Sunday, October 22, 2006

With Fear the dominant theme, GOP ad sparking furor, look & vote on real issues!

CNN: If President Roosevelt were around today, he might amend that famous line from his first inaugural address.
Apparently, the only thing we have to fear is ... political campaign ads that play on fear.

The latest example now playing on a cable network near you, and soon to be on the political talk show circuit, is a Republican ad as stark as a midnight winter landscape on the Great Plains.

All we hear is a ticking ... what? A clock? A bomb?

Black-and-white graphics appear: pictures of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri appear along with threatening quotes going back as far as eight years and spelled out on the screen.

There is no mention of the president or of the Republican Party. There is just a warning, "These Are the Stakes," and a reminder to vote. Please view it

I don't care what they say and our crying foul. As far as I am concerned this should backfire on them and we should turn it against them and use it in our favor because we are the best to fight the real war on terrorism and it wasn't in Iraq until Bush brought it there when he attacked Iraq in order to destabilize the middle east to create he so called new order. If fighting terrorism was his goal he would have stayed in Afghanistan. I hate this fear mongering but let's look at the real issues and we are not hearing them addressed..

What's your personal political platform? What topics get you fired up? Take the quiz below to measure your attitudes on some key issues. Then, share your comments on those topics with's Community Caucus and check out other readers' scores!

Do you favor or oppose wiretapping phone conversations between someone in the U.S. and someone in another country without a court order if the government suspects that one of those people may be a terrorist?

Do you think the actions taken by the federal government since 9/11 have made the U.S. safer or less safe from terrorism?

Do you think it is more effective to try to prevent terrorist attacks on the U.S. by military action or by economic and diplomatic actions?

Do you favor or oppose building a fence along the entire border with Mexico?

Do you favor or oppose increasing penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants?

Do you favor or oppose allowing some illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S. and apply for citizenship if they have a job and pay back taxes?

On abortion, if you had to choose, would you describe yourself as "pro-life" or "pro-choice?"

Do you think marriages between gays or lesbians should or should not be recognized by the law as valid?

These are the issues and more and we only hear fear mongering. This is why we must get rid of the Republicans. They do not care about doing the right thing for "we the people" They are still concentrating more than ever not on helping us and the country but in keeping their grubby inadequate hands on their corruptive power and this is destroying us!we need somebody that matters to learn how to play their game and turn the tide on them as they routinely do. It is not that hard.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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