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Big Foreign Military Forces Pile Up On Syria’s Borders As War Looms |
Sunni cleric killed in north Lebanon clashes: Fierce clashes raged between supporters and opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad in Lebanon's northern city of Tripoli, killing a Salafist sheikh and wounding 21 other people, including a Canadian journalist and 9 soldiers.
Britain and France Join the US in Warning Syria About Military Action: In a further sign of anxiety over the security surrounding chemical weapons stashed in Syria, officials said the subject came up in Istanbul during the first meeting of a newly created joint working group of the United States and Turkey. The purpose of the group, first announced by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton a few weeks ago, is to prepare for the aftermath of what leaders from both countries have described as the inevitable fall of President Bashar al-Assad.
Worries about the chemical weapons were also expressed by Russia, the Assad government’s most important foreign supporter.
France backs no-fly zone over Syria, Russia continues cooperation with Damascus: The international community is still divided on ways to solve the Syrian conflict as France indicated Thursday that it would support a partial no-fly zone over Syria while Russia continues close cooperation with the Syrian authorities on energy. French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, speaking on France 24 television, called for a partial closure of Syria's air space, as suggested by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. However, he warned that shutting Syria's entire air space would mean "going to war." Do you think Russia is going to stand still for this?
This is only going to end in a much wider war any way you look at it. It absolutely will not end. It will continue without the direction of Assad. Maybe the Alawite's may no longer be leading it against the Sunni majority and Christian minority but it will continue. Only now the Sunni may be leading it against the Alawite's who will continue to be armed and reinforced by Iran. The Russians will meanwhile have gone nowhere and the big unknown is the large Chinese military contingency in the area.
This is all about the future direction of the entire middle east. The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia (Al Qaeda?) at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new middle east (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
Both Iran and Saudi Arabia have been using Lebanon and now Syria as their battlefront, up to now they have been able to avoid direct confrontation. Iran has pumped millions of dollars in supplies and arms into Lebanon and Syria much to the consternation of her suffering people while Saudi Arabia has been supporting the Palestinian Authority.
So far there has been no direct confrontation. However I absolutely see what I have been warning about since Bush diverted from Afghanistan to attack Iraq and get back in the middle east to create a new middle east (dis)order! I do not give a damn what anyone says. Bush, Cheney, and their Democratization program in an already historically unstable middle east set all of this and more in motion!
The hell on earth Bush created for Iraqi’s will engulf the entire Middle East before it encompasses the entire world if we can not contain it. Under Bush we broke a long standing tradition of not adding fuel to the Middle East fire by supplying weapons. We are now, including advanced weaponry and missile defense systems. The Middle East breakdown Bush started armed and funded is continuing under Obama. This up to now proxy war in the middle east is under way.
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran but with Iran, the Gulf, Syria, and everything else who knows what will happen first.
We must contain this to the middle east and keep it from turning into WW3. This must be a middle east fight and problem or the entire world is in dire trouble and we have too much already as we try to move successfully through the 21st century. I am afraid we are failing our children in every regard.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I think they want to keep this just above cold war status but not let it go to WW3 conditions. That way the profiteers can continue with a tidy cash flow.
We are about to enter a new era of robotic wars. You've seen the advancement of drones in just the past 10 years. And it looks like all branches of the military want one. They now have robotic armored carriers that can function without an operator. The concept of the "Terminator" can't be far off. But as Eisenhower warned us "beware of the military industrial complex". And he himself was a military man.
I hope you are right about WW3. I happen to agree but it would be too easy to get carried away. One thing you notice in the picture, that has to be the mothballed carrier the Chinese bought off Russia because it looks terrible and old as hell.
I agree with modern war too and we both have to hope we have something that can out do all the new modern stuff we see and hear of from "the other side"
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