Wednesday, March 31, 2010
General McChrystal Goes on vacation Patrol I mean patrol in 'Taliban Vacation Spot'
Exclusive: Gen. McChrystal Goes on Patrol in 'Taliban Vacation Spot'
Pakistani Troops Kill 84 Taliban Fighters
Remember Afghan militants present doable 15-point peace plan to the Afghan ...
Don't get too ecstatic but it just keeps getting better! It is working in Pakistan and it can work in Afghanistan too. This just keeps getting better. We discussed it many times in the past. Remember the militants world started crumbling with the capture of Mullah Baradar
When all is said and done I remember when it came out that Karzai was corrupt and he won the election. The people’s attitude was oh well, one corrupt Government is as good as the next .At least the Government is not killing and maiming the people in the name of Sharia law. The government might be corrupt but it is better than the alternative.
This is big and keeps getting better and better! I am pretty pleased that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar Representatives of his major insurgent faction have presented a formal 15-point peace plan to the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai. This is the first concrete proposal to end hostilities and get us the heck out of there. Obama can do this, he is doing it.
This would not even be a thought under Bush. As we said in Iraq the Afghan's too must come together so we can leave. They can then turn on each other as I fully expect to be the case in Iraq and also in Afghanistan. Anyway representatives of Hezb-e-Islami met on Monday with representatives of the Government. This is huge as Hezb-e-Islami, or Islamic operates under a separate command from the Taliban, it has links to the Taliban leadership and Al Qaeda and has fought on a common front against foreign forces in Afghanistan.
They only want what I want and that is a withdrawal date for all foreign forces on Afghani soil. That is doable under Obama. We can really do this! They want us to start in July and have it completed in 6 months. The 6 month time frame would have to be flexible and they would have to police the still militant Taliban and keep the peace amongst themselves even if only until we leave as I expect.
Insurgent Faction Presents Afghan Peace Plan
Even the hard core Taliban will go along with this plan if we will only guarantee that we will leave. I really believe we can do this under Obama like health care it would not have happened under Bush or anyone else. Health care, Afghanistan, and the peace prize, what a heck of a trifecta, what a legacy, Obama has already secured his legacy but success in Afghanistan will make him a legend.
James Joiner
Gardner, Massachusetts
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Eric Cantor and David Frum: lies truth and the conservative party
Slaughter speaks out about threats
Conservative David Frum loses think-tank job after criticizing GOP
I did not like Frum under Bush as he was the author of a lot of the fascist crap and excuses to get into Iraq. However, he is speaking the truth saying the Republican party has been taken over by Fox and they created a Waterloo all right but they created their own waterloo. He is right! Instead of taking his advice to clean up their Act he gets canned. I think they would do well to listen to him.
Dems, GOP Trade
Accusations of Politically Exploiting Threats
.Cantor is using the phony example that he was shot at too.Heck the bullet went through a window but did not penetrate the blind. What the heck did they fire it with an elastic? I am sorry, I do not like Eric Cantor at all and I do not trust him as far as I can throw him. Investigating police say the bullet was fired in the air and struck the window on the way down. Hell it could have been from a block away. Heck the cynic in me would think it was one of his drunk followers whooping it up.
Any way you look at it, it is too convenient a worthless "supposed" threat to his life to be used in his favor. He supposedly has threatening emails but is not going to air them because it emboldens others to do even more, How convenient. You bet this was meant to belittle Bart Stupak for airing his threats. I agree that he should have because some of the threatening phone calls to Democrats I have been listening to are downright scary. They can by no means be compared to that little incident of Cantors. Eric Cantor accuses Democrats of 'fanning flames' on member ... Eric Cantor how Ironic says it is reckless of Democrats to be inciting violence and using it for Political gain
Once again the right is accusing the left are doing something they themselves are guilty of. This began under Bush who was using what I called his Rove taught 3D Politics (divisive, deceptive, deceitful, politics). What a coincidence, Rove also came forward and accused Democrats of the same thing. Agreeing with Rove who built his entire career on lying speaks volumes as to Cantor.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Conservative David Frum loses think-tank job after criticizing GOP
I did not like Frum under Bush as he was the author of a lot of the fascist crap and excuses to get into Iraq. However, he is speaking the truth saying the Republican party has been taken over by Fox and they created a Waterloo all right but they created their own waterloo. He is right! Instead of taking his advice to clean up their Act he gets canned. I think they would do well to listen to him.
Dems, GOP Trade
Accusations of Politically Exploiting Threats
.Cantor is using the phony example that he was shot at too.Heck the bullet went through a window but did not penetrate the blind. What the heck did they fire it with an elastic? I am sorry, I do not like Eric Cantor at all and I do not trust him as far as I can throw him. Investigating police say the bullet was fired in the air and struck the window on the way down. Hell it could have been from a block away. Heck the cynic in me would think it was one of his drunk followers whooping it up.
Any way you look at it, it is too convenient a worthless "supposed" threat to his life to be used in his favor. He supposedly has threatening emails but is not going to air them because it emboldens others to do even more, How convenient. You bet this was meant to belittle Bart Stupak for airing his threats. I agree that he should have because some of the threatening phone calls to Democrats I have been listening to are downright scary. They can by no means be compared to that little incident of Cantors. Eric Cantor accuses Democrats of 'fanning flames' on member ... Eric Cantor how Ironic says it is reckless of Democrats to be inciting violence and using it for Political gain
Once again the right is accusing the left are doing something they themselves are guilty of. This began under Bush who was using what I called his Rove taught 3D Politics (divisive, deceptive, deceitful, politics). What a coincidence, Rove also came forward and accused Democrats of the same thing. Agreeing with Rove who built his entire career on lying speaks volumes as to Cantor.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, March 29, 2010
Earth Hour: You only have one Mother and we are all killing ours!
880 mn people lack access to clean water: Red Cross
In honor of earth week next month and earth day March 27th I wanted to do a story on how dire the situation on the health or our planet really is. I started warning of the changing environment and our involvement in it when I was in high school in 1970. My efforts were always laughed at but it is too late to turn around and no one is laughing any more. Organizers hope one billion will participate in Earth Hour I hope you are one of the 1 billion around the world. Look to see if your country is participating!
Anyway I have written so extensively in the past it would take a book so I will just mention a link from an expert and whistle blower as to Global nuclear cover up, Depleted uranium, Gulf war Syndrome,increased Autism Diabetes Cancer, and how we have in just this one respect poisoned our own Mother. Mother Earth!
The World Economic Forum was overwhelmed Likewise I have also written in the past about the huge swirl of garbage in the Pacific ocean.
After happening onto Fabien Cousteau discussing the fact that it has now doubled in size in just 2 years and is now twice the size of Texas I was stunned and wanted to point this out. Fabien Cousteau on the dire condition of our ocean
Ocean Pollution Grows Larger From 100 Million Tons of Garbage .
there are huge islands of garbage swirling together into ever-growing "cyclones" of debris
Continent-sized swirl of rubbish raises alarm , it is a horrible new Habitat
* Wake up we are killing our Mother and not with kindness. We throw away 43,000 tons of food away every day in America. That is sick in itself! The world is starving hell even Americans are starving and we just throw away 43,000 tons of food a year. Makes me want to scream.
* We are drowning in trash. A family of 5 generates 25 pounds of trash a day. What is our Population? Figure it out!
* We use 100 million plastic bags per year. Enough is enough!
* In closing we are running out of potable water and at the same time much of our chemicals we use to grow our food ends up in the ocean along with all our other debris. As a result the monstrous garbage swirl in the pacific described above is only one. There are many and they are in every ocean. The debris field in the pacific is 90 feet deep. Seems to and is twice the size of Texas. Seems to me that this should spawn a new industry for former fishermen. I do not remember the size of fishing nets but I do know they go down 90 feet. Seems to me like a business can be made.
Leave port empty go to these debris fields and bring a catch of garbage and debris back. Instead of getting paid by the pound for the fish you catch you get paid by the pound for what you remove from the debris field. I am sure it can be monitored and we could burn it as an energy source at extreme heats. We have to do something. We are drowning in our Garbage. It is taking over the world. The world as we knew it is already gone. The world as we know it is right behind unless we wake up and yesterday not next year!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Afghan militants present doable 15-point peace plan to the Afghan government!
You may remember that after Hekmatyar and other mujahedeen forced out the Soviets he was against the Taliban and swore allegiance to the Government who then twice elected the ruthless leader as prime minister. His ruthlessness is what led the people to foolishly think the Taliban would be better. Hekmatyar was kicked out of the Government after he was caught trying to overthrow it which led him to join the Taliban.
You know Now that the Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami are killing each other along with civilians. As you know, we heard that up to 100 of Hekmatyar's fighters and the Taliban have switched sides to join the Government. The civilians have to join them and start helping the Government fight those that want to enforce Sharia law on them. It is working in Pakistan and it can work in Afghanistan too. This just keeps getting better. We discussed it many times in the past. Remember the militants world started crumbling with the capture of Mullah Baradar
When all is said and done I remember when it came out that Karzai was corrupt and he won the election. The people’s attitude was oh well, one corrupt Government is as good as the next .At least the Government is not killing and maiming the people in the name of Sharia law. The government might be corrupt but it is better than the alternative.
This is big and keeps getting better and better! I am pretty pleased that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar Representatives of his major insurgent faction have presented a formal 15-point peace plan to the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai. This is the first concrete proposal to end hostilities and get us the heck out of there. Obama can do this, he is doing it.
This would not even be a thought under Bush. As we said in Iraq the Afghan's too must come together so we can leave. They can then turn on each other as I fully expect to be the case in Iraq and also in Afghanistan. Anyway representatives of Hezb-e-Islami met on Monday with representatives of the Government. This is huge as Hezb-e-Islami, or Islamic operates under a separate command from the Taliban, it has links to the Taliban leadership and Al Qaeda and has fought on a common front against foreign forces in Afghanistan.
They only want what I want and that is a withdrawal date for all foreign forces on Afghani soil. That is doable under Obama. We can really do this! They want us to start in July and have it completed in 6 months. The 6 month time frame would have to be flexible and they would have to police the still militant Taliban and keep the peace amongst themselves even if only until we leave as I expect.
Insurgent Faction Presents Afghan Peace Plan
Even the hard core Taliban will go along with this plan if we will only guarantee that we will leave. I really believe we can do this under Obama like health care it would not have happened under Bush or anyone else. Health care, Afghanistan, and the peace prize, what a heck of a trifecta, what a legacy, Obama has already secured his legacy but success in Afghanistan will make him a legend.
James Joiner
Gardner, Massachusetts
Saturday, March 27, 2010
India to weaponize world's hottest chili as a grenade, a chili bomb!
India to weaponize world's hottest chili
A tear gas grenade this is something! The worlds hottest Chili this can be deadly, this is a weapon. It has more than 1,000,000 Scoville units, the scientific measurement of a chili's spiciness.
Classic Tabasco sauce ranges from 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units, while jalapeno peppers measure anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000. A million can you believe it? People actually somehow eat this stuff.
This is in the Guinness book of world records as by far the worlds hottest Chili. The military has been authorized to put it in a hand grenade, a chili bomb.
Supposedly it is a non toxic way of ferreting out terrorists as a effective nontoxic weapon because its pungent smell can choke terrorists and force them out of their hide-outs.
It sounds worse than tear gas to me. It will be used to disperse crowds and can be used instead of pepper spray for women and others to protect themselves.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, March 26, 2010
Obama signed the health care Bill now we can fix average America's economy!
Obama Signs Health Care Reform Into Law
That was step one albeit a giant baby step. While we must monitor every aspect of this minutely we have to hope that the 13 attorneys General that are fighting this as unconstitutional fail. Then and now we can start rebuilding the average Americans economy.
Obama signs health care reform into law, aims to promote it on road
You know I and I am sure others have been saying from the beginning of Bush's economic disaster that under GW Bush America was turned into a country with two obvious economies. Bush started the bailout's and President Obama continued the program. Wall street was bailed out along with the rest of the system that sustained our system of Capitalism. The stock market recovered.
It was widely reported that total collapse and disaster was averted. The economy of the affluent was rescued "supposedly" I and others kept asserting that the average Americans economy now had to be rescued. With millions of lost Jobs, millions of lost homes, millions of homeless, and millions with no insurance, we knew a jobless recovery was a fallacy unless.
I am not the only one that cringed when I kept hearing of this thing called a jobless recovery. What is a jobless recovery? That is no recovery at all. We kept saying the first step to a recovery especially jobless would have to begin with the passage of a health care Bill. We kept hearing this one was no good but it is, that is why Republicans were against it.
32 million picked up immediately, no more shutting you off if you get sick, no more caps on coverage, your kids will be covered till age 26, I think this is a heck of a start. Now we have to be vigilant that everything is going according to plan and the abuse by insurance companies and all interests gaming the system are stopped.
Now we can begin to rebuild our economy, the average Americans economy and against the wishes of Republicans restore our America and narrow the gap between the haves and the have not's the last President purposely widened and turned into a chasm.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
That was step one albeit a giant baby step. While we must monitor every aspect of this minutely we have to hope that the 13 attorneys General that are fighting this as unconstitutional fail. Then and now we can start rebuilding the average Americans economy.
Obama signs health care reform into law, aims to promote it on road
You know I and I am sure others have been saying from the beginning of Bush's economic disaster that under GW Bush America was turned into a country with two obvious economies. Bush started the bailout's and President Obama continued the program. Wall street was bailed out along with the rest of the system that sustained our system of Capitalism. The stock market recovered.
It was widely reported that total collapse and disaster was averted. The economy of the affluent was rescued "supposedly" I and others kept asserting that the average Americans economy now had to be rescued. With millions of lost Jobs, millions of lost homes, millions of homeless, and millions with no insurance, we knew a jobless recovery was a fallacy unless.
I am not the only one that cringed when I kept hearing of this thing called a jobless recovery. What is a jobless recovery? That is no recovery at all. We kept saying the first step to a recovery especially jobless would have to begin with the passage of a health care Bill. We kept hearing this one was no good but it is, that is why Republicans were against it.
32 million picked up immediately, no more shutting you off if you get sick, no more caps on coverage, your kids will be covered till age 26, I think this is a heck of a start. Now we have to be vigilant that everything is going according to plan and the abuse by insurance companies and all interests gaming the system are stopped.
Now we can begin to rebuild our economy, the average Americans economy and against the wishes of Republicans restore our America and narrow the gap between the haves and the have not's the last President purposely widened and turned into a chasm.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Earth Hour: You only have one Mother and we are all killing ours!
880 million people lack access to clean water: Red Cross
In honor of earth week next month and earth day March 27th I wanted to do a story on how dire the situation on the health or our planet really is. I started warning of the changing environment and our involvement in it when I was in high school in 1970. My efforts were always laughed at but it is too late to turn around and no one is laughing any more. Organizers hope one billion will participate in Earth Hour I hope you are one of the 1 billion around the world. Look to see if your country is participating!
Anyway I have written so extensively in the past it would take a book so I will just supply a link from an expert and whistle blower as to Global nuclear cover up, Depleted uranium, Gulf war Syndrome,increased Autism Diabetes Cancer, and how we have in just this one respect poisoned our own Mother. Mother Earth!
The World Economic Forum was overwhelmed Likewise I have also written in the past about the huge swirl of garbage in the Pacific ocean.
After happening onto Fabien Cousteau discussing the fact that it has now doubled in size in just 2 years and is now twice the size of Texas I was stunned and wanted to point this out. Fabien Cousteau on the dire condition of our ocean
Ocean Pollution Grows Larger From 100 Million Tons of Garbage .
there are huge islands of garbage swirling together into ever-growing "cyclones" of debris
Continent-sized swirl of rubbish raises alarm , it is a horrible new Habitat
* Wake up we are killing our Mother and not with kindness. We throw away 43,000 tons of food away every day in America. That is sick in itself! The world is starving hell even Americans are starving and we just throw away 43,000 tons of food a year. Makes me want to scream.
* We are drowning in trash. A family of 5 generates 25 pounds of trash a day. What is our Population? Figure it out!
* We use 100 million plastic bags per year. Enough is enough!
* In closing we are running out of potable water and at the same time much of our chemicals we use to grow our food ends up in the ocean along with all our other debris. As a result the monstrous garbage swirl in the pacific described above is only one. There are many and they are in every ocean. The debris field in the pacific is 90 feet deep. Seems to and is twice the size of Texas. Seems to me that this should spawn a new industry for former fishermen. I do not remember the size of fishing nets but I do know they go down 90 feet. Seems to me like a business can be made.
Leave port empty go to these debris fields and bring a catch of garbage and debris back. Instead of getting paid by the pound for the fish you catch you get paid by the pound for what you remove from the debris field. I am sure it can be monitored and we could burn it as an energy source at extreme heats. We have to do something. We are drowning in our Garbage. It is taking over the world. The world as we knew it is already gone. The world as we know it is right behind unless we wake up and yesterday not next year!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
EU condemns Israel over East Jerusalem intent, US urges restraint from Israel, Israel does not care!
Ashton draws lessons from Gaza, Mideast trip
EU condemns Israel over e. J'lem intent
US urges restraint from Israel, Palestinians
Netanyahu reasserts East Jerusalem is Israel’s
A reminder: Israel doesn't care what the EU or we think any more than they do Iran, Syria, or anyone else. I came to realize a long time ago that there will be no peace in the Middle East primarily because Israel does not want it unless she has what she wants and that is all of Jerusalem. Palestinian's Syria, and Iran are not going to sit back and let Israel build 1,600 houses in the place they want to claim as their Capital.
I realized a long time ago that Israel is the world's chief war monger and we seem to do their bidding and fighting. If they get into a war with Iran we will end up coming to their rescue regardless of what they do or what Hillary says and that is sad! We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue.
Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember this discussion? The US will pay the price for Israel and US nuclear lies and hypocrisy after Israel attacks!
I must admit Israel's hypocrisy and lies are a plan I have discussed often and I have to disagree with Eliam's final assertion. He says an attack on Iran's nuclear program would be counter productive. I beg to differ! The General hit the nail on the head though and does not know it. I have long asserted that Israel would attack Iran's nuclear interests and we would come to her rescue.
That is a fact that is why I find his final statement troubling and prophetic. He correctly said One strike is not practical. In order to delay the Iranian program for three to four years one needs an armada of aircraft, which only a super-power can provide. Only America can do it. Bingo! I am sure the US plans to do it largely from the Gulf with numerous carrier fighter groups and they are almost finished with their 30000 pound bunker buster behemoth to take out underground facilities.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
EU condemns Israel over e. J'lem intent
US urges restraint from Israel, Palestinians
Netanyahu reasserts East Jerusalem is Israel’s
A reminder: Israel doesn't care what the EU or we think any more than they do Iran, Syria, or anyone else. I came to realize a long time ago that there will be no peace in the Middle East primarily because Israel does not want it unless she has what she wants and that is all of Jerusalem. Palestinian's Syria, and Iran are not going to sit back and let Israel build 1,600 houses in the place they want to claim as their Capital.
I realized a long time ago that Israel is the world's chief war monger and we seem to do their bidding and fighting. If they get into a war with Iran we will end up coming to their rescue regardless of what they do or what Hillary says and that is sad! We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue.
Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember this discussion? The US will pay the price for Israel and US nuclear lies and hypocrisy after Israel attacks!
I must admit Israel's hypocrisy and lies are a plan I have discussed often and I have to disagree with Eliam's final assertion. He says an attack on Iran's nuclear program would be counter productive. I beg to differ! The General hit the nail on the head though and does not know it. I have long asserted that Israel would attack Iran's nuclear interests and we would come to her rescue.
That is a fact that is why I find his final statement troubling and prophetic. He correctly said One strike is not practical. In order to delay the Iranian program for three to four years one needs an armada of aircraft, which only a super-power can provide. Only America can do it. Bingo! I am sure the US plans to do it largely from the Gulf with numerous carrier fighter groups and they are almost finished with their 30000 pound bunker buster behemoth to take out underground facilities.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Roger Ailes what ails you?
Glenn Beck is even an affront to fox news not only God!
Roger Ailes to Fox News' Glenn Beck haters: Stop 'shooting in the tent'
Sarah Palin on 'Glenn Beck'
Remember Fox News CEO Roger Ailes was or is contemplating running for President in 2012 at the prodding of friends. That really makes you wonder about his allowing the BS coming from talk show hosts and their guests. Is this what this so called war between Fox and the White House is all about? Is he gathering his following for a run? Is he setting the stage?Much is said about the White House getting involved with this but they must to avoid the anarchy Fox is instigating!
Ailes is the force, the mastermind behind all the negative Obama attack ads that keep backfiring on the Republican party insuring they remain "the pup tent" party. He will not run but I wish he would because it would mean another win for us! Running Fox is no preparation for taking on Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the so called war on terror. The fools on the right keep comparing Obama to Nixon and his enemies list so should Obama do the same and have the IRS audit Ailes! Think Progress » Roger Ailes for president in 2012?
Lastly, I have been pretty pleased with President Obama's efforts at promoting volunteerism as a way of uniting the country and helping the down trodden. He is not saying Democrats we want you to volunteer. He is not saying Republicans and Independents we want to brain wash you into becoming Democrats. He is saying to all Americans "volunteer" to help our America! Remember America? That is what this should all be about not Republicans and Democrats! Obama asks nation to participate in volunteer services
Obama promoting volunteerism is a liberal conspiracy! Beck said it is Maoist China! how can they turn volunteering for America into a bad thing? A Partisan thing? A communist thing? They are friggen sick! LBJ did it, FDR, JFK. Volunteerism has been promoted many times. Hell Obama and McCain both pushed volunteering as Presidential candidates. Paranoid Right-Wingers See Obama's Volunteer Service Project as ... A Liberal brain washing conspiracy! What the hell is next?
Well now we know! Glenn Beck, Steve King: Health Care Bill Vote an Affront to God
I can not blame some Fox commentators for being concerned with Beck's idiocy and the fact that he has become the face of Fox news. Ailes came to his defense because Beck is the insane voice of Aile's who can not speak that way. He told the other commentators to find another station if they didn't like it. Roger Ailes what ails you?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, March 22, 2010
Fox News Poll: 68% Say Vote Out All Incumbents, I am with the 68% I am glad it was fox that did this
Fox News Poll: 68% Say Vote Out All Incumbents I am with the 68% I am glad it was fox that did this. I hope they all get the message.
Scott brown's election should have woken everyone up, both party's not just Democrats. They have been getting the message as both parties are jumping ship in record numbers. Keep jumping! The health care reform garbage coming from the right shows me they better cut and run because I am sure Reid and Pelosi are part of that 68% and so is John Boehner and many Republicans.
I have to say that I am from Massachusetts and was a proud constituent of Kennedy’s, that said Brown's victory was not a stinging defeat fro Democrats. The election in Massachusetts was being called a mandate against a party, a mandate against the Obama agenda, a Revolution against a party "the Democratic party" WRONG! Wake up and think about what happened.
What Scott Brown just did should not be misinterpreted by the Republican Party as a denial of Obama, his agenda, or the Democratic Party. It was not! It should be a wake up call to both party's that we the people are sick of the games, sick of the partisanship, sick of the concern being for the Party's not we the people. It is a Revolution however it is not a revolution against 'a party" It better serve as a wake up call to both party's. We the people want to matter again!
The party’s are our biggest problem not the so called terrorists. They only care about themselves not we the people! The games must stop; they must stop acting like spoiled brats while we go down the tubes. Obama is on his own that is why nothing has gotten done. I use to say Bush is the only person I know that can talk out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it, sh@t eating smirk on it all the time. Sadly that has become status quo and the face of politics today.
Remember Brown never once mentioned the Republican Party but instead ran as an independent. He promised he would work for the people not as Republicans do but as Ed Kennedy did and to make him proud. It is not a revolution against a party it is just the people wanting we the people that was removed during the last Administration put back in the equation. It is a move against incumbents "all incumbents"
I am with the 68% and firmly believe the Congress has proven themselves inept and incapable of doing the peoples work. It is time to clean house and have a do over with our elected so called Officials!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Scott brown's election should have woken everyone up, both party's not just Democrats. They have been getting the message as both parties are jumping ship in record numbers. Keep jumping! The health care reform garbage coming from the right shows me they better cut and run because I am sure Reid and Pelosi are part of that 68% and so is John Boehner and many Republicans.
I have to say that I am from Massachusetts and was a proud constituent of Kennedy’s, that said Brown's victory was not a stinging defeat fro Democrats. The election in Massachusetts was being called a mandate against a party, a mandate against the Obama agenda, a Revolution against a party "the Democratic party" WRONG! Wake up and think about what happened.
What Scott Brown just did should not be misinterpreted by the Republican Party as a denial of Obama, his agenda, or the Democratic Party. It was not! It should be a wake up call to both party's that we the people are sick of the games, sick of the partisanship, sick of the concern being for the Party's not we the people. It is a Revolution however it is not a revolution against 'a party" It better serve as a wake up call to both party's. We the people want to matter again!
The party’s are our biggest problem not the so called terrorists. They only care about themselves not we the people! The games must stop; they must stop acting like spoiled brats while we go down the tubes. Obama is on his own that is why nothing has gotten done. I use to say Bush is the only person I know that can talk out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it, sh@t eating smirk on it all the time. Sadly that has become status quo and the face of politics today.
Remember Brown never once mentioned the Republican Party but instead ran as an independent. He promised he would work for the people not as Republicans do but as Ed Kennedy did and to make him proud. It is not a revolution against a party it is just the people wanting we the people that was removed during the last Administration put back in the equation. It is a move against incumbents "all incumbents"
I am with the 68% and firmly believe the Congress has proven themselves inept and incapable of doing the peoples work. It is time to clean house and have a do over with our elected so called Officials!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Brett Baier disrespected a sitting President that was the only desperation I saw
Obama's Contentious Fox News Interview
I thought it was pretty big of President Obama to walk into the Fox den and do that interview not because he was desperate as I saw that one biased right wing writer here said and made fun of in the normal childish right wing way. I was impressed knowing how many times Fox has been caught in outright lies and misconceptions to falsely favor their cause of making Republicans look good and Obama fail.
Obama let go of the contention between Fox and the White House in order to reach Independents Democrats and Republicans alike who watch Faux. It was a sign of Obama's desperation to reach more people and get the truth to them. The real desperation was in the way Baier conducted the interview. You can read it below at the link but what Fox contributors called a great interview would only be called that by Faux.
Brett Baier disrespected a sitting President. He kept cutting him off! I thought it went very well despite Baier's ignorance Obama got his point across. He did nothing different. As he does at every interview and every town hall meeting he searched for the right words. The Fox panel incorrectly and biasedly congratulated Baier on his ignorance saying Obama was hemming and hawing. Watch the video and decide for yourself! Panel Discuss Obama-Baier Interview on Health Care Reform
You keep hearing of some fallacy called a jobless recovery. That is code for the poor needy elderly uninsured and out of work will go south but our system will be saved and that is all that matters. Healthcare must be passed or there will be no recovery of "our" economy because of the millions out of work, the millions losing there houses and the up to 50 million with no health insurance and no way to get it. No health care no recovery jobless or otherwise!
That is the way Republicans want it. If they go with this Deem and pass process and pass this without a vote the sh@$ is going to hit the fan. Down the road who knows when enough is enough, the 2nd revolution Republicans have been trying to incite from day one and even a brother of mine is calling for will happen. If Democrats resort to deem and pass it will destroy our future if it is not already.
You can bet that when Republicans get in they will do what they want, no voting any more, deem and pass everything. Bret Baier was ignorant and disrespectful of President Obama you do not a President the way Baier did. Obama deserves credit for going into the Fox den. It is very important that health care get passed with a straight up and down vote not deem and pass as that will finish off our Democracy and Republicans will make sure of it.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Requests for Bin Ladens help from one of his remaining Lieutenants were intercepted!
CIA: Al Qaeda Leaders on the Run
Al-Qaeda crippled as leaders stay in hiding, CIA chief says Requests for Bin Ladens help from one of his remaining Lieutenants were intercepted. They are getting desperate.
It just keeps getting better as at least half of Afghanistan's Taliban leadership has now been captured and the Taliban and Al Qaeda stronghold of Damadola has now been captured along with the 156 cave complex the once sheltered Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second-in-command to Osama bin Laden.
I was watching the civilian Lashkar dancing in the streets and waving their guns in the air saying the Taliban are gone and will never come back. I really am impressed. This is a great victory for Pakistan’s military and the civilian warriors who won their region back let alone the American effort in Afghanistan. Pakistan's Army takes control of al-Qaeda cave network on Afghan border
Half of Afghanistan Taliban leadership arrested in Pakistan
I have been saying for years now that the entire world has a lot at stake here even Iran who knows the Taliban want their country too. The Stans and Russia are helping even if only allowing use of airspace and or allowing us to move supplies through their country. This is finally starting to look doable.
As there are more big catches every day reiterate that the Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda as Mullah Baradar's capture is having a rapid snow balling affect in Taliban and Al Qaeda captures and deaths.
Mullah Baradar was the first big catch in what is turning into a string of important militant leaders captured or killed in Pakistan since the operation in Helmund province was started, more specifically the town of Marjah. He was seized in a morning raid on Madrassa Khuddamul Quran near Karachi by Pakistan's ISI intelligence service on February 8th. Of course it is denied but this is great!
This was a serious big catch and it is already paying off! Not only because he was grabbed in Karachi Pakistan by the ISI but because they were using CIA intelligence and he was grabbed while conducting day to day business where he was once protected and safe. His capture is even bigger because he not only is second only to Mullah Omar and Taliban's military commander. Baradar was Mullah Omar's right hand man and his knowledge is extensive.
We have to hope he talks and he is! He is one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan 1994 and I am sure he knows the disposition of Bin Laden and the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. I understand he is talking and we can only hope to see future sting operations. He is a childhood friend of Omar's and a long time adviser.
This is pretty cool you can look at the large map indicating all the areas in Pakistan next to the border where the Taliban or any of the other militants cross the border to fight. Click on the provinces or the links below the map to see how militants operate on either side of the border. Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
I think this was a stunning development as he was arrested in a Madrassa, this is sacred in Pakistan, I am sure the Taliban is trying to prevent their fighters from being disheartened and giving up the fight because their leader was caught. I am hoping that is exactly the case! The noose is tightening, keep up the pressure.
There is growing trust and cooperation all around in the battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan is cooperating more than ever.
As we said, he in fact was captured at a Madrassa by the ISI and that is huge! I hope this breaks the Taliban’s back as they are disheartened with their commander’s capture in Pakistan along with the death and capture of many of their leaders, and NATO’s operation across the border to clean out their last stronghold. I hope they melt back into society!
So far as we know now seven of the insurgent group’s 15-member leadership council, thought to be based in Quetta, Pakistan, including the head of military operations, have been apprehended in the past week. Pakistani authorities had netted Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the movements second in command, as well as Maulavi Abdul Kabir, a prominent commander in charge of insurgent operations in eastern Afghanistan, and Mullah Muhammad Younis.
Pakistan has also captured several other Afghan members of the leadership council called the Quetta Shura. These include: Mullah Abdul Qayoum Zakir, who oversees the movement’s military affairs, Mullah Muhammad Hassan, Mullah Ahmed Jan Akhunzada, and Mullah Abdul Raouf. At least two Taliban shadow provincial governors, who are part of the movement’s parallel government in Afghanistan, have also been captured.
* This is huge and just keeps getting better! Think of this, we may succeed in breaking their back then I hope we are smart enough to get the heck out! In closing: Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this is not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Despite many recent gains against Al Qaeda and the Taliban many vow to fight to victory. So too must we! We must unite as a world and victory is not to defeat the Taliban only those who refuse to live as a unified Nation not under Sharia law. I finally believe we can do this. Hold on Pakistan we are with you!
Pakistan has done a hell of a job of late. Our drone attacks seem to be pretty effe4ctive of late. These attacks have been very effective the last 6 months. The increased use of the Predator drone and Pakistan's increased military forays have made it a tough life for Taliban and Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda has abandoned their so called code of conduct and are increasingly hitting military targets but targeting and killing civilians in order to turn them against the Government.
That will not happen, they know Sharia law would be forced on them and they do not want to live in a penal colony. In closing the message requesting help and guidance from Obama tells me he is still alive and must be in the tribal areas being protected by the tribes. We will not get him unless we start a major war. These people will never sacrifice their Islamic messiah.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Al-Qaeda crippled as leaders stay in hiding, CIA chief says Requests for Bin Ladens help from one of his remaining Lieutenants were intercepted. They are getting desperate.
It just keeps getting better as at least half of Afghanistan's Taliban leadership has now been captured and the Taliban and Al Qaeda stronghold of Damadola has now been captured along with the 156 cave complex the once sheltered Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second-in-command to Osama bin Laden.
I was watching the civilian Lashkar dancing in the streets and waving their guns in the air saying the Taliban are gone and will never come back. I really am impressed. This is a great victory for Pakistan’s military and the civilian warriors who won their region back let alone the American effort in Afghanistan. Pakistan's Army takes control of al-Qaeda cave network on Afghan border
Half of Afghanistan Taliban leadership arrested in Pakistan
I have been saying for years now that the entire world has a lot at stake here even Iran who knows the Taliban want their country too. The Stans and Russia are helping even if only allowing use of airspace and or allowing us to move supplies through their country. This is finally starting to look doable.
As there are more big catches every day reiterate that the Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda as Mullah Baradar's capture is having a rapid snow balling affect in Taliban and Al Qaeda captures and deaths.
Mullah Baradar was the first big catch in what is turning into a string of important militant leaders captured or killed in Pakistan since the operation in Helmund province was started, more specifically the town of Marjah. He was seized in a morning raid on Madrassa Khuddamul Quran near Karachi by Pakistan's ISI intelligence service on February 8th. Of course it is denied but this is great!
This was a serious big catch and it is already paying off! Not only because he was grabbed in Karachi Pakistan by the ISI but because they were using CIA intelligence and he was grabbed while conducting day to day business where he was once protected and safe. His capture is even bigger because he not only is second only to Mullah Omar and Taliban's military commander. Baradar was Mullah Omar's right hand man and his knowledge is extensive.
We have to hope he talks and he is! He is one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan 1994 and I am sure he knows the disposition of Bin Laden and the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. I understand he is talking and we can only hope to see future sting operations. He is a childhood friend of Omar's and a long time adviser.
This is pretty cool you can look at the large map indicating all the areas in Pakistan next to the border where the Taliban or any of the other militants cross the border to fight. Click on the provinces or the links below the map to see how militants operate on either side of the border. Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
I think this was a stunning development as he was arrested in a Madrassa, this is sacred in Pakistan, I am sure the Taliban is trying to prevent their fighters from being disheartened and giving up the fight because their leader was caught. I am hoping that is exactly the case! The noose is tightening, keep up the pressure.
There is growing trust and cooperation all around in the battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan is cooperating more than ever.
As we said, he in fact was captured at a Madrassa by the ISI and that is huge! I hope this breaks the Taliban’s back as they are disheartened with their commander’s capture in Pakistan along with the death and capture of many of their leaders, and NATO’s operation across the border to clean out their last stronghold. I hope they melt back into society!
So far as we know now seven of the insurgent group’s 15-member leadership council, thought to be based in Quetta, Pakistan, including the head of military operations, have been apprehended in the past week. Pakistani authorities had netted Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the movements second in command, as well as Maulavi Abdul Kabir, a prominent commander in charge of insurgent operations in eastern Afghanistan, and Mullah Muhammad Younis.
Pakistan has also captured several other Afghan members of the leadership council called the Quetta Shura. These include: Mullah Abdul Qayoum Zakir, who oversees the movement’s military affairs, Mullah Muhammad Hassan, Mullah Ahmed Jan Akhunzada, and Mullah Abdul Raouf. At least two Taliban shadow provincial governors, who are part of the movement’s parallel government in Afghanistan, have also been captured.
* This is huge and just keeps getting better! Think of this, we may succeed in breaking their back then I hope we are smart enough to get the heck out! In closing: Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this is not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Despite many recent gains against Al Qaeda and the Taliban many vow to fight to victory. So too must we! We must unite as a world and victory is not to defeat the Taliban only those who refuse to live as a unified Nation not under Sharia law. I finally believe we can do this. Hold on Pakistan we are with you!
Pakistan has done a hell of a job of late. Our drone attacks seem to be pretty effe4ctive of late. These attacks have been very effective the last 6 months. The increased use of the Predator drone and Pakistan's increased military forays have made it a tough life for Taliban and Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda has abandoned their so called code of conduct and are increasingly hitting military targets but targeting and killing civilians in order to turn them against the Government.
That will not happen, they know Sharia law would be forced on them and they do not want to live in a penal colony. In closing the message requesting help and guidance from Obama tells me he is still alive and must be in the tribal areas being protected by the tribes. We will not get him unless we start a major war. These people will never sacrifice their Islamic messiah.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, March 19, 2010
2007 joke about Russia claiming the Arctic Sea Bottom is suddenly not so funny!
Putin's Arctic invasion: Russia lays claim to the North Pole and all its gas oil and diamonds
Anyway, I wanted to discuss that in 2007 when Russia declared that it had successfully planted their flag at the bottom of the Artic claiming it as Russian territory Russia was disturbed that Canada the US and others dismissed it as a joke saying that is worthless in the 21st Century. Myself I wasn't as sure as it seems like a scary ratcheting up of the race for future resources and world domination. Well attitudes are changing when recent events are taken into account.
It has been noted that Russian nostalgia for past greatness has been seen stretching from the North Pole to the Mediterranean via the Caucasus. First the Russians planted a flag on the bottom of the Arctic. Then they promised to return to the Mediterranean. You know what went on with Georgia, That the three events came close together may be a coincidence. That they all testify to Russia's new assertiveness is not.
The row with Georgia is not the only source of anxiety for its neighbours. Russia's naval commander proposed "to restore its permanent presence" in the Mediterranean, using the Baltic and Black Sea fleets. For years a Russian naval base in Syria has been standing empty. The return of their ships to Syria is a dream of Russia's admirals and a nightmare for Israel, which fears renewed Russian co-operation with Syria.
Russia's Mediterranean plans pale in comparison with its audacious foray into the Arctic where they collected soil samples and planted the Russian flag two and a half miles below the sea. The official purpose of this first-ever manned mission was "to prove that the North Pole is an extension of the Russian coastal shelf." Geologists say the region could have big oil, gas and mineral reserves.
Knowing that the Artic features prominently in Russian Imperial mythology and the rising desire for Russia to regain prominence as a world power you have to be very concerned about this and Canada now is. Canada's prime minister went on a three-day trip to the Arctic in an effort to assert sovereignty over the region a week after Russia symbolically staked a claim to the North Pole by sending submarines.
Five countries -- Canada, Russia, the United States, Norway and Denmark -- are competing to secure subsurface rights to the Arctic seabed. One study by the U.S. Geological Survey estimates the Arctic has as much as 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas. PM Harper, who has pledged to spend billions defending Canada's sovereignty over the Arctic, is expected to announce the location of a planned military deep water port later in the week.
"Economic development -- unleashing the resource-based potential of the North, environmental protection -- protecting the unique Northern environment, national sovereignty -- protecting our land, airspace and territorial waters.
" In response to the building interest in the shelf Canada's PM Harper announced that six to eight new patrol ships would be built to guard the Northwest Passage sea route in the Arctic, which the United States insists does not belong to Canada. Canadian PM vows in 2007 to defend Arctic*
U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins had criticized Harper's promise to defend the Arctic, calling the Northwest Passage "neutral waters." This is all very troubling as we watch the ratcheting up of tensions around the world as we try to move into the future. The increased militarism around the world is tenuous but throw all the recent developments in with what is shaping up to be a fight over the Arctic and its resources which will only serve to ecologically destroy another very important part of the Ocean's and world's ecosystem in what is increasingly appearing
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Glen Beck says leave your church if they preach social and economic justice it is communist and Nazism! What?
I first have to tell you I left the Mormon church years ago not because they preached social and economic justice but because they were too strict and there was no room for human error. Social Justice is their Mantra. Social and economic justice is the mantra and very core of every church I know.
Knowing the lunacy of Glen Beck I was stunned to find out he was a Mormon. He is accusing the Mormon Church of preaching communism and Nazism? what the heck is wrong with that guy? I am embarrassed that I have a son and a brother that think that fool and Rush Limbaugh are next to God. What the heck is wrong with so called good sensed Americans? They believe this crap!
Social Justice? Isn't that what Jesus preached? Did I miss something? Rev. Jim Wallis, who leads the Christian social justice group "Sojourners" in Washington, D.C. has begun a "Tell Glenn Beck: I'm a Social Justice Christian" campaign on his Web site, one Christian minister is now calling for a boycott of Beck's TV and radio shows. The idiot should be committed!
Others for years have argued that the terms social justice and economic justice are used by communists as substitutes for Marxism, socialism and collectivism. Okay so what? We are talking about Christianity, churches not Nazi's or communists. All churches should be offended and all religions should boycott Beck not turn in their priests and pastors as Beck suggests. Mormons, other Christians decry Glenn Beck comments on social ...
This guy is a loon, a rich loon but nevertheless a loon and a roadblock to a peaceful harmonious society. Beck it the enemy not priest pastors, pastors, and ministers!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
economic justice,
Glen Beck,
Social Justice
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Video: 45 killed: Gloom engulfs LAHORE following twin SUICIDE don’t give up now!
45 killed: Gloom engulfs LAHORE following twin SUICIDE Don't give up now!
Don't be confused people you are squeezing them, they are on the run and getting desperate, now is the time to step harder. This is coming together. White House Weighs Talks With Taliban After Afghan Successes
Officials and analysts in Pakistan are confused about the fresh wave of violence in the country's heartland Lahore, nevertheless, one thing is clear that military and security agencies in the city are only one of the targets, the excuse to kill everyone against them as deaths to civilians top those of the supposed military targets recently at more than 3 to one. 4 nearly simultaneous attacks
I guess you need a little pep talk and a little reminder of great recent victories that have led up to the increased spate of attacks designed to disheartened the people and turn them against the Government. We can not let that happen. I wish all Pakistani's could read this and be heartened. Hold on people you have come too far to turn back now!
A reminder: It just keeps getting better as at least half of Afghanistan's Taliban leadership has now been captured and the Taliban and Al Qaeda stronghold of Damadola has now been captured along with the 156 cave complex the once sheltered Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second-in-command to Osama bin Laden.
I was watching the civilian Lashkar dancing in the streets and waving their guns in the air saying the Taliban are gone and will never come back. I really am impressed. This is a great victory for Pakistan’s military and the civilian warriors who won their region back let alone the American effort in Afghanistan. Pakistan's Army takes control of al-Qaeda cave network on Afghan border
Half of Afghanistan Taliban leadership arrested in Pakistan
I have been saying for years now that the entire world has a lot at stake here even Iran who knows the Taliban want their country too. The Stans and Russia are helping even if only allowing use of airspace and or allowing us to move supplies through their country. This is finally starting to look doable.
As there are more big catches every day reiterate that the Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda as Mullah Baradar's capture is having a rapid snow balling affect in Taliban and Al Qaeda captures and deaths.
Mullah Baradar was the first big catch in what is turning into a string of important militant leaders captured or killed in Pakistan since the operation in Helmund province was started, more specifically the town of Marjah. He was seized in a morning raid on Madrassa Khuddamul Quran near Karachi by Pakistan's ISI intelligence service on February 8th. Of course it is denied but this is great!
This was a serious big catch and it is already paying off! Not only because he was grabbed in Karachi Pakistan by the ISI but because they were using CIA intelligence and he was grabbed while conducting day to day business where he was once protected and safe. His capture is even bigger because he not only is second only to Mullah Omar and Taliban's military commander. Baradar was Mullah Omar's right hand man and his knowledge is extensive.
We have to hope he talks and he is! He is one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan 1994 and I am sure he knows the disposition of Bin Laden and the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. I understand he is talking and we can only hope to see future sting operations. He is a childhood friend of Omar's and a long time adviser.
This is pretty cool you can look at the large map indicating all the areas in Pakistan next to the border where the Taliban or any of the other militants cross the border to fight. Click on the provinces or the links below the map to see how militants operate on either side of the border. Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
I think this was a stunning development as he was arrested in a Madrassa, this is sacred in Pakistan, I am sure the Taliban is trying to prevent their fighters from being disheartened and giving up the fight because their leader was caught. I am hoping that is exactly the case! The noose is tightening, keep up the pressure.
There is growing trust and cooperation all around in the battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan is cooperating more than ever.
As we said, he in fact was captured at a Madrassa by the ISI and that is huge! I hope this breaks the Taliban’s back as they are disheartened with their commander’s capture in Pakistan along with the death and capture of many of their leaders, and NATO’s operation across the border to clean out their last stronghold. I hope they melt back into society!
So far as we know now seven of the insurgent group’s 15-member leadership council, thought to be based in Quetta, Pakistan, including the head of military operations, have been apprehended in the past week. Pakistani authorities had netted Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the movements second in command, as well as Maulavi Abdul Kabir, a prominent commander in charge of insurgent operations in eastern Afghanistan, and Mullah Muhammad Younis.
Pakistan has also captured several other Afghan members of the leadership council called the Quetta Shura. These include: Mullah Abdul Qayoum Zakir, who oversees the movement’s military affairs, Mullah Muhammad Hassan, Mullah Ahmed Jan Akhunzada, and Mullah Abdul Raouf. At least two Taliban shadow provincial governors, who are part of the movement’s parallel government in Afghanistan, have also been captured.
* This is huge and just keeps getting better! Think of this, we may succeed in breaking their back then I hope we are smart enough to get the heck out! In closing: Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this is not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Despite many recent gains against Al Qaeda and the Taliban many vow to fight to victory. So too must we! We must unite as a world and victory is not to defeat the Taliban only those who refuse to live as a unified Nation not under Sharia law. I finally believe we can do this. Hold on Pakistan we are with you!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Don't be confused people you are squeezing them, they are on the run and getting desperate, now is the time to step harder. This is coming together. White House Weighs Talks With Taliban After Afghan Successes
Officials and analysts in Pakistan are confused about the fresh wave of violence in the country's heartland Lahore, nevertheless, one thing is clear that military and security agencies in the city are only one of the targets, the excuse to kill everyone against them as deaths to civilians top those of the supposed military targets recently at more than 3 to one. 4 nearly simultaneous attacks
I guess you need a little pep talk and a little reminder of great recent victories that have led up to the increased spate of attacks designed to disheartened the people and turn them against the Government. We can not let that happen. I wish all Pakistani's could read this and be heartened. Hold on people you have come too far to turn back now!
A reminder: It just keeps getting better as at least half of Afghanistan's Taliban leadership has now been captured and the Taliban and Al Qaeda stronghold of Damadola has now been captured along with the 156 cave complex the once sheltered Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second-in-command to Osama bin Laden.
I was watching the civilian Lashkar dancing in the streets and waving their guns in the air saying the Taliban are gone and will never come back. I really am impressed. This is a great victory for Pakistan’s military and the civilian warriors who won their region back let alone the American effort in Afghanistan. Pakistan's Army takes control of al-Qaeda cave network on Afghan border
Half of Afghanistan Taliban leadership arrested in Pakistan
I have been saying for years now that the entire world has a lot at stake here even Iran who knows the Taliban want their country too. The Stans and Russia are helping even if only allowing use of airspace and or allowing us to move supplies through their country. This is finally starting to look doable.
As there are more big catches every day reiterate that the Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan: Not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda as Mullah Baradar's capture is having a rapid snow balling affect in Taliban and Al Qaeda captures and deaths.
Mullah Baradar was the first big catch in what is turning into a string of important militant leaders captured or killed in Pakistan since the operation in Helmund province was started, more specifically the town of Marjah. He was seized in a morning raid on Madrassa Khuddamul Quran near Karachi by Pakistan's ISI intelligence service on February 8th. Of course it is denied but this is great!
This was a serious big catch and it is already paying off! Not only because he was grabbed in Karachi Pakistan by the ISI but because they were using CIA intelligence and he was grabbed while conducting day to day business where he was once protected and safe. His capture is even bigger because he not only is second only to Mullah Omar and Taliban's military commander. Baradar was Mullah Omar's right hand man and his knowledge is extensive.
We have to hope he talks and he is! He is one of the four men who founded the Taliban movement in Afghanistan 1994 and I am sure he knows the disposition of Bin Laden and the whereabouts of Mullah Omar. I understand he is talking and we can only hope to see future sting operations. He is a childhood friend of Omar's and a long time adviser.
This is pretty cool you can look at the large map indicating all the areas in Pakistan next to the border where the Taliban or any of the other militants cross the border to fight. Click on the provinces or the links below the map to see how militants operate on either side of the border. Afghan-Pakistan militant nexus
I think this was a stunning development as he was arrested in a Madrassa, this is sacred in Pakistan, I am sure the Taliban is trying to prevent their fighters from being disheartened and giving up the fight because their leader was caught. I am hoping that is exactly the case! The noose is tightening, keep up the pressure.
There is growing trust and cooperation all around in the battle against the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Pakistan is cooperating more than ever.
As we said, he in fact was captured at a Madrassa by the ISI and that is huge! I hope this breaks the Taliban’s back as they are disheartened with their commander’s capture in Pakistan along with the death and capture of many of their leaders, and NATO’s operation across the border to clean out their last stronghold. I hope they melt back into society!
So far as we know now seven of the insurgent group’s 15-member leadership council, thought to be based in Quetta, Pakistan, including the head of military operations, have been apprehended in the past week. Pakistani authorities had netted Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the movements second in command, as well as Maulavi Abdul Kabir, a prominent commander in charge of insurgent operations in eastern Afghanistan, and Mullah Muhammad Younis.
Pakistan has also captured several other Afghan members of the leadership council called the Quetta Shura. These include: Mullah Abdul Qayoum Zakir, who oversees the movement’s military affairs, Mullah Muhammad Hassan, Mullah Ahmed Jan Akhunzada, and Mullah Abdul Raouf. At least two Taliban shadow provincial governors, who are part of the movement’s parallel government in Afghanistan, have also been captured.
* This is huge and just keeps getting better! Think of this, we may succeed in breaking their back then I hope we are smart enough to get the heck out! In closing: Taliban and Al Qaeda are on their heels in Pakistan and Afghanistan, this is not a good time to be a member of the Haqanni family or the Taliban or Al Qaeda.
Despite many recent gains against Al Qaeda and the Taliban many vow to fight to victory. So too must we! We must unite as a world and victory is not to defeat the Taliban only those who refuse to live as a unified Nation not under Sharia law. I finally believe we can do this. Hold on Pakistan we are with you!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Clinton warns Netanyahu that US-Israeli relationship is at risk, they know that's BS Get serious!
The State Department says Secretary of State Hillary Clinton telephoned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Friday to reiterate deep US concern over an announcement this week that Israel will build more housing in East Jerusalem. She can't seriously think Israel cares what she, Obama, or anyone else thinks! Clinton warns Netanyahu that US-Israeli relationship is at risk
Israel doesn't care what we think any more than they do Iran, Syria, or anyone else. I came to realize a long time ago that there will be no peace in the Middle East primarily because Israel does not want it unless she has what she wants and that is all of Jerusalem. Palestinian's Syria, and Iran are not going to sit back and let Israel build 1,600 houses in the place they want to claim as their Capital.
I realized a long time ago that Israel is the world's chief war monger and we seem to do their bidding and fighting. If they get into a war with Iran we will end up coming to their rescue regardless of what they do or what Hillary says and that is sad! We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue.
Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember Mordechai Vanunu whistle blower of Israel's clandestine nuclear program? Uzi Eilam former head of Israel's Atomic Energy Commission said Mordechai Vanunu did Israel a favor after revealing information about an illegal nuclear program at Israel's Dimona reactor. His information proved that Israel had broken the 1968 treaty on nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
There is a US law that prohibits the support of countries that break the treaty in question. Vanunu's information led foreign experts to conclude that Israel had produced fissile material for as many as 200 atomic warheads thus warning other Nation's of Israel's military might. It was okay for Israel why the hypocrisy? Remember this discussion?The US will pay the price for Israel and US nuclear lies and hypocrisy after Israel attacks!
I must admit Israel's hypocrisy and lies are a plan I have discussed often and I have to disagree with Eliam's final assertion. He says an attack on Iran's nuclear program would be counter productive. I beg to differ! The General hit the nail on the head though and does not know it. I have long asserted that Israel would attack Iran's nuclear interests and we would come to her rescue.
That is a fact that is why I find his final statement troubling and prophetic. He correctly said One strike is not practical. In order to delay the Iranian program for three to four years one needs an armada of aircraft, which only a super-power can provide. Only America can do it. Bingo! I am sure the US plans to do it largely from the Gulf with numerous carrier fighter groups and they are almost finished with their 30000 pound bunker buster behemoth to take out underground facilities.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, March 15, 2010
Karl Rove loves and defends water boarding: Then volunteer Mancow did, watch the video
Mancow gets water boarded Olbermann donates $10,000 to veterans of valor on Mancow's behalf!
Karl Rove defends waterboarding
This should not take too long. I want you to watch the videos showing "real" water boarding! This is still majorly mild but check these out. I have been sick listening to the Torture King say water boarding is not torture and now Rove says it is good and it works.. It is just a "enhanced technique? This has been troubling to me on more than a few fronts. I am a firm believer in calling a spade a spade. If I am going to do something not only will I admit to it but I will tell you. I always thought that was just normal. Now I am finding lying is normal!
I do not care what you call water boarding but before I even watched these it was torture to me. You know I have a few sons in the military but water boarding if the least I worry about happening to them were they to be captured. With that said,we know one of the terrorists was water boarded 183 times and as the videos illustrate, the average time of endurance is 14 seconds. That is 42 minutes that guy endured that.
Not that I feel for him but knowing we kept hearing that information was being given readily until water boarding started and knowing we now know water boarding was used to get an admitted link between Saddam and 9/11 I have to put 2 plus 2 together. We still have Cheney and Rove lying and saying there was a link to 9/11 and Saddam Hussein even though we found out the hard way there was none.
I refuse to believe that Cheney and Rove get away with the lie that valuable information was gained by torture i.e. water boarding when we know the truth is nothing was gained. We have also now seen how horrific water boarding is and heard the admission that they would tell you anything you wanted to hear to make it stop. Journalist Christopher Hutchins volunteered to have it done to prove it was nothing. Not only did he instantly capitulate he now has nightmares of drowning and smothering. He too volunteered that he would say anything you wanted to hear to make it stop.
Republican shock jock Mancow Muller who I could never stand as he represented just another big mouthed Republican willing to say anything top see his party persevere now has my compassion. Mancow went in to this to show boat but that did not last long or end up being the result. I started feeling sorry for him before it even started as it was obvious he was not up to it. I pray that Cheney and Rove volunteer to be water boarded to show them as the cowards they are!
Mancow never should have opened his mouth especially knowing what I found out. However open mouth and insert foot seems to be a gift to both party's. Mancow was failing just having his feet tied and being told what was going to happen. He should have backed out when he had the chance. They were still nice to him and pinched his nose as he instructed though as you know, that would never happen in the world of real torture.
The expert who was going to do it said the average person can handle 14 seconds. Mancow vowed 15 and cried uncle in 6 seconds. He took a while to compose himself. After watching his extremely negative response I have to hope the experience does not affect him permanently. He said that had he known it was that bad that horrific he never would have agreed to it.
He fell for the idiocy Cheney and Rove is still espousing and people are still believing. I suggest that they as well as Cheney, Rove, and Hannity get water boarded just for fun. Mancow explained he instantly experienced flash backs to drowning when a child which made me ask how could you be so stupid?
Colonel Jacobs retired is the only man with experience in this regard that I have been hearing besides an actual interrogator who said it doe not work backed that sentiment up. He said in this regard it was immoral because no life's were in danger. He said it was unnecessary and gained nothing useful except for the lies they wanted to hear. Food and medical care would work much better if honest information was the goal.
* In closing after watching water boarding and the results by once advocates who now say it is torture and they would tell you whatever you wanted to hear to make it stop as we know was the desire and result there is only one obvious conclusion. The issue is not that water boarding is torture or not. We know it only gets the lies you want to hear to cover your rear. That is the only issue!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Karl Rove defends waterboarding
This should not take too long. I want you to watch the videos showing "real" water boarding! This is still majorly mild but check these out. I have been sick listening to the Torture King say water boarding is not torture and now Rove says it is good and it works.. It is just a "enhanced technique? This has been troubling to me on more than a few fronts. I am a firm believer in calling a spade a spade. If I am going to do something not only will I admit to it but I will tell you. I always thought that was just normal. Now I am finding lying is normal!
I do not care what you call water boarding but before I even watched these it was torture to me. You know I have a few sons in the military but water boarding if the least I worry about happening to them were they to be captured. With that said,we know one of the terrorists was water boarded 183 times and as the videos illustrate, the average time of endurance is 14 seconds. That is 42 minutes that guy endured that.
Not that I feel for him but knowing we kept hearing that information was being given readily until water boarding started and knowing we now know water boarding was used to get an admitted link between Saddam and 9/11 I have to put 2 plus 2 together. We still have Cheney and Rove lying and saying there was a link to 9/11 and Saddam Hussein even though we found out the hard way there was none.
I refuse to believe that Cheney and Rove get away with the lie that valuable information was gained by torture i.e. water boarding when we know the truth is nothing was gained. We have also now seen how horrific water boarding is and heard the admission that they would tell you anything you wanted to hear to make it stop. Journalist Christopher Hutchins volunteered to have it done to prove it was nothing. Not only did he instantly capitulate he now has nightmares of drowning and smothering. He too volunteered that he would say anything you wanted to hear to make it stop.
Republican shock jock Mancow Muller who I could never stand as he represented just another big mouthed Republican willing to say anything top see his party persevere now has my compassion. Mancow went in to this to show boat but that did not last long or end up being the result. I started feeling sorry for him before it even started as it was obvious he was not up to it. I pray that Cheney and Rove volunteer to be water boarded to show them as the cowards they are!
Mancow never should have opened his mouth especially knowing what I found out. However open mouth and insert foot seems to be a gift to both party's. Mancow was failing just having his feet tied and being told what was going to happen. He should have backed out when he had the chance. They were still nice to him and pinched his nose as he instructed though as you know, that would never happen in the world of real torture.
The expert who was going to do it said the average person can handle 14 seconds. Mancow vowed 15 and cried uncle in 6 seconds. He took a while to compose himself. After watching his extremely negative response I have to hope the experience does not affect him permanently. He said that had he known it was that bad that horrific he never would have agreed to it.
He fell for the idiocy Cheney and Rove is still espousing and people are still believing. I suggest that they as well as Cheney, Rove, and Hannity get water boarded just for fun. Mancow explained he instantly experienced flash backs to drowning when a child which made me ask how could you be so stupid?
Colonel Jacobs retired is the only man with experience in this regard that I have been hearing besides an actual interrogator who said it doe not work backed that sentiment up. He said in this regard it was immoral because no life's were in danger. He said it was unnecessary and gained nothing useful except for the lies they wanted to hear. Food and medical care would work much better if honest information was the goal.
* In closing after watching water boarding and the results by once advocates who now say it is torture and they would tell you whatever you wanted to hear to make it stop as we know was the desire and result there is only one obvious conclusion. The issue is not that water boarding is torture or not. We know it only gets the lies you want to hear to cover your rear. That is the only issue!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Eric Massa's long 15 minutes of infamy as Republicans try to make it bring down Nancy Pelosi
Glen Beck apologizes for the Massa interview the worst in Fox history
I would first ask just how do you grope someone's sex organs unsexually? Tickle fighting? a new one on me, snorkeling? Use your imagination! Massa massages? The man is mentally deranged. No wonder Republicans were for Massa before they realized the trap and were against him. His name is perfect for this idiocy, massa-baited, massa of disaster, massa-bate,Massa-blaster, pick one! Massa: Yeah, I Groped Male Staff But Not Sexually
Eric Massa originally blamed Democrats for his Political demise because he was a no vote for health care reform. He has developed into a sad case and there is more to come as this went on at least through his navy years. Massa has major issues and sadly for him they are being undressed on a world stage.
Things are pretty bad for you when Glen Beck finds it necessary to apologize to his audience of fools for wasting their time. He wastes their time every day! Anyway please watch the video. We found out pretty quickly that Massa was not forced out for being against health care reform as he said and Republicans jumped all over smelling blood that turned out to be theirs.
He had been under investigation for a year and a half. He is a fifty year old mess. not just Beck but all Republicans were courting Massa but it did not last long. They were smart to jump from that sinking ship. Massa was groping and tickling male staffers and he was all over TV saying that is normal. That is normal? for anyone not just a fifty year old? That guy is sick and better get professional help quick.
This gets worse by the minute. Every venue he gets on he gets further of the wall and we hear more outrageous statements. He just keeps rambling on and changing his story on and on and on. He better just shut up. I have to laugh! Larry King asked the Massa of disaster if he was gay. He said ask my wife? Ask the 10,000 men I served with in the Navy. What? My first thought was that doesn't sound like a good idea and it was not.
Republicans are asking for an investigation not on Massa but Nancy Pelosi and what she knew and when in hopes of bringing him down. Boehner asked for an investigation yesterday but would not allow an investigation of Republican Senator Mark Foley in 2006 during the page boy scandal. I am sick of these childish games while the country is allowed to go down.
This started with Massa lying about being ostracized for being against health care then went to tickle fighting and improper touching of male staffers now Massa got his wish and we hear from navy shipmates. Now we hear of special Massa massages, more intense tickle fight, and snorkeling. I guess we can use our imagination! One ex Lieutenant awoke in his top bunk to find Massa on top of him groping him. I think the navy has a bigger problem than Democrats or Republicans.
Allegations mount against N.Y.'s Massa
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I would first ask just how do you grope someone's sex organs unsexually? Tickle fighting? a new one on me, snorkeling? Use your imagination! Massa massages? The man is mentally deranged. No wonder Republicans were for Massa before they realized the trap and were against him. His name is perfect for this idiocy, massa-baited, massa of disaster, massa-bate,Massa-blaster, pick one! Massa: Yeah, I Groped Male Staff But Not Sexually
Eric Massa originally blamed Democrats for his Political demise because he was a no vote for health care reform. He has developed into a sad case and there is more to come as this went on at least through his navy years. Massa has major issues and sadly for him they are being undressed on a world stage.
Things are pretty bad for you when Glen Beck finds it necessary to apologize to his audience of fools for wasting their time. He wastes their time every day! Anyway please watch the video. We found out pretty quickly that Massa was not forced out for being against health care reform as he said and Republicans jumped all over smelling blood that turned out to be theirs.
He had been under investigation for a year and a half. He is a fifty year old mess. not just Beck but all Republicans were courting Massa but it did not last long. They were smart to jump from that sinking ship. Massa was groping and tickling male staffers and he was all over TV saying that is normal. That is normal? for anyone not just a fifty year old? That guy is sick and better get professional help quick.
This gets worse by the minute. Every venue he gets on he gets further of the wall and we hear more outrageous statements. He just keeps rambling on and changing his story on and on and on. He better just shut up. I have to laugh! Larry King asked the Massa of disaster if he was gay. He said ask my wife? Ask the 10,000 men I served with in the Navy. What? My first thought was that doesn't sound like a good idea and it was not.
Republicans are asking for an investigation not on Massa but Nancy Pelosi and what she knew and when in hopes of bringing him down. Boehner asked for an investigation yesterday but would not allow an investigation of Republican Senator Mark Foley in 2006 during the page boy scandal. I am sick of these childish games while the country is allowed to go down.
This started with Massa lying about being ostracized for being against health care then went to tickle fighting and improper touching of male staffers now Massa got his wish and we hear from navy shipmates. Now we hear of special Massa massages, more intense tickle fight, and snorkeling. I guess we can use our imagination! One ex Lieutenant awoke in his top bunk to find Massa on top of him groping him. I think the navy has a bigger problem than Democrats or Republicans.
Allegations mount against N.Y.'s Massa
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, March 12, 2010
Global nuclear coverup: Depleted Uranium, Gulf war Syndrome, Increased Autism, Diabetes, Cancer!

Global nuclear cover-up, Depleted uranium, Gulf war Syndrome,increased Autism Diabetes Cancer, they won't admit it but Now you know why! Leuren Moret is a whistle blower from the Livermore Lab. In her presentations she exposes shocking and highly suppressed facts about our Government poisoning is with radiation right at this very moment.
Leuren documents every statement she makes with research documents many of which are actual Government Data to draw their conclusions. Did you know that diabetes, Autism, and other forms of mental illness are caused by exposure on nuclear radiation. No wonder Diabetes and Autism are on the upswing and supposedly no one knows why. You have to believe they do not want you to know the truth here too.
watch the video of Lauren speaking the truth about the nuclear coverup
From nuclear testing we have switched to nuclear power plants that are causing increasingly high rates of cancer, birth defects, and literally an epidemic of diabetes. I have heard it mentioned here before that we have used weapons containing depleted Uranium and didn't really think too much about it because I really wasn't sure.
However watching this video totally documented that depleted uranium has not only turned Iraq and Afghanistan into uninhabitable nuclear holocaust for millions of years. Remember the Gulf war Syndrome? Depleted uranium was also used at Tora Bora. I was not aware of that! Cancer among soldiers is rampant!
We are giving our soldiers a death sentence. Why are we not testing our soldiers? You know why!Anyway it is also blowing over the rest of the planet causing Americans, Europeans, and others to die from radiation diseases.
Remember Chernobyl? That too is affecting all of us as it only takes one year to mix globally. This is all something our Governments do not want us to know. I was really surprised to hear the Queen has a great financial interest in Uranium mines around the world. I was blown away to hear that there were 2 million new cases of Diabetes around the world in one year.
It is not just Britain and the U.S. that do not want the truth known, there is a Global Conspiracy on the issue because other governments are also involved in nuclear programs and they don't want their citizens to know the real reasons why their children are being born with severe anomalies and why the diabetes rates are soaring worldwide. This is just amazing! Watch the video and the cities around the world that are least affected will blow you away. Washington DC is the lowest in the country. What a surprise.
This all amazes me in light of the Manifesto to the World I wrote detailing what is happening and why, and what we will do to the planet someone has to be able to live and be sustained on, and hearing routinely the rattles of war threatening to make things even worse!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, March 11, 2010
From day one Karl Rove built a Political career on lying he will not change now!

Read about Rove's career and how he built his career on lying and that is why those aspiring to the Presidency wanted him on their side. He never told the truth and he will not start now. Read the link, the denials and BS lies he fed Matt Lauer during his 2 day interview were too much. Even Republicans called them out and out lies. I never even heard about his Mother committing suicide or the fact that he had a second father or he was gay until Rove just mentioned it for his gain. Karl Rove: I did not pull dirty tricks BS! He is top class scum!
First I was surprised to find out the purveyor of Bush's 3D Politics (deceitful, deceptive, divisive, politics) never Graduated from College. I find it amazing for two reasons. We, or I never heard that and he was so close to the top. And that is Bush's Brain! Go figure. remember, with life long executive privelage he can not be touched and is more brazen and dangerous than ever.
Karl Rove, 56, who served as chief strategist for President-elect Bush's presidential campaign, will manage the Office of Political Affairs, the Office of Public Liaison, and the Office of Strategic Initiatives at the White House. Before joining the campaign, he was president of Karl Rove and Company, an Austin-based public affairs firm. Rove attended the University of Utah, the University of Texas at Austin and George Mason University. He has taught at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and in the Journalism Department at the University of Texas at Austin.
After hearing on CNN that Rove attended numerous colleges but never graduated I went through numerous sites trying to find where that was mentioned and I could not find anything. Not even a mention of it in his White House autobiography. I found that surprising and that it was never mentioned. While I was digging besides the numerous interesting articles out there many which were never mentioned I found that he was "born" in 1950 and said he dreamed about being in the White House from that day.
Worse I found that his lying undetrhanded tactics is what got him his start in Daddy's administration and the rewards for this started from day one and as you know continue today
How Bush's Brain Hijacked Washington: Rove's ties to Bush the Elder commenced in 1973, when Poppy was the Republican national chairman and Karl aspired to be the president of the College Republicans. It was a post Rove could not win by the numbers. To circumvent them, he claimed that the organization was not adhering procedurally to the College Republican charter, and mounted credentials challenges to supporters of his opponent, Robert Edgeworth. In the end Rove essentially declared himself the winner of a separate election. The controversy got kicked upstairs to Bush, who awarded the election to Rove.
Later, in retaliation, Edgeworth leaked to the Washington Post that Rove was teaching dirty tricks seminars to young Republicans--and fresh off the humiliation of Watergate, no less.
Bush promptly excommunicated Edgeworth from the Republican Party for his disloyalty in leaking the story. Rove, along with his friend and College Republicans ally Lee Atwater, became favored Bush protégés. Rove moved to Texas in 1977 to toil as a fundraiser on George Sr.'s failed presidential-exploration PAC, the Fund for Limited Government. A year later he worked on an unsuccessful primary run for the Texas legislature by George W.
He was ruthless in chasing his goals, especially when it came to rivalries or power struggles with his own Republican cohorts. I was really surprised to see the well documented trail of underhanded Politics starting with Richard Nixon through his Fathers Presidency and now bush's and he continues to get away with it and be rewarded for it. Please read it. I wish we knew and made more of this years ago.
With Rove's proven record of lies and deceit going back to day one in the Nixon Administration along with the fact that even by Bush's father he has been rewarded for being a division causing underhanded Liar I refuse to believe he is even allowed to talk and should at the very least be censured to his destructive lies if doing the right thing for America mattered at all! Why do the Democrats continue to let Republicans in this case Rove with their obvious lies and are incapable of turning it around on them as it should be? Rove and the right are an easy target so what the hell is wrong with the Democrats? Is this another example of being complicit?
I researched the above facts on Rove years ago before I knew how to embed links and the links I had today are no good. I am sure you can google it I did! I refuse to believe Rove can get away still with bald faced lies. I have all I can do to contain myself. AAARRRGGGHHH!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
George H. W. Bush,
George W. Bush,
Karl Rove,
Matt Lauer
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Taliban clashes with rival Afghan militants kill 60 plus many civilians in the crossfire!

I am sorry for those civilians or any innocent civilians of every country that is starved or killed while those fighting for superiority and their agenda pursue their goal. I hope those civilians finally realize they do not matter and the Taliban is not fighting for them as they want the people to think. They are fighting each other to be the leader people be damned as is the case around the world and right here as we witness every day between Democrats and Republicans. Time to turn on Hezb-e-Islami and the Taliban so the people can live their way not extremists way.
Not only did the rivals in Hezb-e-Islami kill each other and many innocent civilians but dozens of Hezb-e-Islami fighters had defected to the government during the fighting. Hezb-e-Islami is the second biggest militant group in Afghanistan and loyal to former PM Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. 40 Hezb-e-Islami fighters were killed along with 20 Taliban fighters. Keep killing each other, this just keeps getting better.
Taliban clashes with rival Afghan militants kill 60
I hope you read the story at the link. It is quite intriguing and telling as after Hekmatyar and other mujahedeen forced out the Soviets he was against the Taliban and swore allegiance to the Government who then twice elected the ruthless leader as prime minister. His ruthlessness is what led the people to foolishly think the Taliban would be better. Hekmatyar was kicked out of the Government after he was caught trying to overthrow it which led him to join the Taliban.
Now the Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami are killing each other along with civilians. I have heard that up to 100 of Hekmatyar's fighters and the Taliban have switched sides to join the Government. The civilians have to join them and start helping the Government fight those that want to enforce Sharia law on them. It is working in Pakistan and it can work in Afghanistan too. This just keeps getting better. We discussed it many times in the past. Remember the militants world started crumbling with the capture of Mullah Baradar
When all is said and done I remember when it came out that Karzai was corrupt and he won the election. The people’s attitude was oh well, one corrupt Government is as good as the next .At least the Government is not killing and maiming the people in the name of Sharia law. The government might be corrupt but it is better than the alternative.
James Joiner
Gardner, Massachusetts
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Iraq's parliamentary elections another step in Bush's Middle East Breakdown!

Iraqi elections under Way
Amidst tightening security and death Iraq’s divisive election continues
In the past we noted that every time Iraq’s so called Democracy went a stp further it would get that much worse. This will be no exception as the Sunni’s, Shiite, and the Kurds want to be in control and many of us felt in 2003 that Iraq would be in civil war and it would spread through the entire Middle east. Bush freed up Iran to seek the Shiite version of new order while the Sunni supposedly led by Al Qaeda fight for their version. Don’t forget Israel and the Kurds who want a separate Kurdistan carved from Iraq, Iran, and Turkey.
Remember when Bush was first looking for an excuse to attack Iraq to get into the Middle East and establish a new Middle East order? I will spare you but I did a story called Bush's 10 point plan for attacking Iraq. That was because Bush changed his excuse and reason for attacking 10 times before he found one people fell for. One theme however remained constant.
He was doing Gods work and he was on a Crusade. As usual he slipped and spoke the truth. Bushed on national television called his quest a crusade. It really was no accident but the country took offense as they should have and the verbiage was changed as we were smart enough to know the sh@% would hit the fan with Islam and the world if that were the case. Many of us knew it was though denied but advertising that stupidity would have been to our demise. Years ago I did do another story on Bush's Christian Crusader Army.
As usual the truth will again be denied but it is coming out. The truth about the perverted Christians and their new crusades is coming out. This would have gone over well with our allies and the Muslim world wouldn't it have? What the hell was wrong with that idiot? No wait a minute I know. The Islamists, the Muslim world, and us were right all along once again. To Rummy and Bush this was a Religious war.
Rummy was quoting Biblical passages to Bush to update his endeavors and Crusades in Iraq and the middle east. We knew the idiot thought he talked to God. We knew he thought God told him to go back to the middle east and straighten out its problems. We knew the fool was talking to someone but it was not God. Well we were right! It was Rummy the Dummy who was filling his full of crap. Rummy was appealing to his perverted Christian Crusader mind or lack there of.
Rumsfeld's use of Biblical military quotes in his daily reports to psyche Bush up makes sense. All along there were those who said Bush was being misled and played by those he trusted. Me I was not sure. Now I do! It now looks like Bush was played, a pawn of more than Cheney's. The chief idiot was being played by everyone. Rumsfeld used quotes from the bible to fire up and manipulate Little Georgie.
Daily DOD reports and classified briefings were covered with militaristic Crusader quotes from the Bible about fighting and winning battles. Proverbs and Isaiah were favorites. Bush loved the imagery and symbolism. Bush suspected early on the Rumsfeld was over his head so he played Bush into complacency by appealing to his inflated Evangelical Crusader ego.
I guess Rummy was overwhelmed as we knew he was. Rumsfeld did not want to help during Katrina either. All he had to do was send the 82nd who was not in Iraq or combat ready but they would have made the difference in New Orleans. Bush did not even know what was going on there until he saw the awful truth on a video. To his credit he chastised Rummy for his inactivity saying it looked like a third world country. Sadly some of it still does. Rumsfeld mixed Bible with intelligence for Bush: report
Anyway I wished then and still do that Bush would have been honest and up front about his Christian Crusader reasons for attacking Iraq as it never would have happened and he knew it. I am so sick of living a lie but in this instance, of Bush being called deeply Religious. He was deeply religiously perverted. If the public and the world knew Bush was Using Religious scripture to justify this war it would have been devastating.
* In closing we now know for a fact that Bush was using the Christian Religion to justify inflicting horror against Islam. As we said from Day one, Bush was doing the same thing we have been accusing Al Qaeda and all the so called Islamists of doing. That reminds me of one of the quotes Rummy used. It is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Peter 2:12 Does that apply to Bush co too? Intelligence was cherry picked and justified military action by feeding Bush Biblical military quotes. Republicans are down playing this as nothing new. Which means it is of consequence. Bush was after all talking attacking a Muslim Nation justified by Christian Biblical quotes. You bet this is of consequence!
Every single one of the Democracies Bush set up in his failed Middle East Democratization program is a mess and will fail in the end. The average citizens may want a Democracy but they do not matter as they do not anywhere in the world. Only the ruling parties matter and we sadly see that exemplified right here.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Donald Rumsfeld,
George Bush,
Parliamentary elections
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