Rolanda Watson, a nurse from Chicago, spoke of a December 2013 event where her clinic had to be evacuated because of a cloud of petroleum coke — the black, sandy byproduct of tar sands that is generally stored in uncovered large piles. Since the piles appeared in Chicago, clouds of black dust have been swirling in the wind, and community members have complained of respiratory problems.
To me for the people to think there is any plus at all at our becoming energy independent they would want to see the price at the pump go down.
you know will never happen because it is not in the interest of oil
companies. As they do now, whenever something good or bad happens that
may or may not even affect the industry they raise prices. The world as a
whole have become mice living and running on a clogged and polluted
wheel never to get off till we die.
Tar sands oil is the dirtiest oil on earth. It requires clear cutting ancient forest, digging up the dirt, and using massive amounts of water and energy to extract oil from it.
The process leaves behind giant toxic lakes and has been linked to cancer in nearby communities. The proposed 2,000 mile Keystone XL pipeline would carry tar sands oil across major sources of drinking water and farmland in the United States.
Arkansas tar-sands spill was an accident 60 years in the ...
Spills and Leaks - Tar Sands - Tar Sands Solutions Network
Latest Pair of Oil Accidents Fuel Opposition to Keystone Pipeline
Average 250 Pipeline Accidents Each Year ... - DeSmog Canad:Cleanup efforts are currently underway in four separate oil spills that have occurred in the last ten days.On March 27th, a train carrying Canadian tar sands dilbit jumped the rails in rural Minnesota spilling an estimated 30,000 gallons of black gold onto the countryside.
Two days later a pipeline ruptured in the town of Mayflower, Arkansas, sending a river of Albertan tar sands crude gurgling down residential streets. As lobbying efforts around the stymied Keystone XL and Northern Gateway pipelines intensify, oil companies have been quietly loading their toxic cargo onto freight trains.What the hell is wrong with us? Energy independence is not worth, not with this crud I mean crude. Wasn't the growing Gulf disaster enough? Exxon Valdez? We have multitudes of man made disasters every day. We are killing ourselves. What is wrong with us?
James m Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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