For years because of Bush's fascist agenda many of us said this is not a Democracy. A Democracy only in name to facilitate a hidden agenda. Now we hear from Republicans that this is no longer a Democracy because of Obama and the socialist agenda he inherited from Bush. Anyway you look at it this is not a Democracy!
Is it supposed to be a Democracy just because they make you leave your pen once every couple of years to go out and vote for those with the money to buy their position to force the agenda that keeps those corporations in control that really run this country? Is it Democracy that allows the top 1% to own more than the bottom 95% combined?
Would a Democracy allow their fellow citizens to go without the basic needs of any human being let alone right here in the USA, Food Shelter and clothing? Homes are still being foreclosed at a rate of 1 every 7.5 seconds. This is a Democracy in action? Is the health insurance Industry spending 1.5 million dollars a day to control Congress and kill health care reform so they can keep control over you Democracy in action?
No! It is capitalism run amok, Capitalism is controlling our Democracy. This is not a Democracy. Democracy is a system of government in which either the actual governing is carried out by the people governed or the power to do so is granted by them. There are two principles that any definition of democracy includes, equality and freedom. Would not equality dictate that the top 1% take care of those who are in trouble? Or is it because Capitalism rules Democracy that they have the "freedom" to ignore Equality and Democracy? Democracy
Capitalism as a system developed incrementally from the 16th century in Europe. Capitalism typically refers to an economic and social system in which the means of production are privately controlled. Controlling it is is a matter of politics and policy. Capitalism
Politics and Democracy are supposed to be controlling Capitalism. Capitalism is not supposed to be controlling Democracy! Capitalism has run amok and as you know is controlling Democracy. Our Government just bailed out Capitalism and there was nothing Democratic about it. Capitalism owns our Democracy and our Government.We the people have been left to our own demise. It is time to control Capitalism with Democracy so for once we are all equal!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Good luck on that, my friend.
These people have hearts so cold and hard, as to make granite seem like styrofoam. They will receive their just rewards in the end. We may not be around to witness it, but it will happen nonetheless.
We cannot imagine the internal torment that people the likes of Bernie Madoff are going through, being locked up and treated like the common criminals they are.
Some will pay in this life, and some will pay in the hereafter; but be not deceived, ALL will pay eventually.
I love it, great post. All the complainers we have seen, and heard, in the past months, were moaning about government, too much government, in their lives, whereas the reality is, it's the big corporations that are dominating economic policy, health care, restricting choice, they have their fingers in every aspect of our lives.
I know Brother but I want to see it now! I got scammed big time by the likes of Maddof and it hurt all the more because I was an accountant.
Anyway they wanted me to testify against the company so no one else would get screwed. I just wanted "my" money back. They are probably back at it long ago. I want to see it now not in the after life!
Thanks Holte! Things have gotten backwards here and we have to turn it around!
When this is all over, Jim, you'll be doing what you know best, 'counting beans'. That is, if your crops don't fail also. ;)
Well said!
Whether your lament is true or not, it is important to remember that we live very well in this country. Even now, in what are supposed to be the worst of times economically, our struggle consists of going out to eat less than 4 times a week, trying to trim our excessive eating down enough to avoid obesity, cutting back on our cell phone minutes and trying to get the cable bill down below a hundred bucks with high speed internet. In the context of human history, it's hard to find much to complain about.
Whether my crops fail or not there are many options up here in the hills and my survival talents are always in demand.
Hi Todd
Welcome! If you are lucky you lament as you describe but there are multiple millions way beyond that. On a good day they had trouble supplying the basic needs, in this environment they are increasingly in the streets and parking lots!
Has anything really changed since the beginnings of Capitalism? Those with the money are always in charge whether they be kings or czars or whatever label you'd like to put on them. And sadly they have been able to convince some of their underlings to vote against their own best interests.
I feel bad for you about your losses but did you stop somewhere along the line and ask "is this too good to be true"? I saw our current situation coming about two years ago when I had this funny feeling that things were too good to be true. Money was too easy to obtain and some of the jobs I did were really not necessary. Stick to your fundamental teachings Jim, economic history repeats itself.
Demeur fundamentally as things go south the short comings become more painfully apparent. Everything is okay when things are okay. When they are not all the idiocy floats to the top!
The Republicans have made Capitalism the new philosophy of our country. Since when is the American ideal the idea of spreading capitalism to other countries, and in order to support your own country you must go out and SHOP? How can a nation be inspired by this type of consumerism. Real Democracy, the ideal we were founded on, hasn't been around since well before Reagan. And it shows.
I know Mimi we have to get Government back in control of capitalism before we finish destroying the environment and America if not worse.
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