Friday, March 31, 2006

Condi Admits to Being Braindead! Read it For Yourself.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice conceded Friday that the United States probably has made thousands of "tactical errors" in Iraq and elsewhere, but said it will be judged by its larger aims of peace and democracy in the Middle East. You got that right!

Condi met loud anti-war protests in the streets and skeptical questions about U.S. involvement in Iraq at a foreign policy salon Friday, including one about whether Washington had learned from its "mistakes over the past three years. ** Rice replied that leaders would be "brain-dead" if they did not absorb the lessons of their times.

Can you beleive that Condi agrees with us? They have made thousands of tactical errors in the U.S. of which Katrina is only one of many, in the Middle East of which Iraq's mess is only one of the many getting ready to explode into WW3 as I beleive it already has, and around the entire world including China and Russia due to their monumental flagrant lack of self control, at this point they have left no part of the world intact thanks to their purposeful divisive politics of so called democracy.

Like you I am sick of hearing Condi back up Bush's stupidity, admitting to mistakes, and then saying what we and the world think doesn't matter. History will be the judge. They will be judged by their democratization efforts in the Middle East around the World. Damn straight! I hope she and her boss remember that when they wake up to the mess they have purposely created around the world because of the Russian doctrine of destruction they have in fact followed from the beginning.

I happen to agree 100% with John Dean. After The New York Times revealed Bush's wiretapping program in December, Dean wrote that "Bush may have outdone Nixon" and be worthy not just of censure but impeachment. He will be testifying at Bush's censure hearings and says this administration is worse than Nixon's.

I happen to agree but I did a blog a ways back where I asserted that this would go down in history as the worst administration in the history of the country and it will.

Some people felt there was worse but there has never been a President who has purposely set out to follow the doctrine of destruction and purposely screw up every accepted norm in the country and the world. Here it is. Having the above in mind I also did a blog stating that Bush would go down in history as the President who brought down america. Worse is that he has done it all on purpose following that fucked up Russian doctrine.

Lastly I just want to say that I am sick of being ignored and marginalized. This is our country! We do not matter as expressed by Bush and Condi. They will be judged by history and a higher power. I say we do matter. We will be the judges for now. let's get this censure in gear, history and a higher power will have their say later. Right now it is you!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Monitoring FoxNews: It's a Dirty Job But Somebody Has To do It!

I saw a Diary this morning where someone was expressing pleasure in seeing that CNN was beginning to express the unbiased truth as to what Bushco was doing. I too am happy to see this. I also saw a diary about bush's low poll numbers and where would they go next.

However it made me remember why I find it necessary to monitor FoxNews and the lies they feed their audience. Some people have criticized me for paying attention to Fox. It is a dirty job but someone has to do it.
I beleive it is important to monitor the garbage they feed their audience. with bushco being willing to say anything in order to follow their corruptive fundamentalist agenda.
With Bush's propensity to lie out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it and a stupid smirk on his face all the while. That is harmful in itself.

Throw in the repug biased reporting from Fox, in this case the inept always wrong John Gibson. With stupid nonsensical rhetoric this idiot cannot dazzle you with brilliance so he consistently does the old fall back to baffling you with bullshit.
Two quick for instances. Check out what this idiot had to say in his asinine attempt to foul up our national security agenda to gain contept for Dems and support for Bush's corruptive agenda.,2933,189552,00.html
I don't know about you but I think a wall to keep out illegal immigramts is the stupidest idea I have ever heard. Of course bush wamts this stupid thing and gibson is stupid enough to say it is the first thing we have to do. Bullshit! Check this out.,2933,189286,00.html

This ability and willingness of bush to lie to get what he wants coupled with the John Gibsons in the country willing to defend his lies with mindless bullshit examples to back up those lies, is the only reason Bush's poll numbers are still higher than they deserve to be at 34%.

That is why I frustrate myself listening to this baffling bullshit. It is important that we tackle these lies and corruption at every level not just at the top but down here at the bottom. we must neutralize these corruptive republicans at all levels and I know we are doing our share.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Bush has made the "Left" right and the "right" wrong!!

He has purposely for his own selfish gain and goals, turned our political system, our societal system, the Middle East, and the entire world, on its ear. He has turned from top to bottom, everything on its head and he has done it on purpose in order to create his new (dis)order.
What you are witnessing as to the division bush has created here, in Iraq, the Middle East, and around the entire world, is just a small part of the Russian doctrine I know as the Doctrine of Destruction he is in fact following. Check it out!

Because of his Rove's taught 3D (deceitful, deceptive, divisive,) politics that he has now outsourced around the world. He has made the "Right" wrong, The "left" right, tried to turn "liberal" into a bad word here at home, and that is just the beginning.

He has turned the entire country,the Middle East, and the entire world, on itself in order to create his new societal and world order. He will not have enough time to finish his plan but as you know, he is well into it. as a result, we will be left with a monumental societal and world disorder.

The Democrats will be left with the responsibility of making everything "Right" again. Hmmm! There's that word again, "Right". See, the Left is right today and the right is wrong. In his purposed following of Rove's 3d politics at home he has tried to make the "L" word into something dirty. It is not! Left or Liberal is right and Bush has made it that way.

Being a liberal to me is merely expecting the right thing done for everyone. Not for selfish special interest. Not for Fundamentalist. Not for any one Religion. Not for the wealthy. Not for the poor, elderly, or sick, that bush is screwing. For all of us and it is not being advocated or done by anyone today.

Expecting the right thing done for the people, the country, and the world, has labeled me a Liberal. I don't really understand that but I wear the label proudly.
Today we are watching the illegal immigration debate raging on around the country. Neither side cares about the immigrants or " We the people". They are only giving you the Facade of concern once again. Please read this clip, it is a good one.
Republicans seem to be the driving force behind both sides of this issue. They don't care about you, the immigrants, the country, or doing the right thing. They only care about protecting their own selfish interests and those of their "people", the lobbyist's, Agriculture, Corporations, political party's, this is all it boils down to.
You, me, immigrants on both sides of the issue, are once more only pawns for political gain.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Mouse Testicles And you: You thought yours were Important?

Can you beleive it? I was listening to this yesterday and was amazed but just forgot about it as another screwball research. Wait a minute! think about this. Mice save the day for democrats!,35103.asp

Testicular cells may provide an alternative source of cells - instead of emembryonic stem cells - for growing cells to repair damaged tissue or organs, suggests a German study in the latest online issue of the journal Nature.
AdvertisementThe researchers isolated stem cells from adult mouse testes that exhibit properties similar to embryonic stem cells, New Scientist reported. These testicle-derived cells - called multipotent adult germline cells - can be grown into all tissues of the mouse body.
It may be possible to use a simple testicular biopsy to extract these kinds of cells from human males to provide them with a source of genetically matched cells, the researchers said.
"We're in the process of doing this in humans and we're optimistic," research team leader Gerd Hasenfuss, of the Georg-August University of Gottingen, told New Scientist.
If it is possible, this approach would avoid the technical and ethical issues associated with generating stem cells from human embryos left over from fertility treatments. Those embryos have to be destroyed in the process of obtaining stem cells. – (HealthDayNews)

Can you beleive it! this would kill another issue for the Repugs. they have nothing else to stand on. This would take their last leg to stand on. only the most jaded and those capitalizing off of Bush's corruptive ineptitude can still be behind his insecurity policies.

* Mouse testicles kill stem cell issue for repugs!

James Joiner

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Monday, March 27, 2006

Update:Bush's Ignorance of Reality has been for a reason from the getgo

This morning I woke up to the un-news that their is new proof that Bush and PM Tony Blaire knew ahead of time that they were going to attack Iraq regardless of WMD.

This is not news to us. we have known this for years because of the Downing street memos amongst othe sources. They were determined to attack Iraq even though they knew there was a good chance no WMD would be found as we know was the case. We were warned not to ignore the many negative repercussions of attacking before bush chose to ignore all good advice for a reason and attack.

The thing that blows me away is their total stupidity and ignorance in insisting to us that they were surprised by the level of sectarian violence and insurgency. They knew! What the hell do they think we are all stupid! mcClellan is still lying saying that all bush's statements to Blair prior to the war were "consistent"
Not that they were or weren't lies. They were consistent. when going to college for Accountant we learned that being right was not as important as being consisten. If your going to be wrong or lie that's fine just be consistent. Sounds like a Bush plan.

Like you I know they perceived themselves as having the superior military strength to impose their will and they were banking on it with our money and the lives of our patriotic youth.
We heard the many possible results of an attack on Iraq one of them being sectarian civil war before Bush ignored them and for a reason. as they denied the Downing street memo they will merely continue to deny any news stating the truth as to Bush's intentions.
It is Bush's intention as you know and in his interest to ignore to ignore all common sense and reality as he is. Allawi had it right! Iraq is in civil war With Shiite's saying we killed 22 innocents in the last mosque attack and us saying it was 16 insuregents killed we now have the shiite's calling for us to give up our stake in iraqi security.

This doesn't look or sound like a winning situation to us but it is too bush because of his plan. This is why! Bush's only concern as I continue to try and get people to see, is his concern of following the creation of a new societal Middle East, and world order.
The sad part for us and the world is, he was and is too stupid to realize that by following the mid 19th century Russian doctrine he is in fact following you must have disorder before you can replace it with your idea of a better order.
It will not happen in this case. This is what he is following home, in Iraq, the Middle east, and around the world. It is in the dictionary but you can find it all spelled out right here.
Iraq, The Middle east, and the world will by design have total disorder. The problem is bush will not have time to create his new order.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Republican Weakness That will be their Demise is Individual rights!

With illegal wiretapping being sanctioned by Bushco as in every other instance, in the name of our security and the perception that if you question them or you are unpatriotic.
They have finally handed us the issues of their own doing that will be their demise.
Immigration and individual rights. The two hot button human rights issues that are in the forefront today. The Republicans are on both sides of both issues as they like to accuse the Democrats of constantly.

This puts the immediate future of the Republican party in serious jeopardy. The Afghan Christian quandry alienates Bush's christian base if he can not protect him. Or it alienates Muslims because of our interference in their internal affairs.
Hearing that this convert has been let out of jail since he was found mentally unfit for trial is of no satisfaction to either side of this issue. This frees up Hamid Karzai from appearing to side with Bush or of giving in to Muslim desire to have him killed . This guy will be killed by someone and now Karzai is off the hook, you can count on it.

The other hotbutton issue at the moment is immigration. Bush insists on border security now that he has all the illegal immigrants he needs to fuel his new idea of a working society. that's a good thing. The catch is he is still insisting on a guest worker program.

This conflicts directly with many Republicans who are now caught in the middle between their constituents Who do not want to see the 12 million or so illegal immigrants being rewarded and Bush. I do have to agree with Senator Cornyn who believes a wall is rediculous.
I hope thiis costs the Republicans dearly in the fall as well it should. Many peopple are up in arms in california, Texas, and Florida.

Their traditional strongpoints of fiscal responsibility and small government is now a bad joke and appears to be another strongpoint of ours. In defense of burying us and future generations in debt they use the term unpatriotic against us.
In defense of Bush's senseless, stay the course of insanity, create more insurgents, needless war, he uses Patriotism against us.
Bushco throws our Patriotism in the faces of the public, the importance of standing behind the "cause" and the fight to protect America.

*However, their is no defending reducing social security while protecting the rich and their tax cuts. There is no defense in screwing your base, your own party. In this case it is the Christian fundamentalist who want to see bush's de mocracy in Afghanistan back the Christian convert. Also the majority of Republican constituents who want to see a responsible immigration Bill that in their eyes does not give legal status to millions of illegal immigrants that have broken the law in coming here illegally.

**I for one am watching and getting pleasure in finally watching the Repugs implode.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Cheney Blasts Democrats For Being Honest!

Yesterday once again Cheney blasted Democrats for calling a spade a spade. They correctly called bush dangerously incompetent.,2933,189068,00.html

He accused Democrats of jumping into the debate with a negative message. Like you I am sick of this. If speaking the truth is negative then you better change your misactions.
I'm not sure what debate Cheney is talking about in this instance but calling Bush dangerously incompetent applies to every Crisis he has created. Cheney of course only continues the standard Bushco policy of being ignorant, crying loud, crying often, and being blatantly wrong.
He of course coninued to call democrats weak on terror. Where the hell is the proof of that? we just want to see a little thought process.

Reid, in a statement to FOX News on Thursday, said, “The unfortunate fact of the matter is that the incompetence of the president and his administration has threatened the security of this country and the safety of our people. They have consistently misled the public and preferred political rhetoric over honest leadership.”
I say Bravo Harry Reid for calling bush dangerously incompetent. Also for criticizing Bushco's Iraq policies. Now let's see the truth relentlessly pounded home. Let's see some consistancy of that mesage from all Democrats. As Bushco is consistant on their mis message and relentlessly pounds home the lies loud and often.

Cheney, speaking Friday at a campaign event for Rep. Ric Keller in Orlando, said Democrats have a "sorry record" on national security.
Where the hell does he get that? Does he forget that this sorry record of created crises is all Bushco's?
With that sorry record, the leaders of the Democratic Party have decided to run on the theme of competence. If they're competent to fight this war, then I ought to be singing on American Idol," Cheney said.
He better dig a hole instead, stick his head in it, and start singing. Democrats are more competent than these idiots and I for one couldn't handle hearing Cheney sing. Knowing what he did with a gun in his hands is bad enough. Yeah they're competent all right!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Friday, March 24, 2006

charlie Sheen's Conspiracy or mine:which is it if any?

Yesterday I caught sight of charlie Sheens Conspiracy thory as to to twin towers and 9/11. Like many of you, I have my own theory and you tell me what you think about mhicael moores, Charlie Sheens. Mine, Your own, or any other.

Sheens theory too me is a little far fetched. He believes we dropped the towers ourselves with controlled explosions because they went down like a controlled implosion. you would too if you had thousands of gallons of fuel pouring down on you melting your foundation in thousands of degree temperatures. Check this out! What do you think? he doen't believe the Pentagon was even hit. What is that and what about the flight that went down in the field?.

My own belief is that Bush didn't expect so much damage. However,We were looking for something to rally the country and the world. As a result, we did not act on prior tips. We also know we did not act on tips and clues that could have prevented 9/11 and that did come out during the 9/11 hearings but of course no onee was at fault. It was obvious thet Condi and others were not geing forthcoming and honest during the facade known as the 9/11 hearings. But, the idea of dropping the twin towers ourselves is a bit much to fathom as a setup for me.

Many of you have heard of Michael Moore's theory or read Fahreneit 911 and there are other theories. this link will help you get to all of them if you are anterested.

* Please tell me what you believe!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Common Experience, Common Sense, Common Sense Answers!

In the past I have written about this subject. Also we hear once in while a call for Muslim Madrasa's to stop preaching hate for the west and to start preaching tolerance of others. As you know, it is hypocratic for Bush to say that and what's new. We have the same problem right her in our own society.
Our underlying societal problem is our overwhelming loss of morality. We must get our moral base bact and I do not mean this unbridled out of control, extreme religiousity, we see corruptively displayed by the so called Bush Fundamentalists. We are hearing occasionally that we have a morality Problem in our society. Not by all but by many. Very Good! we have to congratulate them for waking up.
In my first book I said the underlying problem in our society was due to the D.A.M.D. (Declining American morality Dinks). We can fix our problems here and around the world but we must start at home, with our base, our souls, our morality. Just look at the cover of my first book. Analize the cover, read more about the subject if you want but just look at the cover. It speaks volumes about our problems without going any further.

Okay, we all know that being awake in todays tumultuous, often unpleasant environment, can be debillitating at times. however, our underlying problems in our entire society on every level boils down to oneword. If only we could get people to implement it first we would have no problems. Consideration!
Lack of morality, lack of consideration, ineptitude, these are a few of the many problems with Bush. all worsened by the doctrine he is following. Look at here free!

I think I have a few people realizing what bush is doing and why. i think we are realizing why we have so many problems in our society today.

However, What to do,that is the question? This is a question I have had posed to me many times by commentors in many past diaries. Myself, I have taken to writing multi subject diaries often because there are so many negative events occuring daily that I feel we should address and discuss and we just can't keep abreast of them all and it has become overwhelming. I hear many people voicing this and saying they have to stop listening to the news so they can keep their sanity because daily event have become overwhelming.

As a country, as a world, as a whole, we must regain or collective morality. we have to! Our moving into the future as a society, as a country, as a world community successfully, depens on it.

James Joiner

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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Yesterdays Fine example of Bush Following the Doctrine Of Destruction!

I am trying to get people to realize that, yes Bush is inept but everything Bush is doing home and abroad is a result of the doctrine I know as the doctrine of detruction. yesterdays is a fine example. Download the doctrine for free. and see for yourself.

He has to worsen the plight of the legal lower classes and further the cause of the wealthy. As you are all witnessing, he has followed this doctrine oh so well here, in Iraq, the Middle East, and around the world.

Yesterday it really struck me as to how successful he has been everywhere around the world but this example is of his so called success is to our demise. As you know, Bush is always bragging how great the economy is doing. We have said many times that when he says this he is not talking about the lower classes or "the average American in the trenches of society" but about his people, those that he represents and got him mis elected in the first place.

Look at this fine example of his great successfull economy and how it is for the lower classes. This is just one affect he has had on those that should matter.
Food stamp use has gone up 33% since his election. I have known from the beginning what he is doing to us but this really surprised me. He has really made serious inroads on us and is succeeding. This is his great economy? This example should be only one of the so called measures of his success in America.

I know it is just another "Bush created coincidence" and he will say he has spent great amounts of money to help the lower classes. He has, but to sink them not help them.
He has purposely totally screwed our economy. he insists on being inept, burying us and our kids in debt, debillitating the lower classes, and still insists on giving the rich back their taxes while we must sacrifice and it's for our own good. we have let him get away with this and he isn't done. What the hell is wrong with us?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bush's Hope For new Order in Iraq Will end in total Disorder!

It is in the dictionary but to understand what Bush is doing and the dangerous doctrine Bush is following, download it here for free.

Iraq will have its new order in someones life time. There will be a lot more disorder first. The end is a long way off. Bush knew disorder had to come first. He did not realize as he should have that their would be this much disorder. He cannot impose his will on muslims anymore than another country could to us. At least Alawi realizes Iraq is in a civil war even if we won't admit it.
He atleast realizes that it will spread throughout the Middle East but even he doesn't know Bush did this on purpose and it as part of his new world order.

The Bush talked about Democracy and victory will not happen. Read the doctrine he is following and see exactly why he sees progress and we see total chaos. It is by design.
In the end Bush is using us, the Muslims, and the world, to create his idea of a new world order. Bush will have his new Iraq, Middle East, American, and new world order, but their is a lot more mayhem and disorder to come first. Please look at his insane plan.History will be the judge. History is already the judge. With 5 years of his followed doctrine behind him in America and around the world. With 3 years of his purposeful destruction in Iraq. Bush's Historyalready speaks for itself and we can't take much more.

If you haven't done it yet, The doctrine he is following is in the dictionary but you can download it here for free. With interest finally being shown to his Doctrine I described a few years ago I revisited it myself and realized that because of the tremendous progress Bush has made in following the mid 19th century Russian Doctrine I call the doctrine Of Destruction and his horrific success in implementing his horrific changes to our society and his idea of a new world order that I had better update it a bit.
He is much further into his plan to increase the demise of the legal lower classes and legalizing to whatever degree he can his necessary to his plan illegal immigrants. Like it or not you are all witnessing as he continues to cut Medicare, health and education benefits to the sick and poor, and anything else he can cut and get away with.He continues to lie and misconceive you routinely. He continues to talk out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it smiling insanely all the while. He continues to attempt to make you believe he cares and is doing the right thing while showing he doesn't care and does not have a clue as to reality. Just look at Katrina's lack of progress and his supposed concern after 88 Billion spent with no visual improvement and he is still 6 months later saying we are working on helping you. They'll be dead first! He is well along his schedule to create a new societal and world order and it does not bode well for the legal lower classes or the world. With his Presidency nearing an end he has put his efforts on the fast track and it has become overwhelming. Before he can create a new societal and world order he must create societal and world disorder. as you are witnessing in both counts he has so far been very successful and isn't done yet.As you can see, he is well on his way with his altering of any semblance of Middle East order. We were not caught by surprise in Iraq, our so called leaders like Mr. Bush have been inept and fell for Mr. Bush's lies. I for one am very disgusted that no one saw through this man until now. stop making excuses!
Now we have Iraq is in the middle of breaking into civil war, Iran will go nuclear, and the entire Middle East will be embroiled in turmoil and erupt as Iran and Bush has been instigating towards. Russia is imploding thanks to President Bush's lack of diplomacy and instigating ex Soviet satellites to become Democratic and our allies.China continues to follow Bush's example of saying one thing and doing the other. They continue to massively and clandestinely build their military and its effectiveness.
We will be facing China along with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and everywhere else President Bush has been ignorantly and irresponsibly been pushing his Karl Rove's taught** 3D (deceitful, deceptive, divisive) politics and Christian fundamentalism that he has used to ruin our societal order and is outsourcing around the world.** Yes, president Bush is well into his plan and he is succeeding. Its success will be to the demise of America as we knew and loved it and the world. I tried to head this off but failed.
In my 2nd book titled "Life Today/The Real Story" I ended it with Nostradamus two possible roads we had to chose from in our current predicament. Our future he said was up to us. We could choose one road and move prosperously into the future. If we chose the 2nd road it would lead to disaster for man. We have chosen the 2nd road. I am not a great follower or believer in Nostradamus but he has this one right.
*No, History will not be kind to Bush as he deserves. He will be remembered for his detruction of American and world order not for new order as he thinks.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Our Winning Ticket: Could It Be Gore - "Bill" Clinton ?

We have been wondering for a while now who would be our best ticket too take the Presidency back. We have all seen many Blogs on the subject and seen many possabilities. I woke up this morning thinking about this. I got to wondering, could Bill Clinton be elected as Vice President?;jsessionid=2ip39sa84twbu?method=4&dsid=2222&dekey=Vice+President+of+the+United+States&curtab=2222_1&sbid=lc04b&linktext=Vice%20President

The twelfth amendment to the US constitution requires vice-presidents to meet the same requirements as presidents, and the 22nd amendment limits presidents to being elected to only two terms. It is however debated whether a former two-term president could be elected Vice-President since the 22nd amendment doesn’t limit a president to serving two terms only from being elected two terms. According to one interpretation a two term president could be elected to the vice-presidency and then serve another term in the presidency if the elected president died or was removed from office because the 22nd amendment only forbids election to the presidency twice. * In such a circumstance the two-term president turned vice-president was still only actually elected to the presidency twice.

The answer appears to be yes. Which brings us to the next question. Would Bill accept the Vice Presidential role? In an interview witth Alan Colmes he said he would under Hillary. I for one can't see that happening. Which leads me to the 3rd question.

Would President Clinton accept the nomination under Gore? I happen to believe he would. he would be involve in running the country once more. He would have a wealth of first hand knowledge to share. the office of V.P. is more important today than ever. Depite what you think of him as a person he did a pretty good job of running the country. There will be a lot of work for whoever gets elected in 2008 repairing all Bush's damage.

This scenario would be an interesting quandry for Repugs. What do you think about this?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Sunday, March 19, 2006

The 3rd Anniversary and Iraq Is out Of Control

Iraq will have its new order in someones life time. There will be a lot more disorder first. The end is a long way off. Bush knew disorder had to come first. He did not realize as he should have that their would be this much disorder. He cannot impose his will on muslims anymore than another country could to us. At least Alawi realizes Iraq is in a civil war even if we won't admit it.

He atleast realizes that it will spread throughout the Middle East but even he doesn't know Bush did this on purpose and it as part of his new world order.

With more than 2,300 Americans dead and 17,000 wounded not to speak of the more than 30,000 dead Iraqi civilians The Bush talked about Democracy and victory will not happen.

In the end Bush is using us, the Muslims, and the world, to create his idea of a new world order. Bush will have his new Iraq, Middle East, American, and new world order, but their is a lot more mayhem and disorder to come first. Please look at his insane plan.History will be the judge. History is already the judge. With 5 years of his followed doctrine behind him in America and around the world. With 3 years of his purposeful destruction in Iraq. Bush's History
already speaks for itself and we can't take much more.

The doctrine he is following is in the dictionary but you can download it here for free. With interest finally being shown to his Doctrine I described a few years ago I revisited it myself and realized that because of the tremendous progress Bush has made in following the mid 19th century Russian Doctrine I call the doctrine Of Destruction and his horrific success in implementing his horrific changes to our society and his idea of a new world order that I had better update it a bit.
He is much further into his plan to increase the demise of the legal lower classes and legalizing to whatever degree he can his necessary to his plan illegal immigrants. Like it or not you are all witnessing as he continues to cut Medicare, health and education benefits to the sick and poor, and anything else he can cut and get away with.He continues to lie and misconceive you routinely. He continues to talk out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it smiling insanely all the while.
He continues to attempt to make you believe he cares and is doing the right thing while showing he doesn't care and does not have a clue as to reality. Just look at Katrina's lack of progress and his supposed concern after 88 Billion spent with no visual improvement and he is still 6 months later saying we are working on helping you. They'll be dead first! He is well along his schedule to create a new societal and world order and it does not bode well for the legal lower classes or the world.
With his Presidency nearing an end he has put his efforts on the fast track and it has become overwhelming. Before he can create a new societal and world order he must create societal and world disorder. as you are witnessing in both counts he has so far been very successful and isn't done yet.As you can see, he is well on his way with his altering of any semblance of Middle East order. We were not caught by surprise in Iraq, our so called leaders like Mr. Bush have been inept and fell for Mr. Bush's lies. I for one am very disgusted that no one saw through this man until now. stop making excuses!

Now we have Iraq is in the middle of breaking into civil war, Iran will go nuclear, and the entire Middle East will be embroiled in turmoil and erupt as Iran and Bush has been instigating towards. Russia is imploding thanks to President Bush's lack of diplomacy and instigating ex Soviet satellites to become Democratic and our allies.China continues to follow Bush's example of saying one thing and doing the other. They continue to massively and clandestinely build their military and its effectiveness.

We will be facing China along with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and everywhere else President Bush has been ignorantly and irresponsibly been pushing his Karl Rove's taught** 3D (deceitful, deceptive, divisive) politics and Christian fundamentalism that he has used to ruin our societal order and is outsourcing around the world.** Yes, president Bush is well into his plan and he is succeeding. Its success will be to the demise of America as we knew and loved it and the world. I tried to head this off but failed.

In my 2nd book titled "Life Today/The Real Story" I ended it with Nostradamus two possible roads we had to chose from in our current predicament. Our future he said was up to us. We could choose one road and move prosperously into the future. If we chose the 2nd road it would lead to disaster for man. We have chosen the 2nd road. I am not a great follower or believer in Nostradamus but he has this one right.

*No, History will not be kind to Bush as he deserves. He will be remembered for his detruction of American and world order not for new order as he thinks.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hamas Realities, Tomorrows Nightmares: they Will help with Bush's Middle East Breakdown!

I did a blog on January 29, it was in regards to the results of Hamas coming to power as a result of bush's pushing for Democracy in Palestine. They are still pledging to eliminate Israel refusing to recognize them. .

They will never accept or recognize Israel and we knew it. Bush's ill plans for us and the world continue to fall into place Hamas will do its share along with Iran and Syria to see to it that President Bush has his Middle East disorder so he can create his verison of new world order in the Middle East. They will have plenty of help as a result of the doctrine Bush is following.

With 5 years of his followed doctrine behind him in America and around the world. With 3 years of his purposeful destruction in Iraq. Bush's History already speaks for itself and we can't take much more.
The doctrine he is following is in the dictionary but you can download it here for free. With interest finally being shown to his Doctrine I described a few years ago I revisited it myself and realized that because of the tremendous progress Bush has made in following the mid 19th century Russian Doctrine I call the doctrine Of Destruction and his horrific success in implementing his horrific changes to our society and his idea of a new world order that I had better update it a bit.

He is much further into his plan to increase the demise of the legal lower classes and legalizing to whatever degree he can his necessary to his plan illegal immigrants. Like it or not you are all witnessing as he continues to cut Medicare, health and education benefits to the sick and poor, and anything else he can cut and get away with.He continues to lie and misconceive you routinely. He continues to talk out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it smiling insanely all the while.
He continues to attempt to make you believe he cares and is doing the right thing while showing he doesn't care and does not have a clue as to reality. Just look at Katrina's lack of progress and his supposed concern after 88 Billion spent with no visual improvement and he is still 6 months later saying we are working on helping you. They'll be dead first! He is well along his schedule to create a new societal and world order and it does not bode well for the legal lower classes or the world.
With his Presidency nearing an end he has put his efforts on the fast track and it has become overwhelming. Before he can create a new societal and world order he must create societal and world disorder. as you are witnessing in both counts he has so far been very successful and isn't done yet.As you can see, he is well on his way with his altering of any semblance of Middle East order. We were not caught by surprise in Iraq, our so called leaders like Mr. Bush have been inept and fell for Mr. Bush's lies. I for one am very disgusted that no one saw through this man until now. stop making excuses!
Now we have Iraq is in the middle of breaking into civil war, Iran will go nuclear, and the entire Middle East will be embroiled in turmoil and erupt as Iran and Bush has been instigating towards. *Hamas and Palestine are now freer to do their share. Russia is imploding thanks to President Bush's lack of diplomacy and instigating ex Soviet satellites to become Democratic and our allies.China continues to follow Bush's example of saying one thing and doing the other. They continue to massively and clandestinely build their military and its effectiveness.
We will be facing China along with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and everywhere else President Bush has been ignorantly and irresponsibly been pushing his Karl Rove's taught** 3D (deceitful, deceptive, divisive) politics and Christian fundamentalism that he has used to ruin our societal order and is outsourcing around the world.
** Yes, president Bush is well into his plan and he is succeeding.
James Joiner

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Friday, March 17, 2006

Yes Condi History will be the Judge:Bush's History already speaks for Itself!

Yesterday during a speech in Australia she announced that she was aware many people did not agree with the overthrow of Saddam and the ensuing Iraq policies. She said we should leave the verdict to History. "Let History be the judge".

Stop the Bullshit already! Russia, China,Syria, Iran, they will help deliver the verdict.

History will be the judge. History is already the judge. With 5 years of his followed doctrine behind him in America and around the world. With 3 years of his purposeful destruction in Iraq. Bush's History already speaks for itself and we can't take much more.

The doctrine he is following is in the dictionary but you can download it here for free. With interest finally being shown to his Doctrine I described a few years ago I revisited it myself and realized that because of the tremendous progress Bush has made in following the mid 19th century Russian Doctrine I call the doctrine Of Destruction and his horrific success in implementing his horrific changes to our society and his idea of a new world order that I had better update it a bit.

He is much further into his plan to increase the demise of the legal lower classes and legalizing to whatever degree he can his necessary to his plan illegal immigrants. Like it or not you are all witnessing as he continues to cut Medicare, health and education benefits to the sick and poor, and anything else he can cut and get away with.He continues to lie and misconceive you routinely. He continues to talk out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it smiling insanely all the while.

He continues to attempt to make you believe he cares and is doing the right thing while showing he doesn't care and does not have a clue as to reality. Just look at Katrina's lack of progress and his supposed concern after 88 Billion spent with no visual improvement and he is still 6 months later saying we are working on helping you. They'll be dead first! He is well along his schedule to create a new societal and world order and it does not bode well for the legal lower classes or the world.

With his Presidency nearing an end he has put his efforts on the fast track and it has become overwhelming. Before he can create a new societal and world order he must create societal and world disorder. as you are witnessing in both counts he has so far been very successful and isn't done yet.As you can see, he is well on his way with his altering of any semblance of Middle East order. We were not caught by surprise in Iraq, our so called leaders like Mr. Bush have been inept and fell for Mr. Bush's lies. I for one am very disgusted that no one saw through this man until now. stop making excuses!

Now we have Iraq is in the middle of breaking into civil war, Iran will go nuclear, and the entire Middle East will be embroiled in turmoil and erupt as Iran and Bush has been instigating towards. Russia is imploding thanks to President Bush's lack of diplomacy and instigating ex Soviet satellites to become Democratic and our allies.China continues to follow Bush's example of saying one thing and doing the other. They continue to massively and clandestinely build their military and its effectiveness.

We will be facing China along with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and everywhere else President Bush has been ignorantly and irresponsibly been pushing his Karl Rove's taught** 3D (deceitful, deceptive, divisive) politics and Christian fundamentalism that he has used to ruin our societal order and is outsourcing around the world.** Yes, president Bush is well into his plan and he is succeeding. Its success will be to the demise of America as we knew and loved it and the world. I tried to head this off but failed.

*No, History will not be kind to Bush as he deserves, He will be remembered for his detruction of American and world order.
James Joiner

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Bush Reaffirms His Right to Start wars, here we Come Iran!

Yesterday President Bush reaffirmed his first strike policy. Like every other tool with this President, he has abused it and will continue to abuse it. Check out the entire speech if you can stand it.

Knowing the doctrine that he is following and I call it the doctrine of destruction for a reason. You know he wants a new world order as ha says himself. What you don't know is that he must create societal and world disorder as you are witnessing. Before he cam build his new societal and world order.

We can't trust him to use any tools honestly or in the best interest of our beloved America that he is obviously in the proccess of changing to his warped idea. He has shown consistently and continuously that he is inept and will abuse and misuse any tool that gets in his hands. I'm sure this ability to start wars as he deems necessary doesn't scare just me.

With this in mind he said that Iran poses our biggest threat but I think you might agree that it doesn't, he does. He has also used similar words to describe North Korea, rebuked china and Russia, and labeled Syria a tyranny.

* Are they next? what the hell is there to stop his idiocy? I did a blog around a month ago saying he will go down in History as the President who destroyed America. He is determined to make me right.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

In Iraq: John Gibson Sees a Glimmer Of Hope, He must be High!

We are all listening and watching Iraq implode. As Bush had to know it would. After all, he chose to ignore all warnings and attack Iraq anyway. They're moving away from the Abyss?

Of course he was on TV again saying that his efforts on democratizing Iraq and others will succeed. He must be the only one in the world that thinks that. Either that or you should wonder just what success is to him. I have said from the outset that new world disorder must come before his new world order. Just as with the doctrine of destruction he is following. He must get rid of our existing order before he can replace it with his version. I don't think anyone can deny what is happening now though it is too late to do anything about it. You can go on my web site and download Bush uncovered for free. You can also find it right in the dictionary. It does not bode well for the world or for Americas legal lower classes.

With 86 dead in and around Baghdad in the last 30 hours alone.

Some think there is a glimmer of hope. For what? Bush's Middle East breakdown so he can create his new world order? I almost have to laugh because I have been trying to warn people for years now as to what he is following and doing and people thought I was loony. When I said he had to destroy old order so he can replace it with his new order they thought I was crazy. Think of all he has done to us and the world. He is in fact doing this and he is well on his way. Go on on my site, look at the doctrine. It is necessary as to the doctrine he is following in America, the Middle east, and around the world.
John Gibson sees a glimmer of hope in Iraq because Al Qaeda has been doing all the murder and not the sects.,2933,187749,00.html

Al quaeda encompasses all sects, including Shiite and Sunni. So how can that be a glimmer of hope?
With Indonesian unrest and Iran being an increasing thorn in our side, created or not. A glimmer of hope? It looks more like a train wreck getting ready to happen and it is. The cartoons put an end to any thoughts of Islam cohabitating or cooperating with the west.
Iraq is in civil war. It will spread throughout the Middle East. All of Islam will erupt and it doesn't matter what we want! It blows me away that anyone can not have expected this. Especially those that are supposed to be in the know.
It amazes me to think that anyone can possibly think Bush didn't expect this. Remember Bush's new world order? He first has to create disorder and you can't deny that he has accomplished that. Again I ask you to go on my web site and download Bush uncovered for free. The doctrine is sad but true. the effects are right now being updated because he is moving rapidly. You will see what and the why as to what he has done and is doing.
What amazes me is that when all is said and done bush aqnd Zarqawi have the same goal.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My Resurged, Unwaverable, unshakable love for the Democratic Party thanks to Bush

I woke up this morning remembering Bush's standard wrongheaded crap designed to make people believe his lies. he is still stupidly insisting that everything will work out as planned in Iraq.

He is convinced that Iraq is moving away from an abyss. instead, Iraq and the entire middle East are falling into an Abyss purposely designed by Bush. It will happen but many americans are finally getting the picture and of course it isn't the one wrong headed bush is painting.
How confident are you that Iraq is headed in the right direction?
Not at all
Total Votes: 272,574
Note on Poll Results

How helpful have Bush's recent speeches on Iraq been?
Not at all
Total Votes: 271,426
Note on Poll Results

check out the rest of the poll results. I am glad to see more and more people waking up.

As I was saying, I woke up this morning thinking of and realizing two things. one, Bush is totally and hopelessly lost and he will never find himself. Two, He has permanently embedded my faith in the Democratic party. 25 years ago i lostt faith with the democratic party and started to wander. I became a reagan democrat and toyed with the idea of becoming a Republican.
I know he is thought of by many as a great President but he scared the hell out of me with his war mongering. as a result I registered as an Independent so i could range free and find the best man regardless of party.
Bush has changed all that for me and I suspect and hope for many, many, others. If we survive him as a viable democratic society, i for one can thank him for my intense hate and disgust for Republicans. Also for my intense desire for our traditional beloved democracy.

Seeing through him before his first mis-election It has been very painful watching all my fears coming true and a hell of a lot worse because of the horrible doctrine he is in fact following.
His lies and ineptitude are heightened by the 19th century russian Doctrine he is following per batum.
I call it the Doctrine of Destruction because it is used only when toppling one order for one you think is superior. Looking at what he has done to America and the world I was right and worse is that he has put it on the fast track and is not done yet.

It is in the dictionary but you can download it for free on my web site and see it for youself, it is scary. If we are lucky enough to survive his Presidency and all this Republican corruption, massive irresponsible debt, the sale and giving away of of America and our manufacturing base, and his corruptive ineptitude, I for one will never look outside the Democratic party again.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Monday, March 13, 2006

My Prediction: Dems will be facing Mitt Romney in 2008 and defeat Him!

A couple of days ago the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in TN. somehow the media and political observers are expressing surprise as th the turnout and who they prefer for 2008. I don't know why. I did a blog on this about a month ago.

Being from Massachusetts and following him and his typical repug lack of oversight, feigned interest in the lower classes, over spending portrayed in the Republican controlled Big Dig debacle where overspending is in the multiple Billions and it is still leaking and having problems. Knowing he is a staunch Mormon.

Knowing he is religious right and anti abortion and a standard bush flip flopper.

Knowing he is a follower of Bush's lack of sensical policies, he will be there man in 2008 and after Bush's corruptive ineptitude that is good for Democrats.

Romney took 2nd behind corrupt Frist who was on home turf so that means nothing. Romney will take the repug Presidential nomination in 2008 and we will defeat him hands down. Of course we will still have a high turnout of the right to lifer religious right but there are many, many people that have had enough of the Bush corruptive ineptitude and lies, and the negative influence the fundamentalist religious right has had on our society that will come out to vote in 2008 knowing the future of our America is at stake.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Update:Bush's New Societal & World order Progress Report!

With interest finally being shown to a Doctrine I wrote a few years ago I revisited it myself and realized that because of the tremeandous progress Bush has made in following the mid 19th century Russian Doctrine I call the doctrine Of Destruction and his horrific success in implementing his horrific changes to our society and his idea of a new world order that I had better update it a bit.

He is much further into his plan to increase the demise of the legal lower classes and legalizing to whatever degree he can his necessary to his plan illegal immigrants. Like it or not you are all witnessing as he continues to cut Medicare, health and education benefits to the sick and poor, and anything else he can cut and get away with.

He continues to lie and misconcieve you routinely. He continues to talk out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it smiling insanely all the while. He continues to attempt to make you believe he cares and is doing the right thing while showing he doesn't care and does not have a clue as to reality. Just look at Katrina's lack of progree and his supposed concern after 88 Billion spent with no visual improvement and he is still 6 months later saying we are working on helping you. They'll be dead first!

He is well along his schedule to create a new societal and world order and it does not bode well for the legal lower classes or the world. With his Presidency nearing an end he has put his efforts on the fast track and it has become overwhelming.

As you can see, he is well on his way with his altering of any semblence of middle East order. we were not caught by surprise in Iraq, our so called leaders like Mr. Bush have been inept and fell for Mr. Bush's lies. I for one am very disgusted that no one saw through this man until now. stop making excuses! Now we have Iraq is in the middle of breaking into civil war, Iran will go nuclear, and the entire Middle east will be enbroiled in turmoil and erupt as Iran and Bush has been instigating towards. Russia is imploding thanks to President Bush's lack of diplomacy and instigating ex Soviet satellites to become Democratic and our allies.

China continues to follow Bush's example of saying one thing and doing the other. They continue to massively and clandestinely build their military and its effectiveness. We will be facing it along with Russia, Iran, North Korea, and everywhere else President Bush has been ignorantly and irresponsibly been pushing his Karl Rove's taught** 3D (deceitful,deceptive, divisive) politics and Christian fundamentalism that he has used to ruin our societal order and is outsourcing around the world.

** Yes, president Bush is well into his plan and he is succeeding. Its succes will be to the demise of America as we knew and loved it and the world. I tried to head this off but failed!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

It's too suspicious that Dubai wants to own American and Now?

I started to do a diary on this March 3rd but it took a back seat to so many other Bush created Crises. I could be wrong and you will let me know, but I have not seen anything at all about the Dubai deal that concerns me very much. Yes we are now hearing about the 2nd dubai port Deal involving the Navy.,8599,1171773,00.html?cnn=yes Dubai has been handling this for years for both the U.S. Navy and the British Navy in ports in SouthEast asia. believe it or not this is not my concern.

What concerns me is the desire for Dubai to buy a company with plants in Georgia and Connecticut that produce precision comnponents for both military aircraft and tanks. at the time thie was the 2nd deal, now there is a third that is called the 2nd Dubai deal, so purposely confusing. I have to laugh, while I was writing this it reminded me of something I liked to say as a kid and it applies today more and more. If you can't dazzle them with Brilliance, Dazzle them with Bullshit, Hmm!

My Concern is why the increasing interest to own crirical American interests like the ports and military contractors and why now?

I know Bush is trying to kill the Dubai issue to weaken the Democrats ability to use it for election purposes and i do wish him luck. I would like to put the focus back on corrupt Republicans. Abramoff, Libby, Roves, and the rest of them.

* First, I for one would like it answered as to why the interest in American ports and why the interest in owning manufacturers of critical precision military components for our fighters and tanks if not for a covert in?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Republicans tumble, Democrats Falling short, 3RD Party Time?

With Bush's approval plummeting, finally even among Republicans who finally realize he is an inept, irresponsible, Bobble head.,2933,187422,00.html
I want to know first why they couldn't see this from day one? 2nd, What took so long? People are sick of being Bushwacked! I hope it isn't too late, and I hope we can combine and stop his doctrine of destruction.

With Democrats seemingly unable to get it together and field as of yet a viable candidate able to compete against the inept corrupt Republicans. With all the crap they are guilty of I will never understand this. I believe this is almost solely due to the Republican masters of deception and lies making them look like bush. Inept!

I first want to say that I that last year on dailykos I diaried that maybe it was time for a viable 3rd party. Maybe it would give us the kick in the pants we need to come together. i don't have to ask, you will let me know what you think about this.

In steps what may be the viable electable 3rd party. alan greenspan has recently suggested that it was time for a 3rd party. one that could fill the widening gap between Democrats and republicans and save the day for us. He suggested someone who could fill the great divide and had plenty of financial reserves. Sounds like he fills the bill to me. He seems to have the money, political savvy, connections, proper political knowledge and clout, and would be able to bring the country together. please read the article on him. I think you will find it interesting.

* please let me know what you think about all this?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Another Day Of Bush's Abuse of Power & Congress Gives him More to abuse!

I started my day hearing another threat by Bush to Veto any effort to defeat the Dubai deal

Here it is 2:45 and now we are hearing Dubai Ports world would give up management of American Ports to another Company after Frist told them Congress would block the deal led by Democrats. No one told us that little tidbit making us think Ports World did it out of the kindness of their hearts. Bush will get what he wants!

Also we are hearing that with the impending referral of Iran to the IAEA over its nuclear program Iran and Cheney are threatening each other with grave harm & pain!,2933,187301,00.html Like many of you I have to wonder why Iran is so adamant about the IAEA reviewing their nuclear program if it is indeed for peaceful purposes?

Those are just a few of the issues Bush hit us with today and we are hearing that Illegal immigration is starting to diminish. I beg to differ!
Concern has not diminished, Bush just creates crises so repidly it is getting buried along with many other critical Corruption issues and sundrie Bush created crises.

With that all said we also know bush was handed even more powers to abuse by the passing of the Partiot Act. I wouldn't have a problem with the 4 year extension of powers in the hands of a moral leader. However you cannot accuse Bush of that. Republicans see this as a victory, to us it is another defeat. He is already abusing these powers and now he can cover himself further legally. He is beaming i'm sure.,2933,187286,00.html I'm listening to him preparing to sign the bill as I do this.

*He has been doing this all along I'm sure but now they can legally read your mail without telling you. That sounds like a tool to be abused against anyone in Bush's hands. They can legally break into your house and don't worry, if you aren't a threat which covers everyone against Bush, you will not be bothered. they can also steal your checkbook and they do not have to tell you about for a year where it would then bw too late foryou to act on it. Too me it is not the tools given to him. It is what he will do with those tools. He will abuse any right given to him and make it a wrong. I wouldn't put any tool in his hands.

I will finish this with a line I saw in regards to Cavutto's show. His headline! Stop complaining, It could be much worse! Obviously he wasn't talking about the Bush Fiasco's. He was talking about pain and suffering, hmmm, that still sounds like life with Bush.,2933,187241,00.html

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Bush is more Deserving of Our Contempt Every Day!

Yesterday I was doing my regular ranting as to the 19th Century Russian Doctrine of Destruction that Bush is following to get rid of our societal and world order in order to replace it with his version. I said that this endeavor has been put on the fast track so he can destroy as much of the world's and country's system as possible before his time is up and it is rapidly becoming even more overwhelming and unbearable. someone commented something like Congratulations for blogging on something everyone else has talked about.

On the subject of Bush and in reality to what he is doing to America and the world in his creation of a new order that does not bode well for the legal lower classes of America as you are all learning the hard way. I must say, I have written 7 books now, 3 doctrines, and 175 or so Blogs and Diaries between my web blog and dailykos, trying to warn people as to what he was doing.

I for one have been trying to warn people since before his first election. It was obvious to many of us who chose to see a spade as a spade and saw the lies for what they were even then that that he was inept and an irresponsible liar. I will not stop trying to get us all together, rally around the flag, trying to give him his due impeaching him, and get as many Republicans as possible to jump ship before he sinks the ship called America before he succeeds in sinking it, or get them out of office this fall.

Bush as many of you will aggree, has too much power to abuse and destruct already. I am afraid he will be given or take even more instead of having everything taken out of his hands as he deserves.

Before I finish I just want to say that I commented to someone yesterday that was concerned about having a medical problem and no heaalth insurance. I was reassuring while at the same time realizing thet this person was now considered by Bush to be an unfunded liability to be reduced, devalued, and discounted. At the same time our needy legal citizens often can't get medical care, by law Hospitals must give it too illegal immigrants. I have been victimized by this in the past so i'm sorry but I do have a problem with this. All the while Bush insists on giving the rich back their taxes while he is destroying our beloved America and furthering the demise of the legal lower classes in his endeavor to follow the Doctrine Of destruction.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

God, Religion, and terrorism: like it or not, It is normal and cyclical

Belief in God, believe it or not, started around fourteen thousand years ago. Years ago people believed spirits resided, as many of us still do, in places and things such as rocks, mountains, plants, and other beautiful objects of nature.

The Arabs called this Jinn, various tribes around the world knew this as Manna, and Latin’s, as Numina. All religions revered nature as being close to God. Atheists, which are looked down upon by the three great religions, also believe in this and revere nature. So you see, you are all right, and just differ in the respect that atheists do not feel the need to carry knowledge any further as some of us do.

 It all depends on how much of an explanation one needs to understand his or her role on the planet and in life. Depending on a persons needs they will go to, and find what they need in many of various religions. Atheists believe that life on this planet is a very rare but natural occurrence, as naturalist, evolutionist, and many of us others do.

Some people only have a need to carry the process further and assign these creations to the doings of a God, and further, to a vision by an identified prophet. At one point in time every religious faith including, Jews, Muslims, and especially Christians, were thought of as atheists. This was because their beliefs did not agree with existing beliefs in practice at the time.

Nonbelievers, (atheists), until very recently, were very rare. During Abrahams, time, virtually everyone believed. With the advent of ever improving fields of science being able to explain many of the great mysteries of the world many people all over the world have of late, been moving away from their belief in the one God.
What most people fail to realize, is that another perfectly natural and cyclical occurrence, is unfolding right now. It is one, of many that is happening all at the same time. One is feeding the other and God willing, everything will work out favorably.

 Once again, Christians and Jews, due to the increasing unease about their surroundings are beginning to look to God for answers. All the bombings, killings, terrorism, and many, many, problems in our Governments have become too much for most to bear alone. This is especially true in the U.S. with a multitude of systematic moral inequities right here at home. This is due in large part to our moral degradation and our perceived inability to do the right thing. People are more and more turning back to the one true God in ever increasing numbers.

Many may find it odd that I say this, however. We will be pointing out something that has happened to both the Jews, and the Christians, and is now happening to the Muslims.

Yes, what we are conveniently calling terrorism is once again, a natural occurrence. The big problem now is that the shoe is on the other foot. With the stakes certainly being much higher, and the weapons and means, a lot more violent we cannot allow this to happen. I believe it would be more accurate and in line with mans cyclical history to stop calling the blight facing the entire world today terrorism. It would be more accurate if we started to start calling it what it really is, an”Islamist Jihad”.

As we discussed, with the early belief that spirits resided in naturally beautiful places in nature. Civilized man has always sought to get as close to nature as he could. Man has always believed that this would bring him closer to God. This, as my fellow Americans well know, is how Native Americans felt.

This in particular is what makes this Islamist Jihad so particularly disturbing. It’s not that they don’t care about human life, including their own. It is that they are willing to destroy the very planet that they believe God created for them. They do this with the absolutely ridiculous belief that they are going to be rewarded once they die and go to heaven. The unbelievable part of this is that they expect 72 virgins, and rivers of gold, or something like that.

Come on people of the world, this planet, this world, this land, is all we are going to get. For the sake of the generations to follow us, we must take care of this. It is all we are going to get.The Islamists leave behind, ruins, and very often, land that is no longer viable for human habitation.

Collectively we can not go down this road that we are careening down,world war. we can not survive an all out war at this time as the weapons are too horrific for man or the planet to survive. Lastly I am not overly Religious.

I am a life long Christian with a very strong sense of spirituality that I seem to have been born with. With that said, I cannot go into it any deeper in this context. This is my question to you. Do you agree "God" who or whatever he, she, or it is, is on the move in many ways around the world?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

Why we bgan to be where we are Today: The Enlightenments influence on the Founding Of America

With all our problems with Islam and our own declining morality I think this would be the perfect time to discuss what civilization was experiencing during the 18th century. It is important to know how Americans felt when the Constitution was written and the country was founded. This occurred during the enlightenment and the feelings at the time heavily influenced the forming of our principles.

In light of what we have experienced already we can be thankful for our founding fathers wisdom. With what you are about to read, it becomes obvious that the decision to keep religion separate from politics was a good one and we better get back to it. The enlightenment was a confusing time for Religion.

*With the advent of technicalization in the west an entirely different kind of Society was formed. a new ideal of humanity came about. This in turn would affect the perception of the nature and role of God. The newly industrialized and efficient west also changed the course of history. Other countries of the civilized world found it increasingly difficult to ignore the western world as it had in the past. The Muslims as we know are still unable or unwilling to come to terms with it.
No other civilization in the history of the world had achieved anything like this. The west therefore created problems that were completely new, and very difficult to deal with.

*Until the eighteenth century Islam had been the dominant world power in much of the Middle East and Africa. By the end of the eighteenth century Europe had begun to dominate the world. The very nature of its achievements made it impossible for the rest of the world to catch up. Europe began to colonize as much of the world as it could. One of the worse things they did was divy up adrica causing many of the problems there today They did this with the overlying prevailing thought being that western civilization was far superior to everyone else.

They believed that with their vast religious and civilizational principals that they were beyond reproach. They felt that they were vastly superior and always were. We know now that this is not true and right for everyone. They also believed that any country would be better off under its guidance. We have surely found out the hard way that none of this was true either. This is just a small part of the problem today. This is an exerpt from a book I wrote a few years ago titled Life Today/The real Story but would wake up a lot of people today.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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