Death penalty information center, "executions in the United States"
Executions by state
State 2011 2010
Texas 13 17
Alabama 6 5
Ohio 5 8
Georgia 4 2
Arizona 4 1
Oklahoma 2 3
Mississippi 2 3
Florida 2 1
Virginia 1 3
South Carolina 1 0
Missouri 1 0
Delaware 1 0
Idaho 1 0
Louisiana 0 1
Utah 0 1
Total 43 46
I've said it before but many of us have a moral problem with the death penalty in light of the many recently highlight cases of those put to death who were railroaded and were innocent.. Plain and simple, it's barbaric. Illinois recently joined the ranks of those outlawing the death penalty aand now Connecticut too! I am glad for the historic drop but why can't the entire US at least use the death penalty only in obvious deserved necessary cases?
China, Iran, North Korea, Yemen, and the United States lead the world in carrying out the most death sentences. Amnesty International: US in top 5 that’s quite the company to be proud of isn't it?
What do you think about the death penalty? My thoughts below; Thirty-three states, including Virginia and Maryland, allow capital punishment. All use lethal injection, and, until recently, most had used a three-drug cocktail: sodium thiopental to render the condemned unconscious, pancuronium bromide to paralyze the prisoner and potassium chloride to stop the heart. They can no longer get their hands on it. What do you think about the death penalty? My thoughts below
states with the death penalty
Alabama Missouri
Arizona Montana
Arkansas Nebraska
California Nevada
Colorado New Hampshire
North Carolina
Delaware Ohio
Florida Oklahoma
Georgia Oregon
Idaho Pennsylvania
Indiana South Carolina
Kansas South Dakota
Kentucky Tennessee
Louisiana Texas
Maryland Utah
Mississippi Virginia
US military
US Government
States now without the death penalty
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Dakota
Rhode Island
West Virginia
Dist. of Colombia
If you read my stories in the past on this you know I have mixed feelings on the death penalty. Often times a person may be arrested and sentenced to death knowing they were innocent just to further someone's career or to quell the public. Now that we have DNA testing we are finding too often we have the wrong man. We have seen it too often
I do believe the death penalty is justified as in the case of the Fort Hood shootings and the Jared Loughner's shootings where they should be put to death immediately with no trial. They should not have a venue to plead their case. Sane or insane they did it wantonly and publicly, that is all that matters. Cases like those aside I am no longer comfortable with the death penalty being justified because of the horror of the crime because we can not be certain we have the right person unless we actually see them do the deserved crime.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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