Sunday, September 25, 2005

Power Of Politics Politics Of Power What's the Diff?

Headline: Algiers residents of New Orleans poor section, I know just another coincidence, drowned out once again by the breeching of the Industrial Canal Levee in the 9th ward. What a surprise! Another coincidence is that these levees were lower and less maintained than in more affluent areas. Southwestern La. was hit hard again as we knew they would be days in advance as Rita increasingly tracked Eastward. As a result this area was purposely or inadvertantly vulnerable from the start. with that in mind if doing the right thing was the motivating factor it only makes sense that these levees should have recieved priority and been built higher and more fortified than before. The tourist assets and central parts of the city were better protected and recieved relativey minimal damage.
Surprising to me is that New orleans has a levee Board. You would think their job was to secure the levees right? On the contrary they established an Airport and a Marina. They also played a key role in establishing a floating casino, a top of the line fibre optic system and the levee Board just spent 2.4 million on a Mardi Gras fountain and left the levees particularly the 9th street levee uncared for. This is all nice for business and the elite but isn't the levee Board by definition supposed to maintain the levees in order to protect the masses not the wealthy elite and their interests as they did?
Think about this! The poor of New Orleans suffered the brunt of katrina. Now the 9th street canal is breached again with Rita and the poor section takes a hit once more. The devestation to these people in the first place occurred because of criminal neglect by authorities and local officials on every level. Now that the poor are largely out and many choosing to stay there. The wealthy elite largely politicians and business interests will rebuild for thier interests. They will be able to now rebuild New Orleans to to meet their desires. new Orleans might now become a Republican city. Especially with the French Quarter, the convention center, and the Garden District, all largely high and dry and mostly intact. The poor sections have now been cleaned out and the public housing projests are now gone compliments of Mother Nature not design right? Enough of the poor will only be back for whatever reason, too service the needs of Industries, and wealthy elite politicians and Business interests. What do you think?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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