President-elect Barack Obama will have limited authority to overturn federal regulations approved in the waning months of the Bush administration. But a little-used power offers the new Democratic Congress an early test of how aggressively lawmakers might unravel such rules pushed through by Republicans. Under a special fast-track authority, Congress could repeal current rules from as far back as May. Many are related to the environment and health. Aside from congressional action, such changes involve a laborious rule-making process that can take years.
The Congressional Review Act of 1996, used just once in the past 12 years, could become a sweeping tool for Democrats against late regulations from the Bush presidency. Environmental activists are compiling lists of regulations they believe Congress should target, including ones covering water pollution at huge farms, pollution control equipment at older power plants and hazardous waste restrictions. "One of the things to watch is whether there are actions in Congress that reflect a new philosophy that is a different direction than the Bush administration, which has been a pro-industry approach to governing," said Rick Melberth, an expert at the Washington-based OMB Watch, a nonprofit watchdog organization.
Bristling over suggestions the Bush administration was too cozy with industry, the White House has defended its new regulations and cites requirements for increased auto fuel efficiency as "maybe not particularly welcomed by members of the business community." "We're trying to do them in the best way that protects the interests of the nation," White House spokesman Tony Fratto said at a news briefing. For pending rules, Obama could freeze them as soon as he takes office in January. Separately, Obama could use his presidential authority to reverse executive orders by Bush on policies such as stem cell research and the gag rule on overseas family planning groups that might advise women on abortion. "There's a lot that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action, and I think we'll see the president do that," Obama's transition chief, John Podesta, said on "Fox News Sunday" last weekend. "I think that he feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set." But once regulations are in effect, only Congress could overturn them, outside the cumbersome rule-making process. fast track to kill Bush's rule
Just as important is making sure he is held accountable for his destruction and can not pardon himself and his cronies! From Democrats.com: As we celebrate our new President-elect and all the changes he will bring to our nation, we must not turn a blind eye to the final actions of George Bush. Incredibly, Washington is already buzzing with Bush's plans to block all investigations of his crimes and even to pardon everyone involved - including Cheney and himself. Chris Matthews is even counting down the days .
Does Bush have the power to pardon everyone in his administration? Yes. Will he abuse that power to stay out of jail? Only if we let him. "you bet he will if he can find a way" We must create a groundswell of opposition to any pardons by George Bush, so he understands that he will be impeached and prosecuted for issuing corrupt pardons.
Please help us launch a massive movement against pardons by signing our petition to Congress and telling your friends:
We will announce additional plans to stop Bush's pardons in the coming days Read more about our efforts and join our discussion here:
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* We must undo all bush's damage and prevent him from getting away with it, Please help!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Chimpy will be in his new Paraguay Jonestown before anyone can organize a response to his crimes. Plus, he'll have pardoned most of the criminals underneath him.
There will be no accountability.
I agree! I believe he will get away with everything and he is yet to do his worst! However that said there seems to be a real effort to undo all his damage and ensure he is held accountable for what he has done. The scum!
Sure hope they bail out the auto industry since hubby is a GM retiree and our daughter works for an auto supplier, it's scary.
I think Hillary would make a good SOS, but so would Bill Richardson and John Kerry.
As far as Bush is concerned, I can't wait until he's gone!
Hi Karen
The republicans do not want it bailed out! Their banks were bailed out with our money so they are good! Average Americans are on their own as I have said fro years and for not!
They do not care about average Americans are they would bail; out the Auto Industry. I wish all the best to you hubby and your daughter but there will be no help unless democrats or Obama can force it!
As for Bush I fear him until 1/20 and his damage will never end in our life time! As I keep saying, he has yet to do his worst. He scares the hell out of me!
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