Friday, October 27, 2006

700 mile 2.2 Billion Dollar Facade of Concern too little too late, will backfire politically!

Just another Farce!
President Bush signed into law the Secure Fence Act of 2006 at a White House ceremony yesterday morning after GOP lawmakers sat on the bill for weeks. The bill calls for some 700 miles of new fencing along America's Mexican border and is estimated to cost $6 billion (by another account) to construct, though Democrats argue that it does nothing to address the immigration problem.
The Secure Fence Act was pushed through by GOP lawmakers, just in time for November 7 elections, in a bid to outweigh Democratic opponents at the polls, who voted against the security measure.
In addition to a 700-mile fence, the border security bill will also increase the number of checkpoints and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally. The security bill also authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology, like cameras and satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the border.

Bush remarked that the Secure Fence Act was only the beginning of America's advance towards reforming immigration and took the opportunity to jab at lawmakers over his worker ID program. "The bill I'm about to sign is an important step in our nation's efforts to secure our border and reform our immigration system," said President Bush. "We have more to do. Meaningful immigration reforms means that we must enforce our immigration laws in the United States.
"Bush signed the bill at a White House ceremony for the benefit of Republicans leading into the last two weeks before elections. Following the ceremony, Bush left for the Midwest where he is helping promote GOP lawmakers running for office.
A spokesperson for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) called the stall in signing the Secure Fence Act, "lip service to the need to protect our borders without doing anything to do so." Inferring that it was a political tactic to win over voters on November 7th.

First I have to say it has been more than 5 years since 9/11 and he is only now taking the first steps in securing the southern Border if you can call a 700 mile fence along a 2,100 mile border with much of it in desolate and desert areas. This is not security. This isn't even a Band-Aid! This in itself is another inadequate, overly expensive, Republican Boondoggle, This as it is, is not a political gain for Republicans despite the signing just before elections hopefully for Repub gain.

Then I read CNN's report and heard even more crap!
Unfortunately the United States has not been in complete control of its borders for decades and therefore illegal immigration has been on the rise," Bush said at a signing ceremony. "He doesn't sat how much it has increased with all his illegal immigration announcements and refusal to secure the borders until he let in the workers he needed!
"We have a responsibility to enforce our laws," he said. "We have a responsibility to secure our borders. We take this responsibility serious."He called the fence bill "an important step in our nation's efforts to secure our borders." Now he has a responsibility because he thinks he can gain from it not because it's right or for the good of the country!

Now we come to the real crux of what Bush is after! The centerpiece of Bush's immigration policy, a guest worker program, remains stalled in Congress.And a handful of House Republicans are at the brakes, blocking negotiations with the Senate for a bill that includes the president's proposal.

Still, Bush argues that it would be easier to get his guest worker program passed if Republicans keep their majorities in the House and Senate after the November 7 elections. His proposal would allow legal employment for foreigners and give some of the estimated 11 million to 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States a shot at becoming American citizens.

Bush is saying that as you know for two reasons! He thinks it will help Republican candidates and he is encouraging immigration advocates to vote Republican. Even though they are the ones holding Bush back and I am glad. I have just shown you cost estimates between 2.2 Billion and 6 billion and this fence is another worthless Boondoggle. It will backfire on them.

I have said this many times here but give this a quick read and this border issue will make sense. We are all aware of Bush's new societal order and how good his plan has been for illegal immigrants. He needs them to work and feed his idea for society. He needs them in order to fully implement his plan for our country, his new societal order. He continues the illusion of concern for the average American and illegal immigrants. As many of you know, he is concerned about the illegal immigrants not for them but for him. He knows he needs them to drive his new societal order. He has the amount he needed, now he can feign concern for the Border while he is working on legalizing illegal immigrants.

His plan for society is horrible for the lower classes as you are all experiencing first hand. You see first hand how every single day he continues to tighten the noose around the lower classes and further the cause of the elite. He only needs the lower classes for their taxes. They are needed to fund his illegal immigrants in order to complete his plan. The illegal immigrants are necessary in order for him to fully implement his plan, his Governmental system, and have it work according to his plan.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma


Jolly Roger said...

I would think you'd have to be in Terri Schiavo's condition to not know that "Mr. Security" WANTED those illegals to cross. It's good for depressing domestic wages and driving those lazy, slothful Americans out of the employment ranks. If you have to let a "turrist" here and there through to keep the cheap labor coming in, that's just the price you have to pay.

Profit above all other things. Chimperial policy in a nutshell. And now he can transfer even MORE wealth to his peers with this worthless fence.

jmsjoin said...

your entire comment is exactly right! I am just so sick of knowing reality and listening to this idiot lie about it only so he can follow his idea of new order and to keep hes corruptive party in power to our demise.
I just looked at your comment again. Right on! I just wish we could be heard by someone who mattered and then have the truth acted on.