Iran says nuclear non proliferation treaty irrelevant and continues to make it so!
Defiant Iran lashes out at IAEA they are threatening now to build 10 more plants to enrich uranium. That is a childish threat and I hope toothless as China and Russia both on board with the latest demands would have to do the building.
The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.[1] The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran. We are so concerned about Pakistan and Iran today in regard to nuclear abilities and nuclear weapons and security. I was blown away to find out that we built the first nuclear Reactors in both Iran and Pakistan. Iran's nuclear program
I would have to assume this was after we overthrew the democratically elected President of Iran Mohammad Mosaddeq to install our ruthless puppet the Shah of Iran. We built and supplied Iran's first reactor because we thought we were in control. What the hell is wrong with us? That makes us personally responsible for the 1979 Revolution in Iran, the capture of our hostages, the disaster in the desert after a failed attempt to rescue them, the rise of the Revolutionary Guard, the protesters dilemma, the nuclear issue in Iran today, everything!
You know, I have long said that Iran’s civilian nuclear program is a cover for their nuclear weapons program. Now I see that Arab leaders feel the same way. They fear a nuclear arms race and I can only conclude that knowing how far along Iran is and how they feel that they are hedging their bets and it is already under way clandestinely.
The Gulf Corporation Council “Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman. And the United Arab Emiratus, who are all incidentally armed by us with advanced conventional weapons and technology and missile defense batteris all want the Middle East to be declared a nuclear safe zone. That as you know is DOA as neither Israel or the US will never agree to that. The centuries of acrimony and convoluted Relationships throughout the Middle East though I knew of it is mind boggling and worse than I thought so I invite you to read the report it is eye opening. ! Why Arab leaders worry about Iran's nuclear program | Bulletin of ...
I just want to highlight Iran creating a ticking time bomb for its traditional rival the Sunni Persians. Remember Chernobyl? So doesn’t Iran and the rest of the Middle East. None of them trust Russia’s nuclear reactor safety record after the vast environmental destruction and cost to human life. As you know Russia built the Bushehr nuclear reactor but I did not know that, that is what where Bushehr was built and why!
The location of the Bushehr nuclear reactor, less than 2 miles from the Persian Gulf and closer to six Arab capitals (Kuwait, Riyadh, Manama, Doha, Abu Dhabi and Muscat) than it is to Tehran, this is a serious problem. Any nuclear accident would be an ecological disaster. The Persian Gulf, the only source of water for Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates, would be contaminated, leaving those countries without drinking water. Meanwhile, the air contamination would spread to most of the populations who live downwind of the reactor.
The Persian worlds concern is concern for the environment and future dangers, in the event of a nuclear leak that could pollute the entire Gulf region. What increases concerns about an ecological disaster is Iran's reliance first and foremost on Russian nuclear technology. The safety of this technology cannot be trusted and I am starting to smell a rat
* Knowing that technological failures in the Chernobyl disaster caused radioactive ecological pollution in extensive regions of the world and the Persian world would be wiped out in the eventuality of a nuclear accident I now have to ask, is nuclear weapons that would destroy the entire Middle East the issue or a nuclear “accident” whose location has been set to “conveniently” affect all of Iran’s perceived enemies Iran’s real goal?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
You're wrong on oh so many points that I don't know where to start. For one thing, Iran is not ignoring the NonProliferation Treaty. In fact it is insisting on its rights as recognized by the same treaty. It is the US that has thumbed its nose at the treaty by demanding that Iran give up enrichment (and the US has always violated its own obligations under the treaty: to disarm its own nukes, to share civilian nuclear technology, and to not share nuclear technology with non-NPT signatories such as Israel.) And furthermore, there is ZERO evidence that Iran is building nukes. In fact they have offered to open their nuclear program to joint US participation to further ensure that the program can't be used to make nukes secretly. And the Arabs are NOT "threatened" by Iran -- Egypt has had a nuclear program as long as Iran, and has been caught violating its own safeguards agreement by conducting secret nuclear experiments. It is ISRAEL's actual, existing nukes that threaten the Arabs, not Iran's hypothetical non-existent nukes. And finally, note that it was IRAN that first proposed creating a nuclear-weapons free zone in the Mideast, something they still endorse. You need to stop reading the headlines of cheap articles and educate yourself. I could go on and on...
Oh and incidentally, the type of reactor built by Russia in Iran is not the same as Chernobyl and is actually safer than say the one at Three Mile Island. And furthermore Iran built its enrichment facility on its own. It had to, since the US pressured the Chinese and other governments to violate their nuclear contracts with Iran. Thus, Iran says that it can't trust contract with foreign governments -- and they're right.
haas welcome and please do continue but think first also it is not the type of reactor it is the builder and their technology. I think not only to me but much of the world it is Iran's inflammatory rhetoric that drives the angst. Like Saddam did it on purpose to get what he wanted Iran in many instances my be too.
I still believe if the first nuclear "exchange" happens, it will be between Pakistan and India.
I never thought of that Robert! You may be right if they get in the wrong hands in Pakistan or anywhere for that matter. I still refuse to believe that any of them Iran and Israel included could really think of using them knowing what it would do to the area as well as the world. I have to keep asking what the hell is wrong with us?
Good one, nice take on the domino theory, interfering with Iran the 50s and 60s echoes today, very loud echoes. Every action has a reaction ad nauseum.
It's hard to be precise what is going on with Iran's nuclear program, they seem to be thumbing their nose at the west, trying to get a response, and if the US responds, it would unite their fragmented society behind their illegal government.
So the bottom line is the Rogue Regimes in Washington DC are/were threatened by the Rogue Regimes in Iraq and Iran.
Perhaps Regime Change all around is required.
The Iranians are not suicidal. Nuclear weapons are a deterrent, that's why no nuclear-armed state has disarmed, even after signing the NPT. As I've said many times, if your neighbors are all carrying 9mms, why should you be only allowed to own a knife?
Dave is right, the whole world needs a regime change.
Guys I agree! Knowing using nukes in the middle east is suicide The scenario about Bushehr and an accident that will majorly FFF the Persians seems like the idea. I just don't know! I wish we would all just get along.
Average Patriot--How I wish we COULD all get along.
President Obama said he wants to REDUCE nuclear weapons...btw, even RONALD REAGAN said he wanted that(!).
Hi Lisa! glad to see you! Personally I just do not understand why the world can not live and let live. You know, I know their idea of reducing nuclear weapons is making them smaller and more efficient!
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