Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Flounder is a Flounder even as a Democrat

The conservatives as we know are labeled as Bigots. We know he isn't but we are hearing bush Bush is anti Black. We know he needs border insecurity for his new society. We know he is regularly hurting the lower legal classes. we know he routinely passes laws to favor the Elite and worsen the plight of the legal Lower classes. all of this of course Bush downplays and republicans true to form deny, deny, deny. We know Bush is routinely two faced. Yet we the affected continue to ineffectively Flounder. We just don't know how to deal with the say anything to get your way do nothing Republicans. They have such a strong hate for Bush and rightly so as he has earned it. Yet they continue to Flounder. They are so disoriented and blinded with rage that they can not deal with the problem known as Bush. Both sides only want to argue their own selfish points be they Democrats or Republicans. Doing the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing is not aven a consideration. My point is that you hear the Right's version of what makes sense and you hear the so called lefts idea of what only makes sense. Common sense is never thought of or applied period. By Thomas Jeffersons own definition of common sense it is derived from being a common citizen. Having common sense you will use common sense for society not yourself. i'm an Independent who believes in doing the right thing . It is not a Republican trait especially today. Since I want to be percieved as being on the true right side of things. Todays society would incorrectly want to label me as a Republican. I am a Democrat at heart. You would label me a Democrat as I expect the right thing done for all people, we the people, we get none of that from the Left or the Right. Yet with all the blatant Republican inequities we Independents and democrats continue to Flounder. We must all not just come together but come out to vote next election. We must fight the republican fundamentaliist Christian right juggernaut. as a coeisive and not openly better and antagonistic unit. we must come together against the destructive Rove's tutored Republicans. If we fail we are doomed to spend another four years under another inept Republican Administration. we must do just as the republicans have done since President Clinton. Democrats, Independents, and right minded Republicans must come together and get this negative influence out of our Government.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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