laugh if it wasn't such a serious situation today because of the blatant in your face lying to achieve ones underhanded goals! I was trying to figure out how to put my story together today without focusing on any one of the serious world shattering issues facing us today when after listening to the obvious lies from Pakistan and talking about Bush's lying for years. I decided to focus on the number one liar Bush and how the terrible example he has set is affecting the entire country and the entire world.
I found a story this morning Crowning The champion Liar
Look at it! It is funny and would be laughable if the lying coming right from the top "Bush" was not damaging the entire world so a not so well hidden agenda can be followed. It is disheartening to see the obvious, blatant, bald faced lies. The entire world is following the example President Bush has set. We will all pay for this true agenda hiding immorality. My first attempt at book writing was a History of American morality and how we must regain our morality if we are to survive through the 21st century. We are not doing it and instead our President with his immoral example of leadership is leading the world to Destruction!
I found a story this morning Crowning The champion Liar
Look at it! It is funny and would be laughable if the lying coming right from the top "Bush" was not damaging the entire world so a not so well hidden agenda can be followed. It is disheartening to see the obvious, blatant, bald faced lies. The entire world is following the example President Bush has set. We will all pay for this true agenda hiding immorality. My first attempt at book writing was a History of American morality and how we must regain our morality if we are to survive through the 21st century. We are not doing it and instead our President with his immoral example of leadership is leading the world to Destruction!
For years I have called Bush the chief Liar and tried to get the country to realize what he was really doing to our America. No one has listened and Our America is dead. We are now living in Bush's created America and it is not good and will get much worse soon unless we can successfully intervene! It isn't funny but I made a joke of Bush's obvious lying when he was first running for mis-President. I used to say he was the champion of lying through his teeth and talking out of both sides of his mouth and all the while his foot is in it and a smirk on his face. I don't know anymore! The entire world is following his example of lying to get what you want while following a hidden agenda.
We watch and listen to examples every single day from around the world and it is so debilitating as we know we are being lied to while having it denied and we are powerless to stop it. Lying has become the new truth! As we watch Bush lying to steal all power over us so he can follow his world altering Forever war while world leaders are lying to stay in power to take him on i.e.: Vladimir Putin! Lies are also being told in order to stay in power to fight with Bush as musharraf has been doing. I am stupefied! Even though we are lied to every day by Bush so he can follow his so called "hidden agenda" and we watch it daily being done around the world as much of the world prepares to join forces and take on Bush.
We watch and listen to examples every single day from around the world and it is so debilitating as we know we are being lied to while having it denied and we are powerless to stop it. Lying has become the new truth! As we watch Bush lying to steal all power over us so he can follow his world altering Forever war while world leaders are lying to stay in power to take him on i.e.: Vladimir Putin! Lies are also being told in order to stay in power to fight with Bush as musharraf has been doing. I am stupefied! Even though we are lied to every day by Bush so he can follow his so called "hidden agenda" and we watch it daily being done around the world as much of the world prepares to join forces and take on Bush.
Even by the low life standard we have become use to seeing this example from Pakistan in the face of the truth takes the prize as the worlds most obvious liar but most definitely not the best! First I am sick of having Al Qaeda dragged out every single time to cover the real terrible truth. Of course this is the case once again! U.S. officials suspect a Taliban leader may be behind the plot to assassinate former Pakistani Prime Minister and opposition leader Benazir Bhutto, a senior official said Friday. The official identified Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud as a leading suspect, saying there's "good information that leads us to believe he is the guy responsible." On Saturday, a spokesman for Mehsud denied his involvement, The Associated Press reported. Earlier Friday, the Pakistani Interior Ministry said it had "intelligence intercepts" indicating he was behind Bhutto's death the day before in Rawalpindi. Listen to the two faced BS
I just heard the official statement from the Government stating that's it case closed. They are convinced Al Qaeda killed Benazir. Bull I am convinced they did. They purposely kept her unguarded until they had their opportunity to kill her and blame it on Al Qaeda. again this too would be comical if it was not so damaging and the end result will be another total breakdown enabling Bush's Forever war.
Pakistan's idiocy is stupefying as it is an obvious lie! Bhutto's political party disputed official versions of the incident, accusing the government of lying. Video footage of Thursday's attack on Bhutto contains a murky shot of a hand firing a pistol three times, but the Pakistani government said Bhutto -- who was standing through her vehicle's sunroof -- was not hit. The latest explanation Friday by Pakistan's Interior Ministry said Bhutto, 54, died from a fractured skull after hitting her head on a piece of the vehicle. Immediately following the gunfire, a suicide bomber ignited explosives near Bhutto's motorcade.
I just heard the official statement from the Government stating that's it case closed. They are convinced Al Qaeda killed Benazir. Bull I am convinced they did. They purposely kept her unguarded until they had their opportunity to kill her and blame it on Al Qaeda. again this too would be comical if it was not so damaging and the end result will be another total breakdown enabling Bush's Forever war.
Pakistan's idiocy is stupefying as it is an obvious lie! Bhutto's political party disputed official versions of the incident, accusing the government of lying. Video footage of Thursday's attack on Bhutto contains a murky shot of a hand firing a pistol three times, but the Pakistani government said Bhutto -- who was standing through her vehicle's sunroof -- was not hit. The latest explanation Friday by Pakistan's Interior Ministry said Bhutto, 54, died from a fractured skull after hitting her head on a piece of the vehicle. Immediately following the gunfire, a suicide bomber ignited explosives near Bhutto's motorcade.
An Interior Ministry spokesman, Brig. Javed Iqbal Cheema, said Bhutto "fell down or perhaps ducked" and apparently hit her head on a lever connected to the car's sunroof. Cheema added that the lever was stained with blood. unbelievable! Cheema's version of events conflicts with that of the government-run news agency Associated Press of Pakistan, which at first quoted the Interior Ministry as saying shrapnel from the bomb blast killed Bhutto. The suicide bomb killed more than 20 others, and at least 100 were wounded.On Thursday, an initial report from the Interior Ministry said Bhutto died of a gunshot wound to the neck.
* Bhutto's death did not result from a bullet or shrapnel, Cheema said, and nothing entered her head. Dr. Mussadiq Khan of Rawalpindi General Hospital, who treated Bhutto before she was declared dead, said she had "a big wound" on the side of her head "that usually occurs when something big, with a lot of speed, hits that area." Farzana Raja of Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party said the government's explanation is "a pack of lies," and she offered another explanation. "It was a sniper shooting," she said, also accusing the government of a "total security lapse." CNN national security analyst Ken Robinson, who worked in U.S. intelligence in Pakistan during the Clinton administration, said he suspects Bhutto's enemies are attempting to control her legacy by minimizing the attack's role in her demise. blatant obvious lies
**"They're trying to deny her a martyr's death, and in Islam, that's pretty important," Robinson said. It will not work and the turmoil that is happening right now will only worsen until it fully explodes, Musharraf again declares Martial Order, and eventually gives Bush the same excuse so ha can prosecute his end of this Bush caused Forever war and it does get worse!
*Well I failed at keeping it light but I am right!
Maybe this will help your post Jim:
The BEAST 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2007
50. Nicole Richie
Charges: Not a brick house. Not mighty mighty. Vastly easier than Sunday morning. Her criminal exploits, attended by hollow contritions, do inestimable harm to drug legalization efforts; while inexplicably adding nothing to the forced-sterilization debate. Quite possibly a reason the terrorists hate us.
Exhibit A: "I've just gone through so much in my life that pulling my top up just doesn't seem like that big a deal."
Sentence: Sealed neck-high in the outhouse foundation of a popular Mexican Spring Break destination. Jaws propped open.
49. Trent Lott
Charges: Old school Dixiecrat segregationist who switched parties along with Strom Thurmond back when Democrats decided to be nicer to black people. Retired from the Senate early to dodge a new law that mandates a two-year wait between retiring from congress and becoming a lobbyist. That, and the dirt that Larry Flynt has on him.
Exhibit A: Was in the "Singing Senators," a closeted a cappella group, with John Ashcroft, Jim Jeffords and Larry Craig -- not that there's anything wrong with that.
Sentence: Accidentally lynched by blind neo-Nazis.
48. Carson Daly
Charges: Otherwise too banal for derision, Daly, who cut his shmuck-teeth warming musical Similac for tweens on MTV, acted as Writer's Guild strike breaker by returning to air without them.
Exhibit A: We didn't know his show employed writers.
Sentence: Forced to appear nightly on The Carson Daly Show.
47. Mike Huckabee
Charges: What's worse, a calculating politician pretending to be a devout Christian, or a genuine heartland preacher who didn't come from no monkey? Huckabee is both -- a Southern Baptist who rejects Darwin, wants to give everyone a gun and thinks people with AIDS should be quarantined, and a seedy, corrupt politician who's never seen a payoff so low he won't stoop to pick it up. Democrats see Huckabee as easily defeated in a general election, but they shouldn't be so sure -- Smooth talking preachers tend to do well in this country. Huckabee is well-spoken, kind-faced, and the opposite of wordly -- he's Obama for hicks.
Exhibit A: "I got into politics because I knew government didn't have the real answers, that the real answers lie in accepting Jesus Christ into our lives... I hope we answer the alarm clock and take this nation back for Christ."
Sentence: Just as he's about to win the GOP nomination, a freak gust of wind catches Huckabee's excess skin and carries him out over the Atlantic, where he drifts for hours before God appears to him, tells him He's a Unitarian, and sends him to hell.
46. Judith Regan
Charges: Has done more to debase the written word than Tom Friedman. Defiled an apartment intended to house overworked 9/11 rescuers, just so Bernard Kerik could plumb her putrescent shallows. Contentious working relationship with OJ Simpson ended with her throat disappointingly uncut.
Exhibit A: ReganBooks' roster of "authors" included Rush Limbaugh, Robert Bork, Jenna Jameson, Jose Canseco, Janice Dickinson, John Gibson and Sean Hannity. Apparently, Dracula and the Wolfman had prior obligations.
Sentence: Death by a thousand paper cuts.
45. David Gregory
Charges: The notion of his insight rests entirely on his striking resemblance to a shrewder, more beloved Dr. Zaius. Starchier than a peep booth wastebasket, Gregory's occasional faux-outraged exchanges with various White House press secretaries have established his reputation as a man unafraid to confront the big scandals -- once they've been well mainstreamed by better reporters. Managed to slip by the Valerie Plame scandal completely unnoticed, though Ari Fleischer testified to leaking Plame's CIA status to Gregory three days before the infamous Novak column ran. His absurd, overcompensatory assurance that he has "no problem with being tough" notwithstanding, his penile-cleft haircut -- much like the warning coloration of venomous reptiles -- betrays his true poisonous nature.
Exhibit A: No dignified reporter would be so visibly happy filling in for Matt Lauer on The Today Show.
Sentence: Quartered by horses.
44. Hugh Hefner
Charges: Not dating three vacuous sluts for the articles. Brazenly attempting to mainstream necrophilia. An erstwhile icon of virility now forced to marshal every faculty in maneuvering, giraffe-like, his quavering, prehensile lips for contrived smooches with his surgically altered concubines, sharing in common with them only arrested adolescence, and probably some pretty sweet coke.
Exhibit A: Idles morbidly like an octogenarian Zelig on the periphery of every "Girls Next Door" publicity event, ogling dementedly and trying to suppress the faint horror of his impending incontinence.
Sentence: Viagra ban.
43. Sherri Shepherd
Charges: Perfectly illustrated the Creationist's level of intellect when she declared her disbelief in evolution, and was immediately stumped about the shape of the earth, explaining her ignorance was due to the fact that she was too busy feeding her children to acquire rudimentary knowledge about... well, about anything, presumably. Further compounded her astonishing lack of basic knowledge when she authoritatively declared that Jesus Christ came before the ancient Greeks, and that she didn't think "anything predated Christians." Judging by these statements, Sherri probably thinks there are dragons on the other side of her desk.
Exhibit A: Accurately reflects the intelligence of her viewing audience.
Sentence: Pushed off the edge of the earth.
42. Bud Selig
Charges: His version of "The Island of Dr. Moreau" is even worse than John Frankenheimer's. The baseball commissioner who succeeded in making football the indisputable, insufferable national pastime. Followed up the fan-alienating cancellation of the 1994 season and World Series -- the first year without since 1904 -- by studiously ignoring (along with the rest of management and tens of thousands of San Franciscans) his players' mutating proportions. A true, blue-blooded hypocrite, Bud reaped undeserved praise for omissive stewardship, and untold profits for his fellow owners, on the back of his grotesquely augmented super-soldiers, and now wants to pretend he's shocked about it.
Exhibit A: An irretrievable coward, Selig skipped Barry Bonds' record-breaking home run game in San Francisco, "congratulating" the slugger by phone. Fair-skinned Viagra pitchman Rafael Palmeiro remains uncharged for lying to congress about his steroid use.
Sentence: Designated BP hitting tee for Giants; denied medical attention over 162 games.
41. Chuck Norris
Charges: Only famous for knowing Bruce Lee. Churning out puerile "action" bilge for 30 years. Skill as martial artist greatly exaggerated. Kitsch value wearing thin. Total Home Gym®. Walker, Texas Ranger once let a little girl battle armed gangsters, because she had the power of belief in God. Doesn't understand evolution, despite access to mirrors.
Exhibit A: Campaigning for Mike Huckabee.
Sentence: Roundhouse kick from Charles Darwin.
40. Lou Dobbs
Charges: Obvious, intensifying xenophobia and distrust of the yellow and brown races, possibly exacerbated by Mexican wife. Whatever useful message Dobbs once had about economic populism and the deleterious effects of globalization and cheap labor on American wages has long been tainted by his obvious animosity towards foreigners, specifically Mexicans and the Chinese. Every installment of his hour-long broadcast on CNN is dominated by reports about the "menace" of foreign imports, be they illegal immigrants crossing "our broken borders" to spread disease and rape our women, or poisonous products from "communist China." Proof that Dobbs is a venomous yellow journalist shithead can be seen in his reaction to media criticism of a segment on his show in which it was erroneously reported that there had been a sudden upsurge in leprosy cases, totaling 7,000 in just three years, the source of which was a lawyer who had also said in speeches that Mexican immigrants tend to molest children. In truth, there had been 7,000 cases of leprosy in the past thirty years. Dobbs was confronted several times with this fact -- first he strongly defended his numbers, then strongly denied ever having used his numbers. A real journalist admits his errors. Dobbs is an ass.
Exhibit A: Sharply criticized the use of Mexican flags in immigrant demonstrations, then denied the obvious double standard of that comment by going on to say that he would have the same problem with Irish flags at the St. Patrick's Day parade, and, in fact, that he was against St. Patrick's Day. Yeah, sure, Lou.
Sentence: Stuffed with Green Cards; turned into amnesty pinata.
39. John Boehner
Charges: A Tom Delay disciple of shameless hypocrisy, Boehner won't stop weeping openly on the House floor -- real crying, from his tear ducts. It's not passion; it's the pathetic noontime inebriation of an obvious, documented alcoholic. Job title, "Minority Whip," is ironically hilarious. Bound by ideology to destroy nation.
Exhibit A: His name is Boner.
Sentence: Afflicted with voodoo hex that makes him cry poisonous spiders.
38. Steven Moore
Charges: Mo Rocca's evil twin and founder of the election-law-breaking PAC Club for Growth, Moore's the Wall Street Journal's most brazen corporate apologist and free market sycophant, who's trotted out on TV to manicure the invisible hand every time it chips a nail squashing the poor.
Exhibit A: "If you don't want to buy a Chinese toy, don't buy it at Wal-Mart. But you know why people buy these things? Because they're cheap and, for the most part, they're pretty good products."
Sentence: Given low-wage job test-licking all Chinese imports, incurs brain tumor, has epiphany about consumer choice and income, then more brain tumors.
37. Mitt Romney
Charges: America's first clip-art presidential candidate, Romney is a strange mixture of game show host looks and android charm. A true flip-flopper, Romney's ability to turn on an ideological dime is unparalleled, but his excuses are so inauthentic that even Republicans have trouble suspending their disbelief.
Exhibit A: "You can't have freedom without religion, and you can't have religion without freedom."
Sentence: Strapped to the roof of his family car, which his dog attempts to drive across the country, but crashes horribly (because dogs can't drive, of course). Romney's flesh burns off in the ensuing fire, revealing him to be a standard protocol droid set to world domination mode. Narrowly edged out of primary race by Huckabee.
36. Master Chief
Charges: Unquestioning cybernetic super soldier of Halo 3's futuristic virtual dystopia; lacks free will and a face. Feature article treating him as a cultural phenomenon in Time magazine marked a low point for both franchises. Stupid name.
Exhibit A: Joint-marketed with Mountain Dew "Game Fuel" in a major coup for diabetes industry.
Sentence: Stop loss, a tour in Iraq.
35. Tim Russert Charges: Mountainously inert, he explained his failure to verify the Bush administration's prewar claims with other government officials by lamenting, "I wish my phone had rung." Smirks defiantly at his own humorlessness. Has held the most visible and secure seat in political media for over 15 years without once mustering the courage to call his guests liars. Impossible to watch him interview any woman on "Meet the Press" without fearing he'll suddenly waggle his sinewy tongue, Jabba-like, and beslobber her.
Exhibit A: Self-mythologizing non sequiturs such as "Look, I'm a blue-collar guy from Buffalo. I know who my sources are."
Sentence: Life as an actual blue-collar guy from Buffalo, i.e. a call center drone in North Carolina.
34. Joe Francis
Charges: The "brain" behind Girls Gone Wild, a series of videos documenting the decline of American civilization, Francis is the Ray Kroc of tit shots. A whinging, muppet-faced, juvenile smut-peddler who obtusely compares his artless, homogenized flesh surfeit to "European television," he proves daily that alcohol is the original date rape drug, and still the best. Has sapped flashing of its spontaneity, transforming it into merely another sad, numbing cultural reflex. Makes one guiltily long for the days when puritanism forced more gifted pornographers to exercise restraint.
Exhibit A: Pathologically entrepreneurial, he reputedly exhorts his cameramen by shouting "I want taco!"
Sentence: Cast as lead in first mass-market snuff film.
33. John Hagee
Charges: A fat, submoronic pastor who is literally trying to bring about the end of the world, Hagee is the leader of the peculiar movement of Christian Zionism, whose basic plan is to get Israel full control of Jerusalem, setting the stage for world war and Armageddon, so Hagee and his flock can ascend to heaven while the Jews, Muslims (especially the Muslims) and everyone else can suffer and die in the wreckage. But lest you get the idea Hagee is an earnestly insane man of the cloth, it turns out he's also paid himself in the millions, first from his non-profit TV station, which he cleverly turned into a tax-exempt church. So maybe Hagee is just another charlatan, but his message is still the most dangerous he could possibly preach.
Exhibit A: "I deserve every dime I'm getting."
Sentence: Banished to hell for being a shitty tipper.
32. The Founding Fathers
Charges: Lionized as moral pillars and demigods ad nauseum without the slightest hint of irony. Can't be judged by today's standards. Electoral College? Dumb fucking idea. Invoked by every asshole in the last two hundred years to support every stupid idea ever. The original liberal elite. Able to withstand lightning strikes and the British military; unable to fathom poor people voting.
Exhibit A: Owned wigs, Africans.
Sentence: Depicted as cartoons on rapidly devaluing currency; beaten at effective democracy by former monarchies.
31. Dana Perino
Charges: In a nation weary of White House press secretaries who feign ignorance, the Bush administration took an innovative step this year, appointing one who genuinely doesn't know anything. No more lies, America -- Dana Perino really can't answer your questions, honest! This slightly comely, over-promoted office wench not only didn't know what the Cuban missile crisis or the Bay of Pigs even were; she actually thought it was a funny story to tell on NPR.
Exhibit A: "This is an issue where I'm sure lots of people would love to ridicule me when I say this, but it is true that many people die from cold-related deaths every winter. And there are studies that say that climate change in certain areas of the world would help those individuals."
Sentence: Sent back in time to '62; Strapped to bottom of U2 spy plane for extreme history lesson.
30. Duane "Dog the Bounty Hunter" Chapman
Charges: Shocked a handful of innocents and turned into self-recriminating chum for Sean Hannity with the revelation that a redneck bounty hunter is-gasp!-a racist. Looks like an extra from Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. Married to a silicon-based life form. When a guy's own son intentionally destroys his career, you know he's got to be a singular fuckhead. Played at extraordinary rendition this year; got arrested for trying to physically extradite a Mexican national.
Exhibit A: "I'm not gonna take a chance ever in life of losing everything I've worked for for 30 years because some fucking nigger heard us say nigger and turned us in to the Enquirer magazine." Yeah, 'cause not saying "nigger" is just out of the question.
Sentence: Neutered, dewormed, given to Michael Vick's buddies for sparring practice.
29. Dinesh D'Souza
Charges: Wrote a book blaming 9/11 on -- who else? -- liberals, because if we didn't live in a free society, then fundamentalists wouldn't dislike us so. Even conservative nuts blasted D'Souza's empathy for poor al Qaeda. Lately, he's been engaging prominent atheists in debates, revealing himself to be a pseudointellectual ass, and then declaring victory. D'Souza's master plan for attacking atheism is the ridiculous Pascal's wager: Atheists could be wrong, and then they'd go to hell, but if the religious are wrong, then they suffer no ill effect -- aside from living their lives in delusion, of course. And possibly going to someone else's hell for believing the wrong religion. D'Souza seems to think that if he speaks more loudly and rapidly than his opponent, he is winning, but his arguments are weak and idiotic, and he never even attempts to truly debate the existence of any god, which is the ostensible point of these debates. Instead, he likes to compare body counts -- Stalin and Mao killed more than the religious leaders of their time -- rather than actually debate whether there is a God, or for that matter a Jesus. This, of course, is because there is no case to be made.
Exhibit A: "[Atheists] are God-haters... I don't believe in unicorns, but then I haven't written any books called The End of Unicorns, Unicorns are Not Great, or The Unicorn Delusion." But what if everyone you met did believe in unicorns, and not only that, but worshiped a unicorn, held a book about unicorns to be the divine truth of the universe, invoked unicorns in political contexts, and speechified about how non-believers were indecent people waging a war on morality, which could only be predicated on the unquestioning belief in unicorns? Then, maybe, D'Souza would think about writing that book. But of course, that's not really true, because if that was the world we lived in, then Dinesh D'Souza would believe in unicorns.
Sentence: Spanish inquisition.
28. The Troops
Charges: Rubes, the lot of 'em. Come back all fugly. They keep telling John McCain they want to win. They need so much support, it's clingy and sad. Matching outfits? Kind of gay.
Exhibit A: Too cheap to buy their own body armor.
Sentence: Walter Reed.
27. Britney Spears
Charges: Never was talented; now she's not even pretty. Look, it's okay to say someone's getting chunky when the only reason she was ever famous was her ability to make people horny. Let's face it: fat Britney don't sell units. In the end, it doesn't bother us that Britney is human wreckage, what bothers us is that she is always, always on television being wreckage. What the hell is with this media trend of hounding the sickly until they finally expire? It's not interesting; it's not informative; what it is is a sick shot in the arm for people who hate themselves and revel in the misfortune of others -- and, ahem, that's just not our thing. We don't care if she shaves her head, or shows her snatch, or turns up in a dumpster. It's just too easy to kick this rapidly frumping swamp slut while she's on the nod and not even pretending to care that her kids are being taken from her. In the immortal words of that fucked up youtube queen, Leave Britney alone!
Exhibit A: And this goes for all you fucked up superstar bimbos: You're rich, bitch! Get a fucking driver! Then you can knock back all the oxy you want and wash it down with Grey Goose, and nobody will arrest you. Get it? Sheesh!
Sentence: Obscurity, children returned.
26. William Kristol
Charges: Bears the burlesque Cheshire grin of a sophist born with a large silver spoon jammed sideways in his mouth. A second generation neocon raised in the tradition of Straussian perception management and myth creation, Kristol is basically lying about everything -- always -- and he knows it. Whether at the helm of Rupert Murdoch's Weekly Standard, appearing on Murdoch's Fox News Channel, or co-founding the disastrous Project for a New American Century, Bill is arguably the most egregious media hawk of a generation. Seems to have suffered no ill impact to his career or prestige despite having been completely wrong about everything to do with Iraq and Iran, and actually laughs about it with obnoxious frequency.
Exhibit A: "First of all, whenever I hear anything described as a heartless assault on our children, I tend to think it's a good idea. I'm happy that the President's willing to do something bad for the kids."
Sentence: Corners of mouth torn apart by metal hook towing mules and face stomped by high-heeled elephants.
25. Mormon Jesus
Charges: Least plausible Jesus. We heard his brother is the devil -- OMG! Won't even let his flock have a cup of coffee in the morning -- what a jerk. As with any celebrity comeback, lacks the oomph of the glory years. Won't stop baptizing dead people from other religions, which they generally don't appreciate as much as he thinks.
Exhibit A: Loves Mitt Romney, Harry Reid, and Glenn Beck. And magic long johns.
Sentence: Interrupted during the game by Mormon missionaries.
24. Deryk Schlessinger
Charges: As enlistee son of holier-than-thou guru/right-wing physiologist and faux psychologist "Dr." Laura, maintained a MySpace page so clearly venting the kind of homicidal and misogynistic psychopathies of service in Afghanistan that an Army spokesman had to baselessly imply that it was the work of "our enemies" just to slow a well-deserved backlash. An eager war pornographer, he produced and captioned a series of images and cartoons illuminating the disturbing inner viciousness his acting out it is our patriotic duty to ignore.
Exhibit A: "Yes FUCKING Yes!!!I LOVE MY JOB, it takes everything reckless and deviant and heathenistic and just overall bad about me and hyperfocuses these traits into my job of running around this horrid place doing nasty things to people that deserve it..and some that don't."
Sentence: Simulated drowning, followed by actual drowning.
23. Bill O'Reilly
Charges: If judgmentalism were sugar, anyone in the same city as this paragon of intellectual overconfidence would lose their teeth within five minutes. O'Reilly is everything that's wrong with America: Won't ever admit he was wrong about anything (and will lie repeatedly rather than correct himself), accuses all who disagree with him of treason or insanity, attacks all who criticize him, and glories in his own troglodytic bluster. Anoints himself an authority on morals, despite common knowledge that he is a sexual harasser. Pretends to be an "independent" who just happens to look, sound, and act exactly like a Republican. Hasn't engaged in a valid exchange of ideas in his entire career, because he knows he'd be crushed in seconds by an average college freshman. O'Reilly wins by interrupting, shouting, and if all else fails, cutting off his opponent's microphone. A tiny, scared child of a man.
Exhibit A: "And this is what white America doesn't know, particularly people who don't have a lot of interaction with black Americans. They think that the culture is dominated by Twista, Ludacris, and Snoop Dogg." Gee Bill, where would they get that idea?
Sentence: Marinated, barbecued, and served at Sylvia's restaurant in Harlem, where the blacks eat just like real people.
22. David Petraeus
Charges: Two-star schlub elevated to four-star cheerleader, because all the experienced generals retired out of shame or dignity. Under Dave's leadership training Iraqi security forces from 2004-05, the Pentagon lost track of approximately 30% of weapons distributed, including some 100,000 AK-47 assault rifles. "Petraeus Report" rife with statistical manipulations, discounts pre-surge trends, claiming them as its own, and was heavily vetted, if not written entirely, by the White House.
Exhibit A: Nicknamed "Peaches." Seriously.
Sentence: Joins Sadr army, betraying us and vindicating Moveon.org. Shot in back of head, so his death can't be counted as a casualty.
21. David Vitter
Charges: And yet another family values Republican and Clinton-basher gets his glass house blown in. A staunch marriage defender and abstinence promoter who paid $300 an hour for his favorite hooker? The only surprise there is that he's still hanging around the Senate, but then again, he did say he was sorry. Denies evolution, yet was still compelled by his primate DNA to spread his seed far and wide.
Exhibit A: According to some, Vitter was nicknamed "the shitter" by Canal Street whores for his predilection for diaper play. Wholesome!
Sentence: Wife follows through on that Lorena Bobbitt comment she made during the Lewinski scandal.
20. Larry Craig
Charges: This year's eminent toe-tappin' conservative queen of hypocrisy. Thought the Defense of Marriage Act was FABULOUS! -- because he personally needs legislation to keep him straight. Didn't work. Brought unwanted knowledge of the intricate culture of anonymous gay public restroom sex into America's living rooms. Embodies both the cause and result of faith-based sexual repression. Insists on dragging out the least plausible public denial of buggery since Liberace's, presumably for the benefit of his frozen-smiled, slowly maddening wife.
Exhibit A: "I am not gay. I never have been gay."
Sentence: Stoned to death.
19. Robert E. Murray
Charges: A modern-day Boss Tweed who saw the Grandall Canyon mine disaster as his own personal tragedy, weeping for the cameras while he tried to cover his ass in the most ridiculous way imaginable, insisting his mine collapsed due to an earthquake that somehow went undetected by seismologists, rather than the corner-cutting, cash-wringing, dangerous practice of retreat mining. This bloated, maniacal jackass is so out of touch that he didn't seem to recognize the horrified disgust on the faces of the miners' families he coddled for the cameras, as if they weren't real people to him, just props in some insane, ego-driven PR campaign to minimize his financial liability. A caricature of industrial greed.
Exhibit A: Says Al Gore is "more dangerous than global warming."
Sentence: Buried upside down in anthracite until death, while Donald Trump stands next to his feet and gives hourly speeches about how much he cares about it.
18. Kevin Martin
Charges: Before attempting to Chairpig the FCC into a realm of media consolidation that would've made Sylvio Berlusconi blush, Martin served as Deputy General Counsel for the Bush-Cheney 2000 Florida recount team, and prior to that as Ken Starr's assistant and Dick Cheney's lawyer. Judging by his appearance today, he must have passed the bar at twelve. Like a good Bushie, Martin is doing everything he can -- which is a lot -- to increase corporate control of the media, moving to allow newspapers to own radio and TV stations despite constant exhortations from everyone but Rupert Murdoch not to do so.
Exhibit A: When he's not busy crushing independent media, Martin crusades against America's true enemies: Tits and the word "fuck."
Sentence: Asphyxiated in cloud of Monsanto-produced poison his Newscorp-owned local news station failed to report. Death also unreported.
17. Hillary Clinton
Charges: Began in politics as a teenage Nixon supporter -- that's twisted. Moved on to corporate law, representing Wal-Mart and bravely defending Coca-Cola from disabled employees. Married out of ambition. Failed miserably as the first lady of health care. Has spent whole of senatorial career as a hawk and a panderer. Would have no shot at becoming president if she didn't just happen to be married to one already.
Exhibit A: Has deftly avoided the flip-flopper label -- by never, ever answering a question directly or committing to a position in the first place.
Sentence: Victim of vast right wing conspiracy to shove a brick up her ass.
16. Chris Matthews
Charges: Calling his show "Hardball" is like rechristening ping-pong "Thermonuclear Warfare." Displays the slurred, unmodulated speech and unfocused antagonism of an aggrieved middle-management drunk. Can read a scurrilous political attack into any paragraph at twenty paces. Continues honing his pointless questions as his guests attempt to answer, cutting them off with an affected imperial weariness when their responses are insufficiently inane. Apparently ignorant of the implications of satellite technology, Matthews shouts louder at geographically more distant guests. Has repeatedly called Ann Coulter "brilliant." Referred to Gerald Ford's yuletide demise as the former president's "Christmas card to the country." Unable to laugh like a normal human, Matthews compensates by simply shouting "ha!"
Exhibit A: "This country is based on generalizations!"
Sentence: Hillary's White House Press Secretary and personal toilet steward.
15. Michael Ledeen
Charges: Alex Jones with influence. Achieved every pushcart conspiracist's dream, finding a sympathetic ear, over three decades, in the highest echelons of government, for his deranged ambitions of conquest. Hirsute and cockeyed, he still looks like he sleeps in his car. A former Iran-Contra functionary and tied to the Niger yellowcake forgeries which set both the Iraq war and the Valerie Plame debacle in motion, he now has a jingoistic hard-on for Tehran the size of a tactical nuke. One of many who now pretend they didn't advocate invading Iraq, but Ledeen's denial is utterly laughable, as he had been pushing for the invasion vociferously for years.
Exhibit A: "The only way to achieve peace is through total war."
Sentence: Let him eat yellowcake.
14. Glenn Beck
Crimes: If Fox News isn't quite asinine enough for you, just click on over to Headline News, where the CNN brand is eagerly defiling its vestigial credibility by giving an hour a day to the dumbest dumbfuck in dumbfuckistan, Glenn Beck. A white-knuckle, dry drunk, closet case man-child with apparent xenophobia issues and a penchant for end-times theology, Mormon convert Beck is palpably horny for the apocalypse, passive-aggressively accusing even the world's most benign Muslims of plotting America's destruction and likening withdrawal from Iraq to slavery. Beck's combination of faux everyman persona and deliberate misinformation -- The hottest year on record was 1934 (actually 2005), tax cuts increase revenue (patently false Reaganomic mysticism), Antarctica is cooling, Scooter Libby went to jail -- seems increasingly insane, as his whole persona seems to be a frantic pantomime of how he thinks an even-keeled, "smart" bigot would act. Thinks Al gore is "like Hitler." May actually be in love with the president of Iran.
Exhibit A: "I don't know if the Muslim community will ever step to the plate like the Japanese-American community did during World War II. You know, it was absolutely disgraceful how we rounded innocent people up then and, sadly, history has a way of repeating itself no matter how grotesque that history might be. The Muslim community can prevent this if they act now."
Sentence: Anchored to the Florida shore, Beck is forcibly compelled to vigorously deny the gradual rise of water levels around him as boats full of gay, Marxist Muslim illegal immigrants arrive and disembark nearby. Eventually, after two decades, Beck drowns.
13. Anne Coulter
Charges: A skeletal freak who hates the world and lives to anger people into buying her books. Says Jews need to be "perfected," as if Christians are in better shape. Is against her own right to vote. Called John Edwards a faggot, when really he's just a little swishy. Is about as sexy as a preying mantis. If Coulter were a man, she'd never be allowed on TV.
Exhibit A: "Faggot isn't offensive to gays; it's got nothing to do with gays."
Sentence: Forced marriage to Osama bin Laden.
12. Michael Vick
Charges: Abusing, strangling, electrocuting and murdering a promising NFL career -- and some dogs. Reinforces noxious stereotypes about both jocks and black men. Inspired Whoopi Goldberg to express an opinion.
Exhibit A: Makes millions for throwing ball, decides to invest in gambling on dog fights. How much dumber do people get than this?
Sentence: Slathered in barbecue sauce and set loose naked in a PETA-operated shelter for vicious dogs.
11. Harvey Levin
Charges: Managing leech of TMZ.com, the Time Warner-AOL crap-fest. Slithered over to TV this year-to fill the demand of a culture craven for meaningless celebrity antics and snapper shots. Celebrities aren't the problem; the fact that you know about their daily minutia is. In other words, Levin is the problem.
Exhibit A: He's rich because you're stupid.
Sentence: Marriage to non-airbrushed Britney Spears.
10. Alberto Gonzales
Crimes: The most truckling, amoral flunky to ever serve as Attorney General. A jurisprudent organelle, he manifests no concept of the law independent of its expediency to the president. Would smilingly accuse himself of providing material support to al Qaeda at President Bush's request, hurriedly plead guilty, sign his own death warrant and flip the switch himself. His testimony before congressional committees is to public service what cholera is to the small intestine. As first Hispanic Attorney General, Gonzo typifies the self-betrayal and ethical compromise necessary for minorities to become successful Republicans. Been felching sweet approval from Bush's lily-white ass since Texas. A conscienceless, memo-drafting, loophole-crafting liar for hire, pushing for all the worst administration policies, including nixing habeas corpus, denying and then defending rendition, torture, political firings, and a ton of other evil stuff. He even visited a seriously ill and disoriented John Ashcroft at the hospital, attempting to coax him into reauthorizing a clearly illegal wiretapping program. The only Attorney General who ever could have made John Ashcroft a sympathetic character by contrast.
Exhibit A: "The fact that the Constitution -- again, there is no express grant of habeas in the Constitution. There is a prohibition against taking it away."
Sentence: Death by dull guillotine, head bent by Beckham.
9. You
Charges: You believe in freedom of speech, until someone says something that offends you. You suddenly give a damn about border integrity, because the automated voice system at your pharmacy asked you to press 9 for Spanish. You cling to every scrap of bullshit you can find to support your ludicrous belief system, and reject all empirical evidence to the contrary. You know the difference between patriotism and nationalism -- it's nationalism when foreigners do it. You hate anyone who seems smarter than you. You care more about zygotes than actual people. You love to blame people for their misfortunes, even if it means screwing yourself over. You still think Republicans favor limited government. Your knowledge of politics and government are dwarfed by your concern for Britney Spears' children. You think buying Chinese goods stimulates our economy. You think you're going to get universal health care. You tolerate the phrase "enhanced interrogation techniques." You think the government is actually trying to improve education. You think watching CNN makes you smarter. You think two parties is enough. You can't spell. You think $9 trillion in debt is manageable. You believe in an afterlife for the sole reason that you don't want to die. You think lowering taxes raises revenue. You think the economy's doing well. You're an idiot.
Exhibit A: You couldn't get enough Anna Nicole Smith coverage.
Sentence: A gradual decline into abject poverty as you continue to vote against your own self-interest. Death by an easily treated disorder that your health insurance doesn't cover. You deserve it, chump.
8. Michael Chertoff
Charges: Looks and acts like a man who sleeps in a coffin. As the head, or should we say skull, of our latest redundant security bureaucracy, the Department of Homeland Security, Chertoff used 2007 to further Rumsfeld's purportedly defunct policy of "Total Information Awareness," ordering U.S. military satellites be trained on American soil for first time in history. Beyond that, DHS seems to function as a corruption farm, spending billions on programs that either don't work or are never implemented, often lobbied for by former DHS employees. If the terror threat really is as dire as Chertoff says, then he is criminally negligent.
Exhibit A: Habitually references his "gut feeling" that the next terror attack is imminent.
Sentence: Gut feeling is actually stomach cancer.
7. Erik Prince
Charges: Priming Baghdad's streets for American imperialism by making them pristinely wog-free. Prince's Iraq is one massive free-fire zone for his bullet-sweating mercenaries, a Hogan's Alley in which everyone dusky is blithely expendable, rape is a mischievous dalliance, and accountability an inside joke. Remarkably, enabling the US occupation and simultaneously fomenting destabilizing enmity. Bringing the privatization of warfare to full fruition -- next time, Exxon can just invade a country directly.
Exhibit A: Blackwater Vice Chairman Cofer Black is Mitt Romney's campaign counterterrorism policy adviser. The company's website also hawks infant onesies.
Sentence: Tanned and tethered outside Baghdad's Green Zone after curfew. Whatever happens, happens.
6. Rudy Giuliani
Charges: 9/11 Tourette's syndrome, compounded by compulsive lying. Despite the '93 WTC bombing, didn't act to put all first responders on the same radio frequency and chose to house his Emergency Command Center on the 23rd floor of WTC 7. Giuliani Partners consulting firm routinely did business with a Qatar ministry run by royal Abdallah bin Khalid al-Thani, a man whose farm has seen guests the likes of Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and Osama bin Laden. Wooed mistress and future wife with an NYPD chauffeur and trips to Southampton on NYC taxpayers' dime. Ruined the prospect of a Times Square tug-job.
Exhibit A: Stages phone calls from his wife during campaign stops-to show 'em he's got family values. Family values apparently do not include rudimentary put-it-on-vibrate cell phone etiquette. Invoked 9/11 to explain this.
Sentence: Victim of the next 9/11, which consists of two radio-controlled hobby planes smashing into his face.
5. Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid
Charges: Graduates of the Neville Chamberlain school of appeasement, the Democratic leadership continues to ignore the constitution-and the American people-by keeping impeachment "off the table" and refusing to defund the war. True pushovers, they're too stupid, cowardly, weak and outmatched politically to accomplish anything substantive, their "strategy" essentially boiling down to whining a lot while handing Bush whatever the hell he wants. There is just no way that appearing this weak and ineffectual could be any better for them politically than impeachment. Everything that the White House gets away with, it gets away with because congress allows it.
Exhibit A: Failure to woo the two thirds majority needed to override a presidential veto is moot: They could defund the war with a 41-senator budgetary filibuster. But that would take guts and conviction.
Sentence: 2 cups anthrax bisque.
4. Seung-Hui Cho
Charges: A useless fucking nerd who shot a bunch of better people because he couldn't get laid. Take note, all you pent-up losers out there: If you think you're about to go on a murderous rampage, either take up a drug habit, find a hooker, or just kill yourself. Your inability to cope with a comfortable life in a developed nation is nobody else's fault, except maybe your parents. Nothing says "I have a tiny penis" like a douchebag taking pictures of himself with a gun.
Exhibit A: Cho's infamous "disturbing" stories are only disturbing in how completely terrible they are, but now every kid with an imagination is going to be hauled off to the nuthouse if he expresses himself.
Sentence: Used as kindling at bonfire kegger for rich, popular kids.
3. Fred Phelps
Charges: Leads a picketing campaign so hyperoffensive that his Church is unanimously reviled by queers and Bible thumping homophobes alike. Along with daughter Shirley, will drag hate into the public spotlight wherever it might seem least helpful or appropriate as long as it garners his "cause" attention. Harasses widows of heterosexual soldiers at funerals because their beloved were employed by a government that does not stone fags. Torments loved ones of those murdered in anti-gay violence. Is almost definitely gay himself.
Exhibit A: He is such an effective, soul-sucking brainwasher that Fred's granddaughter declines relationships because of her delusion that world will end in her lifetime.
Sentence: Finally comes out of closet and is immediately killed by his followers.
2. Dick Cheney
Charges: Worst president ever. So openly horrible, he now makes jokes about being Darth Vader. Unashamedly advocating for executive abuse of power and corporate theft. In and out of public office since his congressional internship during the Nixon Administration. Didn't care about the quagmire he foresaw in '94, because since then he'd deftly maneuvered to profit from it. Polling lower than HPV.
Exhibit A: His Halliburton stock rose 3000% in 2007. No joke.
Punishment: Raped by the sun.
1. George W. Bush
Charges: Is it a civil rights milestone to have a retarded president? Maybe it would be, if he were ever legitimately elected. You can practically hear the whole nation holding its breath, hoping this guy will just fucking leave come January '09 and not declare martial law. Only supporters left are the ones who would worship a fucking turnip if it promised to kill foreigners. Is so clearly not in charge of his own White House that his feeble attempts to define himself as "decider" or "commander guy" are the equivalent of a five-year-old kid sitting on his dad's Harley and saying "vroom vroom!" Has lost so many disgusted staffers that all he's left with are the kids from Jesus Camp. The first president who is so visibly stupid he can say "I didn't know what was in the National Intelligence Estimate until last week" and sound plausible. Inarguably a major criminal and a much greater threat to the future of America than any Muslim terrorist.
Exhibit A: "And there is distrust in Washington. I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town. And I'm sorry it's the case, and I'll work hard to try to elevate it."
Sentence: Dismembered, limbs donated to injured veterans.
It's a Bush thing Jim:
What happened to the good ol’ American notion of the common good – the idea that we’re all in this together, trying to build a strong, unified society by fairly sharing the economic gains that all of us help produce?
Oh, sure, we’ve always had the rich and the poor, but at least we’ve tried in the past to narrow that gap, recognizing that a cohesive democratic society – a morally secure society – is dependent on maintaining both a vibrant middle class and a broad perception of fairness. Today, the Powers That Be – both corporate and governmental – have abandoned all pretense of shared sacrifice, shared gains, and a shared future. The very, very rich are being made ever and ever richer, and they are sailing blithely away from the rest of us, no longer moored to America’s egalitarian ideals.
The latest indicator of this extreme change in our nation’s guiding ethic comes from faireconomy.org, which analyzes CEO pay, perks, and pensions. Their latest survey finds that the chieftans of Fortune 500 corporations averaged $10.8 million each in pay in 2006 – more than 364 times the annual paychecks of the average U.S. worker! On top of this, CEOs salted away an average of $1.3 million in pension gains in 2006, and they averaged another $438,000 in such freebies as personal travel on corporate jets, country club fees, and even corporate payment of their taxes.
Well, assert the CEO clique, we run huge corporations and are simply being paid accordingly. However, faireconomy.org compared the 20 highest paid U.S. chief executives to the 20 highest paid in Europe. The European chiefs took only one-third as much pay – even though they ran companies that generated $19 billion more in sales than the U.S. companies.
This is Jim Hightower saying… The ever-spreading pay gap has become a sundering chasm in our society. To learn more about it and to see some proposals for bridging this dangerous fissure, go to www.faireconomy.org.
Larry that's funny. where did you find that? my favorite is Romney. Boy are we ever surrounded by quacks, liars, and idiots!
Man I am still licking my wounds after being berated for speaking the truth about Pakistan at enigma's oh well, I always hope for the best but have to speak the truth no matter how distasteful.
Larry it's sickening! I agree but as you know we are not together but purposely divided for the benefit of those Bush does want with him which is the affluent.
I'm still licking my wounds and I just see it as self destructive to not speak the truth about how bad things are and not to just hope they fix themselves because they will not.
As I keep saying, we must get our collective morallity back and not just as a country but a world and we're not doing it.
jim- the truth is all we have left- the few of us who don't have our heads jammed up our asses waiting for something good to happen out of the blue. we have to speak the truth- no matter who finds it distasteful. some folks would rather live in something other than reality- and that is why so many refuse to believe what has been- up to now- unbelievable. the truth is- the 'me' generation is in charge of things. the baby boomers managed to screw the world big time and now the offspring are stepping up to wring as much profit out of everything as possible. the environment? we don't need it- we have cities. the income gap? well, if folks worked harder they wouldn't be poor- and i don't want my tax dollars to go to social services- i want to be able to spend it on me.
it has come home to roost. we have the government that is reflective of the population. we- are the minority. common sense is fighting against selfish interests. ooh- i guess that wasn't very light hearted either :)
You know I agree with you. I am still licking my wounds for speaking the truth about Pakistan in reply to enigma's post.
Sure it is the holidays but you still have to face reality. Thanks! You are right, we are paying the price for trusting someone else to do the right thing for us in our name not for themselve's in their name.
larry I am getting ready to watch the football game. I just remembered you will want to stop by Anon's to see why he has been AWOL! My thoughts are with him!
The Neocons Don't understand that when all prosper, society advances; when only the few prosper, society regresses.
Good post! It's difficult to do a 'soft' post with all the vile, evil, nefarious stuff going on at an accelerated rate.
BTW- I used you for my Saturday Quote of the Week. Gave you kudos and a link.
Brother to Bush or whoever is behind him snd Cheney the prospering affluent is all that matters. The masses are just nacesarry ro see that they do like the abuse of Religion and Democracy.
For me I thank you. I was cricicized today for being negative. I am not negative, I am an honest christian who sees reality and hits it head on, I know nothing else!
thanks for the Kudos I check you out regularly I don't know how I missed it. I will go back to chek it out thanks!
Be aware of the establishment Jim:
By Ted Lang
Already and early on in the soon to occur 2008 presidential elections, “The Establishment” has reared its ugly head and has begun to mobilize its vast resources against Congressman Ron Paul, the only honest, truthful and pro-American candidate of the lot. What is it, and who is it, that makes up The Establishment?
Here is a likely summation: the international banking House of Rothschild and Rockefeller are the drivers of the “New World Order.” It has always been the House of Rothschild that has, since its inception, played opposites against one another in order to enjoy huge and astronomical profits that proportionately towered over their donated “investments” backed by their alleged gold reserves used to fund government-desired wars. Their extremely profitable modus operandi has always been the funding of both sides of governments at war with each other. The Rothschild Bank of England obviously funded the British, and the Rothschild Bank of France funded Napoleon.
The House of Rothschild’s first intrusion in America was via the funding of Hessian mercenary troops during the American Revolution. Rothschild successfully embezzled the equivalent back then of $3 million from Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau of Austria, money intended for the Hessian mercenaries. And the cause of those hostilities, in all likelihood, had more to do with Colonial paper money backed by real estate holdings and conceived of and printed by Benjamin Franklin. Franklin’s paper money competed with the fiscal control over governments desired by Rothschild and his soon-to-be Bank of England, especially in the resource rich American colonies.
The second intrusion was much more pronounced and came during the time of the so-called American “Civil War.” A civil war is constituted by either the uprising of the citizens of a nation against their own government, or one region against another within the same nation; think North and South Korea. America has never had a civil war. What is referred to in reality was the suspension of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the Bill of Rights by Abraham Lincoln in order to enforce economic policies favoring the industrial North over the agrarian interests of the South.
The extreme danger of the war of Northern Aggression was in its invitation to foreign powers to take advantage of Americans fighting against Americans over opposing political domestic policies. Those domestic policies centered on tariffs and monetary policies, not the slavery issue our government-operated education system continually tries to substitute as the primary cause. Slavery was by then already a declining practice because of its huge cost and archaic cumbersome management in the face of advancing technology such as the cotton gin.
Retaliating against the central bank and its issuance of fiat federal money competing with state bank certificates of deposit backed by silver and gold deposits [specie], President Andrew Jackson issued his “specie circular” in July 1836. According to H.W. Brands, in his 2006 book The Money Men [W.W. Norton – New York], the presidential order directed “federal officers to accept only gold and silver in exchange for public lands.” This came immediately after Jackson refused to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the United States thereby putting it out of business.
Brands elaborates on the outcome: “The measure dampened the speculation in land, but it simultaneously disordered the money system. Specie flowed to the West, the locale of the land sales, and away from the East, the hub of the country’s economic activity. An eastern banker exaggerated, but only a little, when he said of the specie directive, ‘It transferred specie from the place where it was most wanted, in order to sustain the general currency of the country, to places where it was not wanted at all.’ Another observer remarked, ‘The monetary affairs of the whole country were convulsed – millions upon millions of coin were in transitu in every direction and consequently withdrawn from useful employment. Specie was going up and down the same river to and from the South and North and East and West at the same time.’”
But what’s wrong with that? Is anyone in America today concerned about paper fiat money “going up and down the same river at the same time?” Does anyone care where specie is located within the same country, as long as REAL certificates of deposit can claim redemption? These observations are obviously authored by fans of the national bank and its fiat money reserves.
Brands then introduces the initial influence of the “international bankers.” Please take note of the particular foreign bank involved: “Amid the domestic financial disturbance arrived a shock from abroad. The speculation in America had been part of a transatlantic boom, and at almost the same time that Jackson was issuing his specie circular, the Bank of England raised interest rates, and broadly tightened credit.” Brands avoids tying the Bank of England, as well as the usury-gouging New York City bankers he mentions when citing Lincoln’s borrowing problems during the “Civil War,” to the House of Rothschild.
As a result of the Rothschild maneuver, “cotton prices fell on British markets, and because the American South was Britain’s principal supplier, the falling American prices punished American planters and their brokers. Several firms collapsed in New Orleans, and then in New York, at which point the growing anxiety became a wholesale panic.” The regional economy of the North with its industries and factories competed with the agrarian economy of the South with its plantations and farms, along with the practice of slavery that was employed by the latter. Although a factor in both regional strife and national politics, the slavery issue at best served to blur regional differences that eventually resulted in the War of Northern Aggression.
Brands identifies the money and banking issues relative to this most destructive war in the nation’s brief history: “…Union expenses for the war were approaching $1 million per day. And though [Samuel] Chase’s monetary and fiscal reforms [bonds, an income tax and paper money] would underpin the war effort over the long term, the Union government required immediate cash to keep its army in the field. Chase invited [Jay] Cooke to join him in appealing to the financial communities of New York and Boston in the same way Cooke had appealed to Philadelphia.” Philadelphia, once the home of Rothschild agent Nelson Biddle’s Second United States Bank so vehemently opposed by Andrew Jackson, came through to the tune of $2 million.
“Boston cooperated readily enough, but New York was a hard sell. Throughout the war New York would be notorious for its apathy – at times violent apathy – toward the war effort; this shortfall in Union patriotism was exacerbated in the financial community by the international connections of many of New York’s bankers, whose foreign partners had no emotional stake in the American’s fight.” Brands once again deftly avoids reference to the House of Rothschild. And when New York bankers were eventually cornered to make loans, they made that an impossibility by demanding interest rates between 24 and 36 percent!
Lincoln countered by printing fiat paper money to finance the war effort. The House of Rothschild not only manipulated the funding of the War of Northern Aggression, but participated in and fully intended to unleash foreign troops to support the Confederacy. The Rothschild’s figured the Confederacy weaker, and tended to support the South due to its cotton exports so vital to England’s textile industry. And it was in the Rothschild’s best interests to split America into two nations thereby setting up two more Rothschild-dependent national banks in both the North and the South.
Years ago, I discovered a website identifying itself as “Bible Believers.” It opened my eyes, terrified me, and then inspired me to further inquiry. I strongly urge ALL true Americans to visit this patriotic website and to familiarize themselves with the ugly and depressing truth. I was spellbound by their report entitled: “A Jewish Defector Warns America.” Here is the first paragraph of the speech warning America by Jewish-American patriot Benjamin Freedman: “Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government. For many reasons, too many and too complex to go into here at this time, the Zionists and their co-religionists rule these United States as though they were the absolute monarchs of this country. Now you may say that is a very broad statement, but let me show you what happened while we were all asleep.”
Freedman acknowledges the many complexities that would effectively serve as background and skips over them, and then plunges directly into World War I as did American philanthropist and industrial genius Henry Ford and Nazi Dictator Adolf Hitler in their books, The International Jew and Mein Kampf. But for now, let’s simply stay on course and return to the American “Civil War” and the three primary ingredients necessary for governments to initiate conflict so skillfully used by the Rothschilds: espionage, propaganda and war-funding.
Also to be found on the website of the Bible Believers, is a piece identified as “The Rothschild Dynasty.” It is annotated offering that the piece is “condensed from a book entitled Descent Into Slavery by Des Griffin.” Griffin offers: “In the years following Independence, a close business relationship had developed between the cotton growing aristocracy in the South and the cotton manufacturers in England. The European bankers decided that this business connection was America's Achilles Heel, the door through which the young American Republic could be successfully attacked and overcome.”
The cite gains legitimacy by offering another source: “The Illustrated University History, 1878, p. 504, tells us that the southern states swarmed with British agents. These conspired with local politicians to work against the best interests of the United States. Their carefully sown and nurtured propaganda developed into open rebellion and resulted in the secession of South Carolina on December 29, 1860. Within weeks another six states joined the conspiracy against the Union, and broke away to form the Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis as President.”
As the author is obviously biased against the South and favors the actions of Lincoln by offering the Confederacy as a “conspiracy” as opposed to a unified reaction against federal tyranny, I find the need for seriously cross-referencing this material; but it does indeed dovetail with Brand’s watered-down account and non-mention of the Rothschild influence. The piece continues: “The plotters raided armies, seized forts, arsenals, mints and other Union property. Even members of President Buchanan’s Cabinet conspired to destroy the Union by damaging the public credit and working to bankrupt the nation. Buchanan claimed to deplore secession but took no steps to check it, even when a U.S. ship was fired upon by South Carolina shore batteries.”
Buchanan did not intervene because the South’s “resignation” from the United States Constitutional pact was justified. Washington DC was catering to the northern industrialists and their bankers, and the latter were perhaps severely agitated with the success the South enjoyed with the British industrialists who were providing the South with more lucrative trade deals. Tariff policies designed in Washington discriminated against the South thereby violating the implied equality status of the joint and several states.
What is of particular note here, however, is reference to espionage, false flag efforts, and propaganda to ignite the American “Civil War.” Sound familiar, especially the term “propaganda?” By the way, where are those “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq? False intelligence, false information, out and out espionage, and the influence of foreign agents. Whatever happened to those high-fiving Israeli Mossad agents and their white van formerly in FBI custody?
It is becoming increasingly clear that the House of Rothschild had a heavy hand in launching America’s most destructive internal war. In fact, considering the huge wealth acquired by Rothschild and his heirs, it isn’t hard to imagine their actual planning and conspiracies to deliberately start wars for precisely this purpose.
Espionage did not need to be relied upon on the Union side – Lincoln caught wind of Britain’s serious consideration in entering the war on the side of the Confederacy. European troop movements, in violation of the Monroe Doctrine, were known to be taking place in Mexico for possible involvement in the war. Just as the Rothschild bankers had meddled to “punish American planters and their brokers” to obviously isolate Andrew Jackson and build political opposition in retaliation for his destruction of the Second United States Bank, and just as Rothschild had financed the Hessian mercenaries to fight against the American colonists during the Revolution, the Rothschilds became extremely active in the 1860s hoping to pluck the ripe financial plum America represented.
Admittedly, there is contradictory information as to whether Lincoln requested help from Czar Alexander II from Russia, or whether the Czar initiated action on his own. But what cannot be disputed is that Russian Czar Alexander II, knowing full well the involvement of the Rothschilds, sent two Russian fleets to America, one anchored in New York Harbor, and the other based in San Francisco. This move stymied the British, and even the French. Clearly, the financial interests of the Bank of England and the Bank of France were thwarted.
At this point, it is advantageous to consider the efforts of writer Andrew Hitchcock, who provides a timeline documenting the rise of the Rothschilds entitled, “The History of the House of Rothschild.” Hitchcock writes: “The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds are as opposed to who they claim to be.”
Hitchcock goes on: “The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars. They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia. The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.
You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews. These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.
So, next time you hear an Israeli Prime Minister bleating about the so-called persecution of the Jews, consider this; every Prime Minister of Israel has been an Ashkenazi Jew. Therefore when all these Prime Ministers have curried favour with the West for their re-establishment of a Jewish homeland, they have knowingly and deliberately lied to you, as they were never from that region, and they well know it, because it is they who call themselves Ashkenazi Jews.” By such deceit, they provided Hitler with the ammunition he utilized when he wrote: “The Jew is the master of the lie!”
Here again is Bible Believers’ Griffin: “History reveals that the Rothschilds were heavily involved in financing both sides in the Civil War. Lincoln put a damper on their activities when, in 1862 and 1863, he refused to pay the exorbitant rates of interest demanded by the Rothschilds and issued constitutionally-authorized, interest free United States notes. For this and other acts of patriotism Lincoln was shot down in cold-blood by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865, just five days after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.
Booth's grand-daughter, Izola Forrester, states in This One Mad Act that Lincoln's assassin had been in close contact with mysterious Europeans prior to the slaying, and had made at least one trip to Europe. Following the killing, Booth was whisked away to safety by members of the Knights of the Golden Circle. According to the author, Booth lived for many years following his disappearance.”
Hitchcock offers that shortly before his death, Lincoln made this statement before Congress in 1865: “‘I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe.’”
The first actual institutionalized presence of the House of Rothschild on American soil was the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Company. A young banking genius and protégé of the House of Rothschild, and a Rothschild himself, he eventually became the head of Kuhn, Loeb and Company. According to Hitchcock, “Following a brief training period in the Rothschild’s London Bank, Jacob Schiff, a Rothschild, born in their house in Frankfurt, arrives in America at the age of 18, with instructions and the finance necessary to buy into a banking house there. The purpose of this was to carry out the following tasks.
1. Gain control of America’s money system through the establishment of a central bank.
2. Find desirable men, who for a price, would be willing to serve as stooges for the Illuminati and promote them into high places in the federal government, the Congress, Supreme Court, and all the federal agencies.
3. Create minority group strife throughout the nations, particularly targeting the whites and blacks.
4. Create a movement to destroy religion in the United States, with Christianity as the main target.
It was Schiff and Kuhn-Loeb that financed the destruction of the Russian fleet, the Rothschild nemesis precluding their foothold in America during the American “Civil War,” by heavily funding the Japanese in the war between those two nations in 1905. It was Kuhn-Loeb and Schiff that heavily funded the Russian Revolution that was communism’s greatest visible step forward. And it was the communism of Ashkenazi Jew, Karl Marx, which created the Soviet Union, whose atrocities against humanity resulted in the mass murders of 66 million Christians.
It has always been the Rothschilds that have been behind EVERY war America has always been involved in. It was the Rothschilds who desired and created Zionism, funding and instructing Theodor Herzl to write his book, The Jewish State, in 1896, and who funded him and supported his formation of the Elders of Zion. And it was the first Rothschild, who in 1770 funded and persuaded Adam Weishaupt to infiltrate the Masons and to form the satanic Illuminati, which was to serve the Zionist objectives and desires of the Rothschilds. Here are details from Hitchcock’s “Timeline”: “Mayer Amschel Rothschild [drew] up plans for the creation of the Illuminati and [entrusted] Ashkenazi Jew, Adam Weishaupt, a Crypto-Jew who was outwardly Roman Catholic, with its organization and development. The Illuminati [was] to be based upon the teachings of the Talmud, which is in turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews. It [was] called the Illuminati as this is a Luciferian term which means, keepers of the light.”
Hitchcock elaborates on the significance of the Illuminati: “Adam Weishaupt officially [completed] his organisation of the Illuminati on May 1, [1776]. The purpose of the Illuminati [was] to divide the goyim (all non-Jews) through political, economic, social, and religious means. The opposing sides were to be armed and incidents were to be provided in order for them to: fight amongst themselves; destroy national governments; destroy religious institutions; and eventually destroy each other.
Weishaupt soon [infiltrated] the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and [established] lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters. This was all under the orders and finance of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the concept has spread and is followed within Masonic Lodges worldwide to the present day.
Weishaupt also [recruited] 2,000 paid followers including the most intelligent men in the field of arts and letters, education, science, finance, and industry. They were instructed to follow the following methods in order to control people:
1) Use monetary and sex bribery to obtain control of men already in high places, in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavour. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and fiscal harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families. [Note: By way of elaboration, recall the blackmailing of Woodrow Wilson by Zionists to force him to appoint Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court; recall the Zionist success during his administration of establishing the Marxist Federal Reserve (Third United States Bank) and the Marxist graduated income tax; and recall his Zionist adviser, Edward Mandell House, who was a member of the secret society, The Round Table Group, that supported the communist central bank and income tax, as well as a central intelligence agency and the League of Nations].
2) The faculties of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability belonging to well-bred families with international leanings, and recommend them for special training in internationalism, or rather the notion that only a one-world government can put an end to recurring wars and strife. Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships to those selected by the Illuminati.
3) All influential people trapped into coming under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists. This was so they would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would in the long-run serve the secret plans of the Illuminati one-world conspiracy and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve. [Note: America’s favorable relationship with the communist Soviet Union during World War II was engineered by Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s closest advisor, communist Harry Hopkins].
4) To obtain absolute-control of the press, at that time the only mass-communications media which distributed information to the public, so that all news and information could be slanted in order to make the masses believe that a one-world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems.” [Note: See “Who Rules America,” on the website of the National Alliance.]
Now this, again from Hitchcock’s “Timeline”: 1784: Adam Weishaupt issues his order for the French Revolution to be started by Maximilien Robespierre in book form. This book was written by one of Weishaupt’s associates, Xavier Zwack, and sent by courier from Frankfurt to Paris. However en route there, the courier is struck by lightning, the book detailing this plan discovered by the police, and handed over to the Bavarian authorities.
As a consequence, the Bavarian government orders the police to raid Weishaupt’s Masonic lodges of the Grand Orient, and the homes of his most influential associates. Clearly, the Bavarian authorities were convinced that the book that was discovered was a very real threat by a private group of influential people, to use wars and revolutions to achieve their political ends.
1785: The Bavarian government outlaws the Illuminati and closes all the Bavarian lodges of the Grand Orient.”
The loathing and hatred for Christians and all non-Jews [goyim] is found in the Jewish Talmud. This fact cannot be denied, but Zionists and their Christian Fundamentalist stooges merely offer that this hateful filth is forbidden reading for religious Jews. But its existence is still factual! And Hitchcock’s revelations concerning Jacob Schiff’s instructions dovetail perfectly with the four previously cited points of the Illuminati’s agenda. And these fit like a glove with the “Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” a massive documented agenda to plan and carry out Zionism’s hatred for the goyim and their objective to create a world government under “Jewish” control. The Protocols are dismissed by Zionist Jews and Christian Fundamentalists as a blatant fraud; yet they too fit hand in glove to the Schiff directives, the Illuminati’s objectives, the warnings of Benjamin Freedman, the writings of Herzl, and even the Talmud itself.
It was for these reasons that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party plotted against and terrorized the Jews, the majority of whom were neither Zionists, nor perhaps even believers in the hatred expressed by the Talmud and the Zionist agenda for the goyim. But clearly, Rothschild-inspired hatred for Christianity, for all national sovereignties, for all religions, is understandable from the Rothschild’s satanic perspective in that they all represent potential opposition to their ultimate objective: a Zionist New World Order!
In past efforts, I and many others, have documented how the Zionist international central bankers manipulated Woodrow Wilson and Congress to establish the Zionist Federal Reserve Bank, created from the Jekyll Island conspiracy headed up by Bernard Baruch just prior to the establishment of the now third bank of the “United States.” It has been documented how the Zionists bulldozed through Congress the Income Tax, also passed in 1913 to ensure funding and debt repayment to the Zionist Federal Reserve Bank. And just after those dastardly deeds were foisted upon the unsuspecting people of the United States by an ignorant, stupid Congress, and an even stupider and blackmailable Woodrow Wilson, Baruch, Brandeis, Weizmann and House convinced Wilson to involve America in World War I, a war in which we had absolutely no stake. The War resulted in the Balfour Declaration in 1917 setting the stage for the new “Israel” in Palestinian territory in the Middle East, and allowed the “Jewish bankers” of Rothschild to write the horrid Versailles Treaty in 1919. And of course the latter outrage brought on Hitler and his Nazis who then turned on all Jews while receiving money and support from the Zionist bankers.
The Zionists continue to cry “never again” relative to Jewish persecution and suffering at the hands of the Nazis. But it was Zionist “Jews” who supported Hitler. Nevertheless, here is what Hitler wrote in his 1926 book, Mein Kampf: “Even then I always came out in favor of taking a position in important questions of principle against all public opinion when it assumed a false attitude - disregarding all considerations of popularity, hatred, or struggle. The NSDAP [Nazi Party] should not become a constable of public opinion, but must dominate it. It must not become a servant of the masses, but their master!”
Then there is this, one paragraph later: “I have several times experienced such cases, in which supreme energy was necessary to keep the ship of the movement from drifting with the artificially aroused general current or rather from being driven by it. The last time was when our infernal press, to which the existence of the German people is Hecuba, succeeded in puffing up the South Tyrol question to an importance which will be catastrophic for the German people. Without considering whom they were serving thereby, many so-called ‘national’ men and parties and organizations, solely from cowardice in the face of Jew-incited public opinion, joined the general outcry and senselessly helped to support the fight against a system which we Germans, precisely in this present-day situation, must feel to be the sole ray of light in this degenerating world. While the international world Jew slowly but surely strangles us, our so-called patriots shouted against a man and a system which dared, in one corner of the earth at least, to free themselves from the Jewish-Masonic embrace and oppose a nationalistic resistance to this international world poisoning. It was, however, too alluring for weak characters simply to set their sails by the wind and capitulate to the clamor of public opinion. And a capitulation it was! Men are such base liars that they may not admit it, even to themselves, but it remains the truth that only cowardice and fear of the popular sentiment stirred up by the Jews impelled them to join in. All other explanations are miserable evasions devised by the petty sinner conscious of his guilt. [Emphasis mine.]
And so it was necessary to shake the movement with an iron fist to preserve it from ruin by this tendency.” [Emphasis mine.]
Thus, in an evaluation totally opposite the fiction created by William L. Shirer and his farcical book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Hitler was NOT proactive in launching either World War II or in his campaign against the Jews; he was reactive!
Think of the words of the Reverend Ted Pike: “The media speaks with a Jewish voice.” Are the statements by Hitler “anti-Semitic?” Of course they are! But are they the truth?! Hitler wrote this in 1926, which was preceded by five years by Henry Ford’s book The International Jew. Ford made no distinction between patriotic American and Israeli Jews or Zionist Jews, and neither did Hitler. And sadly, neither did devout Christian, Mel Gibson!
The Establishment is Planet Earth’s United States-based world shadow government. There may, or may not be, a localized version in terms of either a North American shadow government, or a United States shadow government. But whether or not there is an intermediary shadow government, it’s nevertheless visible and three dimensional. It is real! And these immoral and reprehensible life forms control our political class of feckless harlots.
The Establishment is the Trilateral Commission, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergs, the military industrial complex, big international corporate conglomerates, lobbies and lobbyists, Israel and the Israel lobby, the corporate media and Hollywood TV and movie entertainment industry, and the banks of the House of Rothschild and Rockefeller’s many interconnected banking and credit card houses. These are the components of The Establishment. They’ve been called the power elite, central bankers, international bankers, Illuminati, globalists, whatever. For this writer, they will henceforth be primarily referred to as “The Establishment.”
And The Establishment has provided, and will always provide, the espionage, propaganda, and the necessary bankrolling of unnecessary wars seen as such by educated, informed and moral people, while on the other hand, being viewed as assertive expressions of patriotism, devotion to God and country, and dedication to duty and honor by the intellectually challenged, the misinformed and the emotionally driven simple-minded. The Establishment rules, and it all started with a coin collector and money lender. My, how things haven’t changed in America!
check out this link
It clearly shows that the Monster created by US and Pakistan has come back to haunt them.
Its high time USA rethinks its foreign policy.The cold war is over.Now instead of turning the present situation to a religious war, they should think of resolving the Isreli/Palestine issue and douse the fire of terrorism.
Larry this is a small part of what you sent me that really raises a lot more questions.
It was in the Rothschild’s best interests to split America into two nations thereby setting up two more Rothschild-dependent national banks in both the North and the South.
Years ago, I discovered a website identifying itself as “Bible Believers.” It opened my eyes, terrified me, and then inspired me to further inquiry. I strongly urge ALL true Americans to visit this patriotic website and to familiarize themselves with the ugly and depressing truth. I was spellbound by their report entitled: “A Jewish Defector Warns America.” Here is the first paragraph of the speech warning America by Jewish-American patriot Benjamin Freedman: “Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government. For many reasons, too many and too complex to go into here at this time, the Zionists and their co-religionists rule these United States as though they were the absolute monarchs of this country. Now you may say that is a very broad statement, but let me show you what happened while we were all asleep.”
I always wondered who the real powers behind the scenes were and this only makes sense. I know it is money and it is controled by Jews. First I have to laugh because I read the Warburg Biography years ago and I thought it funny that centuries ago when we were creaping out of the Dark Ages and someone had to handle the money everybody thought it dirty and beneath them so they asigned the task to Jsws. You know the rest!
I understand about Rothschild up to now. What I have a problem understanding is that today China is funding America and the forever war effort. Is Rothschild behind them? Is Rothschild prepared to fund this entire mess indefinitely? Will this be the downfall of Rothschild, the powers that are, and the birth of new era leaders? So many questions and what everyone fails to think of is the State of this Planet and the dire state it will be in when all is said and done.
Larry before I reply to Keshav who I am happy to have in our discussion I just remembered the Politics and rule of Division to get what you want. As you know, I frequently say Bush practices the Politics of Division to get what he wants. Divide and conquer.
I am surprised to see that it is a very old concept and now think it goes back to the beginning of man.
Welcome! glad to have your input. Thanks for the link I didn't know that about Bhutto. I happen to believe that Al Qaeda is merely the cover to hide the real truth as it is here.
I believe Musharraf's interest's had her killed. If Democracy was the goal she would have had security and Bush who demanded her return could have demanded her security. Democracy is merely a facade!
Just think about this! Bush who practices 3D Politics (deceitful, deceptive, devisive, Politics) to get his way, says one thing but is after another. War is his goal! He will appear forced to war once again and have to fight to implement his new order one world Government! He is a happy camper.
We will end up deeply involved in Pakistan too. This is still just taking shape. Everything he has done including the MDS in Poland is designed to instigate the world to war and he is succeeding.
Watch 2008! I absolutely expect him to say in power one way or the other to fight his wars and control us. He has amassed too much power to let in Dem hands and his greatest damage to us and the world is yet to come! Take Care and stay in touch!
Yes, liars and deceivers...
evildoers ruining our country and our planet!
Larry I was just on Jerome's site. I think it was you that was curious about the small amount of comments as I was.
I just saw that he has 43 stories and almost 26,000 hits. That's about 800 a story I think. Pretty Good. I can see why no comments he never answers them. He's just handing out the knowledge! Relentless Liberal
Hi Suzie-Q
It's a hell of an example the chief liar has set for us and the rest of the world to followe. You are entirely right. Say whatever you have to in order to get your way!
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