Wow, so much has happened the last week! It was hectic and not a good time to be incommunicado! I really appreciate all the comments! It really hurt to be off line all this time. That was a first and last I hope. Most of you know I was moving to a new home and it is quite nice but things have been pretty hectic and we are still living out of some boxes.
Just 5 minutes ago Verizon straightened out my internet problem. Seems like things have been pretty screwed up computer wise on this street for quite a while but the new guy in the neighborhood is an internet zombie so they just became aware of it! while we were without phone and internet one of my sons got back from Iraq and I just got off the phone with him. You know he is EOD but he ended up carrying his unit and at any rate he was put in for a Bronze Star and tyhe Army has okayed it but he is waiting on the Air Force. Of course he says he does not deserve it but he is hard core, his Fathers son, and I know he deserves it!
Anyway another son is training to be a combat engineer and next month I fly to Florida to drive back to Massachusetts where he has joined the steel workers union. We will stop in South Carolina on the way to see another son who is redeploying to fly Iraq air support! He will be staying with us for a bit and he is a great guy and will be nice to have him around for a while.
The crowning achievement during my forced absence was Obama getting elected1 Just thinking about it makes me want to scream! Think about it, the implications are enormous. He has one hell of a job before him thanks to the idiot he is preceding but I finally feel we have a chance at a future if we can keep him alive! The entire world has hope. Hope is in the air! Obama has a lot on his shoulders but I firmly believe this is his time and he is the one we need ed to come along and guide us and the world through the dark tunnel Bush has led us down! Take care I am going to look around now and see what has transpired during my absence!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Just 5 minutes ago Verizon straightened out my internet problem. Seems like things have been pretty screwed up computer wise on this street for quite a while but the new guy in the neighborhood is an internet zombie so they just became aware of it! while we were without phone and internet one of my sons got back from Iraq and I just got off the phone with him. You know he is EOD but he ended up carrying his unit and at any rate he was put in for a Bronze Star and tyhe Army has okayed it but he is waiting on the Air Force. Of course he says he does not deserve it but he is hard core, his Fathers son, and I know he deserves it!
Anyway another son is training to be a combat engineer and next month I fly to Florida to drive back to Massachusetts where he has joined the steel workers union. We will stop in South Carolina on the way to see another son who is redeploying to fly Iraq air support! He will be staying with us for a bit and he is a great guy and will be nice to have him around for a while.
The crowning achievement during my forced absence was Obama getting elected1 Just thinking about it makes me want to scream! Think about it, the implications are enormous. He has one hell of a job before him thanks to the idiot he is preceding but I finally feel we have a chance at a future if we can keep him alive! The entire world has hope. Hope is in the air! Obama has a lot on his shoulders but I firmly believe this is his time and he is the one we need ed to come along and guide us and the world through the dark tunnel Bush has led us down! Take care I am going to look around now and see what has transpired during my absence!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Jim, what do you think of the Democratic Neocon Rahm Emmanuel, and his possible appointment as Obama's Chief of Staff?
Frankly I think it's not change we don't want to believe in.
Thank gawd, Jim, we thought you might have slipped on a voting chad.
Welcome back!
well, your voice during this time was sorely missed :) welcome back! i am still not sure that the fact that america overcame the gop efforts to steal the election yet again. that was the biggest shock of my life :) i am happy obama won- think judicial branch and you will figure out why :) i was sorry pelosi got back in but not surprised. sheehan got 17% of the vote though- that did surprise me. disappointed that prop 8 passed but i hope that they fight it. glad that you will have some time with your sons- this is the time of year when family is important. but i hope you aren't away too much- bushco still has 2 1/2 months left to squat in the people's house. welcome back!
Welcome back, Jim. I hate to say I told you so, so I won't. :)
Hi Wease
I do not know much about Rahm beyond he was with Clinton! I expect he is not change but will lend stoicism! Any change will come from the top and that is why I have hope. Bush is the decider but hopefully it will soon be Obama and that is why I have hiope!
Hi Maria! I am so glad to be back on and so psycvhed about Obama! I now have hope if we can pnly keep him alive. It was really cool to see the entire world rejoice and feel hope. I really am psyched! Just imagine if something happebns to Obama, damn!
Glad to be back on line. I was so pleased when the problems were minimal and Obama had the landslide we were hoping for! Now if we can only keep him alive. The euphoria not just here but around the world was intoxicating. Just imagine what will happen if something happens to him and all the things that cvan quickly be set in motion!
I was wondering what would happen if something happened to Obama before he was sworn in? Would Biden be sworn in? What the hell would happen beside a total societal breakdown?
Hey Robert
Thanks! We got the land slide we needed. The entire world realizes the future is in Obama's hands and it is impressive. I was psyched. Now to keep him alive! Bush has till January 20th. Don't be surprised at what may come just keep hoping!
i'm happy, i'm good shocked, and bad shocked - i've been saying this all over the web. i guess i need to keep saying it to help get it - as a gay american, it is stunning, overwhelming and bitterly disappointing that on the same night america gets its shit together enough to vote in the RIGHT candidate, who is also Black - it also adds three states to the roster of those that ban gay marriages. now including california. some of us still drink at separate water fountains.
Hi, Average Patriot. Welcome back to the web and congratulations on having your son home from Iraq. How wonderful!! Hopefully, Obama will bring many sons and daughters home from Iraq, starting in January.
I was ecstatic seeing the election go the way I hoped it would as in a land slide. I happen to agree with Ellen Deheneres that it is disappointing and quite shocking to take away a rightr that was given. It is just so un American and frankly frightening!
Hi Alien citizen
Thanks! Glad to have him back1 He just called and said he is now going to Thailand for a month to train Thailand EOD and then he goes to Florida to teach at the WEOD school at Eglin AFB! Anpther son heads to Iraq in December to fly support! Thanks for the Welcome, certainly good to have my voice back!
Hi Patriot...
Sorry for your off line issues and glad to see your son made it home safely.
I can now once again be proud of my Country after the last eight years of Republican Nazi rule. Sure hope Bush don't take us into another war with his intrusions into Syria and Pakistan.
Where in Florida will you be going to. Maybe we could meet and talk some while your here. I'll be taking some vacation time in December so send me a email and let me know what dates. You can get my addy from my site profile.
Take care and ...
God Bless.
Oh by the way, what happened to Tom's blog. It's no longer there and I was wondering about him.
God Bless.
Jim, Rahm absolutely loves the war in Iraq and in the previous two elections, he made sure that only pro-war democrats got funding for their campaigns.
In some districts he actually had to recruit unknowns to run against Democrats with strong grassroots support, to counter their anti-war platform.
Hey Jim, nice to see you back! I'm still worried I'm dreaming, but getting more confident that I couldn't possibly dream something this good! I can tell you're very proud of your sons & hope you have wonderful visits with them all.
Wow Anon!
That would be cool! I fly down December 9th! A lot of my family live in and around Cocoa Beach. Brother just left the Pensacola area to head back to Louisiana. My son Jim just back fro Iraq is headed to Thailand to train their Army in EOD. Then in April he will be teaching at the EOD school in Eglin!
Anyway I will be in Florida about a week and then we will drive back to Mass stopping in South Carolina to see another son deploying later in December! We now have a chance bud! Keep me abreast stay in touch and glad to see you around. Take care!
I was just talking to Tom and he will be calling me again any day! He was forced to shut down his site but if he can get back on he plans on starting it again. He is okay health wise though! I will let him know you asked about him. He always asks!
Okay I have been gathering that. With that in mind I am amazed that the Hippocratic right bad mouthed Clinton's efforts!
You know the only change now will be coming from the top (Obama) Thankfully he is the new decider I hope!
Yes I am very proud of my sons all of them! The one heading back to Iraq to fly air support in December will be here on the 23rd and I will put him to work helping me.
Myself I will be cautiously optimistic as long as Obama is in office and nervous certainly until January 20th!
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