I am convinced the RNC has been absolutely successful! McCain used used Gustav to the hilt yesterday in his favor!
I had the misfortune this morning of waking and hearing Bush say how McCain is the only choice to lead the country because he will take the fight to the enemy as I said I would as I stood on the rubble of the twin towers, S.O.B. Then I was pissed hearing Thompson throw the Hanoi Hilton Lies at us using that shit to justify electing another war monger to keep the rights war agenda moving forward. Then the scum did the same thing. I am so sick of this crap!
As I was telling Ingrid I saw the stories of the violent anarchists being arrested but I was on to something else so I saved them for later.
I saw the preemptive raids at gunpoint where they were raiding protester meetings. I keep saying it but this is not a Democracy! It is merely the facade of one so the implementation of the Fascist police State can be installed and it is almost done as you point out!
To follow this agenda Palin was not properly investigated as those that were to do it arrived the afternoon before McCain. They are trying to do it now to cover any future surprises! She is already known to be the liar they need!
I am sure he is lying but McCain says he knew about the daughter! This morning on the radio they were talking about it saying it is no big deal and swarms of Repug lawyers were going to Alaska to fight charges in trooper gate. Also she was being investigated for firing the police chief who did not agree with her politically. Then the guy said it doesn't bother me that she hid her husband's DUI from 20 years ago or that her Mother in law does not know who she is going to vote for yet because she does not think Palin is qualified. The issue to him is that she was a member of a secessionist movement until 1994 to have Alaska break away from the US. Again my question is what the hell is next? The right needs 2 more proven mindless liars who will purge all that disagree so this agenda can continue! We can not afford to have that happen! The new societal order American Fascist Police State is almost finished!
The right needs 2 more proven mindless liars who will purge all that disagree so this agenda can continue! We can not afford to have that happen! The new societal order American Fascist Police State is almost finished! At the RNC They are arresting as many as possible so it looks like a success, Hell it worked for the Chinese! What sucks is you know it will get a hell of a lot worse. You saw a couple weeks ago Police State Madness: Mayor's Dogs Gunned Down by Cops in Hyper-Agressive Drug Raid
* What a damn mess Bush has created and this is a tiny part of it! Knowing the Republicans need another team of mindless proven liars to continue their agenda and I am sure he is lying but McCain says he knew about Palin's pregnant daughter! Presumptive Republican nominee John McCain defended his campaign's vetting of newly named VP candidate Sarah Palin Tuesday, amid a stream of revelations about the Alaska governor that could potentially harm the GOP presidential ticket. "My vetting process was completely thorough and I'm grateful for the results," McCain told reporters in Philadelphia. Bull shit! He needed a fellow mindless liar that will not lead but be led so Bush's mess can continue! That was all the vetting needed!
The police state is almost complete! McCain and Palin are scheduled to complete it! This morning on the radio they were talking about it saying it is no big deal and swarms of Repug lawyers were going to Alaska to fight charges in trooper gate.
Also she was being investigated for firing the police chief who did not agree with her politically. Then the guy said it doesn't bother me that she hid her husband's DUI from 22 years ago or that her Mother in law does not know who she is going to vote for yet because she does not think Palin is qualified.
The issue to him is that she was a member of a secessionist movement until 1994 to have Alaska break away from the US. Hell McCain keeps bragging that Palin voted against the bridge to no where. Now I find out like a true Republican flip flopper she was for the Bridge before she was against it! Again my question is what the hell is next? We cannot afford to have that team at the helm of the mess Bush has created for our future. Can you imagine self professed "just a soccer Mom" Palin running the country? What the hell is wrong with us?
Now this morning I hear He knew that she faked her last pregnancy. He knew that her daughter was going to have to pretend to be knocked up now. (Only fair since Mommy had to do it first!) He knew she was a member of the AIP. He knew that she used her influence to punish a subordinate that would not punish her ex-brother in law. He knew everything. That tells you lies will prevail once again as the truth does not matter! Then I hear the truth from someone who knows her, Anne Kilkenny. Read the truth
This is so friggen convoluted, deceitful, and another set up in the lie we are living today. We can not allow the lies we are living today to continue! With our inaction we are facilitating our own destruction. We must do something!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
* A foot note: I have to run down to the VA so I will be tied up for a while but I will of course be back as soon as possible to talk about absolutely anything! Take care!
Shouldn't you just shrug your shoulders, laugh and say ... HEY what's new!
That's what I'm doing now with the tories getting very close in returning to power, in this country.
Yeah, we will suffer again (the poor always do under the tories) but we will survive as we did not that long ago. Live and let die. Tomorrow might never come.
I'm trying very hard to stay optimistic and I'm trying very hard to see the good in everything.
Cheers ...
Hi Monique!
Glad you are here so I can save your address and link to you when I get back from the VA!
I have to laugh because you are right! We are powerless like you and just along for the ride. However I am a truth nut and can not stop trying to uncover the lie we are living today.
It is hardened by the fact that a few of my sons are in these wars! You have such a great British attitude, Love it! You take care!
Thanks for the great post & links. Scary, yes but remember, all that "speechifyin'" is meant to bolster up the base.
After all the patriotic ferver dies down, you'll see things change. More focus on Palin and her doings. It's all coming out now and only fundy-right-wingers will accept her in the end. And McLAME has sold himself out as a maverick or moderate with this choice of VP. Think about it. Many of McLAME's supporters are voting for the McLAME he was in 2000 & prior, not the one he is now.
Those voters are not rightwing extremists. In fact, they were all probably more in step with McLAME: Sorta moderate conservative (in the old sense of the word - not neocon). When it comes to light in the mainstream media (and yes, we bloggers have to work our asses off to make that happen), that Palin is an EXTREME winger that believes GOD delivered the oil pipelines (!!) so many of these folks will be completely aghast. They may switch their vote to Ron Paul or Obama or Nader or they'll stay home.
I can't imagine that the average american, no matter what faith, wants a christofascist fundie in charge.
My new fav names for her are:
"Ma'ambo" (from Sal Kilmeister)
Ms. Armageddon (I can't remember who coined it)
Those are good ones to toss around.
I am also going to work on making sure people know what an anti-environment (not popular these days) and anti-wildlife and anti-animal rights nutjob she is.
Plus it's also coming to light that she is crazy and deals with opposition by firing them instead of discussion. Not good. And other republican politicians in Alaska, like Sen. Lyda Green absolutely hate her.
Save your panic for November! Until then we just have to get busy!!
I'm not sure it was that successful. yesterday Obama finally broke to 50% in the Gallup Daily Tracking Poll. That's the first time he's broken out of the 40s. And instead of being tied with McCain at 45% like he was before the DNC convention. Obama has an 8% lead. And this poll was taken AFTER Palin was introduced.
Sarah McChurchlady may drag Johnny McMorewar down yet. I suspect she will be dumped if polls continue upward for Obama.
Meanwhile, there's more unravelling back in Quagmirestan:
Here's the opening paragraph.
Published September 3, 2008 by Chicago Tribune
Pakistan Blames NATO For Cross-Border Raid That Killed 7 Civilians
by Kim Barker
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - The Pakistan government blamed NATO-led troops in Afghanistan for a cross-border attack that killed at least seven women and children as they prepared to eat breakfast before dawn Wednesday, the second day of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
The attack, which a NATO spokesman denied, could add pressure to the Pakistani government, being asked by the U.S. to do more against terrorists in the mostly lawless tribal areas while many Pakistanis want the army to do less.
She is exactly what they needed. Another mindless liar that will be led and not lead! What scares me is that McAssHole looked frail the other day when he was talking about Gustav and I don't like him anyway but god forbid he should drop dead and she would be President.
That is scary! There is no way in hell she is qualified to handle the mess Bush has created both here and around the world.
I don't care what someones Politics are that should be the driving reason for not voting for McCain. they say you never vote for President because of the veep but this year they better reconsider that!
Time will tell! They underhandedly use every dirty trick they can. They used Gustav and they will use Palin successfully.
Knowing they are going to steal this one way or the other I am very concerned having him drop dead and a President Palin controlling the mess Bush has created here and around the world. Just what the right wants!
AAP: I know it sounds crazy... but I think either they fucked up OR they want McLAME to lose. With the dems in charge, they'll be blamed for the mess the shrub & dead-eye dick left us with. Obama won't be able to completely turn things around, he's more centrist than liberal.
Crooks&Liars reported today that according to a leak, McLame did NOT know that Palin's daughter was preg before he offered her the VP slot. WHOOPS! That makes him a liar too!
It just keeps getting better and better and yep, Obama's up in the polls DURING THE RNC!
I heard that this morning and i was wondering when Pakistan was going to blow. I was just coming back from the VA and I heard the Kurdish area is not happy at the prospect of having Maliki's army in their region. Iraq too will blow when the time is right.
There are too many growing excuses all created by Bush but I wonder which one he is going to use to stay in power if thee right thinks they can't steal this one too!
I just don't know what the hell to believe any more. Of course McCain is a liar and so isn't Palin it is a job requirement! Listen to her tonight the ass holes will fall all over her. I suspect the Pregnancy caught them off guard but of course they wouldn't admit it. That is one more thing they will use in their favor!
She brings the party together and that is what they needed. Obama and Biden have their work cut out for them that is for sure. It pissed me off hearing Leibergirl saying vote cross party for the right man! McCain is already the next false Repug God and President how they will get him in is the question!
Did you see these pictures of the Palin family welcoming McCain including the daughter and her boyfriend
AAP: here's where I will vehemently disagree with you on Palin bringing the party together. The GOP is imploding! The lovefest is temporary RNC crap. Wait 'til it's over, sparks are gonna fly. I explain my position more at my blog (today's post) but to summarize, she's an extreme fundie. Look at this - and then LOOK AT THE COMMENTS in the comments section - people are FREAKED and totally turned off!!
IT is obvious that once they see what she's really about, she's scary to the average person. She only appeals to the extreme rightwingers. They are NOT the majority of this country. Couple with that how many of McLAME's supporters - who he amassed before he turned into shrub-lite and was more of a moderate - will just dump him like a couple of people I know did when they heard about Palin and her fundie nutstuff.
NOt only that, but she has a horrible position on climate change/global warming, loves killing animals, has an abysmal voting record on programs for wildlife, and WOMEN and CHILDREN!
All of this has not been seen to the average person yet. But the ones that have seen it are not stupid enough to vote for her. Wait until it REALLY gets out there.
Hey - we bloggers FORCED the McLame campaign to come clean about the daughter's pregnancy when we saw it was clear Palin was covering something up. We'll make them report all this other stuff too.
I'm not saying get out the champagne just yet, but realize there are good indications that McLame's campaign is gonna tank! And Obama is showing what a shrewd politician he is by staying out of the fray.
As Dcup said on another post, isn't it nice to see them honoring that family privacy thing?
I think it is nice! Myself knowing we are absolutely unequivocally never hearing honesty from the right who controls absolutely 100% everything in order to continue their country and world altering agenda. The lie we are living today under the the liars Bush and Cheney is slated to continue under the liars McCain and Palin! Did you hear some of these rabid Politicians like Thompson? I hope they have had their shots!
She has a horrible stand on every issue especially to womens rights and I can only hope to hell you are right. You can be guaranteed if the MSM can convince that this is close strike 1,2,3, we're out again!
Having watched all the speakers at the RNC, I am amazed to find out that the MSM does not know how to use Google. Every speaker told dozens of out-right lies, and even more false innuendos. Thompson was probably the most egregious, with his POW BS contadicting McCain's own admissions. LIEberman was just as bad. The MSM remained silent, not questioning any of the falsehoods........and they wonder why they've lost all credibility.
We are soooooooooo screwed. *sigh*
And Palin........... her venality speaks for itself.
You and I are always in sinc! I caught some of the lies last night and it kept me awake all night!
Knowing how screwed up that was and smacking of 1938 Germeny and now with Palin the good female Fascist we are so screwed. Something will happen and this mess is going to continue. I was going to see if I can dig up me fascist warnings and the 14 threads of Fascism and I agree you bet your ass we are Soooo screwed but I can't quit!
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