Thursday, September 08, 2005

Media often causes their own problems and ours

This ignorance of following what should be common sense and doing the right thing. In this case filming the dead victems of Katrina Is why we have to refrain the media. As I just read we are finding it necessary to shut them out of certain areas because they are getting increasingly reckless. They are a danger to themselves as well as to our psych in their effort to get a story no noe else has, damage be damned. Their irresponsibility necessitates them to be controlled by others and that is too bad but has become necessary. We must learn to when necessary, put the right thing ahead of our own selfish interest and the all mighty buck and on our own without someone having to look over our shoulders and force us. In every instance we fail to realize our limits and continue to cause our own problems.
James M Joiner
Gardner, Ma.

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