Thursday, April 06, 2006

Another bush victory will be delared: This time In Immigration Reform but it isn't Deserved!

The Senate appeared close to breaking the stalemate on immigration reform with a compromise bill that adopts a more restrictive approach to the 11m illegal immigrants in the US, dividing them into three groups that would face different paths to legal status.
Bill Frist, Senate majority leader, called the proposals "a compromise, a negotiated middle ground has been put on the table which says that these 11m people who are here, undocumented people, illegal immigrants, are not a monolithic group".

The compromise bill proposed by Chuck Hagel and Mel Martinez was expected to be endorsed by President George W. Bush. It was welcomed by Senator John McCain, a leading advocate of immigration reform.

I contend that if there are illegal immigrants capable of satisfying all eight requirements in order to switch to legal ststus more power to them.
Amongst other requirements this means they heve to be ability to speak English and prove they have worked 3 of the 5 years and paid all State and federal taxes. If they can satisfy these requiorements okay legalize them.
Then the first thing they should do is go after the employers of these illegals. that also leaves me with a couple Big Questions! i'm sure someone out there can answer this for me. Doesn't this make the Government complicit, knowingly benefitting from illegal immigrants? Do you not need a social security number anymore to file? who gave it to them? We should go after them too!

Failure to pass a Senate bill by the end of the week threatens to torpedo the chances of immigration reform this year. That could fuel a sense of disengagement among the Hispanic community, which has have been galvanised into political action by the debate. More than 500,000 protestors attended a rally in Los Angeles last month - the largest in the city's history. More demonstrations are scheduled for Monday in Washington and across the US.

I predict that this will pass because it is in Bush's and Repugs favor politically and once again they will declare victory where they shouldn't and will use this for political gain in the fall.

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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