Mihail Kalashnikov and German inventor Hugo Schmeisser

AK47 vs. the M16
The AK47
is one of the most popular and easily recognized firearms in the world.
Over 50 armies along with hundreds of resistance movements use the
weapon. There have been over 50 million AKs produced since the rifle’s
creation in 1947. However it's success and desire to get it around the
world was its downfall!
I just had a conversation the other
day with one of you as to how we face the Kalishakov as the weapon of
choice in Afghanistan and elsewhere. I know we are the worlds largest
supplier of arms but knowing how prevelant the Kalashnikov is and that
there has been over 50 million produced in its more than 60 year history
of production. They say 100 million produced but we will never know because they can be produced by anyone in the world.
The guns are used by 60 armies worldwide, account
for up to 80 percent of all assault rifles and are known as the weapon
of choice for terrorist groups and rebel movements. Trouble spots: The
Congo, Vietnam, Mujahadeen, Taliban, Central American Guerilla's, etc.
I heard it is fondly known as the worlds credit card "you don't
leave home without it" Problem is that there are about eight countries
in which dozens of business are making their own versions of the
Kalashnikov and they pay no royalties to Kalashnikov or Russia!
1947 licenses were granted generously with the goal of spreading the
weapon around the world with the aim of freeing the people. With the
fall of the Warsaw pact all licenses were suppose to come to an end but
with no way to enforce it countries just continued to produce them.
I invite you to check this link out because it is quite interesting!
As we took as much of the brain trust as we could after the fall of
Germany to develop our own country and military so too did Russia.
took the best from their zone in Germany and brought it back to Russia
so they could further their country. Not that it matters but Mihail
Kalashnikov is admitting he was "helped" by the German inventor and arms
maker Hugo Schmeisser to create the AK-47 assault rifle.After the end
of the war Schmeisser the German inventor was displaced and forced to
work in the Soviet Union and helped create the AK47!
Kalashnikov Manufacturer Faces Bankruptcy - SuperiorPics Celebrity
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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