He continually criticized conservative administrations' fiscal policies. He tried to bring environmental issues into the limelight. blockquote> Son of a bitch!
"He was a half of a century ahead of his time," said his biographer, Richard Parker.
His influence remained relevant long after his 1958 work "The Affluent Society" argued that the American economy produced individual wealth but did not adequately address public needs such as schools. blockquote> Son of a bitch!
The Canadian-born economist and unabashed liberal served as adviser to Democratic Presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Bill Clinton and was John F. Kennedy's ambassador to India.
Galbraith, who was outspoken in his support of government intervention in social and economic problems, became a larger figure on the American political scene after World War II. blockquote>
How the hell can you justify ignoring a source of wealth like this?
,blockquote Although an economist, his impact reached far beyond economic circles. He thought across disciplines, Benjamin Freeman, a Harvard economics professor and friend of Galbraith's said, "Not just in the field (of economics), but broadening the discourse to encompass the world at large."
With having advised the likes of Presidents Roosevelt, Kennedy, and Clinton I think he had a proven record of success.
His 1958 work "The Affluent Society" argued that the American economy produced individual wealth but did not adequately address public needs such as schools. blockquote> Son of a bitch!
* He hit the nail on the head and here it is nearly 50 years later and we have to have bush prove it out on us. john Kenneth was 50 Years ahead of his time! We can only wish bush knew this and cared about the publics needs! son of a bitch!

Technorati Tags:
Galbraith, Democrat Presidents, Economists, Public Needs, Affluent Societies
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