Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Control Government Spending or Face 'Apocalyptic Pain' too late and it will get worse!
Coburn: Control Government Spending or Face 'Apocalyptic Pain' Much much much too late and it will get worse! It was too late in 2007 when Greenspan's gift to Bush first started rearing it's ugly head. The collapse of the middle and lower classes along with the need was no coincidence nor was the timing setting it up to come to fruition on Obama's watch! There is apocalyptic pain coming and way you look at it so I pose a question I asked before.
What happens to the world if and when the U S files for Bankruptcy?
America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship Frightening but you can not deny this reality! We are in serious trouble and as I have pointed out for years it was done on purpose and right under our unsuspecting noses! Our real debt including Debt and unfunded liabilities is $120 trillion! Wrap your mind around that!
Those who have followed me over the years know I have often talked about the lie we are living today! I just Googled an example! An Average American Patriot: So many lies today in the lie we are ...
Think about it! What is the world without America? What would happen to the entire world if we were to file for Bankruptcy? China for one would be in anarchy and go under as the country she is today and wants to be tomorrow. I find this all very disturbing because it is laid on Obama's shoulders and being credited with this mess. Unfunded liabilities, ballooning deficit, ballooning debt, it is all Chinese to most of us. One thing I do know is President Clinton ran a surplus inherited by G W Bush. He was even looking at retiring the Debt. Bush changed all that forever!
Bush Cheney Greenspan Rove Gonzales, all the enablers, do not get enough credit for what they did in allowing the moral and financial bankrupting of America. I won't bother you with another link but Michael Whitney did a great piece detailing how Greenspan set it up. Those so called men are heralded as heroes by some. You have to realize they are all benefactors of this disaster.
I always said Bush or those behind him learned their lessons well and anything they touched would be much worse than a like event in History. During the Depression when Roosevelt was trying to rebuild America we knew it happened on the Republican's watch and who to blame. They also knew and wanted to help fix it not make it worse as Republicans are doing today.
Anyway think back and you will see that everything was done on purpose and especially the timing was no coincidence. Bush and Greenspan kept the collapse off until he was out of office. People say get over it! Move on! However we will never get over it or be able to forget Bush as much as we want as his damage will affect our and the worlds lives forever. No I am not giving that bunch too much credit.
They shaped our future and the future of the whole world like it or not! Get over it, not hardly! The debt clock had to be started during Reagan's time because of his success but could only register 9 trillion. Because of Bush's so called success it had to be altered to register 10 trillion, now we are almost $14 trillion. Now the debt is moving so fast it is going virile. 3.8 trillion is our new record budget for one year. How far off can bankruptcy be especially knowing how bad it really is? Bankruptcy Questions & Answers
James m Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, April 09, 2018
Lets talk water: The Global Pressures of Population and Access to Clean Water
Venezuelans Thirsty in a Land of Abundant Water: Since 2008 Venezuela has boasted that it met the Millennium Development Goal of halving the number of people who do not have access to safe drinking water, reporting that clean water now reaches 96 percent of the population of 30 million.
But in 2003, 2009 and 2014, with the changes in rainfall patterns caused by the El Niño and La Niña climate phenomena, large segments of the urban and rural populations have found that the taps are dry, or running only sporadically, or the water is brown because of the mud, or green due to organic material. “Since 2011, the taps almost always run dry. Families here pay 1,000 bolivars each [20 dollars, one-quarter of the minimum monthly wage] to pay the tanker trucks that bring us water,” street vendor Dulce Hernández from Carayaca, a town on the Caribbean coast north west of Caracas, told Tierramérica.
The Global Pressures of Population and Access to Clean Water: The US Census Bureau’s World Clock says that the population of the world today is estimated at 7.008 billion people, while projections show that the world could reach the 9 billion marker by 2050. In the last of its series called “7 Billion: Conversations That Matter,” Aspen Institute’s Global Health and Development today hosted a panel of experts based in Africa and the United States on the interconnectedness of gender issues, family planning, population and access to safe water.
The point of the series was to ask questions about why it mattered that the world was passing the 7 billion mark, and the questions today in Washington were appropriately big: Will water wars replace oil wars? What are the solutions to expand water and sanitation to the 2.5 billion people who don’t have it? And just how many people can the world support in an equitable fashion?
Freshwater rivers and lakes are subject to seasonal floods and droughts that can limit their availability for people and for agriculture. At present only 5% of arable land is irrigated. Now scientists have for the first time been able to carry out a continent-wide analysis of the water that is hidden under the surface in aquifers. Researchers from the British Geological Survey and University College London (UCL) have mapped in detail the amount and potential yield of this groundwater resource across the continent.
"Where there's greatest ground water storage is in northern Africa, in the large sedimentary basins, in Libya, Algeria and Chad," she said. "The amount of storage in those basins is equivalent to 75m thickness of water across that area - it's a huge amount." Who would have thought? Water, Water, Water — Libya’s Hidden Asset: The Great Man-Made River, as the largest water transport project ever undertaken, has been described as the “eighth wonder of the world”. It carries more than five million cubic metres of water per day across the desert to coastal areas, vastly increasing the amount of arable land. The total cost of the huge project is expected to exceed $25 billion (US).
The Life and Secrets of Water: Experts in the scientific communities as well as homeopathy and holistic sciences have proven the “Memory” of water; the carrying capacity of water for “energy,” and the ability of water to “remember”.
Experts realize that water retains information, even after the most stringent purification and filtration processes. This is termed the energy signature or vibrational imprint. The vibrational imprint of toxins (mercury, lead, chromium, etc.) can be picked up by the water molecule and are in turn passed on to living organisms. As you see from the pictures below, words, thoughts and sounds directly affect the water in your body and all living organisms.
Clean water for the entire world an ambitious goal but thanks to man an impossible endeavor
Water, water everywhere and not enough to drink or use
We will survive however with growing climatic destruction and a growing permanent hungry nomadic world population remember the Movie Soylent Green?
The end result has long been here! Growing worlds water wars
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Dalai Lama,
Great Lakes,
Mekong Delta,
middle east,
Sunday, April 08, 2018
Vatican Hypocrisy!

I always called myself one not knowing there was such a category but I just discovered I am a humanist! I do not need Religion or Church to make me treat people as I should and to do the righteous thing. I do not judge those that need Religion to give them direction. Worse I hate Bigots! Those that use Religion for their selfish gain as Bush does. Going to church does not make you a good person but often a bigot! I have a good friend I discuss this with often. He is very Religious and I always tell him that I appear to be but I do not go to church or need Religion to teach me how to act. Looking for backup for this report I discovered this link and that I am not unique I am a Humanist!
A humanist discussion of Religious ceremonies
I am amazed but at this point I shouldn't be. This morning when I was putting this together I had heard that Caroline Kennedy had been turned by the Vatican to be US Ambassador. As I was looking for backup I see a story that the Vatican not only had not turned down Caroline and everyone else suggested by Obama but supposedly had not even received the list. Then I see a story that an offer of a Vatican visit had been turned down by the Vatican and another story denying it. WTF? The Vatican is no different than any one else. I am a Christian! I am embarrassed to say even the Vatican appears to be hypocrites and liars!
I did not like the relationship I saw between the Vatican and Bush! It appeared as though the two were complicit in what Bush was doing in the US and also in the middle east! It is obvious to me The reports I was looking at underline tensions between the Vatican and the government of President Barack Obama because of its support for abortion rights and stem cell research, a reversal the policies of the George W. Bush administration.
It is opportunistic that yesterday I discussed the culture wars going on in the US with Bush gone Christianity was going down and States allowing Gay marriage were on the incline. Of course I was awake again last night and was perusing the news channels. I saw it reported that the refused to meet Obama because of his stance on abortion but I am not going to supply the link because there was also a story denying it. I am just sick of the lying and hypocrisy and I am a bit hurt and insulted that I see it coming from the Vatican of all places. I guess the Catholic Religion has not changed much in a thousand years!
As I pointed out I was also going to discuss Caroline being turned down to be US Ambassador to the Vatican because she believes in freedom of choice as I do but when I went to get the link there was a story denying it. I just can't frigging stand this crap! It is horrible seeing the Government lie, be hypocritical, and battle itself but this is too much seeing it highlighted so frequently in the Catholic church. Stupid me! I thought child molestation by priests would have embarrassed the church straight. I guess not!
* Speaking of hypocrisy and the Catholic church knowing there was too close a relationship between the Vatican and Bush it is only right that I was also going to discuss Bush who as Governor of Texas killed legally more Americans than anyone in history. I implore you to read the story at the link of who he killed and the fact that he was known as The Texacutioner It just absolutely amazed me that Bush is known as the biggest serial killer in history with the okaying of killing 154 prisoners as Governor of Texas. Cause of Death listed on their Death Certificates "Homicide" It absolutely stuns me that Bush can do this and still get an invite to speak at Notre Dame. Meanwhile the verdict is still out whether or not Obama will be allowed to speak there because of his stance on stem cell research and being pro choice.
To me it does not matter that we agree or not It is the message that matters. I happen to agree with Obama but agree or not he is not going to discuss those subjects. He has a message the people there should hear. That is all that matters. I am just sick of this hypocritical crap but it gets worse.
* Thinking about the fact that Bush killed all those people many veterans and retarded and was still the Popes friend and spoke at Notre Dame I found out why! The catechism use to teach that God had entrusted civil authorities with the power over life and death. Also the Vatican had the Death Penalty on their books until 1969! Religion and capital punishment
In closing yesterday I discussed that Bush is directly responsible for a drop in Christianity and a rise in Atheism. Today I see he has help in the Vatican! It is no wonder Evangelicalism is down and instead they are going to College. I have to say most Evangelicals I have known have been hypocrites Bigots and all screwed up. So I have to hope they are wrong when they say Evangelicals will have more public lives in the future. That can't be good!
With Christianity dying "with help from the Vatican I might add" Secularism is springing up! People will and are seeking other extremes! Pope Jon Paul drew people to the church today people have become disillusioned with the Church and Pope Benedict and his hard line unbending stances. Pope Benedict reaffirms why. He will only widen the division growing between the American people and the Christian Religion! I feel in many regard we are experiencing a return to to the inquisitions. What were the Inquisitions?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, April 07, 2018
9/11 was not the defining moment of our Nation, to the planet the cancer called man, saving the world mans defining moment!

I didn't realize until I was looking at today's unwinding horror we will be facing long into the future. north Korea threatening South Korea with Annihilation again because of Bush's success, the middle east exploding, Bush threatening, Russia threatening, etc. and I decided it best to go back to something I wrote almost 5 years ago now long before I decided to interact daily trying to wake up the world still to no avail.
9/11/07 9/11 was not the defining moment of our time,that event has not occurred yet ,up to now and all our horror Bush has been, but ? The fall of the Russian Empire set in motion something that began with the founding of Islam in 610. Islam was established by Muhammad in order to give Muslims a formal religion and sense of belonging with the Jews and Christians. It failed and Muslims have never been able to gain equal footing or be willing to accept their role in the worlds society.
The Christian Crusades to take back Jerusalem turned into a blood bath against Muslims. Our nation was born during the enlightenment and industrialization completed a gap between our societies which will never close. Next comes the Berlin Conference in the 19th century, allowing Europe to divvy up Africa which they then took what they wanted and then reset the boundaries creating another mess with the Muslim world.
This is not though, a fight between the west and Islam. Islam is also fighting itself! It is a war between Islam and the world at large, everyone. As Bush has no tolerance of anything but his version of perverted Religion and Democracy. The Muslim Islamists have no tolerance of any other version of Islam than their own. They want all their lands back which can not happen. They want us off their lands so what does Bush do? He attacks Iraq and attempts to set up his idea of a new middle east order.To all our demise their is no desire for compromise here by anyone!
There is an easy answer to this and that is too fight and continue to fight and that includes Bush! There is no easy way out though. We have no other choice as none of this will be quelled by diplomacy. Average Muslim's of all nations want peace and prosperity as average citizens of every nation do but our so called leaders have taken it upon themselves to fight and destroy our peace and prosperity. Please read it in its entirety
That said on 10/31/07 I wrote that I have thought for years that maybe man's role in this mass of a life form we call earth and the Universe is to bring the planets life cycle full circle. It would have no influence whatsoever on the universe as a whole and I have done a history of God and Religion and the lies we call History in the past but I don't want to talk about that right now or evolution Verse intelligent design which I have also put in its proper perspective but I will be glad to discuss all of it!
I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that their are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.
I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.
Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it if all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!
When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. the heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.
First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush has merely sped that process up! He is doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he is doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say is his to do.
Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell. man's influence in the planets cycle of life
I don't want to discuss how man got here but what his role is in the life of earth. I just want to say that their are those that call themselves the Religious right, the misnamed "value voter" that think man is the superior life form on earth and was put here by God to lead the world.
I have to tell you first, I believe in evolution but also that life was influenced at one point it time by something the Religious Right calls God but that is another conversation. I have had this conversation in the past but man's role seems to be to draw the life of the host "earth" full swing.
Think what you have to, to get yourself through this journey but in reality from the smallest insect to the largest animal including man, every single living thing, grass, trees, water, it if all one and the same. It is all part of one life form called planet earth and every single life form is designed to progress the host through its journey through its life cycle!
When something dies it furthers the Life of the host in one way or the other. With that said, before we get to the crux of this think about the effect the deceased of any species have on the planet today as every living form is full of so called technology better known as pollution. the heck with man's life,you have to wonder what effect all that death has on the life sustaining ability of earth.
First, as a society we were following the natural life cycle of a Nation and were moving along the path of the Roman Empire and every other society before us. Bush has merely sped that process up! He is doing the same thing to the planet as he thinks he is doing Gods work. God however will get these idiots for doing what even they the Religious right say is his to do.
Okay, every life form is comprised of many living forms. Some are designed to further the life of the host some are designed to bring that life form to an end, example: cancer cells! Man's role to the life of the planet seem to be that of the cancer cell. man's influence in the planets cycle of life
Nobel prize winners are supposedly the best of the world, They must speak out loudly in unison and save it from this terrible planned future!
We need our Nobel prize winners to speak up loud and clear Now! Bush is doing what Jefferson did in the false belief that he too will be vindicated for blatantly going against and destroying the Constitution. But not this time. Bush is a tyrant and history will not look at him kindly.
We need our Nobel prize winners to speak up loud and clear Now! Bush is doing what Jefferson did in the false belief that he too will be vindicated for blatantly going against and destroying the Constitution. But not this time. Bush is a tyrant and history will not look at him kindly.
12/10/07 I was listening to an interview of the peace prize winners and I incorporated them into my story but it reminds me of something I wrote years ago and that is that all Nobel prize winners must come together and speak loud and eloquently not just on the planet but on what is happening today, why, and what is going to happen if this is allowed to happen.I heard Gore warn China and Bush but one person will not matter.
We are in greater danger right now than during Jefferson's time primarily because Bush is in absolute control and wants to rule the world and the rest of the world will not sit idly by thereby worsening the life of our planet beyond any repair in a humanity and planetary destructive war. We must do something to stop this and I am sick of saying it!
Al Gore is being overly optimistic saying experts say we have ten years to act and some as little as two. It is worse than that and he and everyone else should know why.The Nobel prize winners must come together and bring to the forefront around the world the dire danger to us and the planet if we continue down the road of an unsurvivable world war!
We must somehow convey to them that are respected around the world that the time is now and immediate. There are two overwhelming reasons why the time is now and immediate and why we may not make a difference even if we can wake up the world today!
I wrote this four years ago now and it is more obvious and critical every day but this is only part of it.Ignore the whole thing if you want But pay attention to the Nurturing stage and the dire consequence of ignoring this.
We must somehow convey to them that are respected around the world that the time is now and immediate. There are two overwhelming reasons why the time is now and immediate and why we may not make a difference even if we can wake up the world today!
I wrote this four years ago now and it is more obvious and critical every day but this is only part of it.Ignore the whole thing if you want But pay attention to the Nurturing stage and the dire consequence of ignoring this.
Life's cycle, The final stages!
Life's cycle, The final stages! (I wrote this 4 year's ago)The nurturing stage is where man should be in its and the planets Life Cycle! However as the current unfolding middle east and world situation is proving, man is attempting to turn the clock back and nature works only in one direction, forward. We are acting like we are in the infantile stage and it will not work!
* The Nurturing Stage – This is mans mature stage. This is mans preservation period. The time is now. This period marks mans awakening as to the realization of mans negative impact on the life sustaining life cycle of the planet as a whole. This period marks the awakening of man as to the as to the necessity of revitalizing Natures life sustaining ecosystems.
This period marks the necessity for an end to all out war. We must come to the realization that as a world we must destroy all advanced weaponry and their systems throughout the world. This is an absolute necessity for the survival of man and the planet.
If we are to survive We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.
If we are to survive We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.
** Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones.
Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet.
Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.
* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our demise! If we are to have a future we must smarten up! The full short story at the link!life's cycles
** The second reason and maybe more important is the fact that the planet is going through its own life cycle as man and our society is and part of this global warming is natural and man has no affect on It. Bottom line is the world is ignoring earths critical condition and preparing to put it out of its misery. We must stop this!
I was lucky enough to catch on interview on cnn today by Jonathan Mann in Oslo of Al Gore and his protégé who won the Nobel Peace prize. Besides the obvious Gore said he would not be a part of anyone's administration and if he decided to get into Politics again it would be to run for President. Well get with it! It was quite good but I had no luck finding a link or the video. If someone can please send it to me!
** I firmly believe that if they came together as they should and they owe the worlds future to do I believe that Bush and the entire world that is preparing for World War Three.all living Nobel Prize Winners must come together and speak loudly to the entire world as to the inevitable end of mane and the planet if they irresponsibly Insist on leading us to World War Three.
Someone who will be listened to must take it upon themselves to get this message and the urgency out to the Nobel Prize Winners as they may be our best and last hope! Nobel Prize winners are respected around the world, they must speak out loudly and save us and the planet from this terrible planned future!
* Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to our demise! If we are to have a future we must smarten up! The full short story at the link!life's cycles
** The second reason and maybe more important is the fact that the planet is going through its own life cycle as man and our society is and part of this global warming is natural and man has no affect on It. Bottom line is the world is ignoring earths critical condition and preparing to put it out of its misery. We must stop this!
I was lucky enough to catch on interview on cnn today by Jonathan Mann in Oslo of Al Gore and his protégé who won the Nobel Peace prize. Besides the obvious Gore said he would not be a part of anyone's administration and if he decided to get into Politics again it would be to run for President. Well get with it! It was quite good but I had no luck finding a link or the video. If someone can please send it to me!
** I firmly believe that if they came together as they should and they owe the worlds future to do I believe that Bush and the entire world that is preparing for World War Three.all living Nobel Prize Winners must come together and speak loudly to the entire world as to the inevitable end of mane and the planet if they irresponsibly Insist on leading us to World War Three.
Someone who will be listened to must take it upon themselves to get this message and the urgency out to the Nobel Prize Winners as they may be our best and last hope! Nobel Prize winners are respected around the world, they must speak out loudly and save us and the planet from this terrible planned future!
* I didn't realize until I was looking at today's unwinding horror we will be facing long into the future. north Korea threatening South Korea with Annihilation again because of Bush's success, the middle east exploding, Bush threatening, Russia threatening, etc. and I decided it best to go back to something I wrote almost 15 years ago now long before I decided to interact daily trying to wake up the world still to no avail.
However I went back to one of the times I posted A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them and much to my pleasure and surprise I noted Our Brother Tim commented that it was excellent and I should do updates on it and publish them. I have done updates and that is what precedes A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them
However I went back to one of the times I posted A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them and much to my pleasure and surprise I noted Our Brother Tim commented that it was excellent and I should do updates on it and publish them. I have done updates and that is what precedes A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Friday, April 06, 2018
One God one Religion: The unification of world Religion must happen as they are all one
Moderate Muslims must rein in radical brethren, Religion should unify, not conquer and divide. About time and we must too!
10/3/2010 Moderate Muslims must rein in radical brethren
It's about damn time! Some of us have been discussing this even before 9/11 and most definitely since. We have instead turned this into a war on Religion depending on whose side you are on. Perverted Christianity on one side and perverted Islam on the other with all those millions of peace loving true followers of their perspective Religions caught in the middle.
I know our so called leaders are fond of saying we will fight the extremists wherever they are that means the world is the front in the so called war on terror. We are not winning this so called war on terror it has not even really begun. Our so called leaders and war mongering Republicans are fond of saying that we did nothing to deserve the attack on 9/11 but on the contrary we did everything to deserve it. This has been a long time coming. 1400 years of dissension has come to a head and it will not be quelled easily as you see.
Islam was established by Muhammad in order to give Muslims a formal religion and sense of equality and belonging with the Jews and Christians. It failed and Muslims have never been able to gain equal footing or be willing to accept their role in the worlds society.
The Christian Crusades to take back Jerusalem turned into a blood bath against Muslims. Our nation was born during the enlightenment and industrialization completed a gap between our societies which will never close unless the peace lovers and strict followers of Christianity and Islam reign in the hardliners in both Religion that goes for the so called fundamentalist and others in the now perverted Republican party.
Religion we are told is the savior of societies and the world. However in the past it has been the source of horror to practitioners practicing a different version than the one that felt it was in charge. Today is no different and seemingly getting worse. Religious wars as we know from experience are the longest and the dirtiest.
In the past I have said that the only way this is going to end is if we reign in the extremists. We are actively making at least a token effort to do that but can do much more. Islam however is not doing anything. Osama Bin Laden is solely responsible for all this war death and destruction. He's no frigging hero to Muslims. They should have hunted him down themselves!
Osama's war had nothing to do with the sanctity of Islam being violated though it was for centuries. This has nothing to do with Islam or Jihad. This all boils down to communications and I agree but Islamists are not interested in communicating. They are interested in our destruction. violence is their communication.
Islamists stop bringing shame on Islam. Stop killing your own people. Stop bring death and destruction on them. Bin Laden forsook Mullah Omar who invited him into Afghanistan to give him protection. Bin Laden used Afghanistan for his own personal war against the west, the US, and Israel. This is not Islam , this is not Jihad. Restore Muslim integrity, end this now!
Osama now other Islamists are not going to do that as you know so it is up to law abiding Islam to reign them in, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, all of their extremists reaching out with violence to create death and destruction even to the very people they are supposed to be vindicating. Religion like the rest of the world must remember what they are supposed to be about and accepting difference lies in peace. There will be no future unless they all do!
The ultimate destiny of all the Worlds Religions is for them to be finally reconciled with one another and unified into a single whole. The necessary key for the realization of this difficult process is the propagation and wide spread acceptance of the original truth behind all Religion, namely the eternally recurring idea that Everyone is God. The unification of world religion
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, April 05, 2018
Life's cycle, The final stages!
Man's survival?
We are really screwing up. Every day we do more damage to our wounded environment. It is looking like we are going to permanently change our quality of life. It is getting rough out there. We watch the middle east explode, Russia is fighting for a rebirth, Now China is trying to hold sway over Asia. We are making a mess out of life and the 21st century.
James Joiner
We are really screwing up. Every day we do more damage to our wounded environment. It is looking like we are going to permanently change our quality of life. It is getting rough out there. We watch the middle east explode, Russia is fighting for a rebirth, Now China is trying to hold sway over Asia. We are making a mess out of life and the 21st century.
Life's cycle, The final stages?
Life's cycle, The final stages! (I wrote this 9 year's ago)The nurturing stage is where man should be in its and the planets Life Cycle! However as the current unfolding middle east and world situation is proving, man is attempting to turn the clock back and nature works only in one direction, forward. We are acting like we are in the infantile stage and it will not work!
Life's cycle, The final stages! (I wrote this 9 year's ago)The nurturing stage is where man should be in its and the planets Life Cycle! However as the current unfolding middle east and world situation is proving, man is attempting to turn the clock back and nature works only in one direction, forward. We are acting like we are in the infantile stage and it will not work!
The Nurturing Stage – This is man's mature stage. This is man's
preservation period. The time is now. This period marks man's awakening
as to the realization of mans negative impact on the life sustaining
life cycle of the planet as a whole. This period marks the awakening of
man as to the as to the necessity of revitalizing Natures life
sustaining ecosystems.
period marks the necessity for an end to all out war. We must come to
the realization that as a world we must destroy all advanced weaponry
and their systems throughout the world. This is an absolute necessity
for the survival of man and the planet.
If we are to survive We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.
If we are to survive We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.
Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has
sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever
had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the
beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity
stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has
all the answers. However he has none of the right ones.
you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate
to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in
the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war
must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring
about the end of the civilized world and our planet.
you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this
juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We
could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or
we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of
man and the planet as we know them.
Sadly man seems to have chosen the 2nd road and with nuclear
conflagration staring us in the face: We seem to be leading the way to
our demise! If we are to have a future we must smarten up! The full
short story at the link!life's cycles
** The second reason and maybe more important is the fact that the planet is going through its own life cycle as man and our society is and part of this global warming is natural and man has no affect on It. Bottom line is the world is ignoring earth’s critical condition and preparing to put it out of its misery. We must stop this!
I was lucky enough to catch an interview on CNN by Jonathan Mann in Oslo of Al Gore and his protégé who won the Nobel Peace prize. All the Nobel Prize winners should get together and come out and let the world know how dire our situation is. If another world war is started the entire world must come down on that country.
** I firmly believe that if they came together as they should and they owe the worlds future to do, we can make the difference and save ourselves. I believe that the entire world is preparing for World War Three.all living Nobel Prize Winners must come together and speak loudly to the entire world as to the inevitable end of man and the planet if they irresponsibly Insist on leading us to World War Three.
Someone who will be listened to must take it upon themselves to get this message and the urgency out to the Nobel Prize Winners as they may be our best and last hope! Nobel Prize winners needed to save the world
** The second reason and maybe more important is the fact that the planet is going through its own life cycle as man and our society is and part of this global warming is natural and man has no affect on It. Bottom line is the world is ignoring earth’s critical condition and preparing to put it out of its misery. We must stop this!
I was lucky enough to catch an interview on CNN by Jonathan Mann in Oslo of Al Gore and his protégé who won the Nobel Peace prize. All the Nobel Prize winners should get together and come out and let the world know how dire our situation is. If another world war is started the entire world must come down on that country.
** I firmly believe that if they came together as they should and they owe the worlds future to do, we can make the difference and save ourselves. I believe that the entire world is preparing for World War Three.all living Nobel Prize Winners must come together and speak loudly to the entire world as to the inevitable end of man and the planet if they irresponsibly Insist on leading us to World War Three.
Someone who will be listened to must take it upon themselves to get this message and the urgency out to the Nobel Prize Winners as they may be our best and last hope! Nobel Prize winners needed to save the world
I didn't realize until I was looking at today's unwinding horror we
will be facing long into the future. China trying to rule Asia, Syria and the middle east, our rapidly deteriorating environment, north Korea threatening South Korea
with Annihilation again because of our success, the middle east exploding, us threatening, North Korea
threatening, etc. and I decided it best to go back to something I wrote
almost 9 years ago now long before I decided to interact daily trying
to wake up the world still to no avail.
However I went back to one of the times I posted A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them and much to my pleasure and surprise I noted Our Brother Tim commented that it was excellent and I should do updates on it and publish them. I have done updates and that is what precedes A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them
* In installments I have explained in detail over the centuries how we got here, where the world was morally when America was founded, what is really going on today and how this is all going to turn out. !
However I went back to one of the times I posted A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them and much to my pleasure and surprise I noted Our Brother Tim commented that it was excellent and I should do updates on it and publish them. I have done updates and that is what precedes A time line of Life’s Cycles and Where We Are in Them
* In installments I have explained in detail over the centuries how we got here, where the world was morally when America was founded, what is really going on today and how this is all going to turn out. !
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Chinese President Xi Jinping,
Kim Jun Un,
life's cycles,
North Korea,
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
Life Today The Real Story; Final word
Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
Awesome insight, Never published, be the one!
We must attempt to work out what is happening in the middle east, in the China seas, and around the world at the same time we must cure our own numerous societal ills or we will not progress successfully through the 21st century.
It is going to take a new way of thinking on our and the entire worlds part. We can not continue to treat or deal with problems and issues as we have in the past.
We have to wake up our leaders. We must help where we can. Our
children’s future and maybe that of the world depend on us, let’s
roll. Life Today The Real Story "2005"
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Awesome insight, Never published, be the one!
We must attempt to work out what is happening in the middle east, in the China seas, and around the world at the same time we must cure our own numerous societal ills or we will not progress successfully through the 21st century.
It is going to take a new way of thinking on our and the entire worlds part. We can not continue to treat or deal with problems and issues as we have in the past.
and the planet have run the course of world war already. We and the planet cannot
survive a rebirth of feelings that led us down that path in the first
place as we seem to be in many parts of the world right now.
We must attempt to make all parties involved realize that at
this point in the life of man and the planet we have been there done
that. We must be satisfied as to where we are and negotiate for what we want.
We must not be stupid enough to even think we and the planet can survive a world war with the destructive weapons of today.
Our weapons are now too advanced for us to go back to that way
of thinking. We must be made to accept our positions. Respect each
others independence and move forward, we can do this.
have some quick choices to make. We are allowing too much
nonconformity right here in our own society.
We can see the terrible
effect it is having on our well being, mentally, physically,
financially and structurally. If speaking the truth or
doing the right thing is going to hurt one party or the other that’s
fine. We must relearn as a country the principal of doing the right
thing for the sake of doing the right thing.
can see all that we have before us. We know that we need some fresh
minds to deal with the problems.
as citizens must get involved in one respect or the other. We must
help to resolve all these festering wounds in our society and the
The Governments of the world must be smart enough to listen to the citizens of the world or we are in serious trouble.
The old school has proven that their methods continually make
things worse, they seem to only want division at home and war to get what they want.
This is true and we must remember that their mindset is
what put us in this position in the first place. We can and must do
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, April 03, 2018
Life Today The Real Story; Afterword part 3
We are our
most important problem to fix before we march into the future primarily
because when this war against the Islamist Jihadists is won
if we do not get our own act together we will be no better off.
would still have a broken system here with the same personal problems
at home. I know we are told that the war against the terrorists is
the most important event that has ever faced us. I will guarantee you
that once again they are wrong.
Look at our massively broken society! The most important battle is cleaning
up the collective improprieties right here at home for without
fixing our own enormous problems we will have won nothing but a
little time.
Let us think first and remember Rome. This decadence has
to stop. It has been the downfall of every single society in world
history that has managed to escape destruction in war.
know we cannot go on this way. We have all suffered daily as a result
of someone’s immorality. These are extremely contentious times.
This lying and underhandedness is ruining us Politically,
Financially, and pervasively in every single aspect of our daily
have hit the point in civilizations and the world’s evolution where
man is now in direct control of the survival of man and the planet.
That is a scary thought we are in serious trouble.
just can’t see man doing the right thing though I pray that we do.
Man can’t even seem to manage himself. I have always said
that if the survival of something is up to man it is in trouble. It
is our very survival, God help us.
put our alternatives in stark contrast for us. He laid out two
scenarios for us. He said that the 21st century would be
marked by ethnic and religious conflicts erupting all over the world.
We could let this turmoil rip the world apart or we could embrace a
new feeling of religiousness and save ourselves. It does not matter
what we want. We all know we want peace but it is out of our hands.
It is the Muslims who we must get to understand the dire consequences
of their actions and inactions and misactions.
law strongly forbids Muslims to declare war against a country where
they are allowed to practice their religion freely.
It strongly
prohibits the killing of innocent civilians to say nothing of the
killing and destruction of fellow Muslims and their lands.
We know
that as far as nature man and time are concerned that there is no
turning back. Life’s systems work only in one direction, forward.
We cannot allow anyone to attempt to take us back to a path we have
already traveled down.
this in mind I heard on 11/30/04 “when I wrote this” that Muslims
are determined to fight the Americans until doomsday if necessary.
Their goal was restated. I have been voicing this for a couple of
years prior.
Primarily to hopefully understand
the real sensitivity needed
to treat them and their lands with respect. I said this then and
I repeat it again this time as the middle east is in turmoil and we are
getting dragged in ever deeper. We just can’t seem to understand this.
We certainly don’t seem to be able to give them what they want.
This is due to our ignorance or lack of understanding I guess because
in this instance Senator Kerry was right. We must attempt to work
this out. It is going to take a new way of thinking on our part. We
can not continue to treat or deal with them as we have in the past.
and the planet have run that course already. We and the planet cannot
survive a rebirth of feelings that led us down that path in the first
place. We must attempt to make all parties involved realize that at
this point in the life of man and the planet we have been there done
Our weapons are now too advanced for us to go back to that way
of thinking. We must be made to accept our positions. Respect each
others independence and move forward, we can do this.
have some quick choices to make. We are allowing too much
nonconformity right here in our own society.
We can see the terrible
effect it is having on our well being, mentally, physically,
financially and structurally. If speaking the truth or
doing the right thing is going to hurt one party or the other that’s
fine. We must relearn as a country the principal of doing the right
thing for the sake of doing the right thing.
Life Today The Real Story "2005"James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, April 02, 2018
Life Today The Real Story; Afterword part 2
Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
Awesome insight, Never published, be the one!
Whatever happened to the principal of doing the right thing just for the sake of doing the right thing? What happened to Thomas Jefferson’s idea of America, with the knowledge that anyone who became a member of a society would automatically do the right thing for that society?
they would automatically have, receive, or use, common sense? Remember we as a Nation were born around the time of the
By the end of the 16th century the west had
embarked on a process of technicalization that would ultimately lead
to en entirely different kind of society.
It was a new kind of
humanity that ultimately would lead to a change in the western
perception of the role and nature of God.
The achievements of the
west changed the course of world history. This in turn opened an
already existing gap in the cultures of Islam and the west.
still appear difficult if not impossible to close. Until the 18th
century Islam had been the dominant world power in Africa, The Middle
East, and the Mediterranean.
the end of the 18th century the west had begun to dominate
the world. The very nature of its accomplishments meant that the
rest of the world would never catch up "Or so they thought, think, and now hope".
The British had also taken
control of India and Europe was colonizing as much of the world as it
could. The process of westernization had begun.
*With it the cult of
secularism began that claimed an independence of God. They had the
view that consideration of the well being of man kind would take
precedence over religious considerations.
We know what the atmosphere
was like when the Constitution was drafted. We
know what our founding fathers were intending.
We know it wasn’t
for us to twist bend and rewrite the Constitution but adhere to it
in principal to the benefit of society and country.
must make a concerted Nation wide effort to regain our morality. As a
Nation it is an absolute shambles. We are telling people to feel free
and tear apart our society if you want it is your right, no way.
is their right as much as it is the Islamists right, and no one has
the right. We are telling our citizens that they have the right to do,
say, be, anything they want regardless of what anyone else thinks.
are telling all the weirdo’s to come out of the proverbial closet.
Then they’re forcing us society minded righteous people in.
We are
telling our own people they have the right to do what we are telling
the terrorist they do not have the right to do. We have to get on the
same page. Someone up there must be capable of thinking things
must ensure the proper functioning of our own society. We have to do
this at the same time that we are dealing with the problem of the
We are our most important problem to fix before we march
into the future. Primarily because when this war against the Islamist
Jihadists is won if we do not get our own act together we will be no
better off.
We would still have a broken system here with the same
personal problems at home. I know we are told that the war against
the terrorists is the most important event that has ever faced us. I
will guarantee you that once again they are wrong.
The most important
battle is cleaning up the collective improprieties right here at
home. For without fixing our own enormous problems we will have won
nothing but a little time. Let us think first and remember Rome.
decadence has to stop. It has been the downfall of every single
society in world history that has managed to escape destruction in
know we cannot go on this way. We have all suffered daily as a result
of someone’s immorality. These are extremely contentious times.
This lying and underhandedness is ruining us Politically,
Financially, and pervasively in every single aspect of our daily
have hit the point in civilizations and the world’s evolution where
man is now in direct control of the survival of man and the planet.
That is a scary thought we are in serious trouble. Jane Goodal hit it
on the head when she said in regards to the gorilla habitats and the
planet that we made a terrible mess of things.
She was right and I
just can’t see man doing the right thing though I pray that we do.
Man can’t even seem to manage himself. Life Today The Real Story "2005"
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, April 01, 2018
Life Today The Real Story; Afterword
Life today the Real Story written by James m. Joiner 2005
Awesome insight, Never published, be the one!
Awesome insight, Never published, be the one!
of us who have read this know what we have to do now. The direct
repercussions of our actions or inaction's at this point are blatantly
It is up to us to attempt to get our leaders to understand the
tremendous negative impact their immorality is having on us.
We must
get them to realize the impact their constant and continuous
misreading and ignorance of the situations arising around the world.
have in many cases become our own worse enemies. We are losing our
collective morality. The lying stealing and killing as we are all
living and experiencing first hand has to stop.
We all know how
detrimental all this is to every one of us. Wow, just imagine how
much money we would save simply by everyone practicing what they
preach. Live the Constitution the way it was intended.
Look at the
cost to our country, someone quantify it. We could eliminate the
national debt in no time if people will only pull 100% together. Do
the right thing, for the country for society not you.
is ruining us personally, financially, government-ally and above all,
it is psychologically damaging to all of us.
We want to change moral
directions. We must get back to as a rule, taking the rest of society
into consideration. Let’s do the right thing. Let’s make
President Reagan and Thomas Jefferson proud.
times we are saying and showing that society doesn’t matter
anymore. This is so wrong and it is exactly what Thomas Jefferson and
others at the time feared.
It is a direct result of what he feared
most. He feared we would stop using our common sense and do the right
thing. He feared that we would start using reason or lack there of in
order to make decisions.
We are saying society doesn’t come first
ahead of our own selfish interests. It has too. Society is the very
foundation of our Nation.
As a whole we must remember this. No
society no nation. Weak society weak nation, we know what works and
we know what worked. It is time for us to regroup and get back to
what we know works.
happened to the principal of doing the right thing just for the sake
of doing the right thing?
What happened to Thomas Jefferson’s idea
of America, with the knowledge that anyone who became a member of a
society would automatically do the right thing for that society? That
they would automatically have, receive, or use, common sense? .Life Today The Real Story "2005"
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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