Monday, May 15, 2006

Laura Believe the Polls: The world knows Bushie is a Fuck up! Now what to do about it?

Laura: I don't really believe those polls. I travel around the country. I see people, I see their responses to my husband. I see their response to me," she said.
"As I travel around the United States, I see a lot of appreciation for him. A lot of people come up to me and say, 'Stay the course'."

Sorry Laura, you do not matter. we do not care what people think about you. this is not about you! In the past he has always pulled you out when he was in trouble. So you talking now is expected and normal bush crap.

Leave his base of supporters and talk to the real people that matter. Talk to those in the trenches of society that have been footing the bill for his so called successful economy and his wars.

You will hear the truth as to your little Hubby. You won't like what you hear but it will not matter. Like Bushie you will deny the facts and stay the course of mismanagement.

Laura: We've had a very, very difficult year, starting with the hurricane last September, but already because of the terrorist attack in 2001 and then the war on terror since then," she said. "He's the one that has to make the hard decisions. And, of course, they don't please everyone."

Sorry Laura! The war on terror and Katrina or not the biggest problems with little Hubby! He is a proven Liar! he caused a war in Iraq! He is needlessly killing our youth! He has buried our youth in corruptively created debt! they will also inherit his created wars. He has destroyed our accepted societal norms! He has worsened the lives of the lower classes only to help the rich. he has destroyed our standing and relations around the world. He is worsening daily our relationship with Russia! Our troops are overextended! His answer! Put them on the border and threaten Iran with attack! These polls are real Laura, tell Bushie, we have had enough even though he doesn't care what "We the People" think! He's the decider!

Mrs. Bush complained that when her husband's popularity was high, newspapers did not put that on the front page. Now it was low, they took great delight in highlighting the fact.

Sorry Laura! Your dead wrong there too. The positive poll numbers were never deserved as far as many of us were concerned. It was very hard for many of us to see his ineptitude ignored and rewarded. the Polls are finally showing reality but are still not as low as they should be.

Although like you he does not care and will continue on his course of destruction unless "We the People" get off our asses and get out there! She was right in this though!

The government can no longer function correctly on a good day. We cannot help our citizens during natural disasters. we have already been told that in times of disaster we cannot count on the Government to take care of us and we must be able to do it ourselves.

We know that in good times everyone looks good. Conversely in hard times your true colors come out and we see what people are worth. Little Bushie is not worth much!

We have learned that under your little Bushie's corruptively inept control we cannot trust him for anything and must do everything ourselves or sink as a country!

with his polls now in the high 20's she was Asked if she thought the media had been unfair, Mrs. Bush said: "No, I don't think it's necessarily unfair. I think it's just, you know, I think they may be enjoying this a little bit."

Yes Laura, your little Bushie has created quite a mess here and around the world. Worse is we have not seen the worst of it yet. We are just seeing the beginning of his inept performance. I believe it is too late to undo his destruction here and around the world but we are all enjoying seeing him finally get his dues, Thank you!

James Joiner

Gardner, Ma

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