Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Immigration And Border Insecurity Issue Is not being Addressed!!

As we all know, the immigration debate continues to rage and neither party has addressed the real issue or offered a real answer to the problem. Here it is!
We have approximately 12 million illegal immigrants here right now. like it or not it would bevoove us to assimilate them into society.
At the same time, we should secure our borders and continue to allow immigration as it is necessary to us and the foundation of America.
If you want to come to our house you are welcome but use the front door don't try to sneak in through the callar.
With those that are here already legalized, we can focus on those that are here to cause us harm and deport them if necessary.
At the same time we can now prosecute employers that are hiring illegals as there should not be any more. Also we can go after businesses that are making money from doing business with them.
This is just one example of the continuing debate being addressed as usual by neither side because of their own selfish interest. That 700 mile long wall idea is the stupidest thing I ever heard. I also refuse to beleive there are some who want to criminalize those that help illegals. That is too much like the Germans going after those that helped Jews during WW2.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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