Sunday, June 01, 2014

Electric Chair Poised to Make a Comeback: what could go wrong? Think about this whole concept


All States that used the death penalty used lethal injection, and, until recently, most had used a three-drug cocktail: sodium thiopental to render the condemned unconscious, pancuronium bromide to paralyze the prisoner and potassium chloride to stop the heart. They can no longer get their hands on it. What do you think about the death penalty now? It seems like it is now every State that has the death penaty is now discussing killing the way they want. Some are thinking about going back to the electric chair, some another drug concoction, some a firing squad, and some looking into other shaky methods.

In a discussion with a friend there was mentioned As time goes on, I'm finding myself increasingly in the anti-death penalty camp. Not because I'm against putting down serial killers and the like. No, because our civil servants who are charged with upholding justice and the rule of law, are becoming increasing bold in their rejection of said principles. The fish rots from the head, as they say. Washington has become thoroughly corrupt and the corruption is spreading throughout the governmental systems.

When the FBI admits that they are catching terrorists, by the following plan...

1. Hatching a plot.
2. Finding a mentally ill man.
3. Coercing that man into carrying out the plot.
4. Providing money, training and materials to carry out the plot.
5. Then busting the man for trying to carry out the FBI plot.

I am feeling a strong sense of disgust.

Entrapment is a crime. But I guess an FBI agent would justify entrapment by showing me how crime does pay and how he makes hundreds of thousands a year on the taxpayer dime, committing felonies.

If you read my stories in the past on this including yesterday you know I have mixed feelings on the death penalty. Often times a person may be arrested and sentenced to death knowing they were innocent just to further someone's career or to quell the public. Now that we have DNA testing we are finding too often we have the wrong man. We have seen it too often
I do believe the death penalty is justified as in the case of the Fort Hood shootings and the Jared Loughner shootings where they shoot be put to death immediately with no trial. They should not have a venue to plead their case. Sane or insane they did it wantonly and publicly, that is all that matters. Cases like those aside I am no longer comfortable with the death penalty being justified because of the horror of the crime because we can not be certain we have the right person unless we actually see them do it.

James Joiner
Garner, Ma

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