Grand Ayatollah Montazeri was a hero to Ayatollah Khamenei so right off the bat I have to wonder how Ayatollah Khamenei could pervert the 1979 Revolution and condone the killing of the children of the Revolution. The 7th day of his mourning coincides with Ashura. This is a worst case scenario for the regime
Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri was thought to be Ayatollah Khomenei’s successor but fell out of favor in 1989 when he spoke against the execution of thousands of opponents to the Government after the Iran Iraq war. He was often under house arrest in his home in Qom but still become more outspoken after the so called election calling it a fraud saying Iran’s leaders were in danger of losing their legitimacy. They have but do not care!
For years Montazeri has accused Iran’s ruling establishment of imposing a dictatorship in the name of Islam! They in fact have and they will not relent as the people want, thus the stolen election. They want to dictate the direction of the new Middle East order now and are led by the Revolutionary Guard. Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri
Opposition supporters have enormous respect for Ayatollah Montazeri. He espoused the principles they championed and vice a versa and they immediately took to the streets to mark his death. This is one more reason to get this civil war or revolution whatever you want to call it ramped up. The Revolutionary Guard and the Basij will lead the way!
Montazeri’s views that the election was stolen as you know is a view shared by the protesters and many clerics representing a deep split right in the very heart of the ruling establishment. The ruling clerics do not seem to understand that they are all being used to follow the current fascist agenda.
This poses the biggest dilemma yet as the protesters are in the streets and I am sure will be hey will mark the seven-day anniversary of his death next weekend. Senior clerics are uneasy as they see the Revolutionary Guard has the clergy as the real power in Iran. It is too late to feel “uneasy”
As you know, the IRG was set up to protect the ruling authority after 1979 and are supposed to be controlled By Ayatollah Khamenei who is supposed to be the final authority. I know Ahmadinejad and 2/3 of his first 21 member cabinet are ex IRGC members and that simply reinforces that I am increasingly led to think the IRGC has become the final authority not the Supreme leader.
The Supreme leader is appearing as a puppet needed to keep the religious leaders together and to make it appear that they are still in charge. They have become a major force capable of taking control of Iran and I am afraid nothing less than that is what has happened.
Not only has the IRGC perpetrated the horror and brutality we have all witnessed in and out of jail and lord knows the horror we will never know about but to add insult to injury Brigadier General Yadollah Javani a senior official with Iran's increasingly powerful Revolutionary Guard is calling for the prosecution of two key opposition leaders and a former president, accusing them of fanning the protests that have gripped the nation since its disputed presidential election two months ago.
Opposition leaders Mir Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, along with former reformist President Mohammad Khatami, he says should be tried for attempting to lead a Western-backed revolution that aimed to topple the regime. I am sick of hearing that crap. That was not western backed though I am sure they and us have been cheering this on. Those people merely want their true people led Republic back not the IRGC controlled Islamist Republic of Iran.
He wants the judiciary to go after them, arrest them, put them on trial and punish them according to the law. Do you know what that will do to the unrest in Iran? it will blow big time and you have to think that is what Javani wants. Then he will be able to get all this out in the open and have his millions of thugs put this to rest once and for all but I don't like what I see happening.
Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri's death poses newer and even bigger problems for the regime. I think this will be the straw that broke the camels back! The Revolutionary Guard will not relent and they will be seen as preventing the mourners from marking the Grand Ayatollah’s death. This will be the current regimes biggest threat yet!Ayatollah's death stirs Iranian opposition to bitter protests
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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