Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gay marriage victory: New York joins Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and New Hampshire

Six states now currently allow same-sex couples to marry. In date order, those states are: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont and New Hampshire. The District of Columbia also now recognizes gay marriages as of March 3, 2010, we can safely add New York.

I am heterosexual but I am ecstatic States are starting to allow gay marriage. We are all the same like it or not. We all deserve the same rights. We are crossing an important line though and we should. In this instance at least we are outlawing bigotry! I get sick of Republicans saying we must protect the sanctity of marriage. Your marriage is still sanctified. The meaning of marriage will not change for anyone, only those that want the meaning changed for them.

As you know by now, gay marriage is now just a ride away for most New Englander's. Iowa, Vermont and Connecticut have joined Massachusetts in legalizing gay marriage. As the joke goes, hell everyone should be equally miserable.

Those in upper New York went to Canada and those near New York City went to Connecticut or Massachusetts. Now every State can go to New York to get married. I just think this is great! New law clears the way for gay marriage in New York: At New York City's Stonewall Inn, the Greenwich Village pub that spawned the gay rights movement on a June night in 1969, Scott Redstone watched New York pass a historic same-sex marriage law with his partner of 29 years, and popped the question.

Time is not on the side of those against gay marriage. The majority of those under 35 are pro gay marriage. People just want to be left alone.

There is a gathering storm in the Battle over same sex marriage. NOM has mounted a Campaign of lies to convince people that allowing Gays and Lesbians to marry is a danger and a threat to them. Supposedly there is an army of Gay marriage coming to a State near you. People are not going to be flocking tot New York to get married as some fear. Gay marriage will be coming to a State near you and I love it. Just wait!

I do not understand Republicans! Are they so shallow weak and insecure that they are threatened by everything that is counter to what they believe? I do not get it! I am a to each his or her own kind of guy. I could care less what someone else does. I have enough to worry about. I do not believe in forcing others to think and believe what I do. If you like it follow it if not have a nice day. I do not understand Republicans declaring war over everything they disagree with.

I can almost understand being against abortion as Republicans say it is about killing a life. Gay marriage has nothing to do with death so I do not get it. 55% want gay and lesbian marriage legalized and it should be. This is not the most important issue we are facing as Republicans say. It is the economy stupid! We are not redefining marriage. We are being all inclusive.

Let Gays and Lesbians get married and use a justice of the peace not a church. That should satisfy everyone. I am sick of the lame argument that your marriage is under attack. Anyone who feels their marriage will change because of someone else's marriage needs help and should go see a marriage counselor!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma