Rove is essentially trying to make the case that Obama mismanaged a disaster almost as terribly as he and Bush did. This is breaking news because, for years, despite all the evidence to the contrary, Rove has defended his administration’s disastrous response to Hurricane Katrina. As recently as March, Rove told ABC News:
The Republicans life long liar Karl Rove should not be allowed to talk
Karl Rove: Behind the White House's Health-Law Dodges: From the record number of Americans on food
stamps to the worst labor-force participation rate since the 1970s to
rising political polarization to retreating U.S. power overseas and
increasing Middle East chaos and violence, Mr. Obama's
successor—Republican or Democratic—will inherit a mess.
That ass Rove was behind the mess Bush and Cheney created. The mess that
is left after Obama will be compliments of the Republicans for blocking
everything positive Obama tried to accomplish and for continuing to
follow the career long Republican parties Liar Karl Rove.
Karl Rove Career hypocrite and liar for the Republican party has the gall to call Obama a hypocrite and Biden a liar!

Karl Rove Career hypocrite and liar for the Republican party has the gall to call Obama a hypocrite and Biden a liar!
The die hard life long liar for the Republican party of course once again will say the right thing but for the party not the people as he wants you to think. Just look at his face he is a liar to the core.
In case you missed it last time I discussed the liar I read about Rove's career and how he built his career on lying and that is why those aspiring to the Presidency wanted him on their side. He never told the truth and he will not start now. Read the link, the denials and BS lies he fed Matt Lauer during his 2 day interview were too much. Even Republicans called them out and out lies. I never even heard about his Mother committing suicide or the fact that he had a second father or he was gay until Rove just mentioned it for his gain. Karl Rove: I did not pull dirty tricks BS! He is top class scum! He built his entire career as a Republican starting with Nixon because of his willingness and ability to pull dirty tricks and lie unabashedly.
First I was surprised to find out the purveyor of Bush's 3D Politics (deceitful, deceptive, divisive, politics) never Graduated from College. I find it amazing for two reasons. We, or I never heard that and he was so close to the top. And that is Bush's Brain! Go figure. remember, with life long executive privilege he can not be touched and is more brazen and dangerous than ever.
Karl Rove, 56, who served as chief strategist for President-elect Bush's presidential campaign, will manage the Office of Political Affairs, the Office of Public Liaison, and the Office of Strategic Initiatives at the White House. Before joining the campaign, he was president of Karl Rove and Company, an Austin-based public affairs firm. Rove attended the University of Utah, the University of Texas at Austin and George Mason University. He has taught at the LBJ School of Public Affairs and in the Journalism Department at the University of Texas at Austin.
After hearing on CNN that Rove attended numerous colleges but never graduated I went through numerous sites trying to find where that was mentioned and I could not find anything. Not even a mention of it in his White House autobiography. I found that surprising and that it was never mentioned. While I was digging besides the numerous interesting articles out there many which were never mentioned I found that he was "born" in 1950 and said he dreamed about being in the White House from that day.
Worse I found that his lying underhanded tactics is what got him his start in Daddy's administration and the rewards for this started from day one and as you know continue today
How Bush's Brain Hijacked Washington: Rove's ties to Bush the Elder commenced in 1973, when Poppy was the Republican national chairman and Karl aspired to be the president of the College Republicans. It was a post Rove could not win by the numbers. To circumvent them, he claimed that the organization was not adhering procedurally to the College Republican charter, and mounted credentials challenges to supporters of his opponent, Robert Edgeworth. In the end Rove essentially declared himself the winner of a separate election. The controversy got kicked upstairs to Bush, who awarded the election to Rove.
Later, in retaliation, Edgeworth leaked to the Washington Post that Rove was teaching dirty tricks seminars to young Republicans--and fresh off the humiliation of Watergate, no less.
Bush promptly excommunicated Edgeworth from the Republican Party for his disloyalty in leaking the story. Rove, along with his friend and College Republicans ally Lee Atwater, became favored Bush protégés. Rove moved to Texas in 1977 to toil as a fundraiser on George Sr.'s failed presidential-exploration PAC, the Fund for Limited Government. A year later he worked on an unsuccessful primary run for the Texas legislature by George W.
He was ruthless in chasing his goals, especially when it came to rivalries or power struggles with his own Republican cohorts. I was really surprised to see the well documented trail of underhanded Politics starting with Richard Nixon through his Fathers Presidency and now bush's and he continues to get away with it and be rewarded for it. Please read it. I wish we knew and made more of this years ago.
With Rove's proven record of lies and deceit going back to day one in the Nixon Administration along with the fact that even by Bush's father he has been rewarded for being a division causing underhanded Liar I refuse to believe he is even allowed to talk and should at the very least be censured to his destructive lies if doing the right thing for America mattered at all! Why do the Democrats continue to let Republicans in this case Rove with their obvious lies and are incapable of turning it around on them as it should be? Rove and the right are an easy target so what the hell is wrong with the Democrats? Is this another example of being complicit?
I researched the above facts on Rove years ago before I knew how to embed links and the links I had today are no good but thankfully I just found it. Here it is Don't for a minute think Rove has an honest bone in his body or that he would do anything that is right for the country. Everything is for the Republican party.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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