Wednesday, April 12, 2006

How Safe Do You Feel Today? Where Do you think the DoomsDay Clock Shoud be reset ?

With all the talk of Iran's desire to have nuclear capabilities. With mounting rhetoric coming from Iran and the west, The doomsday clock Is still st at 7 minutes befor midnight. despite the fact that Iran has announced they are going to install thoudands of cantrifuges and they are now enriching Uranium.

* We have a nuclear first strike threat from France.
* Britain leaves all options on the table when posed the question.
* We know Israel has announced the right to a preemptive strike using whatever it takes.
*North Korea says the U.S. is not the only ones with the nuclear first strike option?
*India and Pakistan, traditional enemies both possess nuclear weapons and are of concern!
* Russia and China have announced they will use them if they have to!
*To me most disconcerting is bush will use them preemtively, very scaryknowing him!
* Now we hear fears that Iran may be only 16 days away from producing a nuclear bomb. That is very scary and you want to hope it is wrong but?

Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.
* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We see to be leading the way to our demise
Find the answers here: Life today The true Story, Life's Cycles etc.

*Knowing the Doomsday clock was first set at 7 minutes before Midnight. Moving as close to 2 minutes before Midnight and being moved back on occassion. With all the threats to use nuclear weapons, with Iran saying they will use them if they have them, and now hearing how close they may be to possessing them even by their own admission.

* None of us feel safe, I know. What I want to know is do you think it is time to move the Doomsday clock closer to Midnight? Where should it be set?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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1 comment:

Hillary for President said...

you are wrong about Iran. Why you want trap in stone age?

They are making LOW-GRADE uranium. barely enough for lightbulb.

silly neo-coons.


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