The first Decade of the 20th century was dominated by George w Bush and his damage to the
After Bush's destruction anything to look forward to would be from President Obama undoing Bush's damage. Anyway It is New Years Eve and I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! After Bush got reelected in 2004 he announced that the election was a mandate, oh yeah! He said he had earned Political Capital and he was going to spend it,remember? many of us believed he was politically bankrupt even then. He had no Political Capital to spend. He had been since day one working on making us morally and financially bankrupt but I'll leave that alone today as I promised to be nice.
Every New Years Eve we have had a feeling of dread facing the upcoming year! On 12/31/05 I noted We're in trouble, Bush Promises to make 2006 as bad as 2005!! I said Today is New Years Eve and we just heard the Presidents weekly radio address. It was his last hurrah for 2005 and he was talking about how he wants to continue his abuse of the past through 2006. This has to really scare you the average American. Bush was a nightmare!
He vowed to continue what to you and I as average Americans witnessed and experienced as the continued destruction of society and the country as we like to remember it. He still thinks we are the envy of the world. This is still partially true but only because a large part of the world is still behind us in their progression. Due to his insistence on continued tax cuts for the wealthy. His continued destruction of the lower classes, his continuing outsourcing of his Karl Rove’s taught 3D politics (deceitful, deceptive, divisive, politics) contributing to world disorder he is continuing to erode this envy as we move into 2006.
New Years Eve 12/31/06 I noted Bush promised to make 2007 more deadlier than 2006 for American's and Iraqi's! He certainly did just that. I woke one morning to hear the 3,000th American had been killed in Iraq that number is now 4370. I reiterated that this Bush created Iraqi breakdown will spread throughout the middle east, being a total war between Shiite and Sunni as you can see it developing still
Thanks to President Obama's election in 2008 2009 dawned with renewed hope but the decade of Bush's destruction was still playing out and will be for many years. Millions have lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance. We saw massive bailouts for for our capitalist system. Capitalism was bailed out so we still have hope. Now for us! More than a year into President Obama's Presidency we have not seen any accomplishments.
That said, Our troops are scheduled to depart Iraq in 2011, foreclosures have slowed down, Job losses have slowed drastically, the economy of the wealthy is recovering and ours looks to be showing positive signs of improvement so we have hope. We watch the mess in Iran, our and the worlds financial mess hopefully improving and we have hope for 2010. Let us hope 2010 is a good year for President Obama, us, and the world. I wish you a Happy New Year in 2010!
May the last year of the first decade be better than the first 9 in this new world, this new century!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma