I didn't realize until I was looking at today's unwinding horror we will be facing long into the future. north Korea threatening South Korea with Annihilation again because of Bush's success, the middle east exploding, Bush threatening, Russia threatening, etc. and I decided it best to go back to something I wrote almost 5 years ago now long before I decided to interact daily trying to wake up the world still to no avail.
9/11/07 9/11 was not the defining moment of our time,that event has not occurred yet ,up to now and all our horror Bush has been, but ? The fall of the Russian Empire set in motion something that began with the founding of Islam in 610. Islam was established by Muhammad in order to give Muslims a formal religion and sense of belonging with the Jews and Christians. It failed and Muslims have never been able to gain equal footing or be willing to accept their role in the worlds society.
The Christian Crusades to take back Jerusalem turned into a blood bath against Muslims. Our nation was born during the enlightenment and industrialization completed a gap between our societies which will never close. Next comes the Berlin Conference in the 19th century, allowing Europe to divvy up Africa which they then took what they wanted and then reset the boundaries creating another mess with the Muslim world.
This is not though, a fight between the west and Islam. Islam is also fighting itself! It is a war between Islam and the world at large, everyone. As Bush has no tolerance of anything but his version of perverted Religion and Democracy. The Muslim Islamists have no tolerance of any other version of Islam than their own. They want all their lands back which can not happen. They want us off their lands so what does Bush do? He attacks Iraq and attempts to set up his idea of a new middle east order.To all our demise their is no desire for compromise here by anyone!
There is an easy answer to this and that is too fight and continue to fight and that includes Bush! There is no easy way out though. We have no other choice as none of this will be quelled by diplomacy. Average Muslim's of all nations want peace and prosperity as average citizens of every nation do but our so called leaders have taken it upon themselves to fight and destroy our peace and prosperity. Please read it in its entirety
That said on 10/31/07 I wrote that I have thought for years that maybe man's role in this mass of a life form we call earth and the Universe is to bring the planets life cycle full circle. It would have no influence whatsoever on the universe as a whole and I have done a history of God and Religion and the lies we call History in the past but I don't want to talk about that right now or evolution Verse intelligent design which I have also put in its proper perspective but I will be glad to discuss all of it!
I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that their are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.
I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.
Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it if all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!
When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. the heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.
First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush has merely sped that process up! He is doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he is doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say is his to do.
Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell. man's influence in the planets cycle of life
I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that their are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.
I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.
Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it if all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!
When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. the heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.
First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush has merely sped that process up! He is doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he is doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say is his to do.
Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell. man's influence in the planets cycle of life
Nobel prize winners are supposedly the best of the world, They must speak out loudly in unison and save it from this terrible planned future!
We need our Nobel prize winners to speak up loud and clear Now! Bush is doing what Jefferson did in the false belief that he too will be vindicated for blatantly going against and destroying the Constitution. But not this time. Bush is a tyrant and history will not look at him kindly.
We need our Nobel prize winners to speak up loud and clear Now! Bush is doing what Jefferson did in the false belief that he too will be vindicated for blatantly going against and destroying the Constitution. But not this time. Bush is a tyrant and history will not look at him kindly.
12/10/07 I was listening to an interview of the peace prize winners and I incorporated them into my story but it reminds me of something I wrote years ago and that is that all Nobel prize winners must come together and speak loud and eloquently not just on the planet but on what is happening today, why, and what is going to happen if this is allowed to happen.I heard Gore warn China and Bush but one person will not matter.
We are in greater danger right now than during Jefferson's time primarily because Bush is in absolute control and wants to rule the world and the rest of the world will not sit idly by thereby worsening the life of our planet beyond any repair in a humanity and planetary destructive war. We must do something to stop this and I am sick of saying it!
Al Gore is being overly optimistic saying experts say we have ten years to act and some as little as two. It is worse than that and he and everyone else should know why.The Nobel prize winners must come together and bring to the forefront around the world the dire danger to us and the planet if we continue down the road of an unsurvivable world war!
We must somehow convey to them that are respected around the world that the time is now and immediate. There are two overwhelming reasons why the time is now and immediate and why we may not make a difference even if we can wake up the world today!
I wrote this four years ago now and it is more obvious and critical every day but this is only part of it.Ignore the whole thing if you want But pay attention to the Nurturing stage and the dire consequence of ignoring this.
We must somehow convey to them that are respected around the world that the time is now and immediate. There are two overwhelming reasons why the time is now and immediate and why we may not make a difference even if we can wake up the world today!
I wrote this four years ago now and it is more obvious and critical every day but this is only part of it.Ignore the whole thing if you want But pay attention to the Nurturing stage and the dire consequence of ignoring this.
Life's cycle, The final stages!
Life's cycle, The final stages! (I wrote this 4 year's ago)The nurturing stage is where man should be in its and the planets Life Cycle! However as the current unfolding middle east and world situation is proving, man is attempting to turn the clock back and nature works only in one direction, forward. We are acting like we are in the infantile stage and it will not work!
* The Nurturing Stage – This is mans mature stage. This is mans preservation period. The time is now. This period marks mans awakening as to the realization of mans negative impact on the life sustaining life cycle of the planet as a whole. This period marks the awakening of man as to the as to the necessity of revitalizing Natures life sustaining ecosystems.
This period marks the necessity for an end to all out war. We must come to the realization that as a world we must destroy all advanced weaponry and their systems throughout the world. This is an absolute necessity for the survival of man and the planet.
If we are to survive We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.
If we are to survive We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.
** Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones.
Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.
Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.
* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our demise! If we are to have a future we must smarten up! The full short story at the link!life's cycles
** The second reason and maybe more important is the fact that the planet is going through its own life cycle as man and our society is and part of this global warming is natural and man has no affect on It. Bottom line is the world is ignoring earths critical condition and preparing to put it out of its misery. We must stop this!
I was lucky enough to catch on interview on cnn today by Jonathan Mann in Oslo of Al Gore and his protégé who won the Nobel Peace prize. Besides the obvious Gore said he would not be a part of anyone's administration and if he decided to get into Politics again it would be to run for President. Well get with it! It was quite good but I had no luck finding a link or the video. If someone can please send it to me!
** I firmly believe that if they came together as they should and they owe the worlds future to do I believe that Bush and the entire world that is preparing for World War Three.all living Nobel Prize Winners must come together and speak loudly to the entire world as to the inevitable end of mane and the planet if they irresponsibly Insist on leading us to World War Three.
Someone who will be listened to must take it upon themselves to get this message and the urgency out to the Nobel Prize Winners as they may be our best and last hope! Nobel Prize winners are respected around the world, they must speak out loudly and save us and the planet from this terrible planned future!
* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our demise! If we are to have a future we must smarten up! The full short story at the link!life's cycles
** The second reason and maybe more important is the fact that the planet is going through its own life cycle as man and our society is and part of this global warming is natural and man has no affect on It. Bottom line is the world is ignoring earths critical condition and preparing to put it out of its misery. We must stop this!
I was lucky enough to catch on interview on cnn today by Jonathan Mann in Oslo of Al Gore and his protégé who won the Nobel Peace prize. Besides the obvious Gore said he would not be a part of anyone's administration and if he decided to get into Politics again it would be to run for President. Well get with it! It was quite good but I had no luck finding a link or the video. If someone can please send it to me!
** I firmly believe that if they came together as they should and they owe the worlds future to do I believe that Bush and the entire world that is preparing for World War Three.all living Nobel Prize Winners must come together and speak loudly to the entire world as to the inevitable end of mane and the planet if they irresponsibly Insist on leading us to World War Three.
Someone who will be listened to must take it upon themselves to get this message and the urgency out to the Nobel Prize Winners as they may be our best and last hope! Nobel Prize winners are respected around the world, they must speak out loudly and save us and the planet from this terrible planned future!
* I didn't realize until I was looking at today's unwinding horror we will be facing long into the future. north Korea threatening South Korea with Annihilation again because of Bush's success, the middle east exploding, Bush threatening, Russia threatening, etc. and I decided it best to go back to something I wrote almost 15 years ago now long before I decided to interact daily trying to wake up the world still to no avail.
However I went back to one of the times I posted A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them and much to my pleasure and surprise I noted Our Brother Tim commented that it was excellent and I should do updates on it and publish them. I have done updates and that is what precedes A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them
However I went back to one of the times I posted A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them and much to my pleasure and surprise I noted Our Brother Tim commented that it was excellent and I should do updates on it and publish them. I have done updates and that is what precedes A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
I feel your anguish and frustration. I too, have been trying to wake people up for years. I have tried to wake up Christians, or those that CLAIM to be Christians, all to no avail. I have been called a heretic and worse.
It may well be that there is no educating the masses. Man has set the end in motion, and the momentum it has gained appears to be unstoppable. Jesus said, "Many are called, but few are chosen", and I firmly believe in that.
What does it take to be chosen? The answer is unbelievably simple! 1) Love God, and 2) Love thy neighbor. By following those two Commandments, there could be no more wars. There could be no more bigotry. It would put an end to all greed and strife. Another word for love is charity, they are one and the same.
When you have a sense of entitlement, you have conflict. Americans are NOT entitled to every resource the planet has to offer. We are entitled to make use of the resources that are on our soveriegn land. If we make bad judgements on their stewardship, we have only ourselves to blame. This does NOT give us rights to other's resources. Proof of this is the never-ending call to protect and secure OUR oil supplies from the Middle-East. They are NOT our supplies. We can buy or barter for them, but we are not somehow entitled to them. We have vast oil reserves in this nation, but refuse to drill and pump them out. It's like we're hoarding them till the ME reserves run out. This is reverse thinking. Even if that were to happen, and the world's oil spigot slowed to a trickle, the rest of the world would then band together to come and take it from us.
Man has known of the theory of Peak Oil for decades, yet has been dragging his feet to develop alternative energy sources. Why? Greed of Big Oil. The world's governments are finally awakening to the hegemonious goals of the U.S. They are banding together as I type this. If we, as a people, refuse to put an end to this Bush/Neocon game plan, the world will have no other option than to put an end to it themselves.
Americans are so arrogant, they believe they are the only ones with intelligence; the only ones who have the knowledge to build planet-destroying weapons; and the only ones who can wage successful warfare. Americans are in for a very rude awakening. They seem to be oblivious to the fact that the majority of the scientists on the Manhatten Project were Europeans.
Mesopotamia has been called the cradle of civilization, and the peoples of the Middle-East, Persia, and Asia have a very large intelligent population. Intelligence should never be equated with wealth. Americans believe themselves to be superior because they have a couple of SUVs and a 3,000 sq ft house. A Benoid with a camel and a tent can be just as happy, and most probably more inteligent. As the end progresses, we'll see who fares better at survival, the soccor moms, or the nomadic camel jockeys.
You are right on in your assessment of our stagnated learning cycle. We have learned so much, we think we know it all, when in reality, we know very little. Proof of that is in Iraq right now. If we're so brilliant, why are we 5 years into a war with a country the size of the State of California? Why can't we win? They're just a bunch of dumb Arabs, right?
Lord, have mercy on us.
You're passionate reply deserves a breakdown you will appreciate.
First you are not a heretic you are purist. Those that accuse you of heresy are the inadequate heretics.
We will not be able to educate the masses and as throughout History the masses will once again be doomed because though we may want it there is no room for the masses only the pure willing to pick up the call of life not personal gain.
I know Jesus said many are called but few are chosen but to me it it is much simpler than that.Most refuse to hear the call thinking instead they have the answer within themselves. Some do but not many! You're always right in your evaluation! It narrows down to love others and the planet as your own life because they are one!
The first two Commandments like the rest of them as everything you say is written out for those that need help staying the correct course. It can all be boiled down to one word. I taught all my sons and have written it in my first book and many of times but no one listens or cares because especially today where life as we know it appears to be coming to an end albeit contrived.
That one word is consideration! If everyone practiced it there would be no crime, jealousy, problems, or anything.take others into consideration first. Consider the repercussions of your actions or inactions.
That sense of entitlement you mention is of course true, It began with the enlightenment. That was the beginning of the end of consideration. A rift had been formed between those who thought they were better and entitled (so called western civilization, and those who wanted to remain simple and close to the earth, Muslims.
I believe the earth, humanity, the universe, all life on this planet are one and part of the whole but you can not fight over it as both sides of the issue has chosen or you right or wrong are going to bring about the end of Days and I am afraid that is where we are right now but some of us will be alright.
In my original cycles of life I explained where we are and the dire consequences of not paying attention to it. You said I should do updates and Publish them and I have done many but have never published them. I did not include the final one as it is too much for most to take in.
I use to pass it on to those who were interested and I was asked why I did not publish it but I stopped because when I changed to my new computer everything got messed up. Firefox seems to have fixed it. It is beginning to end what is happening today and how this will end. It is only life and common sense to me but most do not get it.
It has to be updated not the beginning, what is going on, or the end because that is 100% dead on, but as to where we are in the process as we are progressing rapidly as this all comes to a head!
You my friend are one of the very few who understand our place, what is happening, and how this is going to end!
Okay I better end this because I was just looking at the end of your comment and we can go on forever. Anther time! and we will!
Brother Tim said... What does it take to be chosen? The answer is unbelievably simple! 1) Love God, and 2) Love thy neighbor. By following those two Commandments, there could be no more wars. There could be no more bigotry. It would put an end to all greed and strife. Another word for love is charity, they are one and the same.
To everything Jim and Tim have said I would add that the passage continues then in obeying those two commandments is the keeping of the law and the prophets. In other words, the long list of "sins" in the piety codes of the religious right have no importance.
Of course you're right and as I am sure you agree, it goes without saying. What stinks is the right has to know it and how obvious their crap is and could care less as long as they get their way.
Jim, I think it depends on what you mean by "the right". The sheeple accept brainlessly and, for the most part, believe the drivel. The leadership are the ones that know and use the misinterpretation to further their own wealth and power.
No pun intended but you're Right! Ha
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