Boston Pops Stars and Stripes
Boston Pops 4th of July Finale
After nearly three years of excavation, archaeologists confirmed last 4th of July the discovery of the site of George Washington's boyhood home near the banks of the Rappahannock River in northeast Virginia. Archaeologists find remains of Washington's boyhood home
Then to celebrate it A rare and original manuscript of one of America's most patriotic songs has been discovered in a flea market bargain. A shopper browsing through the market in New York bought a framed picture of a flower for $10 and found handwritten manuscript of "America" (My Country 'tis of Thee) tucked behind the picture, the manuscript's owner said Thursday.
The manuscript of the song whose lyrics were written by Samuel Francis Smith in 1831 could be worth tens of thousands of dollars, said the owner, art collector Keya Morgan. He said he bought it from the flea market shopper, who has asked not to be identified. The song was intended to be played in schools to inspire and teach children and was first played in public on July 4, 1831, in the First Baptist Church in Newton, Massachusetts, Morgan said. The song is written to the tune of "God Save the Queen," the national anthem of the United Kingdom. Rare song manuscript found in flea market
I am trying to lighten up today and a couple of my sons are at Plum Island Striper fishing so I am squeezing this in! I will try to cook on the grill in celebration of the day. I hope you all can do the same. Have a nice Fourth of July and God Bless America!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Happy Fourth and happy grillin'!
Happy 4th!
Wow! They are some rare finds! This doesn't happen very often anymore.
Happy 4th of July Jim.
For some reason I can't message from MD group on FB so I'll let you know here that episode 32 is now online as I know how much you enjoy them. XX
All right! Happy 4th guys!
Monique I just noticed you had another episode and was going to check you out as soon as I can. You know I look forward to it.
Good find Jim and enjoy your time.
Thanks Larry hope you had a nice 4th, Take care!
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