Does Ahmadinejad want war so he can stay in power?
Netanyahu draws red line for Iran nuclear development: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday
that the only way to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons was to draw a
"clear red line" which should not to be crossed by Tehran. "There is only one
way to peacefully prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear bombs, it is to set a
clear red line to Iran's nuclear weapons program," he told the General Assembly
of the UN. "The red lines do not lead to war. Red lines prevent war," he added.
To illustrate, the head of the Israeli government has raised the drawing of a
bomb ready to explode on which he drew a red line just below the "final stage".
"A red line should be drawn here just before Iran completes the second phase of
its nuclear enrichment needed for a bomb. Iran in only few months or weeks has
amassed enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear weapon," said Netanyahu.

To illustrate, the head of the Israeli government has raised the drawing of a bomb ready to explode on which he drew a red line just below the "final stage". "A red line should be drawn here just before Iran completes the second phase of its nuclear enrichment needed for a bomb. Iran in only few months or weeks has amassed enough enriched uranium to make a nuclear weapon," said Netanyahu.
Mornin Jim and Thanx for the read, this is really kind of interesting to me as to what come's of this, and I heard about this "red line" stuff already, I think last week(?), so of course I seen the "woof ticket" push from "Nuttin- YaHoo" (I love that name : ) But I wasnt even aware of how far back this nuke or atomic energies goes back in Iran, I remember in the mid- 70's when staying in San Antonio ... friday/ saturday night's were saturated in downtown with Iranian military who were staying there being treained for Air Force (many actually well known locally for picking up tranvestite hooker's down on N. St. Marys St. ho- stroh ... dont ask me to explain it, it beat's the Hell outta me Jim : ) ... we had our nose in everyone's business over there for year's man ... but the US actually being behind some of Iran's shit way back in the 50's I didnt know about, but it wouldnt suprise me, politic's and such are WAY ahead of the people, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... our miseries is pre- paid and planned you can say ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh : ) My wife and brother- in- law, and sister- in- law were all living in Tehran when the revolution went down back in the late 70's, so they told me the stories year's back first hand.
As far as can there ever be peace Jim? ... I alwayz think peace is possible ... however, how can you have peace if it is not in folk's heart's that lead or even the people? ... surely we dont think we can "dictate" peace eh? ... that is against human nature and natural order, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... any more than we can go into the jungle's and have animal's love each other ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... only the human brain is so contaminated/ neurotic with such nonsense : ) In some cases Jim ... I feel an all out war is necessary ... just to clear the air at time's ... and my heart goes out to the people on both side's who have to suffer for the action's of the top few as well, I myself have a close contact in Israel (we send alot of music, video's, and alternative literature and art back and forth via mail) yet we never even discuss politic's or any of this, Israel has such a great alternative music scene as well BTW, I get alot of really cool stuff from there, and some really hot babe's too : )
I know it's too late now, but again Jim ... I frankly never would have even reinstated the State of Israel after WW2, any more than would I put some French Poodles in the same pen with a bunch of Pit- Bull's ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh : ), especially with a bunch of uncivilized f'n raghead's (forgive me, but I reserve calling some of them raghead's, because they loosely call out women whore's and slut's, so I will continiue to call them such : ) ... in fact I just finished a posting on this forced (whether it's UN forced or corporate forced) multi- culturalism in the middle east period ... I'm against it ... and was told I am a segregationist as well by definition locally, but that's just me Jim and my bloody opinion. And like you said, Israel and Iran leader's both want a pass to go at it ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... if anything Jim ... otta be a good un though if a war does break out, eh? : )
One thing I do know Jim ... if any of these on either side EVER threatened or drew first blood on us with these weapon's of intercontinental capabilities ... rest assured I would nuke their ass in a New York minute ... regargless of Exxon/ Mobil's opinion or even the UN : ) Being fiscally conservative, I would do that before any troop's on the ground to save our troop's lives, especially having to engage with a bunch of f'n animal's ... my objective is only to eliminate the threat in the MOST economical way in other word's. Other than that as far as Israel and Iran ... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh ... go ahead at it, ya'll have fun : )
I'll shut the Hell up now Jim ....
First off nobody's going to nuke anybody. The first one that does would start a nuclear war. And everyone knows the outcome to that. What people seem to forget is that the bombs we have now are 100 times more powerful than the ones we dropped on Japan. To set off just two dozen of them would make this planet uninhabitable. That was one of the reasons for the S.A.L.T. agreements.
I know an attack on Iran is not going to happen any time soon at least not by us. We're too bogged down in Afghanistan at the moment and it takes months to gather an offensive. Also need to remember Iran has the largest military in the middle east. To attack Iran would raise the ire of the entire arab world as well as throw the oil markets into turmoil.
Yeah Tom you see it. An all out war is coming period despite the rhetoric that no one wants it.
WW3 is coming and it will be a lot worse and more wide spread than ww2. Wars get worse they don't get better or easier.
Our weapons are too powerful today to fully unleash them on the planet. All sides involved have promised no nukes will be used.
You have to believe they will not.I think they will stay with conventional weapons because everyone thinks their side will win it and they all want to be able to use thee area and capture the resources.
No side will like the results of this and remember North Korea and China sea tensions.
To me the bull in the China shop is Iran. If they get nukes I do believe they will use them.
I really don't know their attitude towards the end of days but personally it all scares me because non of the idiots will use common sense or restraint.
Demeur this mirrors what I just said to Tom. Everybody involved has said they will stay conventional and I believe that.
Just hear that said tells me this will get a lot wider as it is. I still hope we are smart enough to keep it from evolving into WW3 but I wouldn't count on it.
Both Chavez and Putin wanted to be in control when Bush was President cause they knew it was coming. Well now they are back and they are bothy itching for it. Still we hope!
We know Putin is after one thing and one thing only and that's the gas fields of Syria. He also knows that Iran would benefit in the process.
However as Joe Biden pointed out in the debate Iran is in a very tight box at the moment with the sanctions. They can't sell much of their oil because nobody will insure their tankers and they don't have their own refineries. That should slow their military ambitions down quite a bit.
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