The 18th Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty will be held in Austin, Texas on Saturday, October 28, 2017 at 2pm on the south steps of the Texas Capitol.
We will also hold a press conference inside the Capitol at 12:30pm in the Speaker’s Committee Room (2W.6).
are invited to attend both the rally and march on the south steps of
the capitol at 2pm, as well as the press conference at 12:30pm.
The 18th Annual March to Abolish the Death Penalty will be held in Austin, Texas on Saturday, October 28, 2017 at 2pm on the south steps of the Texas Capitol.
We will also hold a press conference inside the Capitol at 12:30pm in the Speaker’s Committee Room (2W.6).
are invited to attend both the rally and march on the south steps of
the capitol at 2pm, as well as the press conference at 12:30pm.
Texas is running out of the drug used to execute prisoners because they kill so many people
Texas faces possible shortage of execution drug: Texas is running out of the drug used to execute prisoners in what has become the most active death penalty state in the country. A spokesman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice released a statement to the Los Angeles Times on Thursday confirming that the state’s remaining supply of pentobarbital “will expire” in September.
The agency is exploring all options including alternate sources of pentobarbital or an alternate drug for use in the lethal injection process,” spokesman Jason Clark said in the statement.So far this year, Texas has executed 11 inmates... That is an astronomical amount!
Texas marked a solemn moment in criminal justice, executing its 500th inmate since it resumed carrying out capital punishment in 1982.
Kimberly McCarthy, who was put to death Wednesday evening for the murder of her 71-year-old neighbor, was also the first woman executed in the US in nearly three years. Governor Perry the new Texecutioner and proud of it: Now he qualifies for President?
Supreme Court halts killer's execution in Texas: The U.S. Supreme Court Thursday halted the execution of a black man convicted of a double murder in Texas 16 years ago after his lawyers contended his sentence was unfair because of a question asked about race during his trial. Duane Buck, 48, was spared from lethal injection when the justices, without comment, said they would review an appeal in his case. Two appeals, both related to a psychologist's testimony that black people were more likely to commit violence, were before the court. One was granted. The other denied.
Death Penalty: Applause for Rick Perry’s ‘Ultimate ...: Texas Gov. Rick Perry apparently loses no sleep over authorizing 234 executions in more than a decade as Texas governor.Perry has authorized more executions than any governor in the history of the United States. He said at a Republican presidential debate Wednesday that he has never worried that the state of Texas has executed an innocent man.
Perry has now executed more than the original Texacutioner George W Bush and has no qualms about hanging an innocent man as he has already proven. That said, I am not sure how I feel about treating a person differently because his genes or color predispose him to be violent. I don't think I agree with that but...
Hell Perry already hung a known innocent man! The Texas sanctioned Willingham murder and cover up gets deeper and deeper! Please sign the petition!
Texas Executes 9/11 'Revenge Killer'
I was also going to discuss Bush who as Governor of Texas killed legally more Americans than anyone in history. I implore you to read the story at the link of who he killed and the fact that he was known as The Texacutioner It just absolutely amazed me that Bush is known as the biggest serial killer in history with the okaying of killing 154 prisoners as Governor of Texas. Cause of Death listed on their Death Certificates "Homicide" It absolutely stuns me that Bush can do this and still get an invite to speak at Notre Dame.
* Thinking about the fact that Bush killed all those people many veterans and retarded and was still the Popes friend and spoke at Notre Dame I found out why! The catechism use to teach that God had entrusted civil authorities with the power over life and death. Also the Vatican had the Death Penalty on their books until 1969! Religion and capital punishment
Those little tidbits pointed out, what is it about Texas penchant with the death penalty? Bush killed almost as many people as Perry and he was elected President and we are still suffering from that turn out with much suffering to come.
I refuse to believe Governor Perry who purposely put to death an innocent man thinks God and the people were calling him to run for President. He is also the fool who wanted Texas to secede from the union. What the hell is wrong with us? WTF?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
No worries there Jim I put Perry on par with Palin and Bachmann as in bat poop crazy.
I see Limpballs is on his way out so maybe there's hope yet.
Then we can throw a party and have a parade.
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